HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 35, June 6, 1922Y i i 5 tt t ty ' }•. ' t7M � y3g:• ,s'M,��11ti �1 t.. . No. Commissioners' Proceedings; City. oY Paducah 192 Katterjohn, Report Chief of ij Commiouiotier Paoe offered the following motion I move that the report of -the IolIas for :1,'.ay h 19,EE.Ohief of Police for the month of May 192E be roceived and -filed.. Adopted 'upon oall of. "J ; tho roll by the following vote; Yens, Pnoe, Yulliam,Tully,7aahinRton and Yatterjohn, 6. j 1 Oommivaioner I'moo offerod tho following motion. 'I move that. the rorort of the Ho;:or.t Ohiof of I! FYY Piro Department,. Chief of t}:e Fire Departmor.t for the month of May 1922 be received and filed. Adopted ? for Liny 1922. ii 1 p upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoao, Paoe,_Pulliam, Tully, Washington ,? and Yattorjohn,-6. Communication from Oommicaton"r Pulliam offerod the following motion That the Oommunioation of Byrne Brothora 1 Oonntruotion Co, ' Byrne Brothers Construction Oompari be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the ! rolativo to Con- fl ntruotion of 3o^rare roll by, the following vote:. Ynan., Pace, Pulliam, ?7achinmton and Katterjohn,-4; 116ye, 1.'a d Till ly.-1. 1 Mayor Y.atterjohn offored the following motion:: I move that an Ordinanoe entitled Ord I a:.00 e:,.thur- !, 1::171. :nyor }'attoc "A 11 WIDINAVO:: AUTHORI"ING, DIR:30TIHG :JID :�.ZO'"i:RIir;'F. W. I:ATIMI! JOMI. MAYOR OF THL ` John to purohaua !. . prul`orty i1�ola.i:.R.�j CITY OF P,IDUOA}l, K:21'rl'0}:Y, TU'PUROl1AIF:' C1,2TAI1d I'ROP:RTY, TO D: USiro A9 A RICHT OF TAY Brulsha',V for coaer.. ;. p!u lienee intro- r, POR.'VE, CO]I3TPUOTI011 OF TRUNK LIMN` 3S 1FR3 IH 3 '..'FM DISTRICT IMMI--21 TIM -2. BrIO11GII10 duood and lay over:, 1. TO rl'. II..BRADSHA'•Y,. AND 1U10!'111 AS T}G: 11. R. BRADSM'.11 PHOli'iiTY, " be introduced. and ley i( over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote Yeas, Pace, rulliam, Tully laohington and Katterjohn,-b.` Ordinance arthor- ' 110yor Y.atterjohn.offered the following motion: I move that,an Ordi.nanoo entitled L { izinq hlayor Yatton , } john to purohaue 'q "All ORDIILU:O:. AG'L RI:IHG, DIR:MT111G Alt Eh1'O:Y aiin F, ':7. }ATT!RJOHII; WOR OF TTi& f ` property from Roy 3towart aui wife .� aITP OF hADUOA4. }iiarlliCF:Y, TO I'UHOHAB:�' CERTAIN }'ROPMTY TO Bbl USXD A9 'A RIGHT OF for uoiror purpoaou y Firct roading, ('•7AY F(8 Tv C01137MOTIOL' OF LRtQiI! LIIIL 3IT, -23 111 31:^IM DI3'LRICT 111112 ?? TI}?2i2. BnOHG r, j I1!G MROY ST3'.7?.RT A1ID HI:i '"Ir^B, Ci�'rH'IiINi: 3Ts"IART, IACATi:D AT HIHET!MITIt STIR M, IF it !:Y'Fr.lal9, Q11D IIRCY.11'YAY, STREET," be'introil usad and.lq, over. Adopted 'upon call of the ;A t' roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,'rully.1ashington and Yatterjohn.-b. q 1 Ordinance author- I Vayor Y.atterjohn offered the followingmotion: 'I move that an,ordinanoe ,ry izing, Layor.Y.atter - a John to prrohaue. entitled "Al ORD.(IIAPC LUTH03I°IUG, DIR:)CTING A1ID 0.-TOWIMIIIG P.'7.EATT JOHN. MAYOR property from h}rs.Blarche 1,oree OF TE1?.CITY OF PADUCAH, YL?TUCYY, TO 1`11MCF.AS3 CERTAIII TROP: TY TO B.3 USM A3 A RIGHT =�i1 and J.B.Acree for , saltier purposes. 4 OF 1AY FOR .TP? COl'STRUCTIOII OF MUM. LIp 3:;::1;?3 IN 3�" �i,DI3'LRICT 1rLlam T.-Riz., First Roadina. - I'• II B LO1;GI11i.: TO 1:;1?3, BL.I10H; AC3 R AILD HiR HU3IIi:I':ll, DR. J.' B. ACRM. LOUT. AT NINE- Tr'MITH 3TRZET, IF . XTI:L�F,D,- AUD J. -Y :R 3611 STR;.- be Intro load and lay over. . %r Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo'wirp'vote:.Yen a, ]'noo,Iu111nm,Tully,Raeh �` i '' !i ington and Y.attorjohn,-6. ; On; motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll.by 6 yeas. JUITE 6TH. 1922.. (3a At a Called reeting of the Board of Commiaaionere, hold in the Commisaloners' e ` II Chamber in the City Hall., Taduoah..lontucky,'on June 6th,. 1922;. at E o'.olook F. 1!. + 1 1 ; .Upon call of the roll the _following arinwored to thoir names:'Commisnioners Pace, r ; C' rd Tully.' Washington and Mayor Y•atter john, -4. rdhh i'eyor Yattorjohn stated roasons for call to -wit: For the purpooe'of amending. the-, E'.• ` - cower oontreQt and .to sot a date for the letting, azd,nny other bua,inoeo that might s r j (4, come before the .Board. K y,•fYltA'l., ., r� 1 • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_' i; Commissioner Pulliam entered the Oommiseioners' Ohambor. Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following.motion: I move that a. Resolution en- i, Rosol:,t.ton titled "A RESOLUTION RrTRALIIIG, RESOIIIDING AIID SBTTIIIG ASIDE A RcSOLUTI011 E11TI'fLF9 'A + i i litY ropoal,ing,ros-' ' oinding•and, R:SOLUTION RCCA TIITG AND ADOPTIIIG THE STr.'CIF'ICA'PI0119, FORLI OF OOIITRAOT A11D DIFORtATI0I1 E, oott}nr, asiS0 t ' r000lcElon TO BIDD:lIS, AS IR:�'nRED BY 1'}I:.00I1}3IS�TON:I1 OF'.PIIBLIO 170iiYES, TO Bi': USi:D I11 TIffi 0011- ' a000ptina and psi adopting STRUOTION OF '11RUNL LIN3 Ss'"l:•�IS III SUB-DIVISIOIIS A. B. AILD O. -IN Sr,,3i DISTRIOT 110: 3.1 yj opooifioationa k&c. Sorter Die- ADorTZD BY THE BOARD OF 0OhEIS3IOIT1•:R3 ON L'AY.11TIi, 1922," be adopted. Adopted upon j t a, . triot j3. ;1 drill of the roll by the following vote: Yeas', Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn, 4 Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance en- y iz I noe j eooerting and, titled "AIT ORDINA1103 AGUTTING AND ADOPTING TILS SP:xiIFICATION3. FORM OF CONTRACT AND adopting speoi Tri .•, fiostlons &o. Ii SUB - :for sower aia, I IIIFORIIATT011 TO BIDDERS TO BE 1f8 J1 III, THF. CONSTRUCTION OF TRU111: LI Si°•'•':RS IN SUB- M1 :, r triot 43. DIV IS IONS ,A. B. AND 0. IN SZ%.zM DISTRICT ITO. 3," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the'.i F �n tiyt, roll by the following vote: Yeae,Paoe,Tully,.ftehington and 1:attorjohn,-4; Iiays, 4111 %• t14Pulliam;-1. ggyiy Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I' move that an AOrdinanoe'on ttA�k . • 1 aa6b•titled "All ORDIIL1110S ^. AND .DIR:bTIIIG H:-1IRY A. PULLIAI.I,.00IIIISSIOITZR'OF T Oommieoionor ALTHORI�IN UBLI01 T Henry A.Pulliam ` tt' to ndvortine "ORY3. TO ADVi02TI3i•1 FOR .BIDS FOR TH}9 00113T VOTION OF SFnlT:RS IN 811B=DIVISI:'11S A. B. AIMv. sr,I "for bids, for 1 i r 1 'oonotruotion. .0. IN S::':TiJ? DISLIICT h'UI.Ba2 '1}Ciiir, AND 711.; I,ANX`21 IN "171I01I SAID BIDS ARS TO Bi; RPO^IVSD;" } t of oowor Din- J •;triot,M on'. .be•adopted. Adopted upon oall of,the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, 4 .Jeno 20,1922. I. .. Tully, Washington and Y,attorjohn.-6. t t ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that L. A. Washington,<< f ,+ L.A:Washington . PurohaalUg Agent, be authorized and directed to have printed the necessary number of 1 u Purohasing.-$` dti�.:Agent•to have books oontnining the Information to Bidders, Gontraot.and Specifications of the 3rd ( ", ip _ ;.books contain - Ing Ing Informs- : District Sower.. Adopted upon call of the 'roll by the following, vote Yeas, Paoe, '(!tion to Bidder Sorter Die Pulliam',.Tully, ,Jashington and.}ntterjohn,-b. ; k t :.triot #3.` �dt , On.motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll -by b ,yeas y A.P.P1_?j0 Vil.D Y �, c AXom r JUIIE 10TH. 1922, i At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' XY` es�iPp.a Chamber in the.City Ha 11,. Taducah,.I:ontuaw, on June 10th, 1922,: at 10:40 o'clock A L. qrri o Upon call of the.roll the following answered to their names: Bommissionere Taoe, Tully+ i� • and Washington, -3. mayor Kattorjohn being out of the City, l..ayor fro Tom 7ashington �! t presides. i? E t: -Payor Pro Tom 'lnshington stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow monthly'bille I # t �I and any other. as that miR.ht oomo before the' Board., �•;• Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the e000nnte for ,A000un"te for< .;last, half of the last half of the month of I.Iay,.amounting to 10219.47 be allowed and ordered paid an T- liay 1922, amount ging to8219.47� the men appropriated from Genoral.Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the b the following veto:. Yeae; Igoe; Tully and Washington, -3. roll y' g r, ` . #, Oommiosionor Tully offered tno!.folloving motioil: 'I move ,that the accounts for v.,. , r, a 1'`IA000unts for the month of iltg far the, 3d District Serer, amounting to ;138.99; be allayed and L' :ltay Por 'the . v, 3rd District i 9. ordered paid and the Commissioner of Publio Finance be authorize& and inetruoted.to f .Sewer• 'draw checks againot'the'Ilo. 3'Uietriot.•Sewer Fund Account to pay:eeme ed upon I i t + o- call of the roll by, the following vote:•Yeas, Pa'os, Tully and Tashingtan. 3 u �t � •. 1. _ � i W p , ....n......,......evs,.o;y�.,..r,,ow:at,c .,..�.�_e«... ,. .�r-•::.....,d..,E... ,.,,........_.. .,.-_...-.....�,....-•_.._ r--- -_.._.- ! - _ ._