HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 228, October 22, 1923}t �4i.="'i'- •fj' t t •'.""�`'u�,'°�", 1' � 'j. r '1 :a, ✓ird ,��.:. tr. 'r r. a.., e:�'n •::'- �y� +r t ••.�,rrttrxsJ'+FL'^9��fi"iTi�i"" ��r a;•�-" ua <�.+ yd't.�1 c Sze`- �rsya.'�J..?� - .r....... , No. _ Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah__..____..______��...____..______192 OCTOBER 20TH. 1923. Z'' At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Oommiseionere' -, �. U_ Chamberis the City Hall, Paducah. mm Kentucky. on October 20th. 1923, et 11:26 O'olook A. Y. Upon call of she roll the following answered to their names: Coissioners!. Pace. Tully. Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-4. tt+r Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: To allow the pay-rolls for s'{ the first half of October. and ouch other.bueiness that might come before the Boerd.::.;j+o+;,''•.,..`_; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay-roll for r? jj the first half of the month of October. amounting to $6.009.68, as per the report of i Pay-roll for I, first half of the Commissioner of Public Pinanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the + r.t; October 1923: money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted'upon call of the roll ^• by the following vote: Yeas, Paos, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-4. �..;•, ,.. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay-roll for z' the first-half of the month of October for .the 3rd District Sewer, amounting to Pay-roll tori • J ^ first half of $393.00. be allowed and ordered paid..and the Commissioner of Public Finance be author- jj October 1923 fort, 3rd District ised and instructed to draw checks against the No. 3 District Sewer Fund Account to ^:I S--rc•_' r; sewer. - . ;:..., .. pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Tully. r+r.•. Vii-„ Washington and Katterjohn.-4. r Commieeioner Tully offered the following motion: That John Lindler having 4 John Lirdler aili resigned, effective this,date, I move that he be allowed salary amounting to $28.22 T lowed salary a ,, 'on a000nnt of from October 16th to 20th. and the Commissioner.of Publio-Finanoe be eathorised'and his resignation: C tnstruoted to issue check and charge same to the 3rd District Sower AocounL. tAdopted +c t, k. npon call of the roll by-the following' vote: Yeae..Pace, Tully, Washington and r a ! Ketterjohn.-4.S- nd:'.C.Jr.: A.' On ' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll-by 4 yeas. .i, ':J'-,�iAdoplodl5+�—"►•-a-9."'1 l9?�.. H.;. r i i r COMBER FEND. 19E3. `' s ' •.,' , ;. ,. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commi'ssionere. held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the pity Hall. Paducah. Kentuclpr. on October 22nd, 1923. Upon hall of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace. Washington and Mayo! ' On motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of the previous meetings were t U adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Washington and Katter i{ :John,- 3 Oommiesioner Pulliam ontered the Commissioners' Chamber. (EErI Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication '•'!t''1 aE.R:Harding Co. from E. R. Harding Company, dated October 16th. 1923. relative to deductionsmade on .communication 3 ,,in re: deductions Monthly Estimate for work done to October Iat, 1923, on 3A Sewer, be received aand .made on Monthly :Setimate for work. filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. ` ;to Oot.1,1923 �Dietriat 3A. Washington.and Katterjohn.-4. Oommiseioner Tully entered the Commissioners' Chamber. Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the.00mmunioation •: Fire Fighters r. { Internation Un-. of the lire Fightere.International Union be received and filed. Adopted upon call of J ion oommunioa-- tion in re 10% the roll by the following vole: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully, Washington. Katterjohn.=6. rniss in enlary.�;: t: ! :Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that there is Schools allowed~ X�6233.18 due due the Schools the sum of $6233.18 from,the tax collections for. the week ending, t from tax oolleoj. + s '.Lions. October. 20th;•I move that it be allowed and ordered paid and Lhe•money, appropriated . 4 � _,` - �ti31:-Yk..J:.4•f �. ,,::1: l.ffe> �r:1f:,'-, iz. �.1 s'� .-e.;.i' r.-,L,.+:.`_,,.e _ .+. _ •�, cr.....oeu:..o.u::-unv.y.u.iJi•..::r'-&v4r..a.\ ,� ; •fit _.. • "s NM: K.�.eM1rt+.+�.a+ywr rri�7ti�u„ y.,: .4�d'^,;� ' ,'Nil✓�.'tl F, i* 1 :.l ..b _. .rr 'T �.y. +'"•Li:Y t V i i Ti✓.•)•� *^r ,i , L i ..#�. ,f '1 Y ifMlL W S ji_ d T r -hy . ii 1?'i�r...i 2 r h jj 'mak 1: 7.ir , sit- < } ,L i 1 Na Commissioners` Proceedings, City of. Paducah'__-.'