HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 256, December 31, 1923• j ;4:r• " Commissioners' Proceedings, City of .Paducah — 192— 5 ' Tully, la8h1n9t6n.-4; Have. Ratter john, -1. 'jar Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that A RESOLUTION .Acceptance of r: ACC TIIIG TRU11K LIIr7; S'r.`7 R9 I1I ,SFw-it .DISTRICT NO. 3, 'SUB -DIVISIONS B.. Sc 0. , AS COI1- ? 1 f:{Trbnk Line Sewer j I` Sub-Divinlone 978UOTr.D BY X. R. 'RLRDIIM, COlIPANY, I'tS Co15P7.?ftiD. WITH T� E,'(OEr'TION OF, BROKEN FIEFS (- ,t. end'O.; Diet. a 3, with certain. Ili SAID S:.' :Urs, POIITT 13IG AILD OTH'}R 11I11OR'DFF:nTS; AND TF:: AISOUI'T OF bONFY TO, BF ^AiD " n exoeptione.,' ' ?:1IU THE ?.110UHT fO BE - .3:.MVF9, be adopted. Adopted upon osll of the roll hv' the t following vote: Yens, Paoa,' Tully, 7auhinaton. KetterJohn. -4: Iln7•n, Pulliam, On motion the Board adjourned 'upon call of the roll by b yens. . Aduptad./Q?�11 Y DEO:J..B!M 31ST, 1923.17 At a Regular ifostIng of the board of Oommtoeloners, held in_the Oommienionnre'4` I Chamber in the City'Rall.,Paduoah, Kentucky. on Deoember 31st. 1923. Upon call of they fi , roll the follo.rina answered to their names: Commissioners pace, Pulliam, Tnshington I;,.:• and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. On motion of OoRmlooionor Pnae the minutes of the previous meetings Warn y. iF *adopted no read upon call of the roll by the following voter Y"ae, Pace, Pulliam. ¢t } Washington and Knttorjohn,-4. I . i 1 Mayor Katter'john offered the following motion:• I move.that the Certificates of Y? (( 'Election of Dr. J. N. 'Bailey, Mayor-. S. R. Bradshaw, City Engineer; James Coyle. City Jailer. Rose Ruttor, Olty Clark; J. Was Troutman, City Aeeeseor;. J. E. Cochran; ,Oounoi]- y man; 0. W. Vorrison, Councilman, nrd 0. A. Korth, Councilman, be received, filed .and i �t 1; recorded. Adopted upon call. of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace, Pulliam; �. WdohinRton and Kattorjohn.-4. 8al4. Certifiontoe of FU notion, me followed "STATE OF rir TUCY.Y, ) COUNTY OF MoCRSR'J;) SCT. Nov. 9, 1923. i Ij Dr. J.II.Bailey, t :Oertiftoate of i7o, A. R. Steele, 0, L. Vanldoter an'i Roy 9tevart,'duly authorizod'to canvass the rntnrnn of the County of IMCraokon, k Election, office do oortif that at an elootion hold in unid County, on the 6th of itoyor. day of Ilov., 1923, Dr. J. 11. Bailey woe duly' elected to fill the office of : Vayor. , u.• A. R.. STL.iLE �•. " 0. L. VanMator f; ROY STE7ART. Commiosionere." - ^STATS OF Gr21'lUCKY, ) F,;BOUNTY OF IWOaAClait)'Sot. E.R.Brad she a; Nov. 9th, 1923. ) . Oertifioate of We. A. R. Steele, O. L. 7antleter and Roy Ste•aart, duly Election. City, authorized to canvass the returns of the 'County of YoCracken, { ' Flfgineer. do certify that at an eleet4em, did , irr- sald''Coun y h ty'oL the da of Rov.d923 1 -R' radehaa.Jr. was duly oleoted to fill the office of •` City Engineer. A. R. STIFLE I . ROY S'TE'.7dRT Commissioners." Ij. STATi OF I i:11TUCLY, ' SOT. oo-------- • COUNTY OF HoCRAC;4 H. ) u 'James Coyle..-, Nov. 9. 1923. ��.. Certificate of We,.A:'R. Steele, 0. L.. Vaniteter ani Roy Stewart. duly Sleotion, itq authorized to canvass the returns of the County of VeCracken .,'.Jailer. ' •.do certify that 6'Q^M eleDSioa;;h81d-•1e18Bld1Cq§Lnlp>,gn+,iheobtfi;;4e7 of NPv319j:8�Jamep.Coyle was duly elected to fill the office of City Jailer.'—A. R: STrIELE tt r 0. L. Varavlrm f 1 ROY STE'9ART, Commissioners." .. .. - saw::.. - Li..,...tf +f, .:A;±� u,'.Y1,Y... '.id,: e.�v. ;A.,mF;: •a4.c..=s::.s•4� ..v. }. .,ro. (' w .+ ,.d.t. ,.. ..�. . _ Na Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah--_:__ •_ri:__' '' 192 STATE.OF L-VTUUXY, ) Sat. COUIITY OF MonA^..I:EN.) 11/9/19E3. 