HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 3, February 23, 1922• .]. -.il.. ,-eater.. .�_ R3��.J= !' s."•i -:?n ...;.w ...:.:s.C'.n1.i _i�.. :s—.i1JY..'—.2Sw`:: .. a_, Commissioners' Proceedings, .City of Paducah' 192_ :I .0n motion the Board adjourned neon *all o f the roil by b yeas. } Adot;tod PRO { MAT0Vt k N FIMRUARY 23RD. 1922. t { At a Coiled 1leetinR.of the Board of Commissioners, held in the,0ommieelonere' i� •. jChamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kontuoky, on Thursday morning February,E3rd; 1922. ��.at 10 o' olook A. Y... Upon .call of the roll the following .nn.arrereA to their names; Commissioners Fees. Pulliam. Tully, 9ashinaton and ttagor Y.atterjohn,-b ! II. Ila yor Katterj.ohn stated reasonn for call to-wit: For the Purpose of hearing the bharaee naninot Patrolman Is. 17. 9towart,.filol by Commiantoner,of:Publio 9afety >I .. F 0. C. Paco, ar.A any other buainese that might oome'boforo the AonrA. i r After hearinr•. the evi4anoo on both Was, OommiscitOner Faoe otferet the fol :l ]owing.motiont An tho eviAenoo aaainot S9, Stownrt In not oui.ficinnt to Ateehnrae 1'utrolman, uuapend him I move that he be uusponiod from the l'ollou Foroa.for a period of thirty Aayu. od from Toliso U ' r' Foroo for _30.days without pay. Oarrled upon on)I of the roll by the following vote: Yaae. raoe,'Tully, without pay. .. ��.Wachington and Kat'terj6hn,-4: nays. Pulliam,-l: i Commieeioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that All ORDIPaITCS Ordirnnoo deBig I1,`' DrSIGA'dTl1TG :,IID i.TPOIh'PII(G C"?TAIli AAIUM Ill LOUISVILL:, Y.'CITUCYY, A9 D�09ITORC39 FOR noting certain r i banks Sn 1Ou10 TIC: CI'PY OF %ADUCdH, I'4:LTUCKY, Ain AuvTORI :IgG AND DP CTIA , THF. CO13'.ISSIOI*M OF t vi]]oKy:, ao i d'opooitorioa for ` PUBLIC FIIl,.lTC:: 'ro D ^OS IT FUIMS OF TIT;i CITY OF PADUOAH, Y.IihTUCKY, Il! SAID DIMS. be ; t City of Puduoah for 13 Savior Funda.:.adorteA..' Carried upon call of the roll by the follo.rina vote: Yoga, Paoe, Pulliam,, ,Gg,Tully and ^aahinrtton,-4; I'nys, Y.nttorjohn•,-1. I� Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: That thesago of $400.00. be appropriateA for the ii L) tho Volunteora of Amerioa.for oharity ,vork,and the Voluntonru of i Arlorioa.c.ppropri . Oommiaaioner of T+tb]lo IPinanao be inetruoteA to 11,11110 all (901,. .for, 'name anA ohnrae to utod 400.00 for . charity .vork. 'Charity Acooimt, Carried upon.oall of the roll by the fol lowlna vote: Yens, rues. Pul]Sam, N317, 17ashinmton and Y•attorjohn, t , Q u4_ 'onmotion the Board adjourned upon oa]]'of the roll by.5 yeas. k 1. '.7 tCa �rFill� 27_19. N Ada}ticd f IPS{ � µ"fi1lvC�tt I CA FEBRUARY MR. 1922. ii• At a Called Hestina of, the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commission ' ere' Chamber in the City Hall.' Paduoah, Kontuoky.a Saturday morning. February 2bth, 1922, at11 O'olook,A..Lt. . Upon call of. the, roll the following anamerad to their + ; r, ' names: Oommiseioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ,4aehington nnd'}.lager Y.atterjohn,-b, h Mayor Katterjohn stated'reaeona.for oall to-wit; For'. the purrooe ofextend j,ing.time of sitting of the Board of 3qualizatton: also to hear Mr. Chas."O.Graesham r: + y.` reanrdLng local bunk depoetts of Sever Distr.iat #3 Funds Bud any, other .bunineee,. { ' that might come.before the Board. hY' c �j Commissioner Tully.offere-1 the fo]lo%.vina motion: I move that the°time of Board of 4qudliza the slttinP of the Aoard ofr;qua]ization be extended to and inolu41na.1'sroh 4th,192E-' l - tion time .of Bit- i tir.g extended to Qarried u or, call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully... <� r n and inoluding p 11aroh 4th, 192£. Taohington and Y.atterjohn,-b. t.0 ti T ,f:.-p7S .w7 •..IT' ""�Ti_�'STcT"'.�1:u r µ . .,..a r .'Yi.^"''C'A..T.9T'"X.t'S9' Y' ..:.r5�'73'r'.,•.-