HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 31, May 29, 1922t..."et '„�'a91:-,.e+x'..'sY^+F-rxe+:N ;� '--.an..+:+tsww..v i+a.i ` ...�.>,. - ...:i\T.':tti'�'7 rtyo,. T-.+ r e^'i t+. ti 0_ ] ; y�yf r�J'..' ,(,�w,1 �gj,'f 4 •4 _\ t' F 'S r14FN f "', d'f ��•a�7 24•rY ih� 4-S - No, 3 / s . ' Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah fY 192_ ' F SCHaa!21 id,'D IL, PUSBAND. A. Y. SCFI,PM. LOOATED. AT 1716 MAD IS Oil .9TR_.:.'':T," beintro �duood and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace,. i Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6.. C Leyor Katterjohn offered the follo':ving motions I.move that Roy Stewart and . Roy 8tellrart and Fhis wife, C. Stewart. be paid the sum.of 1276.00 for right.of -my throukh property at 'nifo, 0. Sts'aart, paid 1275.00 for, '.19th &Broadway for rizht of way for Third District Senor, and: ohargo same to 3rd d right of ,-my thru Ii i t?;rir property at 1j District 9e'•Yor A000unt, and that F. ':7, i:attarjohn be, and he IF; lheroby authorized Lo °,'•} j 19th & Broadway h for Saaor Dis- � wisp n,'p'oement to that affect. Adol•ted upon call of the roll by the following vote: ; 1 triot -13. ? Yeas, Fade, Fulliam, Tully, '.7ashington and Katterjohr.,-6. On motion .the Board adjourned upon call of the roil by B yeas. I -v- MAY 29TH. 1922. 1 AL c Regular lasting of the Board of Commissioners; held in the Commissioners' I' t Chamber in the City Hall, Pnduoah; Kentucky, on May 29th. 1929. Upon call of the roll the follo•:+ing ano-aered to their names: Commisuioners Pace, Pulliam; Tully, Pashir,gton, II and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. r_ On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of ,the previous meetinire Here adopt- ed as road upon call of the roll by the followinv, vote: Yeas, Paoe',.Pulliem; Tully '2 N •� , 'lashington and Katter john, -6. i:¢yor Katterjohn.offerod the following motion: I move that tho Oity Solicitor City 9olioitor- o'; teat validity of be.. and he is hereby authorized and directed to tekn the necessary steps in th9'Lio- :,;•'' jt .Sootion 3095-A to{ c O. in Courts re -,i Craoken Oirouit Courtnrd in the Cnur.t of appea]s-of Y.entuolgi, to toot.tho validity lative to oondemn N r_tion of.propertyj; of Section 3095-A to G. under nhich the.City is pr000eling to condemn certain private,;_: by City for so. -or Y right of'wa3 property for a richt of.way or easement for; the. construct ion of,sewers in',Bub-Division "r ,1., B. and 0. in. So•-i'r! Distrlot 43.. Adopted upon call of the roll'by the following Vote; Yeas, Face, Pulliam,. Tully, •lashington and Kattsrjohn,-5.' '' Y1 �I Layor- Katter john offered tl:o following motion; I move that the letting of ,the . $, letting of oon • contract for the -construction of eeaars in+ Sub -Divisions A.. B. and 0. , in Sewer tract for oon- atruotion of 3rd .q District ff3, ahloh lettinrr has been set for June'10th, 1922..be postponed until the ; { ..Diotriat Sower postponed. City Solicitor has tested the validity of the law under `which the.01ty,ie proceeding to condemn certain property for a richt of way or easement for the,bonstiuotion of 111 'a a!;- in Sub -Divisions A. B. and C: in Se••Yer'Dietriot,-j3. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the follo:an? vote: Yoga, Paoe', -Tully, 'Iashington and Katter john, -4; Hays, 'Pulliam, -1. Commissioner '.l¢shingtori offered the following motion: I move that the report . Report .vom'r.: 'of t, -Fublic Fr.,oporty,. 