'j .vs. A. R. Steele, 0. L. VarVeter and.Roy Stewart; P' duly authorized to canvass the returns .of the County of. RoseRutter.' UcCraokon, lo certify that at an election held in '. Certificate of said County on the 6th day of Nov. 1923, Rose Rutter was Cle. City duly to fill the office of City Clerk. Clerk. y elected A. R. ST':J-Zv ` C. L. nanMeter Roy Ste.vart. Commissioners." -t' STATE OF X-NTUCKY. ))SCT. C011llTY OF MoCRACL'EN.1) 11/9/1923. . J. Tee Troutman �' We. A. R. Stools, '0. L. VarVeter and Roy Stewart. e'of duly authorized to canvass the returns of the County of Certificate Election, a of McCracken. do certify that at an election held in said ty Assessor. County .on the 6th day of Nov. 1923, J. 'Sea Troutmae i was duly elected to fill theoffice of City Assessor. A. R. Steele C. L. VanMeter Roy Stewart. Commissioners.", . STAT°' OF K�TITUCKY. ) r COUNTY OF MoCRACXEN.) Sat.. Nov: 9. 1923. 'a J. E.Coohrnn; 7e A. R. Steele. C: er an L. VariMetd Ho Stewart Certificate of y Election, duly authorized to canvass the returns of the County of McCracken, do oortify that at an election 'held in seid Co ru; of Aman. County on the 6th day of Vov. 1923, J. R. Cochran was duly oleoted to fill the offiao of Councilman. A. R. Steals, C. L. VarVoter + Roy Stewart, Commissioners:". ----00---- STAT:: OF KENTUCKY, . ) COUNTY OF MoCRACMI.1 Sot. 11/9/1923. r' s le. A. R. Steele, 0.. L. Vanlieter and Roy Ste`..' rt, C. B.iforrieon, duly authorised to canvass the returns of the County of Certificate of McCracken, do certify that Nov.t an election held in ,said 87oat ion, aoutity on the 6th day. of o 1923, C. '•'.C.orrison wad Cour-oilman. duly elected to fill the office of Oounoilmnn. A. R. Steele, C. L. VarVefor Roy Stewart, Commissioners.", "STATE OF Yr NTUCKY , ) F COUPTY OF MOCRACKL'N) sat. O.A.Y.erth, - •'_ Ate, A. R. Steele, C. L. Vanl'ster and Roy Stewart, Certificate of duly authorized to onnvans the returns of the County of section. L'oCraoken. do certify that at an elnotton held to said Councilman. County of the 6th day of lieu. 3923, 0. A. Perth was duly elected to fill the office of Cour•oilmen. A. R. Steele, 0. L. VnnYofor Roy Stewart,, Commissioners" IY.P.Nummel, Mayor Katterjohn offered the folloning motion; I move tint the oommuni9at.lon ...' OommunIoatIon .� from 19. P. Hummel in rimard to QarneRie Library Bonds, be reoliv,d and filed. Adopted. In re: Bonds Trustoen Carne �Ae Library upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pnoo, Pulliam, /aehingt0n are Board. �. ;( KatterJohn,-4. , I = Fiiellty & Mayor Katter John offered the, follow I nng motion: I move that the Fidelity, and Deposit Co. Deposit Company of I'aryland, be released from the bonds of E. 9. Bagby, Ohae. 781220. � released on bones of E.T. Br.aby,Chas.W. P. Hummel, Itrs. Jeuaie KatterJohn and Mrs. Katie V. ,Dorian, as trustees of the { . . oi;]o,'9.1'• Carnegie Library, effeotive Dooembnr 31st, 1923,�an-t oald Fidelity.& Daroett Oomrany RumcoI .i:ra. Joanie &atter- of tiaryland is hereb:, released from any future liability. Adopted upon call of the John and Mre.' John J.Dorianr roll by the following vote: Yeas, Mae, Pulliam,tlashington and Y.atterJohn,-4. . F , -• ! h 'N. t /x T S. Ln -i ? J i'! .! d. 1' � h -.. � • �.__,.._ ... . __..,...... .�_.... ..-_. __•t�.._..__.C. a...r.x� � ._... ...+..,_.ham..._.:.;..,., ..;.t...-a-t•,s.�(•.x(V.1... 1._.... .. 2— fir•.. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-. ,.; _._ 7- __:�_19 b Sayot:Katterjobn offered the following motion: I move that the Certificate of Bleotion'of.George L. Alliston, as Alderman, be received, filed and recorded.' fi T :'?• ' George L. Alliston,' Car-, Adopted'upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace. Pulliam..7ashington and Katterjohn.