HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 28, May 15, 1922'/r .ct i�iy• -',_ ..ry «' o 1 :?.'�tY ,K•'r'R,"'�'. A• 3 1.r'rR"�?'S ,. ,fltl4 %�,'x�.�!' y- i _:i �.JY ,.', y I'd' 7 , 777,7 � !. § x t 1 Yd y �r. .. .. �r-i. ...:... 7777. v._-...•......."....... 777-7. .-.—. 7777: a....-_.-...--,.t-.l.. ,-..w.. (7277— -7777. .r Sd�,c. ..+w4a�?l..-.x.�-�...I: 4 Na Commissioners' Proceedin �'CifY . of Paducah 192_ � Gommienioner.Tully offered the following motion: The commissioner of Public T c; coimnissloner of Works is hereby authorizod and directed to advertise for bide for the oonotruation.of G a Iublio i7orko to r"f Advnrtiso.:for pNp'trtmk lino coworo in Snwor'Aistriot $3, said Ulds.to be r000l.vod by him up to 10 iwY. .Oidu for eon 9'. otruotion of 3rd�vo.'olook A. il.,,Jrno 10th; 1922, when said bids shall be oponod can - at n public mooting of 4'Diotrint Sovor:'- the Board of.Oommisuionors: Adopted upon call .of tho.roll by the following vote: Yoas,' ; Pace; Tully, 7nshington and Katterjohn,-4; Nays, Pulliam, -l. 1 , On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yoas. ov i MAY.16TH, 16TH1922. } it Y� At a Regular Mooting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Cc miosionere' Chamber in the Oity Hall, Iaduoah, Kentucky, on Vey 16th, 19E2. 'Upon call of the roll) the following answered to their names: Oommiseionere race, '9ashington and L:ayor Kat ter 1, john, -3.:• 1 On motion of Oommisdioner Washington the minutes of the revioun meotings ,yore E p d a adopted ne rend upon call of the roll by the following vote: 'Yeas. Paoe, 'Washington and ' i VAl 1 %atterjohn,-3. r. Report LoCraok- Vayor Kattarjohn offered the .following motion: :I move Ahat the report of the ' ? Public Health � I, on NoOraaY,on County Public Health I7ureinR ionguo for the month of April, 19E2 be received ' d t I,aamme for v_ April 192E. and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follor,ing vote: Yoac, race, lashing _ tr,x ; ton ar:d Kattorjohn,-3. is �. ` Commiesionor Tully entered the Commiesionern' Chamber. i} Sam Ho•7ol 1, 'Dog Commissioner Faoe offered the followinr., motion: I move that Sam Eowoll be, + 7 Oat.ohor die-' diaohargod au Ooiz Catcher, i:amn talan� effect May '12th, 1922. .Adopted upon oall of the j;°,-1• ' ohargod.: r. roll by the follo'ring vote: Yean, Pace, Tully, ':7nshinpton-and Kattorjohn.-4. 1 {` Commnnioatlon of Mayor Y.atterjohn.offered. the following motion: I move thr.t the oommuniontion l If . citizens rol.ativ0 o.from oiti'zor4o at 19th and Clay 9troot, roquosting oxtonnion of l7ator,fairs, ho re- to oxten:;ton of ? "later t:.n lna on 1, r• (erred to .the Commissioner of Public Works. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the fol.,. 19th L•- Clay re- ; .. }. ' forred to Com'r..'• ' { �t II lowing, vote: Yeas, Faoe, Tully, ',Washington and Y,attorjohn.-4. Public 'lorke. p' c V. P, Commissioner Tully offered the fol3ow1'nir motion: I move -that the oommunication� a`. D.Harr.7 Jamiesonof D.' Harry Jamieson, Secretary of the cxohango Club of Paducah, be rsoeivea and're- Communication G� relative to ':;l.i!:!.... .. e_ } �19hitennd Liyere ferred,'to the Commissioner of Iubl'1o:Safoty. r:dol•ted upon cell of. the roll by the ' r .Chautauqua with i^ r is fol to:;inr vote: Yoas, Paoe; Tully, Washington and Gntterjohn.-4. ., Fxohango Club of ( r t Padnoah, R Oommilouioner Tully offered the following motion: It app oarLti.r.,that an error rae, Tax Bill $236, made in the assessment of Goorge Bernhard for' the ;-oar 1921 :rhorob; he was assessed on x. tax 410.00 oor- ( n`•. rented and .re tax bill.4235 with property 93 x 100, 6th & 'Ferrell ate. $446.00; the tax on same be-.".. fundocl to Geo.. Bornhard 'Estate, - �ing $10400 and this proporty bolonging to Belle Torry and she having paid taxes on. same on tax bill #4403, I move that the sum of: $10.00 be' refunded.Ao the•estato of k. 1 �} .George;B6rnhrxd. Adopted upon oall of the'roll by the' following "vote: Yoan, Faoe ' . - Tully. 17ashington and. Katterjohn,-4. j National'Surety_ Commiesionor Tully offered ,the folloning motion: ;Y novo that the National'' . rolnanod on t% bonds of Oor - ' Henley >ianklin SUMS tY Company be raleaood.1from the bonds of the following parties: ,. � ,F.