'f'the Commissioner of P•.:blio Property of the distribution of expenses and oolleot- of expenses & Collections of ions of R.ivoreide )!capital for, the month of ripr11, torother with a•atatemont of the ?;ivoroido Hospit-� aI for Apr il,elso;,, comparative exponcea_and' collections for the four months of 1921 and 192E, up ,to ' conj)r-ra t ivo statorlunt leo. April 30th, 19 E2, Do received and Piled ercl same be puhllrhod in the Offiotal 116ws paper. Adoptsd. upon call of thn roll by the fo],lowinre vote: Ynau, Pnod. Pul]iom,Tu]Iq r ' :7ashington and katterjohn,-6. Re ort Su t. of Commiseionor '9ashington offered the following motion: I move that the Report RiversidepHeel,tt-G of the Superintendent of.the Riverside. Hospital for the month of April 1922, showing al :or April �? _ 1922. , 1 the orpondituree and oolleottonu, together'.%with the amount of un al d bills end alno the' f, f report Yshorying patients ontsroI�•pumbor.of honpital A¢ya� atoll be received and fl]eA� 1 .b ' :,;�i'v T9.110 4 , T11� 1'P0t T111IYM°1't0 ie . , Y 1 '. •. � � I ifs'?�i��1�i�°�' fi�l� j�f�?�i���'�i�li�l'1 �.�' - 1 ,S. q{i F�,vlY^: 'Ph"4":`.rs �+"_<�(' ,:'S':' :-tom-1'3'.,"!^��, TZ•: —.u. :Z",f`r"'f-!:"".�57,� .M •., rj. *, �•�,�wK•1: *'j:.tt.`�Y.:.. i . h.+.a.��.�..��.�,�--,�`s�riF'7'"p'!Rt'SA.aL.'�k .. .:,a� :en.,. ..c� .r:_.,'.7.'.i?R''d.'r'�f.'w't;�A"T"�.; ae �..;.>.4.u.'.3b?•'`+r/'}CS:::Gti:��.��F�71'?...� �:," _...".... _._..- ___ _.... _... ...i ... ._�._-..-.rx.._i. x•4..L':.w�Y. � :+._.�.•.-..... ...L.. ;}C..,.. r..-.J.tA'._ r Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192-- „ 1Roporte of Sower I'u]llam offered the folloning motion: Thet the report of. Sewer District r3 ea-, DiuDriot ITo. 3 expen itures for April 1922 and the report of the Street Department G t." 1 I per,3ltura'o for, i �IApril; alo0 ,., for April 1922 be reoeivo and filed. "opted upon call of tho roll by the following StroeL Dopt:. vote: Yoas, Paco, Pulliam, Tully, 'Jashington and Y.atterjohn.-6. I i Copy 'of. Senor _ . :i `; �;.'.,•, II Commlesioner Pulliam offered the.following motion: That the copy of the Server I .+; Ylans and• Speoi-.q'. •- �., h„•Iilaatlone appoovod plane and the copy of the Specifications for Sewer Dlstriot No. 3, Sub-Divisione A.: f: jjby State Board t.' iof Hoalthi in re: `B: and C.. returned from the State Board'of Health, marked "Approved by the State Serer District 43 Board Engineer" be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following j! vote: Yeas. Paos. Pulliam, Tully, Washington. and Y.atterjohn,-S. On motion tho Board adjourned.upon call of the roll by,5 yeas. I ; � t i JUNE 3RD, 1922. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held. in the Oommieeloners' i f nr ti rAI Chamber, in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on June 3rd, 29EE, at 11:30 o'clock A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their. names: Commissioners Paoe,Pulliam.� "r Tully, Washington and rayor Y.etterjohn,-6. t II' Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit' For the purpoeo of hearing re vx port of the City Solicitor on condemnation of rip. -ht of way for Sewer District and _ any other business that,may come before the Board. Report City Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the } Solicitor, in re•LCity solicitor. dated Yay 31st, 1922, relative to awards assessed by the Board .of Oom awards assessed . byCommisssiioner.o miesioners. in the..oaco of F.'N.Yatterjohn, Mayor. &o.. against Thomas 'Marren, &o.. �+ yti l for trunk line pending in the McCracken Circuit Court, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the 1` sewere in Beaver �. District #3. roll by the following vote: Yoas,Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,:Paehington and Kattorjohn.