-4. tE; r,. ;" e ,-tifioate of Election. as Said Certificate of Election as follows: -"' ( Alderman. "STATE OF XcYTUOKY, sot. 11/9.1923. b` County of 11oORACY-i:Hi We. A. R. Steele, Roy Stowart and 0. L. VarMeter M }- duly authorised to oanvae9 the returns of the County of iloOrnoken, do certify that at an election held in said County E, on the 6th day of 11ov. 1923, Cecrge L. Alliston was duly q i• • elected to fill the offioe of Alderman. .A A. R. Steele, j r .`1 0. L. vanVotor Roy Stewart, Oommiaalonore." El - }F + 1 ----oo---- - Ey <.. II.J.7opp resigns Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the reeiwlation of li : ' f;4 tion as momber of Park Board. J. Yopp, as a member of the Park Board of Paducah. Kentuoky, be received and filed, ` and that said resignation bnhaooepted, effective December 31st, 1923. Adopted upon: call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam.ftehington and,Katter- k john, -4! �•, 'f'.r • Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication from t. paduoah Ry.Co. l' communication the Faduoah Railway Company. dated December 26th, 1923, in regard to the cordition of E : relative to oon= dation B'way. Broadway from let to 6th Street, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the j of from 1st to 1; 6th, and 3.3rd. from to roll by the fgllowing vote: Yeae, race, Pulliam, 7aahington and Katterjohn.-4. .. .' Y.Y•Ave. 4s' Broad St. , Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: t4hereas there is $26.000.00 due the Cit y of rnduoah; Y,ontvolgr, from the Ohio valley Bent &Trust Company: and, 4,, .'•I .. ",•• whereas, F. M. Fisher. Cecil Reed, C. 1. Emery, Y. A. Barry and 7. 0. Shearer signed +' F.Y.Flaher. ' Cecil peed. a bond to the City of.Faduoah. Kentucky. on the _day of April'1922. as sureties; 5 •.� 0. fl. Emer Y, Y. A,Bsrry and "aft reeing to pay said amount when demanded, and said. money will be due on February 9.O. Shearer, ps h7 bondsmen on 8th. 1924. I now move that the City Clerk notify each of the above named sureties, in :bond of Ohio . Valley Bank & writing, together with S. E. Bell, Special Banking Oommisatoner for the Ohio volley Truat Co. nota - fled to make Bank & Trust Company. that the City of Paducah will demand payment of said $26,000.00 aymont of due on February 8th, 1924, and the Clark to hereby to by i�... 26;000.00 authorized send said notices ' the City on `+ t' Feb.8,;923, '.71th registered letter, having return card sort him, and said Clerk Is to report to this to2etho, j; E.B,Bell,rpe- Board by Saturday January 6th. 1924. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following , 'A r. offal Banking Commissioner,. vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. T�.. Commiesioner Tully entered. the Commtseionere' Chamber. i f Mayor-Katterjohn offered 'the following motion: I move that the communication'' , A% A% E. R. Hard ira Co. _dated December .27th. 1923, together with the attached bills. from P..'.R. Harding Compal, {` . t Communication,. ettaohina ser- be referred to the Commissioner of Publio 7orks, and that said Commissioner of Public s.1-Itair.bille.foa ; r t`extr,a work. Norke report tothe Habeforetd6 'ord Saturday. January 5th, 1924; hie recommendations in �. . 1k referred "to ' 1 0om9r.Iub110 -regard to same. Adopted p upon call of the roll by the following vote:' Yeas, raoe.' i Norka. Pulliam... 7ully.,;Taehington and Katterjohn.-6. ! . Commiaeioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the appointments. . • ! a. �- O. J. Holman.•." . appointed of'0. J. Ho2man-by'0. 0. Pace 06=1.esioner of Public Safety, as a regular patro]man r '. . 'reaular.,patrol,..•,be ratified;:' Adopted,upon oall of the roll by:the-following vote: Yeas; Pace, . z. S~ man .. - d t.'4 Pulliam Tully, asehingtom and Katterjohn.-S. r _ r E;, ' t It i ( :T �n ...1\ `. ;,• I '_ _E ' t C ^��: • I 4': )4 No" Commissioners'. Proceedings; City of Paducah—- _192— Cormniesioner Pulliam offered the followirg,motior. I move that the report of Carnep.-ie Library --Report. Board- the Carnegie library Board. December 28, .1923. be received a . rid filed. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the followinp., vote: Yeas, Taos. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and - ratter john. Commissioner Pulliam o-rfored the following motion: I move that the Record of Raoord SoTor Sewer Design and Gonstruot ton of Paducah from 1872 to 1924 containing data on all Donipm& Cor- atruotion of known old ae.yoro of the City, notes on the danism of Districts I and 2 as compiled raduoah from 1872-1924- from various city records, old letters ar,d mioaallar*eoue unbound papers, r000ri of Filed. studio . a of the Distrlot 11o. 3 made at variouu timoo from 1906 to 1922 which have been or will.b'e of value to designers of future ae'sere in the City, a complete record of the oporatiome performed and conclusions reached in the design of *1922 and 1923 for Districts 3A. 3B and 30 and a r000rd of the construction of 1922 and 1924.troluding dato�ofvalue to engineers and contractors in estimating the cost of future brier - ground' work In the Oity, compiled by Henry A. Pulliam Commissioner of rublio 7orks and Chief Bnnqireer, be ordered printed In 200 copies by the I-rinting Co.. arra charged aralret the Sexor Account and filed with city records.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, rdoe,rullimn,Tlullv,'.Yaohington ard KattF)rjo.hr,- Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: The Otty.Sollaitor having. Maurice Levin recommended that the bill of Maiirtoe Lovan be. paid'. I now mov.n that ,the sum of Vinety allo.yed $91.80 ir cottlam,)nt One Dollars and i&Ipbty Cents ($91.'80) be paid to Murloo Laver for damap.-ea sustained of damasreo sue- taired to his to his oar on account of running into . street . "thiob was, beingrepaired' ard by reason automobile. of failirm.tq have proper lights, and thnt same be oharsred a.q-ainat, the Street Depart- ..... 71 - 0 ment. Adoptod upon call of.the roll by the following vote. a P Tull. 'Yea .. see. Pulliam. y Washington and Katterjohr,-5. Z1. Oomufleeloner Washington offered the following motion: I, ff*ve,,that the attached Lies LeNoir i - oommuniontion. 4atnd D000mbor 29th, 1993, from 111se.1alloir Clark. Superintendent of Clark.8upt. Rivoraido Hoe- oe- Riverside I!oopitul.,re3ative, to unpaid checks Fpivon by J. D. Foley on. Bank of Tolp, Fital, authoriz- pita], ad' to make ored- Xy., amounting to $86iOO. together with the unpaid ohe ok.of '.91711 am Lawrence. amour. ti it -ion 17ospital 'books to Ing to 421.14. for services reniorod at Riverside Hoapital..be.turned over to the amount of $307.14, on Account of City Solicitor with instructions that he oolloot same; and I further move that Miss unpaid checks. lelloir Clark, Supt. Rivornide Hospital, be allo%7od to credit her accounts to the amount of thoos. oheake, namely- $107.34, so that her books will balariao. Adoptai,upon call. of the cull by the following voto: Yona. Page, rullierni Tully.' 'Ainhinaton and Xatterjohn,-5. Commi,beioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the resigna.." , R a a I Rn a t.ion of tion of Dr. ?.*A. Jones as City Physician. effective inmrnry 6th. 1924, be received. DrtF.A.Jones. as City Thysi- ani filed, and that his reeinmat'Lon boaaaeptod.. Adopted upon oa3 1 of'the roll by ..the following vote-. Yon aja oe,rul liam,Tul ly.'.Ia shIrRton and Kattorjohn.-B.. Commissioner Washinaton offered the followinsr motion: I move that M. J. Taicton 24.raxton and Dr. H.P. lira, and Dr. R. P. Zinc be appointed momborc of the Vaal th'Bonrd for a -term of three years,, appointed mom-, bars Board of beginning January 29t, 2924 and andirg January lot. 2927. Adopted upon *call of the Health. roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pace, Tully, 'Washington. -3; Days. Pulliam and Katterjohn.-2. Commissioner Tully excused from Oommissionors' * Ohambor. Oommissionor Pulliam offered the following motion:.Thereae Yanoy & Johnson. Contractors, have been allowed' the alternative of removing the -aeotione of curb and gutter enumerated on attaohad sheet and have rot done so. T more that deductions Yanoy & Johnson. aggregating 3267.57 as shown on said sheet be made from the sum due or Contract He. 7 Contractors.. reiven reduction for construction of curb and. gutters. Adopted upori call of the roll by the fol low irg of $287.67 on vote: Yean. race. Pulliam. Tauhington and Katterjohn,-4. adoount of Oon- *truot #7. g isL ' No. _x [ ?t Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah—__--__ Oommiesioner'Tully re-entered Commissioner®Chamber. ontract Oommiselonor Pulliam offered the following motiont Yonoy A Johnson; Contract- ore, having !!Wished the construction of concrete curbs and gutters on both sides of ore. A000ptanoe of ' Tenth Street. from the north property line of Jefferson Street to the south property''• t4 Curb d Cutter line of Nadiaon Street; Monroe Street from the west property line of ^ighth Street to y, Oonstruotton;.,' for.1953, as. K7 constructed by* the west property line of heelfth Street; Second Street from the South property line o.f ' Nyanoy•& Johnson,: r. Contractors. Wadhinaton Street to the. North property line of Clnrk Street; Third Street, from the x r 'north property line of Yonroe Street to the south property line of Iadison Street; 1 Y °l Eleventh Street, from the north property line of Jefferson Street to the south pro- party line of Madison Street; T•velfth Street, from the south property line of Ty i t�? , Tennessee Street to the north property line of Jones Street; Ninth St root from the t ��� North property line of Monroe Street to the 'south pr.opertjr line. of LSadison 9Lraot.; and J r I' `` Eighth Street from the north property line of L�onroe Street to the south. property _• l. line of Madlson Street, and having complied, in all respects with the terms of the j` contract entered into by and 'bot -ween the uaid Contractors and the City of Paduonh, l Kentuoky, on June 26th. 1923, and' oompletAd~oeA1e; aobard lnx.'.Lo'tAe^p1RYio and apeoifloA-: tibae adopted'.for. sdid':dork;.:nibh el6eption bf p its shdwn!on'loduotion slieet'paeeed ; GG{ ' �r this date. and no complaints having been filed, protesting against said work, I move V;TJ that said -cork for said improvement be accepted and approved, with exception noted, and that Fk q'! the final estimate, including all monthly estimates of work done by Yancy & Johnson, Contractors, in construct ing Bald curbs and gutters. amounting to $10.926.35, with a j 4 a � deduction therefrom of $287.57. be received, approved and filed. Adopted upon call op p i Ell of the roll by.the following vote; Yeas.'Paoe, Pulliam. Washington and Katterjohn,-4 1 Nays, Tnlly.-I• e u ,,;-Report Chief. of Commissioner Pace offered the following motion- I more that the monthly �.... i; tPolioe for month � X�•_� t `1of Dec. 1923.. retort of the Chief of Pol lam, C. B. Whittemore. for the month of December 1923. be .' , .; •,'rooeived and filed.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, } Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Y-atterjohn.-5. k Oommniseioner lace offered the followima motion: I move that the annual report . Annual'Report "Chief Police' the'Chief of of of Police. C. B. Whittemore, be received and filed. Adopted irron call t ti for year 1923. t of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully. Washington and �S c Oommiaeloner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the City Soli- ` n , oitor be inetruoted to draft an ordinance and present It to. the Board at a, special ;i meeting at 10 0,'olook, January 2, 1924. providing for the following lnoreneae in y r n sages of Citq employees, effeoLive..Deaember 16. 