HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 253, December 24, 1923..' _, ,,, ,,; .ar I _ i t � •� F �. 1 .^. Y rii•. ' 7f r •�,. Il ,f 't �ri'l�t. J` ., 'fir' ,�% "r ,, . ;7 � 2r t*v of'.'1'I t��•.^. 1•t� �' ���,. ,{..',`y1�h "Y'}k ���� (is Sl }t y�,`�'`Ny,f -r'tr! � •'' r,�rh'tf+Fy'�h„Lw ! -t Yt. �Fj� •�.r. may+,. -v }.x:, .�.$7 t�'2''' .. ,� '�x�� t'trt-.r�ri.',;Thir�,.,aa.k tJ•�.��f ��L�'i.� �{�Ar',�'"'�.r�� `"t+.. 'i.'�� :� �'ti�.C�+(aa 0.+.s+,..`lr .z ��,"�,.t,.orf..;��;tfc"<��4y;�Ln'SY�:•.p.^�.�,a'. " '` "�`n :�' •tyM.t {em.<' .yj. ?' % r�:- � .. � i , y:'f ,rtr �. ``'{� ,�r, � � �.. , 4 �,(i,, i H,a' ;4 ' G J4 " P,L,S 4 r, =�, �i1 TC ,�' Sy%,',"C ' j 1 1 C <,L �4t R. J, .�`-� `{. C:'�: � '"tiR-""Yl . �e�' 's .�;'tr.. , f �1.�, '•i% - "-4. t rt,., i'x^#tts �' T�^''LC'Yr.^T+ � cn�R.�,..q��Ts �•c•^r3'•;{^:t��j7 {,�:f.iw ir!s .rA �J17, `. r�*A�t� :`... 1 ;, �� r'. ,•r'aNt� 1�4`•i.. ate' -..' •u•„. ty 'N v"'.f P: y5.'t' r` Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_,--- 192- DECRI-Sh, 20TH, 1923. At a Called iteetinR of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommissionerd. r. Chamber in the City Rall. Yaduoah, Y.ontuoky, on Deoomber 20th, 1923, at 10:10 o1o3ook. A. I.S. Upon oall of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Peas, ?ally, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasonu for oall to-wit:'For the purpose of 'hearing trial of Luther Graham and aav other busirans that mtmht oome before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the follo:ving motion- 'I move that the pay -roll. .Pay -roll for ' for the first half of the month of Deoember 1923, amountinR to !!6896.16, as per the. firsthalf of ' December 1923. report of the Commissioner of'lublio o'innnoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the Generitl Bird to pay same. Adopted upon pall �of the roll by the. following vote: Ysss,Paae,Tully,�nehington and Ke.tterjohn,-4. kkk Commissioner Tu11y offered the following motion:.J move that the pay -roll Tay -roll 3rd ' ~y Distriat Sewer for the first half of tho month of Deoember 1923, for the 3d Distriot Sewer. amounting. for flrut half f' Dnoomber,19£3, to $604,00, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commientonar of rublIa Pinnpoo be authortand and iretruoted to draw ohsoks'naairtnt the Ila. 3 Distr4ot 9ewer Fund " ?.00,)unt to pay on me. Adopted upon oa3l of the roll by the fol]owtne vote: Yeas, Peas, Pully, ',4ashinRton, -3: Nays, Y"etterjohn,-l. Oommissioner race offered the following motion; I move that the trial of Luther Graham be defnrred until Monday, Deonmbor 24th, 1923, at 10 o'olook A. M. 2 S !' Loot upon.oall of the roll by the follo•ving vote: Yeas, Paoe and 'WeahtnRton,-2:'gays, j Trial of Tully and 1Cntterjohn,-2. Luther 'Graham. Commissioner Taos offered the following motion: I move that the lioense of a f tuthsr'Graham to do business at 222 Broadway be revoked upon proof heard. 'Lost upon'' " ` oall of the roll by the following vote: Yens,Ta0e,-1. Ilaye, Tu11y, tYaehinaton artd yntterjohn,-3. ,Oommiesioner 'Billy voting no beosuse.the evidenoe heard is not euffiolent for oonviotion. Mayor Katterjohn seoond,ed the motion to bring it before ; the AoUes, and at the same time voted no. on motion the Board adjourned upon cell of the roll by 4 yeas. .14 A/opIa4 If%—a - DEC7'13S:R 24TH. 1923, ' "At a kReaular ieetir_g of the Board of Commiseionere, held in the Commissioners'' +;• Chamber in the City Rall, Taduoah, Y.entuoky, on December 24th, 1923. Upon call of the -" roll the following answered to their rmmes: Commiesloners Taos, Pullism,.Tashington and Mayor Y_attorjohn.