�7.Storiart Henley :ianY.]in C r �.H.PoorO. d' A. Stewart pp t Poore l Ed ' Sanders and 3d Sanders and k V", l{ f �..Yttoholl { p. )v. i;itohe11 r, * i'r said pertios no longer being, in.tho nmploy of:the City Adopted upon gall of the. II s j r roll by the. Following,vote: Yona; rnoe,`Tully, ;7ashinmton.and Y.attorjohn.-4 1, k I R,;•'..`.F.756., 4 77 4...�:r.- r ,'1w .. .'+K.a.l. •4.;.a....a•.lL. -., ,.. ,. .. 1 , t i7 47t ��,^7'j`� ff t+lfT r� tC i','o ti lit �tinti t�'`y`� ,� ia�''"k',}'.•Y 4.r. F 1•Rt as Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah "` 192= } Half I1011day Oommiaoloner..Tully:offered the fo11owing motion: -I move .that Mayor. F. W. Friday ?!ey 19th,. pp 192E, beinning i Katterjohn be authorised to declare a half holiday_on Friday Yay 19th, 1922, be, at noon.' . ginning at noon; ar:d'issue his proclamation to that effect. 'Adopted upon.'oali.of r, tho'roll by the;follorAna vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully, lashinatov and. 'Yatterjohn,-4. On motion tho Board adjourned uTon oalY of the roll by 4 yens.. MAY 18TH, 1922. At a'Called Yeetinlr of the Board of Commissioners,.hold in. the Commisetonors'' ..: t Chamber in the C'Lty.Hall, Paduoah, Y.entuolar, on I::ay 18th, 1922, .at 2:30 O'clock P.M. Upon oall'of the roll the followings anoaored to their names: Commissioners Pulliam, i .-Tully, °.7aohinizton and Mayor Y.atterjohn,-4. , 5 Mayor I;atterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of allo:7ing certain bills. against Sewer District 13, and such other business that might cane be fore the Board. " � r E F Comtnissioner Pulliam offered. the, follo'.•ring motion; I movo�that the following A000unts of:- accounts be.allo•.7ed and the'Commientoner of Tublio Finance be anthorAzed and in- ; I Lie tonlf is :udy x594.56, 'A,l'l,.Her- p,• atructod to 'ray same aryl oharvo to Third Distriot Se:7oro; nor, j22G:45 and Boaaloy ::arbl.e & •• Metcalf and-Ady...................0..594.56 Granite Co...amir:ut .7. tl. Horner.......... .... 226.45 L Sower Diutriot 43 p Beasley P.arble @ Granite Cc 30.00 allowed Adopted upon call of the roll by the -following vote: Yeas, Pulliam, .Tully, Washing - tort, and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Pace entered the Commissioners' Chamber. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll. by 4, yeas. } Aiepted �Ad Y19e -' ' K � / A.xu V MAY EOTH; 1922.. 2 - At a palled iieetina of the Board of Commionionors, hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Pall, Pa4uoah, Yontuoky, on May P.Oth, SJ2f.,.nt 10:30 o'clock A.U. Upon'call of.the.roll the following anHr/erect to their names; Corrmineloners Taco, • Pulliam, Tully., 'Jr-ehington and Uxyor Xattorjohn,-6. Llayor I.at ter John stated roasone for oe71 to Fir the purpose of a13o;.71ng . ;••pry -rolls for first half of Vay 1922, and any other buainoss that mi?ht come before. the 90 d nr . .. � , .3el:ort.of. Com'r.' :' Commissioner Tully offered the f61low tP.g motion: I mora that the Pay -roll for ! ,ubl[o Finance of ' pa;t-roil for let ,,,the first half of May. amounting to ;6990.07, no per the report of the Commiesidner • " half of rvv. 1922. • :"' of rublis Finance filed hero'utth, be. a llo••7od and' ordornd paid and the •money appro-- •`priated from the 'General. Fund to I:aj name. 'Adopted 'upon call of .the roll. by the following vote; Yon", Pace'. Pylliam, Tully, and Y.attorjohn,-5. k �'• Corni.es,ionor Tully offered the followi.nr, motion: I move thet the Pay -roll Tay -roll' for 3rd for the 3d District Oowor, for the ]at half of h!a;i, cmounti.nrr to .,fbG7,93, also Cneh Btntriot ac;nr. for 7 t half of for postaro' umountinr to :)]0.00, be allowed arA ord6red paid and the Co rim I o n t o per i:a,y 19 c2. of Public Finance be a.zthorized and instruoted to dra'rr oliaoY-ri arralnst„ the Ito. 3 �,"+•-`' District Se;•ror Fund A.oconnt to.'pay same. , .'adopted ur6n' osl ] of tho ru],] by the folloninrt vote.: Yeas, Pao.e. Pulliam, Tully, TTanhin.rton and Yatterjohn,-5.-' • �,.. ' 1 J.1 ifl -Ty^•n'r`' •,•�.;.•�fns"tSr.:«r"--F^.sT•,T :s"^�"�7.'L�telt Pn•-.:...,M.:irt^: ra�r. T^'-•!sz..•r, r.i-t•t..x"iYY,'ic�,.h. -,-