HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 34, June 5, 1922Yom,' :,1i{,, l'i F{.L'u.#!h•' ............ A ,1�I._ JJ=: 'I -:Sk lh. •Pf L§A 'lf•'.: -, I. 0. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of. Paducah ;� ' On motion the Board, adjourned upon call of the roll by 8 yeas. w I 0. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of. Paducah ;� ' On motion the Board, adjourned upon call of the roll by 8 yeas. A4MIe4 j Flo city tW6 JUNE 5TH, 1922. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommissionars' Chamber in the,City Hall, Paduoah,.Kentuoky, on June 8th. 1922,- Upon call of tho'roll z' " the following answered to their names; Commissioners Pace, Tully, Wanhington and Mayor a. Katterjohn,-4• ' ;- On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutoo of the provious meetings were t II adopted the by the following '.lashing- r as road upon call of roll votot Yons, Pace, Tu11y, ton and Knttorjohn,-4. w,- r ' Oommiesionor Pulliam ontornd the. Commissioners' Chamber. a4: Re ,ort and Lay-• Oommisuionor Tully,offored.tho followinR motion; I move that the Pay-ro11 for ro�] of i9�nn 'Pu7.1y',Oom r.of the Taut halt of the month of LtaY, amounting to 0es03.20. no por the roport of the r, yinanon for V. �F+,.' Inut half.of Oomml.cdLonrnr of Public rinnnoo filed hora:alth, be allo'rod and ordernd paid and the mono MaY.19QA. nppropeintod from the Oonoral F11rnl to pay onmo. Adopted upon call of the roll by the r. �t', follokng vote: Yoas, Pace; Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Y,attorjohn,-8. R �, ! , i pay-rbai for Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion; I move that the'Pny-roil far t e ' 3rd.Diotriat 'I'3d Diotriat So -ter, amounting to $696.80, for the lent half of the month of Vay, be I' ;,•>j R'•'so•.dor Por last, . half of May, allowed and ordered paid and the Oommiesioner of Fub]lo.Finanae be avthoriaed and in - .1992i . otruo.ted,to.draw oheako against the Special Sawnr Fund Account. to pair same. Adoptod „upon call of the roll b' folloXing veto; Yoaa, face, Pulliam, Tully, ,7aahington and r Katterjohn,-6. Commissionor Tully offered the following motion; The u;vn of ;60.00 havi.nq 1 been paid into the Troauury,.ae evidenced by the rooeipt filed herewith, I move that '< _ of Cemetery dood to Mre.Florenoo doed be executed to },ire. Florenoe.Hurot.for Lot -#4 in Block #2 on -the South Side of , ;. l,1.. Hurst. ; Hannan Street, botnoon Baker & Miller Strnete, in Oak 0rove.Oometery. Adopted upon i call of.the roll by the following votot Yoae, iaee, Pulliam, Tally, Washington and t s Knttorjohn,-8. { , I kr I' Oommiaoionor Tully offered the following motion; The stun of $60.34 having,.beanil ', + L(nit or Ooroal paid .into the i4 east:ry, togethor with application to call malt or oerea] hevorages„ I Bovorage.:Lioonae! i }.` tanned to Theo Ilmovo that lioonoo be'grantod to Theo Petore to. sell malk or cereal beverages or any ° Tatars 1040 rr Broadway. ladmixtures thereof, at #1040 Broadway, from June lot to December 31st, 1922: Adopted +; upon.osll of the roll by the following vote; Yeas; Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Knttorjohn,-6. IJ �;. 