HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 241, November 22, 1923k, ,>ix+^^+e' "^r;y'�"'',�,".-'T"ri f¢ `T' ` irrNsn+ifM+�s_} +�s=1,k,.. i -4, '. :.S l ' \?'!„'�'. ;, �� : 1.. y. r �.. - •+` .ly , i s i ' il', iii' y t r. `{.i4. :-.,i Z,f-n y fiZ-n.,�A-,: zf*+i`�. Af�'r L �t�;. zi st �e •�.s � L� �. .. .. 1k Commissioners"Proceedings City.of Paducah'v._.::�:::.. ;::_:;.�__ 192_ z. I Oommissioner, Tully' offered the following motion: It appear Irip that there is due ?the'Bohools the sum of $148.42 from.the tax collections to Nov. 17th lnoluBive,.I move 3oho6le allowed $148.42 due from' ithat-it be allowed and or paid -and the money appropriated from the. General, Fund to tax collect lone ;• to Ilov.17,1923. !Pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace', Pulliam;,' Tully, Washinitton and Katterjohn,-b. Communication of . Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the letter dated Mirwtok,htitohell II. & Co. A000untantst'November 17th of Marwick, Witchell & Go., Accountants. and Auditors of 3t. ..Louis, ]!a. and Aud ttora and Com'r.Finanoe to "be received and filed and their proposition to make an audit of the accounts of the notify them of .I employment to ,City of Paducah for the year 1923 for .the sum of $400.00 be accepted and the Commie- audit City'e. Accounts for sloner of Public Finance be instructed to notify them to.that effect. Adopted upon 1 .. ... .1923. (call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ]'nos, Pulliam; Titlly, !lashinaton and 'Katterjohn,-6. v Statement of Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the statement of the Com'r.Ftnance, of 3rd District 3d District Sewer Fund account, as par the report of 'the Commisnioner of Public Finanos ” Sewer Fund Ac count to date.. jfiled heresith, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe; Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohrt,-6. Com'r.I•ublio ;I Commissioner face offered the following motion: I,move. that the Commieeionar of ' Safety to employ two extra police.IPub.11o Safety be authorized to use two extra police, same to be oharaed to the Polios Department. Adopted upon call of the roll by .the followine vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam.-_ 1, A' r ;Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-b. !'. Commissioner Pulliam offored.the following motion: I move that the report of W.F..'." Report W.F. %Anderoon,In Anderson, Inspector, on the condition of inside of Dietriot 3B -3C trunk line sewers, { apector of con- ditl�n of inside copy, of whioh.roport..heving been delivered to F. I.R. Harding Company on October 26th, i of District 3B- ! 3C Trunk line x1923, be received ar,d filed. Adopted upon call of the roll b the following vote: Yeae -' P P Y �..:. Sever. %I Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Waahington and Fatter john, -ti. ti 'commissioner ',Yashington offered the following motion: I move that the oomrunioatio•',+ Communication Com'r.Iublicfrom I. A. Nashington, Commissioner of Public Property, rnlative;to the claim of Harri- Proporty.relative to Cleim of son Turley, be recoived and filed, and that the City 3oliottor be.authortzed and in- F Harrison Turley.M struoted'tio institute suit at once for the collection of this olaim. Adopted upon call ." of the roll by tho followinR vote: Yeas,Pfloe,P'ulI tam, Tully.'•Yaohingtan & Y.attorjohn,-6. fir7- ' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. 44 973 NOV MMM 2211D. 1923. At a Called ldeeting of the Board of Oor.•mlestonere hold in .the Oommiesioners' f i p� Chamber in the Gi'ty Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November 22nd, 1.923, at 4:15 aIalook r P. It. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Oomnieelonere Pe as i 'Pulliam, Tully, :9ashington and Mayor Katterjohn,-b.' i' Uayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose' of modify-• Ing and changing sever plane on 19th Street between Jefforeon Street ani Vonroe Street to to approved by tho board of Gommtenloners. and at:oh other business that mieht come before the Board: _ Commissioner Pulliam offored the,following motion: I.move that the.E. R..,' E.R.`Harding Co. notified of r Harding Company be notified that the intake Into the 19th Strn100 feet at 9e.�or about ` x` change in sewer. plans at 19th north of Jefferson Street, hne,been eliminated ar.d.a 42 tnoh"tnlet ordere4 to be etreot betxeen d' Jefferson St.and'placed at the alley between Jeffor.eon 3treo.t and Monroe Street, Bald dranire being 1'onroo St. i approved by the board of Commissioners. %.d all ted upon: call o,f the roll by the fol- lo'.vinR vote: Yee.s, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, '.9aehinaton and Yattorjohn,-6'. t -i :'..