HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 24, May 3, 1922}•.� " s •,�. -•!�: r,•e.,_.--m n.•n.or>`.S ,,'y".,'• y.,i, Hy...rr-^`+�`•5S�'� c m? ,_,�.... .. ... .......... •.t. _._cam. .,.. ...'_. _....-. ......... n.. . _.. ..'A�...-.. .. , -..5`.:7•., I ..r }4x u.•.,.-- I_.. `Commissioners' Proceedings, .City of Paducah L 192=- C•` Linvor.Katterjohn offered the following motion I move that a Resolution entitleQ �r Resolution "des-' "A RESOLUTION DESCRIBING THE RIGHT• OF WAY FOR ,TRUNK LINE' SVIMS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IV, i cribing right of way and order -SUB -DIVISIONS A. B: ANBD C. , SZ.3-0 DISTRICT NUMBIM THREE, AND; ORDERING THAT SAID RIGHT t ing.said right 'of way to be '•', OF WAY BE CONDr3.51rD AS FROVIDED BY LAW AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY SOLICITOR TO IITSTITUTE y i oordemned. i Ft L > PROCEEDINGS TO aam, tN SAID RIGHT OF WAY.^ be adopted.` Adopted upon cell of the roll i t by,the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn, t, On motion the Board adjourned upon oall•of•.the roll by 4,yeas. doptcd APPRO'ci 2D t r » , cur er. r MAYO R.. ty l MAY 1ST, 1922. At a Regular L:oeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' a '• i� Chamber in the City Hell, Paducah, Kentucky. on Liay let, 1922. Upon call of the roll - '•7'''' !.:' '; the following answered to'. their ranee: Commissioners Paco. Tully, Washington and Mayor' fi Kattorjohn.-4. kr' On motion of, Oommi esio nor Washington the minutes of the previous meetings 'Koro ' adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yoae, Mae. Tully. I_ 7ashington and Ketterjohn,-4. ! 3300.00 aggro- Mayor Kat ter john offered the following motion: That the sum of $300.00 be printed from Contingent Fund appropriated from the Contingent Fund for the purpose of planting flowers and outt Ing, for purpose of .plantinrr flowers •grass in the, -Parks of the City for the year 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the and cutting - . lr ,x graeo in parks. following vote: Yoae, Paoe; Tully; Washington and Iatterjohn.-4. Commisotorer race offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Chief of Police for the '• Chief of Polios for the month of April 192& be received and filed:' Adopted upon'oall- r`� month of April t x•1922. ; .-Of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully,'9ashington and Katterjohr.,-4.: ' T- t:Gornmieuionor lashington offered the following. motion: I move that'the transfer s Oemetory trans- fer from T. B. from T. B.'Fairleigh to C. .0. Pace and hie wife. I:fary L. Pace, to Lot No. 3061 in t Fairloigh to }• 4 C.C.Peoe.andB1ook Ito. 20, Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the it Mary L. Paoe. �. ti -fo]10%71nr vote: Yoae, Pace, Tully. Vlashington and Katterjohn,-4'. Commiaoioner Pace offered the following motion: I Moro that Joe* Iverlet be Joe-Ivorlet-ap r; pointed an extra 'appointed an. extra policeman, fof:,e peri6d of thirty days, offootivo from this date. E;;; policeman for. y. thirty days: Adopted' upon call of the roll by the followinR vote: Yoae, Taoo, Tully, lanhington and l Kai tor johrl -4. a On motion the Board adjourned upon call. of the roll by 4 yeas.' �'. Ade'le4 19 L_ r ` ' ares ew MAY 3RD. 1922.�'k v c, t At'a Called Meet Ing of the Board .of Oorto0leaionore, hold in, the Commissioners' x< I Chamber in .the City Hall, iaduoah..'Ken tuokq,,'on-May 3rd",' 1922, et 3 o'clock P. -.}a. j � '" •• ' +t Upon call of'the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully, i 17ashington end,tdcgor Kat ter john, -4. �'• s ' L{ayor.KatterjohnLetated reasons for call' to -wit: ,For the purpose of euth t orizing tho Mayor and Ooinmiestoner of Public Finnnoe to,,borr,ow 16,000.00 from the.',:'`" t ' ,, x Oita national Dcnk,,for the. un nrd`bonofit of the'Citq of Paduoah, and any other { .. bneinoeo that might come before the Board. jjp9} � i'4 J _J t r �, p "• f 3 k J t3..:.11J. t..14Y..., •.........I) ,..I •"'C' --.L L T . �J . I I -w. .0 r,,. ?,t'a .� . ..a. 1, ...� ... ...k«•.p `�.. . s� .. iS+.. ., *�,: :w::µ,ri::t:..•rF�4':,3, iA' moi::. ._t •. ;!.U:4 -..d.n<..•i V.v.. .y. •,� -+'r++ .r•' .:rwnr�..,�.. ..t. �•a> .. • �,'''••-... � •�J� - -• "� ... t � iN 9.Sw:.i:Ji`.s.17wa4=. .. b'-- - . . '., .:'�, fir-dt•;', .. .. . . _ _ s �),t ,3.iw' r,F' x <a,L, . !l M- 1 �tY.n 4rw 1�� �.t , ?