HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 239, November 15, 1923} e�'C A1C„ N'$ ai:, b/,; ' Y' J wH :^C- I. , Y'� � `h' e (1T 1. ti �(ti t t; W.1vv.�; •''�_� .,. - 1.nt :•� _ 'Y •t'vS .\u SM.-... �'il -j .'i ��.. y A. :.•HY j rki` r ay >t r 4 .- s.:,. n -i . .;..x...—Ir_ �r � ._..r -,:t,..... s y '� �.,..i..i Y • �._..:raseu1.+....;,.� 1 !:a.r.:? ., r' r • ' No._Z— ::;' : Commissioners'! Proceedings, City of Paducah-`;* _. t i 192— mate for part of iot.$1':Bl6ok'$6 Addition "1d", $53,...$913.57, a total of $13044.42, . p'I_ move that it be allowed and„ordered paid and charged.. to: New Construction and .the s: money appropriated from the” General Pund to pay same. Adopted upon call, of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Tully and ,Katterjohn;-7. 3. Commissioner Tully.offered the following motion: I•t,appearinR that thereis due Schools allow; . ed $409.65 -. the Schools the aum of $409.66 from the tax collootiono to Nov. 10th.,I move. that it _. due from ool- leatione on a be allowed arid ordered paid and the money appropriated from the'0eneral Fund to pay taxes to Nov.ti 10th, 1923. same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followinr.vote: Yens, Pace, Tiilly and Katterjohn.-3. On. motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yens. { NOV.-AtBI-2 16TH. 19E3. ,e At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuaky, on November 15th, 1923,: at 10 o'olook A.M. Upon call of the roll.the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace. Pulliam, Tully, 9aehington and Mayor Y•atterJohn.-5.'. Mayor Katterjohn.etated reasons for call Lo -wit: To hear the report of the Chief Engineer on Sewer.Distriot No. 3, also disposition of surplus dirt on Sewer District No. 3, and an; other bus trees, that maycome before the Board. Commissioner Pulliam offarod the following motion: That the employment of 0. S. talker as onPineer-inepeoLor at salary of "175.00 per month. effective as of Q g. Nal k er . employed as-.i November 6th, 1923. be approved., and that his time or salary he ohargod against the . nginear speotor. work or department he is actually engeaod.1n.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, lashington and Y.atterjohn,-6. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the report Report Com'r. i"of the Commission or of'Publio 711orke and Chief Engineer, statinrr that contract for i Publio Norke d A Chief Engineer's trunk line sewers in District 3B -3C is not oomplete and in a condition to be scoop ted relative to the y oo:nhletion of by'the City, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Sub -Divisions„ , ' B.& C., Sewer vote: Yeae. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, ''Nashington and Katterjohn,-5. District #3. , Commissioner Pulliam offered the followina motion: I move that the F. R. Harding- Company. De and are hereby notified that the City disagrees with the state= " ..3.F.ardinR Co. ment in the oommuniontion of said Company reoelved,and filed on November 12th.19E3 no$ified of City'e.rejeat to the effect that the contract for construction of trunk line eowore for Sub -Divi- ion of Sub - Divisions B.& 0.. cions B. and 0. of Sewer District No. 3 is oomplete and 'ready for acceptance; \. Sewor.DIat.#3 9 ' no now. oomplet al and furthermore that the City refuses to accept said contract as complete."' :i but refero said -company to the several 'oommuniontlone. 'from the City ani from the Snginaerina Dopartment.'no to the work neoesRary for completion. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followina vote: Yeao, rade ,Fulham,Tully,Vaahington;Y.atterJohn. -.5 N Concniesioner Pulliam offered the followina motion:' I move that the lest West Y.y.Coel I Y.entuaky Coal .Company be notified that their hopper .bins cocetructed within the Co. notified d '. to remove last three months externa onto Second Street between Ohio and Tennessee, and part of structure on .. �. City'eproperty 1! said struoture at nnls on property belonoinv to the City of paduoah, and furthermore on End St. betn1 } Ohio and Tenn. that snid Company be and are hereby ordered to remove such portion of -the structure as obstructs, public property. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ,followina vote 5 1 j. Yens, Pulliam, 'Pully, aashirigton,-3; Naya, Taae and Y.atterjohn,-2, t w r On motion the. Board adjourned upon on11'of the roll by -5 yeas. �:i=.[r R•C�'v'G'iw`a .' - t.-f�rr..�l:sv:t+y�(n.•w.: rI .t..Fw.� �!�reT'. r1"�I^'1: 2.^k,. w•.,,�"2'!' kp"t.. r - . ,3 ..