_,+ :_ .._ _.1 192__ } from the general;Fund to pay,eame. Adopted,upon *all of the r?ll:by the following :-•n;i ', m; - -•6 vote; Yens, .Paoe, 1ull1am. Tully, WashinRton and Ratter john, -6, Oommleeloner Tully offered the following motions I move that the Commissioner Street Bonds b; of Publio Finanoe be authorised to pay off. take up and oanoel,Street. Bonds and Coupone Coupons in City National Bank �in the City National Bank to the amount.of $164.59 and... to draw_• check against the paid off. d:I ,•T io: i ;1Speoial Street Fund A000unt to pay same. Adopted upon oall of the roll.by the follow-''';r''°gl filing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. Oommleeioner Tully offered the following motion:. I move that the notion of the P Anploymont of r0ommisstonor of I'ublio Finanos in appointing Henry Hsnneberger to aeniat the Assessor Honry Hennegarger to assist the ;1n writin:g up his tax book for two months at a salary of $160.00 per month, effective Assessor. 10otober 16th, be approved.Adoptod upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. 'Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, !Washington and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the followirg motion: I move that the following !itemized statement of..Wynn Tully as delegate to the Ohio Valley Improvement Assooiation 'i Convention held in Cinoinnati on Ootober 17th. and 18th, amounting to $63.19, be .y Expenses Wye allowed and ordered paid and oharged to Contingent: ., ..,, Tully, delegate il to Ohio Valley ,il Fare to Louisville ......... $8.13 Fare to Louisville.........$4.31 Imp.Aeeo. Con -Pullman .................... 1.73 Pullman,................... .76 vention at Cin_ in Dinner.......... 3.05 Porter ..................... .ED olnnatt. Ohio. Porter ..................... .E6 Meals...................... 3.30 w - Supper,. ........ 1.35 Room ....................... 4.60 -.. Fare to Cincinnati,........ 4.3I Fare to Paduoah,........... 8.13 " Pullman . .................. 3.00 Pullman.... .......... 1.73 Porter, ... ....... .E5 Dinner, 3.10 ......... . 25 $ ' Room ....................... 3.85 Taxinnati-Louieville &radu*ah.........EOb TOTAL, Adopted upon oall of tha'roll by the followinR.vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ,� p,� ,T. .•a ay (�. gWashing ton and Katterjohn.-6. Report RenryA.'� Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I Love that the report of Pulllam,Chle? Engineer, rela-' Henry A. Pulliam, Chief Engineer of sewer oonstruotion relative to. the work to be done Live to work to be done on ;on oontraot for Trunk Linie Sewors Distriot 3B-30 before aooeptanoe by the City, be t Trunk Line Sewer; Diotriot 38-30 4received 'arid. filed; and a oopy of said report be delivered to the $ R. Harding Company.; r.. before ao*ept- . n anoe. (Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Iaos. Pulliam, Tully,. c Washington and Katter'ohn.-b: r Yanoy & John Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion-..I'move that A RESOLUTION. son, Contraotorei extension of EXTM1DINO,THL+ TIM OF YANCY & JOHNSON, CONTRACTORS, FOR THIS CONSTRUCTION OF. CURBS AND time to oompl eta r; oontraots Noe.. ;!OUTTYRS UNDER 0011TRAOTS 1108. 7 AND 8, be adopted. Adopted upon 0811 of the roll Dy {x�� 7 and 8. q the follow! , 4 s a following votes Yede. Pnoe,Pulliam,tmehiggton; >l,Naya.Tully and Katterjohn,-E. Commissioner raoe offered the following motion: I move that all firemen, day J� 10% Raise- ?end night operators of the Paduoah Fire Department be allowed a 30 raise in salary, .i Fire Departments. 4 -, ;;.effective November let. 1923. same to be ahargad to the Oontinaent Fund.. jCommissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the motion graotr � err ing an inorease of 10,6 in pay to the members of the Fire Department be amended ae 10% raise-. d City &ployses.;follows: That an inoreass of 20% in pay be also granted to all other Otty Employes• , r j effective November let, 19E3, and that the City Soliottor be inetruoted to bring in ,U !an ordinanoe granting same. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the followirg vote: Yeas,,, Y Paoe, Pulliam. Tully. :Washington, -4; Nays, Xatterjohn,-1. t The original motion of Mr. Paoe, as amended by the'motion of Mr. Tully, was }:4 then voted upon and adopted upon oall of the roll by the . fol lowtnR vote: Yeas, Paas, Tully, Katterjohn,-3; Nays. lashtnaton,-1. Commiestonw Pulliam not voting. P p. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motton. I move the following Amend.!'rm.,, pment to the motion reining salarloo of oity omployoso 10%: That inaemuoh no the quos- tion of paid raise was -started by the Mayor of the City of Paducah,.that.he be allowed. r one weak to report to thn Board the ways and means of makinR said raises, and that ' ^�-:S 'Zy .+, .•s^H,. ,-. . t ..�...,. as57."�L"?•':'=?R'D¢='Tii^•.�J?'",'+??;rT"}. "-t'A r47P-VZ-C:.