HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 223, October 5, 1923�s 5 ti X52. x`1 F • S- .,. ., _ ?-.-t�.t. _ `��r s..� ,`^.rte... d.. ;:w�>.- �::u.Ltii:.k�:'`:3_�:d .i :y,,,��.,31..s`�� ,.._. :.. { Nd Commissioners': Proceedinp City. of Paducah..--f192— Y OC'OB:-i EIM . 1923. 1 At a Called L!eeting of the board of Commissioners held in the'Commissioners' 1 Chamber in the City Hall; Paducah; P_wntuoky, on October. End." -1-923,` at 11 o'ol'a A.M. Upon call of the' roll tho following answered to the lr ramoe: Commissioners Peon,;` 1. q' ' I Pulliam, Tully; l7ashington and Payor hctterjohn,=6.' ' Llsyor.Katterjohn stated reasons for, call to-�-it: To"pass ordinance' role Live` to 1' I revokinR eny licence issued by the City of Prdnoah for violation of. certain Ia:ra.'' Oortmisuioner Fulltam offered the folloTina, motion: ,I move that All ORDINAI1C3 Ordinance provid ing for revoking FROVI MG NOR '[4 RhVOI:INC, 01, 'AUY L10"N'lr ISSU"D.BY 1111.' CI'T'Y OF PADUCAT1, I^:11TUC1';Y,•.T0 '" r of aiy license for violation of AI.,Y'F:R30U, FIRL1, C0}.gA11Y 01? CORIORA'.^I Y FOR VIOLISIOII'OF Cj1TTAI'_ 1V,.'.9S r? THR CITY OF certain laws and Prohibit len haw. pADUC.l1?, i;:21'PUCY.Y. A?U '1'1'.3 FROFIBIT1011 1AW, be adopted.` 'Adopted upon •call of the roll by the follovina vote: Yeas, Paco, Pulliam, billy, lanhin'Rton' and Kr.tterjohn,-6. On motion 11the Boar3 edjourned upon oall-of the roll by 6 yeas: ': ,i. ydo i.d iii _r'' Irc�r OCTOB 3 6TH.. 1923. i At a Called Moeting'of the board of Commissioners; held in the Commissioners Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Oatohar bth, ]923 at 11 o'clock A Lr f Upon call of the roll the foIIowinR-aYsrrared to their'names. Commis Paoe., 1 Pulliam, Tully and 3aahington,-4. Mayos Lattorjohn being aboort'from the .City r 'r. •: Mnyor Fro Tom Uahir,aton presides. r + Llavor Iro Tom :7ashington stated roaaone for call to -crit: To'allow pay- t .1 1 rolls for the last half. of Sopt.ember .19P.3. and any other businees'that might come 4 before the Board; Commlsstorer Tully offered the _fo]]owina'motion:- I`move that:`the r000unte''.;.;:, •, ; - `:. ,r I) Iay-roll last for, the last half of the month of .iaptwmbnr ]9E i, amounting to 322076.66, ae ,pwr the c. half September t 1923. :report of the Commissioner of Fubllo Finance filed herewith; bo allowed and ordered P aid ar3 the money 4 P appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon �? call of the roll by the following,vote; Yons, Paoe,Pu]l1am,Tully and `,Iashinaton,-4, '- Comm.'offered the following motion: I move that the r,.000unte issioner Tullv r Pay -roll for 3rd6 for. the last half of the month of z�ertember, 1923, for the 3d District Sewer .'as 's District Se;•ior •' 4 { 1'or" lent half Po]lorre: Pay 'Ro11...... ...479.79' t Sol:tember 192:;,' Supplies, 31.36, a total of $611.15, be allow-.' od ar:d'ordered paid and the Commiuoioner of lublio 'b'inanoe he 'authorized.arri in-. atruoted to `draw .checks arrainot':the Vo. 3 District Sewer Fund t:000unt to pay same'. K : Adppted upon 'call of the roll by the Yo1loTvina vote: Yens. Faoe", Pu]lirmTul]y and 7ashinaton,-4. Commianior,er Tully'offered the following motion: I move that the spacial 51,bla] Foy-roIPay-roll from the Department of Pub]ib 'loris. from Oct. End to 4th inclusive' amount" _ Street `UaI artment :r; inrr'to 369. 