1923:'ii `�•. .. :• Firemen ................. per month ......$10.00 Patrolmen........, 10.00 +;Inoreaee'Sn.' salary of ser-'' OhiAfs of Fire k `tain city employee Folios Derartments..'.... 16.00 rejected. Detectives .............. 16.00 Street & Sd-ver Laborer®, .06V per hour. " Bookkeepor.Dept.Finanoe. 25.00 per month Chief Assistant a'ngin- w eer Dept. of Fublio Y r 'Vo rk a ................. .., 26.00 per month. t„ Inspeotor.l. .Anderson. .50 per day Draftsmnn,T.A.Bradley, .10 per hour. x ..Librnrion. 25.00 per month 4 l;` _ Librarian Aeet.'e ..'' 35.00: Loat upon,oall of the roll by -the following vote; Yeas; Paae.pullism, 2; linye;Tully, + u Washington and Katterjohn. 3, s , , 'i { h t +W4...a; Nc:p::.+}.w'ia' i' cl•: 1_[Ji' �_�y;;ybr. ;.t^. ' T . .,.fl•. i..d...:.:.s .� ._ r.. .. a :r,::. L .�.. u,y.u.r. .. _..u+x....a... _. sal +t'..S '.r. ..1' i .. 1 kej "moi"$ t s w+r - fw-c-gc{ ' 1 r v? }}"} yta raiz*. ate- w 4 ort r r�y�ro si sc� u jy rf #� sr4R« Y.'?. r•!. r 7 xi i 7 :i:, t ri 1. {J rj K ( S . a -j0 <�� � W 7E f1 4 �. Y •i +% .i'i 1.t` �4 ''r .5� fti•, i} N r Y � a ' � iY ` t t � 1t s• - F -: v � '� r rr itit a itr lit i. �, - 1 r 4 �.,;,;w:3 K . %"•t_� - .i 'ii"`y'�. s '°' •' %',���' ..� rx�':'w..4,s4 b,.n+.:/• 'W :S.•. r�' ?. ��i�'" Y.• i •y s t� W `,� f.�. .'tl: Nf f 1.•.. ..• • .:; _ f: -c} -"n• J 4ll T•'i ry" 4,,, li .� •`.\�, _ �.���v�.,.,g .:}� `"T`r7T!K�•w;Y�+: l+.:...._ •::=,�r•.w;yv- i 9 - 7 1 Z(tAt• r, +� - r. nc. T n± �.. a,�lnr�4' a ^"fir � x•w"�( 1f;" 'y.>`..Y tt.r ♦ ry � K dt •f t. .-•--.+-.-. _,,,t:r-1'-s,�_.Y.r�. r_'Irl.....:+_.Siys:YS:iii=4.�.:.C..t,1 �..�.:�_ _L...:++.,, Commissioners' Proceedings,City of Paducah-- -__ 192- . I atimetoa for niched by the 3nRineer for work done and performed by Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors.' curb and Rutter construction for the oor.etruotion of concrete ourba, gutters ani drioowaya ani necessary intakes, , Contract No. 7 t, sewers and catch basins on both a Idea of Tetth Street from Jefferson Street to Llai icon' Streot;.Lor.roe Street from 4ivhth Street to Twelfth Street; Second Street from, '.. Jashingt'on Street to Clark Street; Third Street from Vonroe Street to L%41 son.Street; Eleventh Street from Jefferson 3troet to Madison Street: TRelfth Street from Tennessee' ' Street. to Jones Street; Iiinth Street from 11onroo Street to lfaiinon Street, ani Eighth Street from Yonroe Street to Yait son Street, be reoetved, filed. and confirmed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, rulliam, Washington and I. Y.atterjohn,-3; Yaya, Pace and Tully, -2. �l Commissioner Taos excused from Commissioners' Chamber.. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I,move that a copy of motion Copy of motion of Dec. 24, 1923, rejecting, bills of E. R. HardinR Co., with certificate of. delivery of Doo.24,191:3 rejecting billsof,00py thereof to said Company by City Clerk, "be received and filed. .Adopted upon°. of E.R.Harding Co. with oerti- call of the roll by,the follonina vote: Yoas, Pulliam, Tully.. Washington and Katter-:-:' ficato of de- livery by City john, -4. Cl er k. Commissioner race re-entered the Cotinissionere' Chamber. Commissioner Pulliam offered the folloAing motion: I move that the Final, and " Final estimate ofd complete estimate of work done by Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, on Contract No. 8 'work done by Yanoy & Johnson, for aonetruotion of -curb, Rutter aril utdewalks on the south side of Tenneseee Street " ? Contraotors on I Contract #B, Curb boteveen Third Street and River Bank, emnunttnR to $1196.66.be approved, reoeiped.nnd ani Gutters ani yy Sido'palks on S. u' filed. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, "race, Pulliam, aide Tenn.St. Tully, '9ashington and' Katterjohn,-5. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. 3 ,. ...:LLQ . atz�!�... .. .�'!�'�+� • JANUARY 2nd 1924. At a Called Meeting of the' Board of Coamiasionore held in the Commiaeioners' Chamber in the City Hall.,Paduoah, Ky.. on January ,2nd. 1924, at 10:56 A. Id. Upon' . call of the roll the following answered to their nemeei Commissioners Pace. Iulliem,. .' Tully, Washing ton and Vayor Katterjohn.-5. V. } t, Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for .call to -wit: To receive. Tenneenee Street " 9ide:valke, curb and mutter construction on Tennnseee Street 'rem 3rd Street to Tanneries+ River Bank,. and any other Dueinens that my oomn boforn" the Board: Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: .Yanoy & Johnson, Contraot ore. ' having finished the oorratruotion of oonorete sidewalk, curb and Rutter. on the south. aide of Tennessee Street, from the east intersection of Tennessee and Third Streets ". F to the .top of the bank of the Tennessee River, and having complied, in all respects '.: l} Aacej:'tanoe Of Ruth the terms of the contract entered into by and bot'.Yeen the said Contractors and. .vork_ done by Ycnoy & Johnson", the Citof Paducah, Kentucky. on June 26th, 1923, and completed emne s000rdtnR to Contraotore, on .� stde'walk.ourb . the plane and epeoifioatione adopted for sail work, and no -complaints having been eni Rutter oon- filed, protestinm.amainst said work. I move that acid work for said imrrovamnnt be a etruotion on S.,. side Tenr:.St. rejeoted. ,accepted and approved, a-nd that the final estimate, tnolndtnir all monthly estimates ' of *York done by Yanoy & Johnson, Contraotore, in oonstruotinR said oide•Yal•k. curb and -. Rutter. amounting to $2.350666 be approved, received and filed. Lost upon call of the roll by the following vote: :Yeas -hone. Nays, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, -3. Commie- � . stoner 3ashington and Mayor Y_atterjohn not voting. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following. motion: I move that' the not imstee'fur- atimetoa for niched by the 3nRineer for work done and performed by Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors.' curb and Rutter construction for the oor.etruotion of concrete ourba, gutters ani drioowaya ani necessary intakes, , Contract No. 7 t, sewers and catch basins on both a Idea of Tetth Street from Jefferson Street to Llai icon' Streot;.Lor.roe Street from 4ivhth Street to Twelfth Street; Second Street from, '.. Jashingt'on Street to Clark Street; Third Street from Vonroe Street to L%41 son.Street; Eleventh Street from Jefferson 3troet to Madison Street: TRelfth Street from Tennessee' ' Street. to Jones Street; Iiinth Street from 11onroo Street to lfaiinon Street, ani Eighth Street from Yonroe Street to Yait son Street, be reoetved, filed. and confirmed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, rulliam, Washington and I. Y.atterjohn,-3; Yaya, Pace and Tully, -2. �l sewers and catch basins on both a Idea of Tetth Street from Jefferson Street to Llai icon' Streot;.Lor.roe Street from 4ivhth Street to Twelfth Street; Second Street from, '.. Jashingt'on Street to Clark Street; Third Street from Vonroe Street to L%41 son.Street; Eleventh Street from Jefferson 3troet to Madison Street: TRelfth Street from Tennessee' ' Street. to Jones Street; Iiinth Street from 11onroo Street to lfaiinon Street, ani Eighth Street from Yonroe Street to Yait son Street, be reoetved, filed. and confirmed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, rulliam, Washington and I. Y.atterjohn,-3; Yaya, Pace and Tully, -2. �l