` _ w.'=..`..77'x•, FR .. _ .y r:..r79.U'f,J,*•:.:7'2^..''.a"Tit.':r>s3 No. ,Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-__— Commissioner Pulliam offered the following mo Li on: I move that the Oommnnibatioa' J AE.RHarding Co. ted November 22nd. ' lnat ifted' of re-" from the Commissioner of Iublia Torke to E. R. .Harding Company, da ^, jeat Ion ,tion of of par-!,. -30 Contrast. be ratified '` 1923, relative to rejection of 36" cracked sewar pipe on 3B t 3, oraoked sewer•Y ` pipe on 3B:-, 6L-fV received and filed: Adopted Upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas: Paoe. �i, y tt.Contraot. Z R Pulliam, Tully, 9ashington and Katterjohn,-6. 7, H 6, r' .r:: dpi On,motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll .by 6 yeas. . AQ6io3h°v�...g&..—---19gi _ APPRG�VS4D t ;*� t November 26th, 1923. t F •+ -t�1;�^,rte r;,;'! .`— '. : ,rJ , • At a Regular. Meoting of the Board of Commlesion'n e, hold in the Commfsnloners' Chamber inthe City No71,'.Taduonh, Y.entuoky, on Novomber 26th, 1923. Upon sal] of the t; roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners race'. Tullq, 7aehington and k r Mayor Kattorjohn.-4. y' n A. . On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous 'meetings were Y t, adopted as read upon on13 of the'roll by the following vote;•Yeae;'Pnoe, Tully. Ta eh _ ington and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. I„ t , l Commissioner Tully offoroA the following 'motion;"It apnearincr that there is , ( Schools a] lowed1- ;3490.13'due from due the Schools the sum of 3490.13 from the tax oolleotior,s to and Snoludinq Nov. 24th .° iz tax oollootions �to Nov.24th, 'I'move that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money' appropriated from the General' ' 1923. lc r Fund to pay same.. •Adapted upon sail of the roll bq�the following vote: Yeae, Pnoe. Pulliam. Tully. Washington and 1:at ter john, -6. a Commissioner Iullinm offered the following motion :'I move that acknowledge 3 4 Aaksowledgemont j E.R.librding Co. meat of E. R. Harding Co. of recelpt of Dopy of'motion passed Nov. 16. 79E3, be re- of reoelpt of w copy of motlun calved ant filed. Adopted i2 on call of the roll by the fo]7cwing vote: Yass, Pnoe, t 7 pasned Nov.16, p, 1923. Pulliam, Tully, .7ashington and Katterjohn,-6. t, Commissioner Iullinm offered the following motion: I move that Special Force til.. ? 'Speolal Payroll Aocount Pay -roll of Server Diet. f3 amounting to $10.97 for work done' on Trunk Line,• 'Se'aer District " 33 amountExteneione Nod. 22nd and 23rd. ]923, be allo;?ed and charged to the Third District Ing to 316.97 allowed.u• ` sower Fund e. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following 'vote: Yoae. Face. Pulliam 1Tully, ':7aehington and Ketterjohrn,-6. ar : J x L. A.'WashInatan ;, Commissioner t7ashinRton o?ferod the following motion; I move that the oommu 6, !� a mmunloation } •, relative tonioation from L. A. 7ashinP.ton, Commissioner of Tublio Troperty, dated November 19th, }r, Insurance held by Ctty in the 1923, relative to inouranoe held by the City of Iaduoah crith the Ohio 7n]7ey Fire k : }.+, Ohio Valley ?Vrc r of the roll by & Marine' Inn. Marine Inebranoe Company, be received and filed: Adopted upon oal] ; �, the following vote: Yoae, Paoe,Pulliem.l'ully.Aaahington and Katterjohn.-6: r t the following motion: I move that AN ORD IT Commissioner Dashinmton offered t, Retention Ordi- '.NA1lCE AA'c:NDING SUB -SECTION 7E. .SECTION 4, OF AN ORDINANCE ?1J9ITLED "Ald'.ORDI1lAl10E.PRO ' .nanoo dmon ed. y. . g JLDING FOR TH; AITOI1lTl.uafT OR ni';T:�IlLDV. BY THE BOAP.D 0'r' CO1:T:ISSI011,%MS Ot-11f.-: CITY OF r > PADIICAH. Y.�:II'ITiCLY, AND Full G' ;4!3IR .SALANIES, 1'0}73 3 111.D DU.".ADOI'Ti•9 BY TIIF. BOARD �y OF COLDSISSIONFRS.Oli lGSRCH 27TH. 192E,'bay'ndopted:" Adopted upon 'call' 'of the roll bq r+^ a rthe following vote: Yeas. Peas .Tu111am,Tu17y,4aehington andT'Katter'johri,;'_' a> c Commiealoner :7a thlnaton offornf the following motion: That, themattc+r of n 01ty.LIaon' so 'Tags referred !; i t. k r, r city lioenoa tea for automobiles be rofdreed 'to'the City Solioitior'for'roport next Lo City Solioij , r `,Lor for report: meeting.Adopted. upon' onll'of Life roll tiy',the' following`vot. Yeee. Taos', Pulliam 1 , 7j j F •.� r 7. "Vv. Tully, .4ishington and Katterjohn,C L ' a a; „I.. t• f it, it., •'r� ! 1� b A ,r lr( i. i. U'1 t,,., t ' i. 4? yrk .6 fi„ t F ti rr jr J: i:.. i f i'r e r t Y,Gf '' r. r•.. �T f. r`!-` C' 4,C -t SL' - � , ! • "a.2 .� te.., ti, .M.� ,...�.`xtw .-•,Vt •• i..(.,.ua^.::ixv:GL..s:s.•.wk:v'.:`4:fit+.'; .s Ll 51.:: ' e'i ...1. Vii•::.. ,�. iEK � ::+likia!_i� , �'?S ..