1Saocaohusotto Commiant onor Tully offered the following motion, I•move that the L'aosaohu- Bona Lng d: Ina. ',Oo. rolouond-on 1Sond of D. H. lsotts Bondin? & Insuranoo Go. be released from the bond of D. H. Council. Adopted upon +. r i ! 6 Council. r call of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, ,7ashington ard, j X Matterjohn,-6': r y Report of City Mayor katterjohn.offored the following motion; I move that the re porL of the f ji solicitor in City .Solicitor* in regard to richt of way procured for the Third District So,vor, be• �+1 regard to rli±ht of :gay iaoovred i;reoeived- and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeaa,,Paae, ' ".for 3r4 Di"strict ,•,'} 9eaor. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. - f•; kr i 1` Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion:,. .I move that the'Codmissioner of (, N, .Comlr.Finanoo to ,laaue oheoke to;frublio f Finance be, end.,he'ie hereby authorized -to issue checks in favor of Lhe Lack t " Lack-Sirgletree , Oo.,^660.00; �Sin2letroe I( bompan] for the sum oP.,$660:00-. First. National. Bank.'.$50.00,'and James �t Fire Natl.Bank;u S.:'' s if $60.00 and Jae. ;Lie%ee'06.00,•,oaid checks to be .mode in favor -of the above-namod parttosor to J. 0. ,.or A.0.9onton .8eaton, Olork, and that sst6 be char d to, the Third Dibtriot Sewer-Aaoount., Adopted . t c., upon call of�the',roll by the following.•vote Yeae. pace. pullinm wily and I F c ,paohingtoa • LLa•.` ♦w,t ,� - Li.,'u.: ,, ...+.'i; .F.. ..t':�-:: i.rY', vl'i, w.... '...7'� ?. ....,:y ..., ..� v-+. e. .- (s. per. - •j 1. v ; Y. No. 33— Commissioners' Proceedings; City.,oi Paducah" :. i I:Atter john,` Report Chie,! of q Oommiesioner Paoe offered the following motion:' I move that the 'report of the of , 1 I Folioo for I Chief of Poiioe for the month of May 1922 be rooeived and -filed. Adopted upon gall o! r 19.E2. N �.."�: ;' '1 .: +--,."�tt-: est r Y." kn- ",Q}y.. j'Y''} ''^ 'r Jk'iV ,133- ;` rl.•' .. li Ooinmiouioner I'aoo offered tho following motion; I move that,tho roport of ths'' � -,-.$+''�iY Piro Deportment., Chief of the Fire Departmor.t for the month of May 1922 be received•and filed, Adopted for Llay 19£2. i upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yoao, Faoe,.Pnlliam, Tully, ftohington- No. 33— Commissioners' Proceedings; City.,oi Paducah" :. i I:Atter john,` Report Chie,! of q Oommiesioner Paoe offered the following motion:' I move that the 'report of the of , 1 I Folioo for I Chief of Poiioe for the month of May 1922 be rooeived and -filed. Adopted upon gall o! 19.E2. N .' roll by the following vote: Yeao, Inae, Fu111am,Tully, gaahinRton and Yatterjohn, 6: ..the li Ooinmiouioner I'aoo offered tho following motion; I move that,tho roport of ths'' Ho) ort Chief of I Piro Deportment., Chief of the Fire Departmor.t for the month of May 1922 be received•and filed, Adopted for Llay 19£2. i upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yoao, Faoe,.Pnlliam, Tully, ftohington- and Yattorjohn,-6. - .. - ..I� j Oommunioation from Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the Oommunioation of 't Byrne Brothoiu Obnotruotion Co, Byrne Brothore Oonetruation Company be reoo.ived and filed. Adopted upon oall of the relative to Con- ntruotlon of 3orrera roll by the following; vote:. Yoan., Pnoe, Pulliam, 1.7aohiriRton and Katterjohn,-4; Vaye,'. ,rr !r, S+Y'r;,r Dlotrl.ot y �: _ d3. Till ly,-1. " flavor Y.atterjohn offered the following motion;' I move that an Ordinaries entitled` Ord ir,ar.00 tt,:thor- p I:: inr.::'.avor }:att0c-. "Atl O'.IDI1LIt;0i: AUTHORI"IHO, DMIOTIllG :U:D :9.1`0'"i:RIt1;'F. '3. IA'P'P ^JCTIIl, MAYOR OF ME . John to purohaue �. property fro,a.i:.R.!j CITY OF P.IDUCAII, K:I1'Cl'OIY; TO PURCIIASB C WAIII TROrliTY TO BL US::D AS A RIGHT of !'!AY Brulshaw for oorrerr p�u lronos intro- l FORT^?': COIlSTPUCTI011 OF TRU111: LI11h' Sd7'113 Ill S'a:"9 DISMIOT IIUt.Dai THR'-E, BMOIIGII'IO ` duand and lay over: TO r': It. .BRADSHA-1.. AHD MIOl7tl AS T!I:i 1s. R. BRADSIL 3 PHOPFRTY, " be introduoed, and lay t f i{ over. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully h ',7aehington and Katterjohn,-6.' Ordinar.oe author- '4 Mayor Y•atterjohn .offered the following motion: I move that,an'Ordinanoe entitled . i-ITIO Llayor Yattor. john to ;,urohnue `y ORDI1:A):O:S AUTHORIMIC, DIR:MTI110 Al1`J EnIOlY!24MG F, '?. I:ATT:RJOHII; MAYOR 'OF T11 F. property from Roy �.; Stowart uui wii'o. CI'M OF I•ADUOAH, };ial'1'110I:Y, TO I•UNOFXi:i CERTAIN 1'RoriM. TO rD,' USKD A9 'A RIOHT OF for uorrer purp000u; ' Firot reading, it '9AY F(ll TV'00113TIUCTIOL' OF MLIIY. LIU!i 9h`!:it9 121 8:.^.1R DIS -In ICT NUI.D???? T!19;:E B:SLOHO- ' I� IIIG TO ROY FM3711RT :111D HI:i '.IFS, Cr M-11IHa STi::'IART LOCATED AT 1IIlIRT.'iF1ITH STRUT, IF - 4XMIDIM. AND BROLD'7AY STRZ:rT," be introduoed arid. layover. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pnoe; Pu111am,Tullq,"Iaehington and Yattor john, -6. Ordinance author-liayor Y.atterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance izing Layer Y.atter john to purohaue entitled "All ORD.11ANG LUTHORI°IIIG, DIR:xTIIIG A1ID 2-VT0'.7.•J MG F.' 7.I:ATT;RJ0HII, L!AYOR property from Mrs:Blarohe i,oree OF TH!: CITY OF TADUCAH, ZEIITUCYY, TO 1'URCHASI; CLRTAI11 TROT317Y TO BE U319 AS A RIGHT and J.B.Aaree for , sorer purposes. OF .'IAY FOR .TH^ COhSTRUCTI011 OF ZRUlrl: LII'' S ::'i;I9 I'll S °'ai DIS`CIICT 11UL�J: R First Roadirin. Y if B;:L011GI11i.: TO L31 S. BIJ.IICH AORZE AND 'H7R HUSBAVD, DR. J.' B. ACR::, LOCAT.0 AT 11111--- TF31TH STR :ET, IF .:1CT!iL'DP.D, ANDJ?FF.?I3Uli ITR!:ET," be introii,oed nnd._la,y over. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following; vote: Yoao', ]`noo,Pu111nm,Tully,lTesh- ... 4 ington and Yattorjohn,-6. . On,motion the Board adjourned upon oall :if the roll by 6 yeao. CWPb JUIN 6TH. 1922.. a � At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commiesioneis, hold in the.Comt,issioners' I' Chamber in the' City Hall., Taduoah. Yontucky,'on June 6th, 1922; at E o'.olook F. C Upon oall of the roll the follo'aing ar,naored to their names:'.Commisnionere Pnoe,, i Tully, 17aehington and Mayor Yattorjohn,-4. L:eyor Yattorjohn stated reaoon:i for oall to -wit: For tho p»rrooe of amending the j j r Q 7 sewer oontraot and to sot a date for the letting ard.any other bus.inoen that might ' J 5 oome before the Board. t k + .d ,