HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 261, January 2, 1924' ...i` .. ..��i}.. �C �+t�h��/ �'r '' 'LC. }`. e•� � ••E�}.K�3'':r Vie+. p-�4c•.+.�, .a��,f„ ,vJ {lf, �.:�� t -:al '. • . J • � -r:� F P titin., r � �, - i^ �. No. "Commissioners' Proceedings,'City,of-Paducah_ 192- . I,. sf"ti Commissioner Paoe excused from Commissioners' Chamber.. • ;Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move -that a copy of motion Copy of motion of Dec.. 24. 1923, rejootinP, bills of E. R. Herding. Co.. with certificate of. delivery of �)eo.24,1923 c: • .....w ell, rejecting billsof copy thereof to said.Company by City Clark.''be race ived.and filed. ,Adopted upon .. of E.R. Harding Co. with oerti- call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pulliam, Tully' ft ehington and Katter-l: fioato of d e- Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Ky.. on January '2nd, 1924, at 10:55 A. M. Upon"'. ' 7 -a livery by City john 4. Cl er k. Tully, yaohington and Vayor Katterjohn,-5. :it -•`s ' �• Commissioner Pace re-entered the Cocniesioners' Chamber. commiasion er .Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Final. and .� Final 'estimate of oomploto eotimate of work done by Yanoy & Johnson. Contraotora. on Oontraot No. 8 '. work done by Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: .Yanoy & Johnson, contractors, Yanoy & Johnnon, for aoi,struotion of -curb, gutter and sidewalks on the south tilde .of Tenneeaee Street 1 Contraotora on aide of Tennessee Street. from the east intersection- of Tenneeaee and Third Streets Contract ,#8, Curb bot%teen Third Street and River Bank, amounttnq to $1196.66.be approved, reoelyed:and ani Gutters ani Stdo;Yalks on S. filed. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the followinP vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam' side Tenn.St. the City. of Paduoah, Kentucky, on, June 25th, 1923, and completed enure according to I,. sf"ti . Tully. Tashinaton and' Katterjohn.-5. • On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. ! AJoplad-!�!scu�►72 E 1P.PF�GV.fily c: • .....w ell, ; JANUARYEnd , 1924. •• ii • ` At a,Called dteeting of the Board of Commiasionore hold iri the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Ky.. on January '2nd, 1924, at 10:55 A. M. Upon"'. ' . call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commieaioners Pace. Pulliam..," ! Tully, yaohington and Vayor Katterjohn,-5. :it -•`s ' �• Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for anll"to-wit: To receive, Tenneeaee Street Sidewalks, curb and mrtter aonotruotLon on Tennsesee Strast .from 3rd Street to Tenneses " NRiver Bank..ard any other businens that may oometboforn the Board; Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: .Yanoy & Johnson, contractors, having finishod the construction of concrete sidewalk, curb ord Rutter. on the south aide of Tennessee Street. from the east intersection- of Tenneeaee and Third Streets to the .top of the bank of the Tonnaseee River, and having oamplled, in all respects ' Aooeptanoo of with the terms of the contract entered into by and bot'.reen the anid Contraotora and } work done by Ynnay &.Johnson, the City. of Paduoah, Kentucky, on, June 25th, 1923, and completed enure according to Cortraotors, on stdeaalk,ourb the plane and specifications adopted for said work,nri no.complaints having been C end gutter con- struotion on S.. u filed, protestinm against anid work, I move that said work for said tmrrovomnt be side Tenr..St• refected. accepted and approved, and that the final estimate, tnoludinm all monthly estimates ' of work done by Yanoy & Johnson, Contraotora, in oonstruoting said sidewalk, curb and gutter, amounting to $2.350866 be approved, received and filed. Lost upon call of '• the roll by the folloninp vote: !Yeas -!lone. Ilays. Pace, Pulliam, 7ully•-3, Commits - stoner Vashington and Mayor Ratterjohn not voting. 3 Mayor Katterjohn offered the Yollowinw.motion: I move that the setimstee'fur- " zatimetes for ' " curb and gutter nished by the-:ngineer for work done and performed by Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors. - construction Contraot Va. 7 for the construction of aororata curbs, mutters and drido•vnye aTri necessary intakes, l filed,aooepted and ahLroved. seaere and catch basins on both aIdes of Terth Street from Jefferson Street to LtadSoon Street. 