HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 36, June 10, 1922l it j: 1;:, i' y , No t 1 Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah • 192_ 9;,..:' Dommiesioner Fulliam entered the Commieaionera' 0hambor. Q - Layer Kattorjohn .offered the follorrina motion: I move that n Resolution en- Rosol.;it ion titlod "A RESOLUTIOV R:.TFALIIiG, RESCINDING AND SETTING A3IDR A RESOLUTION Z11T.ITLzo 'A, -i','. i ? ' L; rol-onl.ing';roo- oinding and. Rii307.UTIG11 ACC;1'TIIIG ASD ADOPTIi1G Tlli; SPr;OIF'ICA'PIOIIS FORM OF 0011TRAOT A1.D DIFORL'ATIOII f ar 1 oottinr, aeid.o ' rosola:tlon TO DIDDrll5, A9 IRi'�'ARIM BY THE COLLIS:HON 11 OF. PUBLIC IMEKS, TO Bi': USED III T11E.CO11- ' r, a000pting arcl � t', ~ a.iopting STRUOTION OF THUM LINE 8::'1:•213 IN SUB -DIVISIONS A. B. AND 0. _ IN b;TM1i DISTRICT 110.' 3,1 apootfioationu 1 'l &o. Sower Die ADO MD BY THE BOARD OF 0O1t3IISSI011a3 ON L'AY11TH, 1992," be adopted. Adopted upon R1 , triot j3. call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully,Iaohington and Katterjohn;-4, k Nays, Pulliam .-I. I " linyor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: ,I move that an Ordinance en- ir' Ord inanoe S a000ptina and, I titled "AN ORD13IA1103 A001TTING AND ADOPTING THE SPMIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRAOT AI1D h, adopting speoi f floati6o &O., INFORMATION TO BIDDERS TO Bi-' 118:.9 III. TRF. CONSTRUCTION OF TRUNK LIli3 Si r' RS IN SUB- l:� 1 c a,• for sower diet o •• II« - " triot 43. DIVISIONS A. B. AICD 0. IN 3i:rM DISTRICT 110. .3," be adopted. ,Adopted upon call of the r? roll by the following vote: Yeae,Paoe,Tully,",7aehington.and Kattorjohn,-4; liaye. �.i Pulliam; -1. t f` Kayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance en- bl} commissioner titlod "All ORDUU110E ALTHORIZINO AND DIR.:bTIIIG H.;VRY A. PULLIAI:i;.00MISSIO1121 OF PUBLIC '• Henry A.Pulliaai €(y� to ndvortioe` ".;':ORYS, TO ADVr3'PI`;;; FOR FOR THE 0011STRUCTION OF SE;i7;R8 IN SUB-DIVISI^hS A. B. AID " ':'for bids for construction. 0. Ili Si:'•:R DISTRICT NUMMI 'P}CtrB, AND Till; I.ANICB IN "+7II011 SAID BIDS ARa TO B1: RF:O::IVED,` , oY sower Diu- ,triot,J3, on'. be•adoptod.' Adopted upon oall: of,the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Vase, Pulliam, Juno 20.1922. ' Tully. Washington and Yanttorjohn,-5. t ' •; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that L. A. 7ashington, J L.A-.9ashington Purohasigg Agent, be authorized and directed to have printed the necessary number of - < Purchasing: r 4Agent•to have books containing the Information to Bidders, 0ontroot.and Specifications of the 3rd t-:" books contain- r ing Informs- : District So'aor.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, Pace, 1x tion to Bidder' i &o. Sommer Die- Pulliam" Tully, 'Jashineton and .Katt erJohn, -5. rt + %tiiot #a. ' On,motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll.by 5 yeas � 'i ., Q BF'PIR,O01 I1L7 ..Yr CW6 Y JU11E 10TH. 192E. e ' At a 0alled''Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the -City Hall,. 1aducah,,1'ontuc W, on June 10th, 1922,:at 10:40 o'clock A. a Upon call of the -roll the following answered to their names: 90mmissionere Pace, Tully' V. and Jashington,-3. Diayor Katterjohn being out of the City, Tayor Tro Tom 7aehinaton it ' :.. Presided. ,. 'i.ayor Pro Tom Tashington stated reasons for call to' -wit To allow monthly bills ; { and 'any,other:buainoas that might come before the"Board.,' ` 1 it k Tully offered the follorrin motion I move that the a000imts for �r,• .. Commissioner ly g dtff•A000uTts for !. 'r1.'last half of the last half.of :the month of 1•:ay,;amounting to .,©219.47 be allowed and ordered paid an .y. , y 1929, amount a + the moneys pro rioted from:the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the Ing to 0BE19 47. P1 P ro7l'by the following voto: Yeae, lace, Tully and7ashington,-3. Commiseionoi Tully offered the, f ollowing motloa: I mode .that the ¢ocounte for A000unte forfor the 3d District Sewer amounting to ;136.99; be allowed and the month of i:iC� ; ,. -.lSay for 'the .. ., 3rd District 9• ordered .paid and the Commissioner of rublio Finance be authorized and, instructed to f� ,:Sewer. I. w draw checks against'the No. 3 Dietriot Serer`Fund Account to pay.samd. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote :Yeae Tsoe, Tully and 7ashington,-3 ° > t�. '}. ,: >{ d r .1 . S t t - k ! { •� s • Y it t �� e..:•il' . `�` �.4.1:,i.:a;+> ;a..yl: �'Ek J.:+..•; „y. Jta{ .. w ...., .r..�,tL..JJma,::::....._ .,,. .:u.,.u:.: ..s :.,a..,.;;teo v wt,s:�•:tw, : a n. v- a y�rry ....,�.,...� a...yy�_-''. ,.i,.....,..-..ia+..,"'f7i1kC'�C•Sv:a.MiASso;t•a;•�.r 1R.�,1 `•,tht IXC )`S-.;: '12 -rl 't 0 3"'1� ri.1 Y:Pa�,. +"- y - [ ' - s 'K'M1 + - ��{ i i : ti >rJ -:....,� ..;. ,l d v! 15�' .�'.., .'.a -. Y � ' t...., r • �. _,. �.._... ` . �,_.r:_x. ''=-• ?=1,. ...rte „ t_5a_ L=,__=.r' _ S .L., 2 .._ L i - .f 3 .. NQ :. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of. Paducah " 192-;_, iOn motion the Board adjourned upon pall'of .the roll by 3 yeas. Jy OW ' 5 NIIL 18J19EE✓ `r% ""'" At e:Regulnr I:eeting of the .Board of Commieeioners •,held, in'the Commieaionere' .• t^�. Chamber in the City Rall, Faduoah, Y.entuoky,'on Jude lEth,,-1992; Upon call of the roll the following answered to their nar.-gs: Commissioners lace.' Tully, Washington and Vayor _ r , Y.attor johr.,-4. i • On motion of Commissioner Tully, the mirutee of the previous meetings were adopted as read upon 'call of the roll by the .following vote:. Yeas, Pace,. Tully.. Wash- ington and Yatterjohn,-4. '. Commissioner lulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. Mayor YatterJohn offered the following motion:' I move that:the bill of Roy , Roy B.Spook,Clerk, paid ;y46.90 costs ri B. Spook, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, in the case of W. J. Dass ve F. 1. Yatterjohn, in action of W.J. Baas vs 3.'J.Yatter- Mayor,, &a., wherein the validity of the Riverside Hospital Bonds 7er.e:tested,'amount John, L;a! or Esc. , . �, in Hospital Bond ing to the sum of ,46.90, be allo.vad, and thn Commissioner of Public Finance is hereby. rvg r Issue. p,authordzed to issue check to Roy B'. .Speak, Clark, for said.amount.' and that name. be h :charged to Coote and Suite. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:• `c Yeae, Taos, Pulliam, Tully,':Yashinaton and Yettorjohn,-5. I� E:ayor 'YattorJohn offered the following. motion: '1 move that F. W. ;:atteryohn, 't Contrast between . tr . Ayer -.Lord Tie Co. y,L'ayor, City a be, and he is hereby authorized arnl directed to execute the contract and con- ;.. and of Iadu- oah, Yelativo to .-veyanoe made and entered into by and bet-.7een the Ayor-Lord Tio Company and the City : rir..ht of :ray for ;. 3rd Diutriot of Taducah,.grantinr a richt of way or easement for the construction of the Third. ' r • : ,Sower.. - District Sewer over the property of the Ayer -Lord Tie Company on the bank of the S, Tennessee River. said. right of way being 345 feet long 41� feet in width and 7 feet .in depth, and that when said contract is aolarowledmed by the .',yer-Lord Tie Company ' r ` ' that same then be received and filed. Adopted upon oa.11'of the roll by the follow ing veto:. Yuas, Pace, Iulliam, Tully, 'Jaahington and i:atterJohn, -6. Ra'.ort of Com'r. Tublio Finance fort'' Commissioner Tully offered the follo':ring motion: I move that the report of Lay 1922. the.Commiesioner of Tublio Finanoe for the month of Vey, be received and' filed and ordered published in-tNe official newspaper. Adopted upon call. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas', lace. Pulliam, Tully,.'.7ashington and Y,atterjohn,-5. ;y Renort.Com'r: Pub -I1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of•:" > lis _'ingmoo, show -d l InF., apportionment, the Commissioner of Tublio Finanoe ehoainq tho Apportionment,'the.r.mounte. expended t amounts expended and balances to and the balances to the credit of the various accounts sudor the differont departments.,1?'•^:; .,credit of various V "',>•,:iy ..dopartmento May at the and of May 31st, be received and filed. Adopted ..upon oa11 of the, roll by the 31st, 1922. •dashinrton following vote: Yoao, Taco, Pulliam,'. Tully, and Kattorjohn,-6. ' Comma asionor Tully offered the folio,ting motion: It appear ins there is, due from to June 10th, I Schools Y6207.19' 4 the Schools the eurti of `6201.19 the tax collections movo.'that tax collections _to June 10th. same be allowed _said ordered paid end the. mono` aprrapriated from the .Genaral Fund', to a ; pay. 'same. Adopted.upon call of the'roll by,the following vote: Yeas, race, Pulliam, , r Tully, 7ashington and ;:atter john; -5. �< Schools Y36.96 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It. appearing there is due {' tar collections•. for 1921. the Schools the sum of $36.98 from the tax collections for 1921, I.move,that same,be , allowed and' ordered paid and the money, appropriated from tho General Funs to pay eame.'i Adopted upon call of.tho roll by the following vote:. Yeas,'Tace; Pulliam; Tillly,' = Schools $b 29Commissioner Back taxes e ,� a 9ashington and Y.atterjohn,-5. Tully offered the following motion: It appearing there ia,due theSchools the sum.of ,A .29 from the collections of Back. Taxoe,.I move that ;same be' aa`i: a