• s �- .,,, �1 � t .4 r� �+, 'r -.,.,� .. ' N0.. S ' Commissioners' Proceedings,.,City. . of Paducah '. 192 1 ;.. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:.>`I.move-that the petition.. f from Ahe property holders In the vicinity of 12th and Flournoy,.Streets be received rj Oto.m Tribe II0.60, N .� Improved Order of land filed and. that a license be granted to Otega Tribe Ilo: 60, Improved Order of Red Rod 1•:en'e Carnival at 12th & ;ilournoy )don, to hold a carnival near 1£th drd.Flournoy 9tr6nts, for the. week of }.'eq.8th to i 113th inclusive, provided no mombllnP.• devices are allowed. Adopted upon. cal I-of`the, roll by the following vote: Yeas; lace, Tully. ?7aehYngton,-3; Iiays,'Katter�ohn;-1. . Commissioner Tully offered the fol]o*.ina motion; I move' -that an ordinanoo ''• C16 Borrow money uentitled "A}; 0 DIIIATTCR ALTf}?0'.?ISII:G A17 DII?;:CTIPG.T?II }'AYOR ALD Cctaiis2ior?I OF FUBLIO ' from City L'at tonal !j ?i „ Bek. i'FSIWCS TO BORRO',4 '.1;; SUI!, OF I�'Ii"lr'FdI THOUSAtID (y`16,000.00) DO•..I,ARS FROM T?L{ CITY AA- TIO14AL BAII}: OF PADUO:J1, }'r ITUCBY, ARD TO ^(...CI:T;i !. I(OT« FOR SAID '3iILi FOR A'IiD Oil BL-..,. �HAlF OF SAID CITY," be adopted.Adopted upon oall of the roll by the .following vote,. { Yeae, Paco, Tully, Washington and Battnrjohn,-4. �. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. That the balance of account ' h r.1Standard Oil'Co. (amofu.tln to 335.04, duo the Standard Cil Company for the ,ear 1921, be allowed and -1lo:11ed ;85.04, duo on a000nnt for ordored paid .ani ohargod.,to the Contingent Fund. Adopted upon oall of the roll by thq the year 1921. �. following vote: Yoau, Paoo, Tully, ;7nnhington,-3; Hays, BatLerjohn,-1. I 1 II Commissioner l.achington offered the follo-ninre motion: That Herbst & Ohnotine . --Horbat & Chastine .;I be allo':iod to make an opening in concrete street at 25th &, Broadway 3 feet square, to make opening in oonorote street at {;provided that the openinR to tho.bottorn of the presont oonorote be filled with eon - ?.5th & Broadway. liorete 1-4-8 mixture, and that the 'six inches of the pavement be replaced•with 1-E-* Rwa( oonorote reinforoed.1with expansion joints of anphhlt around the out, all work .to be done under the supervision and direotinn of -the, Commissioner of Public Works. or some-, f `� I; one deet ated by his office. Adopted upon call of e roll by the followhnvote: mtha Yeas, Paoe, Tully, 7ashin(tton and Batterjohn,-4. ji Commissioner Pace offored the fo]]owinP motion: I move that the sale of Chemical 'tank sold N by Chief Slaughter dChemical Tank sold by .Chief Slaubhtor for $124:75 be ratified. Adopted upon oall of r for •124.75.. ' the roll by the following vote;.Yoas, Paoe, Tully. 9nshington and Battorjohn,-4. E It On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the. roll by .4 yeas., a _I e1 Ia.i SlJ� Hos. pV1iJ.D. c t. �,1.�YfIK. z 1,L1Y 5TF.. 1922. �o dry i.t a Called iieeting of the Board of Commiosionors; hold in the Commissioners! t p Ohambor in the City Hall Paducah, Bontuoky, on Vdy 5th, 19££, at 10'o'olook A,.1?.. # a Upon oall of tho roll the following aneworod to thnir. nnmou;' Commisoionoro. I'aoe, t� Tully, ;Yashington and Mayor Kattorjohn,-4. biayor }:nttorjohn stated roanonu for on71 to-',7it; For tho purnoso of al]owinR :pay, -rolls and any othar buninoun that mir-ht gomn boforn thn Board. Ro}?ort,of' Com'r. _ Commisoionor Tully offorod the fol]osIng motion: I move thnt tho ecoonnts for ; I'ub]!o Finanoo of p, •e000imts for the tho. lent half of the mow,th of.April. amountinm to 314838+65, as pnr- the rnport of the last half 'of ( ' April. OonniouLOner of Pub]!u Finanoo find horawith bo a310o-Ind Ind ordered pai.] and the yj, money appropriated, from the Oenorul Fund to pay ue:mo. Adoptod-uponcall of tho-roll b the follo',ring vote: Yoao Paco Tull Vauhin ton and Fatter ohn -4. .Y . . Y. g j ' t Commissioner Tully offered the f0120V1ing motion: .I move that the report.of the. Rorort of Com'r....� OommicoLoner, of Public Finanoe for the month of April .be rooeivod, filed and.ordered a4$, Public Finance ,ubliohod in'the offioial nowu nor. Ado tod.0 on ohlI of tho roll h the fo]lox n (S *. , _for the month of. � I P P P P Y g April 1922.veto; Yeas; Paoe,..Tully,. licnhington end }:atter john, -4. VI .i3: i„}�• mss. . .r a- r t' u"13"k9'"s .".?S7Jw"['IIT�'ticT?P: