HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 245, December 5, 1923' �.ry�'"'r[ t�"4�?r�,r�_'�Lty �.-�+�[K�^�"y'�.�,C•r�'�PF�vrt","'►'*„►�e'^�^;"r^�'a".�e'a'c ui- htr'"", �.6:�. •- .�:� ..i .y l -1: � 't ay yeas. •. i Olt - Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah .l . 1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that Weil, Roth, Oom'r.Publio Bi- (1a Irving of Cincinnati, Ohio .have in their possession $16,000 of Street Improvement. nonce to negotiate wlth Neil Roth b.;'IIBonds of the Olty of Yaduoah issued August late 1904 due .Auauet'let .; 1954,•draainq 496 Irving relative to purohnue of interest whiah they have offered to sell to the City of Paducah for the sum of 99 and 916,000 of Streetu Imirovemolit Bonds accrued intoreat. I move that the Oommissioner of publio Finance .be authorised.and in hold by them. uq� struated to negotiate for the purchase of these.bonds and report.auoh action to this Nbody.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yean, Pao@, Tully and. j _ !Washington. -3; Hays, Pulliam and Katterjohn,-2. j Report Chief of Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of the s . Police for the i� Chief of Folioe for the month of November 19f3 be received and tiled. Adopted upon month of November 1923. sell of the roll by -the folloainR vote: Yeaa, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and (Katterjohn,-6. PN Commieeloner Pace offered the following motion: That R. 4. Rushlnot. beop B. R. Ru ehing appointed extrapointed extra patrolman for special duty. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow - patrolman for II spoolal duty'. Sing vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, 't9aehinaton end Yatterjohn,-B. • 1 Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I morn that the employment 11. C. Taylor employ of M. 0. Taylor at $176:00 per month to fill position on aswer.and street inspection j lmont in Do t. Publio "'orks for ,I forces made vacant by dieoharging or:a of the onginnere for absence from the work, be newer and Street ! inopootion. 'ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas, Pace.. Pulliam. �. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. M• q! Oommiesioner flaehtnmton offered the following motion: '7hereae there 1'e due E.R.Harding Oo. relative to Sower the R. R. Harding Company on Sewer District 3B-30 approximately $19,000.00, I move District 3B -3C that the E. R. Harding Com amount due them on Pant be paid $10,0011.00 on this e000unt and that eame.De l unfinished con- " tract disallowed. oharged to Se.+er District #3;. and that 49,000.00 be retained until he completes some minor defeats, as outlined by our'City Rnaineer. Lost upon Gall of the roll by the �following vote: Yeas. Tully and dashinaton,-2. Hays, Face, Pulliam and Yetterjohn.-3.' �OOn motion the Board adjourned upon call of the, roll by 6 yeae. AdoRlcdL=u..lo`r •+' -.••� ...___�-__—_�. �.. fro CWr'_ ,%moi nfi ' r DEOFISER BTR: 1923. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Comminsioners, held in the Commissioners' fChamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky. on December. 6th, 1923, at 11:30 o'clock �A. M. Upon call of'the roll the following answered to their. names:.Commissioners' BFaoe. Tully. Washington, -3. Mayor Katterjohn.beinm absent from the city Mayor. Pro. Tem Washington presided. Mayor Pro Tem Washington stated reaeone.for call to -wit: To allow pay -rolls and { taPq.other business that might come before the Board. ^ ,. y Commissioner Tully offered the fol]owinrr motioni I move that the s000un.ts for the t `. Report of Com last half of the month of November 1923, amounting to $16230.01. as per the report of. .-Missioner of public Finanoe'the Commissioner of Public Finance filed. herewith, be. allowed and ordered paid and the accounts for last half of q money appropriated from the 4eneral Fund to My same. .Adopted upon call of the roll '. !" Nov. 1923 Eby the following vote: Yeas. pace. Tully and 'Washington. -3. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the s000unts Aoocunts and Pay -rolls for !for the last half of. the month of November 1923, for the 3d District Sewer; as follows,,• last half of Fay roll ........ 4461.51 Nov. 1923 of 8 Supplies........ 84.06, 3rd Jietriot Special Pay Roll 62.42, total $697.99, be allowed and order.-' _ Sewer. ed paid and,the Commissioner of Publio Finance be authorized and instructed to draw checks against the No. 3 Diet. Sewer Fund Aoaount to pay same. Adopted upon Gall of"r �' the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Tully and '.Vash1nRtcn.-3., r rCommissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. ^, Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that Maitland Pierce ibe ell owed $24.20 for salary as inspector from December 1 to December 6th, inclusive. ' Maitland Pierce salary.allowed, and furthermore that he be allowed a leave of absence without pay until -the weather' - and granted leave of sb allows a resumption of continuous work on street pouring. Adopted upon call of the G`= Banco.x "roll by the following vote: Yeas; Pace, Pulliam. Tully and Waehinaton.-4. J on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. No.'s L' Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah—:___ M A 70 FI ^ � --_-192- rCommissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. ^, Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that Maitland Pierce ibe ell owed $24.20 for salary as inspector from December 1 to December 6th, inclusive. ' Maitland Pierce salary.allowed, and furthermore that he be allowed a leave of absence without pay until -the weather' and granted leave of sb allows a resumption of continuous work on street pouring. Adopted upon call of the G`= Banco.x "roll by the following vote: Yeas; Pace, Pulliam. Tully and Waehinaton.-4. J on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. M A 70 FI ^ � DECEMBER 8TH` 1923. ' #� t }' At a Called Meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners, held in the Commisetoners' ' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on December 8th. 1923, at 11•:10 o'clock, A. M. Upon oall'of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace. Pulliam. Tully and Waehingt6n;-4. Mayor Katterjohn being out of the City Mayor Pro Tem Washington presided.}` i Mayor Pro Tem Washington stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow partial'} payment, amounting to $10,000.00, for work done during the month of November 1923 on 'District 3A Third District Sewer. + B.R.Hard'Ing Co.. Co�iasioaer Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that E. R. Herding �, '. allowed partial payment of Company be allowed $10.000.00 partial payment on so oonnt of monthly estimate for Trunk '+ '. •'£;;.; 10.000.00 on + monthly esti-. Line Sewer Construction in District 3A for work done during lrovember 1923. and that 1;:." mate for Nov . Diet.3A.,- same be charged against 3rd District Sewer Fun4o. Adopted upon call of the roll by :: •. ",.. ' . !1923 the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam.Tully a� Washington. -4. ; r On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.4e:Z �rYi- • �~ City. fLY DECEMBER LOTH. 1923. cr At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiosionerei + c"• g/ i Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on December 10th. 1923. Upon call of thei roll the following answered to their names -Commissioners Pao a, Pulliam, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.. a. On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous.meetinge y y.r ?' were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Fnlligm Washington and Katterjohn.-4. f #$ Commissioner Tully entered the Commissioners' Chamber., * E.W.Bagby. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that E. W. Bagby. 11 Chas.leille, W. P.Flume 1, Chao. 'Aeille, W. P. Hummel,. Mrs. John J. Dorian and Mrs. Roy Katterjohn each be ap- Mrs:John J.. Dorian and pointed as members of the Carnegie Library Board for a period of four yearn. effective i Q, Mrs. Roy ` gatterjohn December 10th. 1923. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae.Pnoe;.:, appointed mom- bere of Libra- Tully, 'Washington and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Pulliam not voting. -+fi . ry Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: W. K..Wall, Folios Judge of Writ of 'prohi the City of Paducah and Carl Danker. City ALtarney, having been notified that J. F bition filed c- in MoCracken Cummings at al have filed a petition in mocraoken Cirouit Court for a writ of prohi- r"- ' Circuit Court to ..bitioafrom instituting prosecutions for violations of the license Ordinance. I move ' prevent. prosecutions far violations that City.SolioitOr Roeooa'.Heed be advised of the faot.and directed to defend said, of licensesetion..,Adopted ' upon call of the roll by the, following vote:. Yeas. Pace. Pulliam..' r Ordiranoe. a Tully. 8ashington sad Katierjohn. B. S i r '.�' sk. iLa,C: ti- .,.G:.7a=ii'rt+-=1:i.. • F.iS ',eu'''�-u:.•�:^.�+d%;,.�a•na+r u o•_:u. , +�a :+�:: •a ,u_�.•.. : nr•:s:strs.::.-;r•,.1_x: - -Jl.. .. -,..