-4• on motion of Commissioner °•gaehington the minutes of the previous meetings were r adopted as.read upor. *all of ..the roll by.the following vote: Yens, Faoe, Fulliam, .' RashinRton and Kntterjohn,•4. Commissioner 'Tully entered the Comminsioners' Chdmhnr. rx Premiums due Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the.followine motion: I move that the payment of the ; t r Hummel Bros. on, bonds of trustees bonds for the Tr'uateeB of Carnegie Publio Library,'amounting'to $62.60,, due Pummel Carnegie Library' Board refused Brothers, Agents, be allowed and ordered paid and oherged to.CarneRie JAbrary Fund.' . payment. Lost upon oall of the roll by the following.vote:'Yeas, Y.attarjohn,-1. Ilays, Teas, f Pulliam', Tully and ',7ashington,-4. , l i I yt J7 G : ` / ' V.._ • ..r1_.��1,i.`_....:A. �_... v,.._r..___ .. .....�...__�..-�..u...a}c_.•: Ya._..... ...,, �_.--.... .. ..V.e: F._ i�(Y� s_i. 46;.1;'e1T No Commissioners'Proceedings, City. of.Paducah—____ Report Tubl 0om1r, oft io Finance on Oommimoioner.Tully offnrod the following motion: I move that the report of the ;. f" past Sue account9 Commissioner of Tublto Finance of the past due accounts for street and sidewa lk im- on Straot and improve � ;.;'. If, 'r sidewalk meet, on 10 Year, provement taken on the Ten Year Plan be received and filed ani referred to the City payment Flan end Solicitor. for such action as may be necessary to collect same, $1720.61. Adopted i referred to L City.Solioitor; upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully,' Washington and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the follo+rina motion: Thereas, on Jure 26th,1922 i `..Collection of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Faduoeh.eooeptnd a bond from the Ohio Vel ley j money deposited §4 ih ?'Bank in Ohio Valley from sure- Bank & Trust 'C0., together with .certain individuals as sureties for the payment of aria+ J4 ties on bondC #3 DietTiot moneye'deposited by the City of Paducah in the Ohio Valley Bank Trust Co. and said Sewer Funds. Bank & Trust Co. having atone into liquidation and there being on deposit there the sum - }i•• of -$-26;000 of the 43 District Sewer Funds, I move that the City Solicitor be instruct- {' ed to take such action as may be necessary in notifying the sureties of their liebiliLl .• R{ ' to the Cit of Paduoah for said amount of a26,000.00. Adopted uron call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pulltam,Tully,'Tashtnaton end Y.attnrlohn,-6. ' Q: Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: As required by lnw, the «; Improvoment bond'edommissioner on S.10th St. of Public Finarce did advertise in the L'ews-Demoorat, the official nn�s- t> , ar F. a.: advertised for sale, no bide Paerfor three daY P mprove- .. days. December 20th, 21st and 22nd', offarinir for sale street i `< i,,•i.t received, same" delivered to meet bonds to the amount of 87191.32 for the construction of concrete or, both aides of Contraotore. 'South South the perkway on 10th Street or Lurrell Boulevard from the property line of Yanoy & Johnson: i Broadway to .the South property line of Tennessee Streets, and no bide having been ' received for these bonds. I move that they be delivered to the Contractors, Yanoy & Johreon. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Fees. Pulliam, ; t`= ' Tully, Washington and Kntterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Pursuant to Section 43181 p+`'ger¢y, C. C; Rose., k P�- Henneber- gar .an d H.T. of the Kentucky Statutes, I move that C. 0. Rose, Henry Renneh-rger and H. V. Ke.tter- ;.' Katterjohn nppolntod Board. john be appointed members of the hoard of aqualization'to equalize the assessment for,• 1.• :of Equalisation. 1924 taxes. Ado ted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, f '- Tully,.Washinrton and-Ketterjohn,-6. ', •' Commiaeloner `Pully offered the following motion: I move that the oommunica- t .; 'Communiontion •Y, Rottoring in tion from William Rottaarinq in reaerd to an error in aseesarient be received and filed. t• regards to Brio Adopted upon call of the roll by' the following vote: Yens, Pace, Pulliam, Tully,'.-. f .-in assessment.' Tashirwton.and Katterjohn,-6. •,.: ' . Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It nppearinv.r that an error " Correction made. .;f has been made In the assessment of William and Charles Rottmerina on Tax Bill 43041 + in assessment is r' of"Tm. and Chas. for the year 1922 wherein they '.rare assessed With the ttam B]nok 1.SeP43, Faire 476, t..'.Rottering.: 100 x'215 11th Street, bet.reen Fern & Olive at $160.00..amount of tax at $2.30 per, f 4100,...$3.45 and.on tax bill 43101 for the year 1923 with the itom Hock Mp 43 �. \ Page 474,'100 x 215, $160.00 at $2.38 per $100,7$3.67 and thnre being nnA having been no Mich'propprty, I nave 'that the amount of $7.02, the amount of texas rate on this 4 _ erroneous assessment as mnntioned, be refunded to them. Adopted'upon cell of the ' ,w- '.roll by the following vote:Yeas,Taoe,Pulliam,Tully,i9ashington and'Katterjohn,-b:. ' `, .' , • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It. appearlra_ tile Lucy, ; Oorreotion mader in assessment of. Lucy Crutch- Crutohfield"wao assessed in error with a lot 40 x 165 feet on"11orth 12th Street'. botweeri Flournoy & Terrell;on tax bill:$780 and she. having taxes or, same, yt . ;r field., .$90.00 paid .. '. ,. . I'move. .that the amount $2.14, be refunded to her. Adopted: upon call. of .the roll by. r the following vote; Yeas, Paoe,,Pulliam,'.Tully, TanhinRton and Katterjohn.-b: i , •+si:Fs.)i1JS�:'�`._.. _;5> 4_ -.j. .. Y. -. ..tYa. ,. ,. e. rr. � :z�...,r � a.:.. i ... i.:,,.�r�; •!� 1: ' y fi ,., s r` .� n , 5r 1 ti T.'C✓�l.x ti .a ,J.,E'hr m \� T t fi`` F.t.r �k P : y ,'^7 S` •-� k �S` rr - .. / a•. C t rrr, s w.4 >~ ) rfi r. `r i -�Y ftf. ti Ji ). 2'r•+> ♦�..X i i'f i} .nr, ai l $. k 5>'J l�/-. y �'. 1 i\! }. �`�! i "�'�) 7' .eT, ... Tii*� 1-i.. {.,.ti .. 5.+..1S;Y3 .'�!'!!w�,<.�.. a.n. s....js YL, a..i .- .,. �ff� „Kir..:,. .� 7.... .,?i ..f A�.[•.4 .' ,.. 3,n..,w ..-.a. �. Kf,LM M+SaJ:[.I zT,�'�`�: ....a:LA�,tt..::1+_. r!_r .;fi-. :'�tL .. a� � T � A X4•'3"-i�7'" `r�'�L,r'�.T+w'7�ed``r`�f`b'ens,enec'S�'��,-zR.a.*`.,.�,.a,^'^w *�x• r.�. f;•':�rms :r'r yfs -cr - t>'i. r- 4 T . w Ir l� J• 4 r`L . �3i4�b."t4 R.7 YJ,* y�CWS \�� Yen \ilP V �• 1., •�.. ,. ;5S t 4 No. Commissioners' Proceedings; City of 'Paducah_' 192- Commissioner1 Taos offered f follv motion: v the 1 0 26 if the lino • I move that a bil f the Bill'of Reath Beath Engineer ng Laboratories, or one Heath Electric Siren, amour Snit to $1 .00.. engineering Co. for Siren for 1 be alio,7ed and ordered. paid and oharaed to the Pire Department* ldonted upon ,all of Fire Chief's Car allowed, the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pr.oe, Pulliam, Tully;. Washington and Yatterj6hn,5 Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the communication Paducah Ry.Co.l of this date addressed to the Faduoah.HeIlway Compnrty, notify ine said company of the notified of damage to Broad damage done to Broadway bet*een, L'irat ani Third Streets, and to South Third Street way from 1st to 5th an -1 S. between,Ky. Avenue and Broad Street, by the street oar traffic on an insecure track - 3rd 3t.betn. Y.y..Lve.. and wRy and requesting immediate repairs, ,be ratified and ordered delivered to said oom= Broad St. on account.ir.se- pany by the city clerk. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:•Yeas, ours car track+ Pace, Pulliam, Tully, lashington and Ketterjohn,-6. xtra.work Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that bill of extra' done by Yanoy I" &Johnson on N'Aork'on Contract No. 3 for the month'of Ilovemher-19P.3 for, filling water main trench Coraraot $3, �5at 12th &Tennessee Street, amounting to_•430.00 be.n ftlling rater pProved and Ynnny & Johnson, mair, trench at Contractors, be allo'.ved 430.00 in full payment of same, ani .that it be chRrged to new, 12th k 'Fenn. fff Ste.allowed. _F Construction. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the followin¢ vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Jae ington,-4; Lays. Yn tterjohn,-1. Cemetery Commissioner :9ashiraton offered the following motion: I move that the trar.efer " transfer fromF from Lmarvin,3lankard, eon and sole heir of Lary Slnnkard, deceased, to E. O.ifeeohem, Sank- ' - llrrvin nrd to E.O. to Lot #51, in 5eotion 4, Oak •%rove Cemetery, be.ratified. Adopted upon oall.of the ! 1•:eaohem. roll by -the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5. r Commieeloner !7ashington offered the followingmot ion: I mo.ve.,that the fire end ; Ohio Valley Fire k itarine tornado insurance policies held by the City of Paduonh in the Ohio Talley Fire .& Ins.poliates y1'arine Insurance Company, be turned over to Bradshaw &:Veil with irstruotions that to be re- . written by. they.re-write them for a period of three years. Aiopted upon oall of,the roll by the Bradshaw & term ofil r3ayre, following vote: Yeas., Tully. '9ashinRton and Katterjohn,-3; 11ayn,Paoe and Pulli9ln,-E. Commissioner '7ashinrrton offered the following motion: It appearing on papa EE Dr.S.B.Pulliam� <_nd LYnset of the Commi ssioners' Proceed Inge, ur:der a motion made, by i.inyor Yatter john, that Dr. Le ckey appoint r r R. Goodloe was attempted to be appointed a member of.the Board of Health of the, ' ad members of G "' Board of City of Paduoah. Kentuoky. for a period of three years, vehen in truth and in fact the Health.. said Goodloe should have been appointed' to fill the ,unexpired term of Dr. C. M. Y.iddo' ' which expired on Jeruery 6th, 1923, and by reanon of Raid mistake in appotntlnR Raid Goodloe for a term of three years, -Then he should have been.appotrted to fill the . d un. -expired term of Dr.. Kidd, I move that Dr. ,3- B. Pulliam be appointed a member of , the Board of Health of the City of Faduoah, Y.entuokp, for a yeriod of three years, ;! w effective Janiery Gth, 5923, to fill the vnonney occasioned by the expirat.lon of the. d. term of office of Jr. 3. R. Goodloe, whioh expired on January 6th, 1923; and I further' 1 move that the part of said motion adopted on April 24th, 1922, and on.pege EE of the.; 'I Proceedings of the Hoard of •Commissioners, wharoir. Dr. E. R. Gooiloe was arpoir.ted for three years, be and the same is hereby sot aside and rescinded, and..I further' more that lackey be e jTointed a member of the.Board of Health of the City of 9 peduoah. Kentucky-, 'for. a period of three years effeotive Jenunry 6th, 1923, to fill ' the vacancy cooaaione'd by the expiration of the ter/ft of T.' Coleman, which expired on January 6th, 1923..Adopted upon as] 1 of the roll by the.followinq vote:. Yeas. Face, Tully, Washington, -3; 11ays, Pulliam F)d Y.etterjohn,-E. City of.fdoee. Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: 'An tomorrow is Chrtetmee to be closed. r Day, I move. that all city offices be closed and that the head of all depnrtmsnte re- �'4 Christmas Day. lieve:from duty all employees that they possibly can, and that tbo'Board of'Commis- -'i elonoi•s extend to. each ami all the omnloyeen bent atshee for a ?Frpc and 1.'erry Christ- . i. ,. I- mas. Adopted upon call of tho-roll by the following vote: Yeas, Igoe, TulIIam. 4^ I'ie Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-- _ 192— ` Ir "' Tully,'lashingtba.-4; Nave, Katter'john.-1. E3a Oommiseioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that A RESOLUTION err i >•..Aooe.ptanoe of.�; trtnk Line Sewers .ACCEPTING .TRUNK LINE SETFRS DI SFI-R .DISTRICT NO. 3, 'SUB -DIVISIONS B.- & 0., A9 CON- � Sub -Division® .d STRUCT]iD BY F. R. 'RLRDIRO. COITANY, Al COMPI.?T:"rD. '9ITH TRF: 1F.MrTI011 OF BROKEN TIFFS +B. and 0 Di St. 7 t 13. with certain. 'IIRAID S:'P-,•;fiS, POIIITQI6 Altil 0TH}R MINOR DEFFa7TS; AND T?r.�: hII0U1'T OF b:OA'EY TO, BR ^AiD 1; o exceptions. ;F %_1I13 TE %:LOL'IIT CO By Rl;S:MW:D be Adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the t followlna vote: Yana, Paoe, Tully, 'Aauhinaton, Kettarjohn,-4: Iin7•s. Pulliam, -1. , On motion the Board eijourned upon call of the roll by b yens.. {} j aQ¢c,.s71 Adaptvd -- �,,, DEOM.R:;II 31ST, 1983, 7y. At a Regular'N.oetina of the Board of Commissioners. held in.the Oomminnionors'i` ; in the City Ra11 Pnduoah Kentucky, on December 31st, 1983. Upon call of the ', Y Chamber y .. roll the folio-,rina answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam, 7nshington and Mayor Katterjohn.-4. i+ j On motion of Oommiooionor race the minutes of the previous meetings were C�. 'ndoptod no read upon call of the roll by the following voter YAae, Taos, Pulliam, Washington and Kattorjohn.-4. I ' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motionr I move -that the Oertifiaatee of Election of 'Dr. J. N. Bailey, Mayor; E. R. Bradshaw. City Engineer: James Coylp. City ' Jailer Roes Rutter, City Clerk; J. Tee Troutman. City Asseasor:. J. E. Ooohran;.Council ;.•"::•.. man; a. -w. rorrison. Councilman, and 0. A. Korth, Councilman, be received, filed nxd recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. { .. Washington and Kattorjohn,-4. Said. Certificates of Slootion, as followed "STAT.' 0>` I:XTUCY.Y.) 4 r; 001UNTY OF MoCIIGK'-2d) SCT. Itov. 9. 1923. = Dr.J.N.Bailey, r ,?e, A. R. Stoele, 0, L. Vnnl,oter en'i Roy Stn'vnrt, duly r0ertlfioata of authorized to canvass the returnn of the Cour.ty of l.!Oornokon, :, hlootion, office do certify, that at an election held in ur.id County, on the 8th of Lfnypr. day of tlov., 1985, Dr. J. N. Bailey was Auly" elected to fill the office of.t'ayor. �- A. R.. STS 0 L. Vanldetor ROY STS'?ART, Commiesioners." -aa- -- ir "STATE OF KriM0ZY.)---- - COUNTY OF MoMACKEP)'Sot. r tt E. R. Bradshaw, Nov. 9th. 1923. 4.; :Certificate of 4.Election. City. We. A. R. Steele, 0. L. 7antleter and Roy Steartrt, duly ; Fleatior.• ^; authorized to oanvass the returns of the 'County of roCraoken. do certify that at an eleetAon,hdid,irr sald'County'on the -6th day ' of4Tov.a923 %-RGBrndohay.Jr. sate duly nlaotod to f�11 the office of -City Engineer. A. R. STIGLE e Vars?.M u1i 1 ROY STFWART; Qommiesionare." eo STATE: OF 1:EXTUCLY. ) SCT. ~ COUNTYOF MOCRACaN. ) ' emea Coyle, .t Nov. 9. 1923. . Certificate of ,. We, .A: 'R. Steele', 0. L.. VanMeter ani Roy Stewart, duly s^leotion ity authorized .to aanvaes the returns of the County of McCracken r ,Jailer.•. .do certify that at -,an eleDSion,�ht-1d••loianidlC4ynf914nr,1><heo..- 0487 of � ? ° bifri19�3�Jamep.Coyle was duly elected to fill the office of City Jailer... :t A. Re STMELE ti 0. L. VaalrylTER ROY STVART, Commiantoners."' 1 ' ac cs,,•�s<-_Ls ,._:.ac-.. ...-..-S.,i4�r�::r.:C. ,.z., :-ov FA...•_?�.. `s::.u.d ... ..q,n ..�:.. .,, .a .�a ....w ; e; -.. ., _. _. -