1:or.roe Street from «ighth Street to Nelfth Street; Second Street from. Jashinwt'on Street to Clark Street; Third Street from Monroe Street to 1'.adieon.9treet;`:,"<; A Eleventh Street from Jeffereon Street to Madison Street; Twelfth Street from Tennessee z" 1rN Street, to Jones street; IIinth Street from 11onroo Street to 11alinon Street, and Eighth Street from aonroe Street to Mail son Street, be received, filed "and confirmed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoae• Pulliam, 'Aashtngton and " Katter john, -3; I'ays, Pace and "Tully, -2• I,. sf"ti y: Commineionmr Tully offered the following motion; I move that the aoaounte for Aooaur;te last': „ half of Deo._ the last half of the month of Deoember, 1923, amounting to $21783.00, ne per the b; 1923, as per �. rorort Comer. of. rol:or•t of the Commiesionor of Publia Finanoe filed here••vith, be allowod and order .04 paid pub]lo Finanoe. � and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall of I,�.1 .. •. , .f' `.. tri:,. Fr the roll by the following vote: Yeas, roes, Iulliam. Tully, 'Tashinaton and Katter- y �� y ' Jahnr-5' . Oommlostonnr Tully offered the following motion( I move that the aoaounte for }'r pay-roll' ]&at' • haI �'•:, 3 the last half of the' month of Deoember 1923, for the 3d Dintriot Sewer, na Yollowet If Deo.' 3rd Dletriat 97.29 Soaor. Pay Roll.................$d (.. pp •...•••••• 278'.32, a total of $773.41, be allowed I supplies ...... and order ad paid.and the 0ommleeioner of public Finanoe be authorised aid inetruoLed > {{ to draw ohoaks against the #3 Dietriat Sewer Fund A000unt to pay same. Adopted upon oall of the.roll by the followlna vote% Yana, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, RashinRton.and ( `, hn,-5. Xatterjo fi Cosmisaionor Pulliam offorod the following motiont I move that All ORDINANCH .a ASSESSING THr. ABUTTING PROPAtV ON BOTH SIDES OF T?21TIT SMET FRW, TIM NORTTI PROrmv f. Asseesmont ;,. Ord Man as for •Ourb and Gutter " LINE OF JEFFaSON. STREET TO VE SOUTH PROPERTY LIN:; OF 11ADISON STRRST; ON BOTH 3IDSS Construot ion,' OOntla0l.%7. OF VORROE STREET FROI.1 THE '•TEST PROr.PTY LI113 OF BIGHTH MEIiT TO THE'7 ,9T IROP!'11TY s j{ LINE OF TWELFTH STRa3T. 017 BOTH 3LDES 0? SECOI'D STIR3rT 71101' T?1E SOUTH PROrE9TY LIN. ' `OF 'NASHIVOTON S'1RZET" PO TIC: NORTH rROP:RTY LINE OF OLNti:.:I'R?MM, 011 BOTH SIa1-19 MIRD STRE'•ET FH OU THE IIORTH PROPERTY LINK 0? 1'01'HOS S'1'R .T TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF Y-JUISOII SIREM. ON B0711 SIDES OF FJAV'I7TH STR'.LT FROM TT?:: NORTH PROP LR TY LINE OF JFMR3011 STR:•BT TO mr SOUTN PROPERTY LIME OF 11ADISO1I STRE T; ON 90711 SIDES 4i '•"'•, -: ' OF VELFTH STR:::'T FRO1.1 TW_ SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF T 2111F•SSM STREiiT TO THE NORTH. : TROIIMTY LINE OF JONES SMELT; ON BOTH S 1DES OF NINTH S7RiiaT FRO14 rm NORTTI IROI':RTY � r al LIAE OF !'.ONHD^ 9TR3E,T TO '1sln SOUTH PROPiRTY LI171: OF L!A')I9ON 9'i'fil«'.'C A1lD ON ROTI{ 9IOES }� ' OF EIGIITH STREET FRO1.1 THE; NORTH TROT;-11TY LINT: OF 1'ONRON, 911R::ET TO THE SOUTH PROr?;STY LINE OF MADISON STREET. IN 1-3 CITY OF PADUCAH. KEI71UCKY. THE SUI? OF $1.04183 IER + • ABUTTIBG FOOT, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF COICRETE CURBS A10 GUT?M- S, AND All NECESSARY t MAIIHOLES. IIiTAS. Su"ERS, CATCH BASINS AIS DRIVEMAYS TILiRhOF, AS. 3110.'•7!7 BY 1:r.TF.E EITGI- y` ; 4s' HIM 8 ESTIMATE, EXCEPT THAT rORTION TO BE IL ID FOR BY TTM CITY OF'IADUOAII, K:-1 ITU7Y. ' AIID IRO°7IDTIlO THAT SAID A93ESS1w17T MAY BE PAID FOR IN TEN 4.UAL INS'TALLIIENTS, BEING I F{ 017E AAC11 YEAR :AOR A TIMM]) OF Tal Y.,ARS;'be adopted. Adopted upon an]1 of the roll r, 'by the following vote :Yonn,raoe,ru3Ilam. Tully,7ashington and Kattorjohn,-5. r• ',' _ Commissioner Pulliam offered the followlnq motion: I move that the following bills of:E: R. Harding Company'for extra work -done on oontraot for sewer oonstruotion f E. R.Hard Ine Co: ,Dille for extra .:be rejeoted as not due and payable by the City under the speoifloot tons: r St, . work ,payment I .. 4. 'rejeated. Deo. El, 1923', Diggissg for water main Vayf told Road,. .................$ 3.85 Deo. 28. 19E3, Covina Poleo& t7lres. Paduonh Eleat. Co. 27.7E Deo. 26, 1923,• 1lovina roles Ied. Eleat.,Oo................:.:.......... 80.14 k "+�Adopted v1°on oa11 of the roll by the following vote t;Yeae, Paae, Pulliam, Tully,`. Washington ard`Katter.john,-5.. On .motion the Board, ad journed Won o011 of Lha roll by 5 yens.: +rl .,•' ..-',- Y'.'4Cw. f+. .1 i+: .,:.ir_ .I �•.`„u �.a..ay.G 1�..2'.:+ 4 v:J/: t,' ... �• ,^w.: _,.mt.. _ ,