78 be alloyed nr:d ordered pe id and ohrxRed to Streets. Adopted upon call - of' the allof'the roll by,the'followina vote: YeaB.Faoe,'Fu3 I lam,rul lj and 'WashinP1on,-4. r t' Commissioner Pace .offered the fo]lowina motion: I.move 'that Lhe Volunteers - Volunteers 'of Of America 'is allo.red x75.00' to be paid j2b.00 monthly Tor balance of the year ,Amor lea al].o•ved <t ,. , 75.00..' 1923 nn,l fiame to be ahnirged to-Minoellaneoun Charity. Ada Opt ❑pan oesll. of the roll by' the following" vote: Yeas, Igoe', PulliaM, '14,11y and t7nshinrttos,-4; Commissioner Pulliam offered,the Po]lowirp motlon;'I movw that the monthly 1.:onth3y Estimate cork dor,o by e'e.timate for .vork done 3urinq Soptombor,'1023, on 'the norstruotion of Contract IIo. 7, S Yanoy.8: Joi:nuon- ", t on .entrant, Curb & Gutter.••,orY. on I.:onroo Street, be approved and that Yanoy &'Johnooh, Contreot-. ors; be innucd monthly saga.^overmnt wnrrnnto'rorr107U.41 in Faymont thereon. Adopted ' . ,. i'11"<f.:" '-1 i : ? ;i'4'f^► 't•. it4 .,r+.•. r-rb^,.M�w•w - 'kC'T=i rr V"j•'•tM+T+,,,w•d•-`" t •nrv?,,+'.v-Y•r "i r ♦+(.;.-.n .�� , .-, "T'd%'1.�. 1 �.J. - =w�,..�,y `�.�.}�y�.r•re w5 `pas �ry>�r�4:;r r.r; !"r+r ;� "j;` + 'rrr-nrs: i..a".K':t.Y"Ck`.gv"-'r.+,'ra��f:'. 'LIv \i�.:r,� •i:, r -.a.� r4.;i •+y1. . , _ rv.S' ..• ` 4. l.'!. V•• Y - 1"r+�• 3 -, ,til t 'rd'xy. fj ', lci ( J & ✓ } -., • .'r—.a J ..r....�'L'-._. } .�..•..�_..Ut.a:r •�j: `'�., _ "_. •�yy,,.,..��ry"r�r-..,..-��......_iia�t...uu.,.,.-.. 77777,Na <� Ii ..Commissioners" i Hers" ProceedingsCit of Paducah Comm ss o, Y � g upon call of the roll by the' following vote: Yore. Face, Pulliam, Tully and '=lashing- ton;+ -4. •'_ r:: ,,.^ ' " Commissioner Pulliam; offered, the fol ,Io,r+ine motion; '.I move that the monthly C i` rdi:C• ', -1 ; Monthly Rctirta,te estimate .for .vork done,.dtirirg September ]923 on the construction of Qon, tract Yo.6, + 7 ,for September work dor:e by Mur re II Blvd. paving, be approved and that ,YancyI& Johnson; contractors, be -issued k• . Yanoy &.,Johnson on Contraot , 6.. �fmprpyemont. warrants for' $10,1.72.68 in payment. thereon., Gdopted upon call of the roll i + { by. .the,folloning.vote:'Yeas, Pros. Pulliam,"Tully, grid Jashir,gton,-4: 1 Commissione.r.Pulllam. offered the following motion: I. move that the monthly .- 1!6nth3y j;otimate ,;eatimato for drk Aono during 9ept9mbor 1923, on tho construction of street contract s ;for 5oytombor cork done by .•11o. 3,• on 4th Street- :7ashington .to Clark Stront and on.'.7anhington St. 6th Street to t ` Yancy &, Johnson ;on Contract •J3. • .; Gth Street, be approved, and, that Yanoy & Johneon, 'Cor;traotore, be issued, ir..proverrnnt _ k+.: ' warrants for $334.26 in pamnont thereon. Adopted upon• call of the roll by. the .follo v � '°:' •..j ing vote:. Yeas. pace,, Pulliam, Tully, and 'liashington,-4. } ., CommisuLonor Pulliam offered the fol]oving motion: I move that the F1. R. Hrrd- I:.R.ftordlna Co.. dna Company be allotaed $15,000.00 in pr_rt paymont on monthly estimate for work done eIIo++od,.