^,: r"". AR -6�' YI Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-_-_ _.____ _._-__.__-192— ' ., 1-.. , aotioa on Bald motion .De deferred pending such report. Lost span sell of the roll by �. the following vote: Yeae. Pace and Pulliam; -2: Rays, Tally; 7ashington'end Katterjohn- .'r Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Whereas. illicit liquor , 0.3.7a at. �Lioenei has been 1000vered in the plaoo' of business of t4. E. Beet 'at 1E6 South Beoond Street, �' to sell Malt ,& Oereal.Beverages •d and E. F. Surratt has.bwen convicted for violation of the prohibition law, I move " tLnt the license to do bueinese.in said place be.revoked; and the Chief of Police in - a r •til•., 2 atruoted•to'arrest any one attempting or making a sale•in said place of bueireee. . c= p; Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:"Yeas, Pace.- Pulliam, Washington. `i Yoe l°n A and Katterjohn,-4: * Commissioner Tully not voting. F � � • On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.,- Ys Adr/1rd�c� - � _.:l► ? A1P=PROV:�,:D uuovo r' -is. N1 A XN ;2 not.atonan is OCTOBER 297H 192-3. , •( .. Ata Regular meeting of the board of 0ommiseionere, held in the Commission- t City Rall Paducah, Kentucky, on October 29th. 1923. Upon call of ere Chamber in the 0 y " -"ihe roll the following anewer.od to their names:•Commissioners. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, i; a 1 11 „. Washington and Mayor Katterjohn, -6.' " " 'On motion of Commissioner Pulliam the•minutes of the previous moattng were r adopted ae read and'oorreoced upon call of the roll•by the following vote: Yeae,, Pace, . , .. .. ....... s fi. Pulltaro, ,Tully. KatLOr.J6hn..4; tieye, 7laehin9t0n,-1. ; .... Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I. move that the communication' E.R.Harding Co... .'dated October 23rd, 1923 from E: R. Harding Company relative to sewer on 19th and Olay r oommuncoation: [£ relative tovote-­- t Street, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote r` Bower on 19th R . i, Clay St.. rYoae, pace. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-6. Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion:. I move that the following item Bxpenoes of of F. W. Katterjohn, C., W. Craig. H. A. Potter and W. L. Berry, as I i,ired statements F.'R.Katterjoha 0•1•0raig 1,,.delegatee to the Ohio Valley Improvement 48800tattgn Convent ton held in Cincinnati +�+ t H.A.Pettor fl : ,•1, . .. i N, L. Berry ntterd• on October 17th and 18th. amounting to $204.96 be allowed and ordered paid and, charged; x:.. l Ing Ohio Valley Imp.Asso.Oon- to the Contingent Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. vent ion. pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn, Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommuntos- „Lion flaLed. October 26th, 1923, fro rp the Paducah Railway Company. enclosing statement Paducah Rail- way oommunioa- ,of the groes earnings, operating expenses, taxes and balance for the year and Ing tion enclosing etatemont ofSeptember 30th. 1923, be received and filed. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the t gross earnings .Ao., for year following. vote: Yeae,Paoe,Pu3liam.Tully,7ashington end KBLterjohn, Z =, and Ing Rep t. 30.1923. Mayor Katterjohn offered the fol lowing•motion: I move that the Engineer's ( Estimate for the construction of an alley with concrete in block 9, Old Town City of 3_ Engineer's Estimate for J (,Paducah. Kentuoly, be received, filed, accepted and confirmed. Adopted upon Dell of 1- con str uct ion 7 iof alley in the roll by the following vote: Yeae• Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,7a eh inaton and Katterjohn 6 ,IYt r 4" k Y Block 9 0]d t' Town by G. w. •- _ .. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing there le due i i Katterjohn.. t the Schools the sum of $9881.23 from the Lax,00lleotione for the week ending October � •'` Schools taxes:' for week end- - E7th, 1923, I move that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from Ing Oot.27th,.h 19,23. t the General Fund to pay same;- Adopted upon oall of the roll ,by the following voter i ,,,.Yeae, Paoe. Pullism...Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-6. I " J Commissioner. Tally .offered the following motion: It appearing that an error ". f v i ErrorJ.A.Kelly Tax assess- was made in. the assessment J. A..Kelly on Tex Bill #1948,, whereby there is a ,1.; P �IDeriL norreet�. ,of • . .:. ed and he duplioation'of $360.00 in his seeoeement. I -move that he be refunded the eum'of c Fr refunded'!-'!! $8.33.. $8.33,,the.amount:of,tax paid on this. doable assessment. Adopted upon cell of the i J t of t r roll by the following vote Yeae,Paoe.Pulllam.Tn31y.11aehington Katterjohn,-6s J r& ...w, :.'.F�IJ •v'i.&: •,.,y,.•':�.rL3:;l.l:j.i�'-SC.74,+4. .w,.. ,.;W:..• _ ,,_:.0 . w.. a.uau: � ...:V_.v..r- -- h- ,..cti„ ":{S :. ry .