-6: itnyorKnttorjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the City Solicitor, dated May 29th..1922, showing the number of deeds procured and exooutedl l j by T. A. Lliller, Laster Commissioner in the notion of J. Katterjohn, Mayor. &o., I ' Report City So 1` lioitor in re: "1 Deeds executed against Thomas 'Marren, &o., pending in the McCracken Circuit Court, for- a right of way gp., �t, I _+Ibq T:i7.fillor: or casement for the construction of trunk line sewers in Sewer District I7o. 3.. be ` 11astor.Commis-. 4; eioner. . &o. ,' v;received and filed. and that the Commissioner of Public Finance is hereby authorized and in•ro right, of.' :• way for' trunk + lino eevrore in . directed to issue checks. to the defendants, or W. C. Seaton, Clerk of the Mooraol:en i+ ;Sower Dietrlot + I �3. r Circuit Court, the amounts hereinafter set -out, which are the amounts awarded by the I y y i ! Commiesioners and.'assossod as damages for said right of way and confirmed by the Court M ;'The defendants and the amount to -be raid to each are as follows, to -wit: f,r n D6F:IMANT AMOUNT .r H.Q.iTodgo and :vife,i)avlo ITodge,or°,7,C.Snnton,07nrk......... ..... $ 5.00 J.'.7.Jones and :vifo,:;]]a JOnne, or '7. C.9onton,Olork... 6.00 P', f , I Mro.Olaro Romain or '7.C.Soaton.0]or.k.. ... .. .............. 6.00 } I ' t " ' Forgaoon hardwood Lumber Co, or 'N.C.Snaton,Clerk ........................... 6.00 _ � t L Paducah Ioo Company', or '•7.C.Soaton,C]ork................................... 6.00 L;re.E.arq O.Eallory and her huoband,E.L.l.fallory,or •,7.':.Seator.Olork..::..... 5.00 l 1 n J.'N.Boasley and wife,Fannie Faanloy, or ,V.C.Seaton,Clark.. b.00 #' j n. F. H.Jonee,or 'W.C.3eaton,Clerk.............. .. b.00 edfi t_ 1 c West Kentucky Coal Company; or '.i.C.Soaton Clerk ............................ 6.00- Jao.C.Utterback and-Padnoah Box & Baskot Llo,or '.7.C.Seaton.Clark........... 5.00 ; u Laok-Redford Levator Co.. Kontuaky Elevator & Lulling Company,Oiti'zotle tl \ + T Savinge Bank',or.'9.C.Seaton,Olork................................... 6.00 I z t e , Langstaff-Orm Lumber Company, or '.7. 0. Seaton. Clock ................. ::... '. 6.00 �- ' Yro.Addie Caldwell; or Y.O. Soaton, Clerk ........................ 5.00 ` i'H.'N.KattorJohn and wife.11ellie Kattorjohn, or W.O.Seaton, Clerk............ 5.00 '19.A.Buford and"wifo.Sarah Buford, or .7.O.8eaton, Clerk ..................... .5:00 +. t ' :-J.W.Beanloy and wife, Fannie Beasley, Oscar Beasley and wife,Ruth.Beasley, I' { Fri s and W.L.Beaeloy and 'alfe, Jennie Boauloy,or W.0.8eaton, Clark.......:: 6.00 ` !' :}Dike Isoman and wife, Amanda Iseman, or 17.0. Seaton, Clark .................. 5.00 Ltre.Minnie Bernhard and Mrs.luninie Bernhard, ibxeoutrix of Oeo.Bernhard, t 1 F -r %deoeaned, or W.O.Seaton,Clerk............. 6 ............................ 6.00 �'• tY" n ;• Ida U. Jennings and hueband,O.E.Jennings,or W.C.Seaton;Olerk...:........... :. 6.00 0.&.Jonningo-and; wife,Ida M.Jenninge,' or'.7.0:8eaton,Olerk...:::.......•..t: 5.00 ``yy "W.A W:rl'ti IJ If, .SSS',: .l .Swfi-1.^..' iw�ll,.t.. .`{ .F J, .Y� F TSG. .. :!'YM vI _ .. .r.l 1,Y• ..6;..' r} 'tel'- .. '