$15,000: ' w , during September 1923 or, construction of trunk line nw.vers in District 31., and that + '_ In past peyment' on L;onthly Esti- mate -for ',vork the Commissioner. of Tub finance be'authorized AM instructed to Ara -+ chook.for__ r , } T Idone during Sept.- on Die-,'ri 315 ,000.00.'aaainst 3rd. Distriot Sowor Frnrd ,therefor;• :.dopted ,upon call of the roll ' triot '3A. f i by she fo]'lo'aing vote: yeas, Ppoe. PuPI iam, ,Tully lard 'lashinaton,-4. Commiseioner•.'',7aehington offered' the fol7cainq motion: That the•oommunicetton Yanoy &,John son x. from Yancy & Johnson,' Contraotorsi requesting-the_City to Fzrant them an ertonsior, of -.00mmunidation requesting ax- time on Contract #7, be.receivad ar.d filed, - and that'action he.defsrred until Regular s-• i ' tension of time .,:on Contract . 7: lSeeting of the Board of Liondw .-October 8th. r Adorted upon call of the roll by the r; n ,q C..;, :::fol lo'•vinq-vote:' Yeas',' ?roe; 'Pulliam, Tully and Washington', -4. .14 On mo tion the- Board ad �otirned upon oa] 1 oY the roll.'by 4, ;Ione. ' r Adopts r ` MAYe>R.. 0^TOKM 8TH, 1973 eft a 'Regular Mee t.lno,of the Board, of Commisslonere held in the Commissioners' Chamber City Hi'll,' I'aduoah, Kentiialpl, on Octobsr 8th, 1923:. Upon. ball of the.d, ;In`'the _ n "roll tho..follotvirig nno'.vornd to: their names: Commissioners Poon, Pulliam; .Tully. . '7ashington.and. L�avor Katterjohn',=SL' " On' motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of. the previous meetings •hero c'doptod as -read upon onll.of the roll by the following voto:Y.Yens, PGoe„Pu111am,'Tully; -' (:. t j:: t7auhington and.Kattnrjohn, 5. Commtauloner'Tully_offored the fo11owl ng motion: That fire dolo(-atna be appointed - Delogatns to be oppolfitei by by 'the I,ay'or to reprps^nnt the City of Paducr,h nt the Ohio. Dalley, Imrrocsmant .lonocla :.,., t ..: E, L;agor to c t toad, tion Convontion to be hold at Oinainnati .Ohio, on.0otober. .17-16. ,they expense "of Ohio valloy,imp •. `naso. Convontlon nt.binolnnati.;,: railraoat faro and'Hotel billo,to be.pnid,by;the City, and chnrraed to Oontingert'run9 1 Ado]itod.upon ani] of the roll by, the follor+ing rote Yeas, Pgoa, T,ttllinm, itt]1y ; + Yashinrttun nrd nattorjohn, G 1lonthly Ho}ort foc a Iayor' Katterjohn oi'fored th.e fo]]o,71ng motion; I nave that th9,month]y, report fes ^.� s d : ; • ( o• F...: iiure.ing r: :, : • . 1 Publto,Health:; September 1923.of,tho,Tublio`.Itealth Servlo9'be reoa;tved ari.fi7ed. Adopted :.. ::. :Ilursinir Sorvioe. :•a'-�„_ z l upon oa]1 of,the ro31 ..by the following vote Yeaa. Iaoo, Pulliam, Tully, t7achington l t {{ "S J• 4 and I:z ttor ohn 6 ,' o .` < f: 1t+�' -. rt tali y:: (Y� t{ = r L �. '= 1; :I•i' f:- � - 1 t+-tl. -k .� r t)'• � b _1 r1i'.\i il, 't -, i.,='\” '+.( �. C,\ f} , 'i et � .Pf 1.T t `• ^ ' 3 �\ } -. "4 ' .1�'_._.. a:1• y.:.... -t I.,� A,;.. ....«:.a..r::.1L ...»_.. ,,. .. ...,r: +' i:i Yl � 1.41\ .1+ . C. � ... Nr- .-�.M ....viY}1•.C4a::S-.6i'i:�'S=?r� •.M 't t k\ -.. .,'f„ •I ab,;;.f.;,,.;.: Ud1=` .i :. r., y' \ Di :.,-•Qrd:.�i..c= _ ,.r, p Y • . . _ - •• " -.