HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 211, September 5, 1923='ir-.;..r�'�tr�,�.+a'�rry�i...x'�•��+z1n •r. •�'��'`''�i:'�'�t 'p�"'.'b.'" 12"�ke�7Ln'� +.t xYyf�'�.r-.+e 'ii',w.; �_ �<•. :.,j HT1. �r.�iy"„�_� • < 7 i I ..y: Y'f _-. '' [ L • 41f f n t ' No. z Commissioners .Proceedings, City of Paducah—"___' ' _ } 192_,, ' BUT -2 5TH, 1993., tiAt a Called ldeeting of the board of Commissioners, held in the Oommiesionere'. Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky,. on September 5th, 1923., at 10:00.o'olook A. 'M.- Upon call: of the roll the following answered to Aheir names: Commiestoners Pace, Tully, Weshington acd Myer Katterjohn,-4. n_ Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of reoeiving - ' bide for the construction of alley running from End -and 3rd Streets and between Broad- , may and Jefferson Streets, as advertised, and nuoh othor business that may come before the Board. i Commissioner Nashington offered the following motion: Yhereas,'the Official Hewspaper failed to advertise properly for receiving bids eet.for AURust 6th, 1923. i Com''r.Fublio Works ' to-r8radvertise. 'for the construction. of alley bet':veen broadway and Jefforson Streets and End end 3rd for bids on alley betn.End <& 3rd & 1 Streets, I now.move that bids be received on Soptember 15th,. 1923, at 10 o'clock A.M. Broadway and j...1` Jefferson Sts. and that the Commissionor of Public 'Yorke be authorized to advertise five times In for Sept.15,1923. rthe Official Iiewspaper before the day of receiving bide. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. ' �. Commissioner 7ashington offered the following motion; Thrt the employment �aployment of of -David Smith at the rate of 11 carts an hour and the employment of Williem Yell.' David Smith end ,Yillicm ';/all. at the rate of j3.00 e'day in the Depr_rtment of Public Works,.be'ratified. Adopted - upon.oall of the roll by the followinv, vote; Yeas, Pace, Tully and IYsehtngton,-3; Ha ye 'S;'I.- I. Katterjohn,-1. Commissioner Tully offered the'followinR motion; I mova that the accounts S' Accounts end a _ P y= roll last half'' for the last half of the month of Aumist 1923, .amountinR to.118253.64, as per the ' `. August 1923 and repart ,of the Commissioner of lublio i'iranoe filed here-.vith, be allo•.ved. and ordered .' retort Com'r: of I'ublio i'inenoe.. paid curd the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yana, Tnoe, Tully; 1Yashinwfon,-3; 11nys, Xntter- . ;... john', -1• Commissioner Tully offered the following, motion- I move that the accounts Fay -roll forfor the last half of the month of Auguat 1923 for the '3d.Dietriot Sewer, es followa: last half of �. august 1923 for Pay Roll...............8 398.67 3rd District Supplies ............... 1191.70, total $1590.27, be allowed, f Sewer. and ordered paid and the Commissior.or of lublio !'inance be authorized and.instruoted to draw checks against the #3 District Se�vor Fund account to pay same. Adopted upon ' �.`.. :'call of the.roll by the.follo'ninR vote: Yeas, Pros, Tully, 7ashinaton,Y•atterjohn,.-4. } On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. } A2 -PRO V s . SEPTLD.D3}lt -5th, 1993. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioner e' Chember in the City.nall, Faduoah, Yentuoky, on September 5th,,1923, at E o'clock P.lt., ;. Upon call of the roll the following answered, to their names: Commissioners Pace. ..Tully*, ` Aaehington and Mayor Y.atterjohn,-4: ' On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings ware adopted as read upon call of.the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Taoe, Tully, 'Yashington end. 1 •, Katterjohn,-4. - • , ,, i' ' : . .,.�. 'F'!" y . "�-��^ � :.. •. •i.✓. '� _ �4�•^'3f `. V '..} .. • i.:..-iN�:ti��'r.. •��''��l.i.'li �.. '1'..,'.a.�'.•..:3 wx�.-.: w� ::.SI. T• H Na ;g y p.." Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _ _-192— r - - Jack Nelson Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication 'aiti ommunoaon. q_. from Jack Belson be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. F Oommissionor Tully offered the following motion: The sum of.$50.00 having been Cemetery deed paid into the Treasury, as evidenced by the rooelpt filed herewith. .1 move that deed be to Bettie Jordan'. {" �d1 ezecuted to Nettle Jordan for Lot J9, Block $3, on the�South side of Rank Street, be- tae on Ford and Hannan Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. .Adopted upon call of the roll by f S p '. r -,• the following vote: Yeas, race, Tully, Taehington and Ratter john,-4.: r, Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the reeiRtation of'` r ._ Reeiimation of Jeak "d.Releon Jack W. Belson, as patrolman, be accepted, effective today, and his salary for five dayb -:--'3 "'' anoepted.� in September, amounting to 416.35, be allowed, and -the Oommiesioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to issue check to pay same, and charge same to the Police, Department. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote,: Yeas. Pace, Tully, a, Taehington.-3; Nays; Ratterjohn,-1. Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion. I more that the report of'the "Report Chief of -:r; Police for Chief of Police"fcr the month of. August 1923 be received and filed. Adopted upon call t,.,.;-;," •.ti, August 1923., of the. roll by the following vote: Yeas. Face. Tully, Washington .and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of the R0 Report Chief of Chief of the Fire Department for the month of August 1923 be received and f fled. Fire Department 6 for.August 1923.-Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Tully, TashinRton and +'• .• t`::" Katterjohn,-4. d r Commissioner. Washington offered the following motion: I move that the City St .Bernard Coal 9o1"Loiter be instructed. to bring in an vrdirsnoe sllowtnit. a" St. 'Form_rd Coal Coq)ary Company to'b-o allowed to con- to construct a sidetrack across the alley running between Jefferson and Monroe Streets r struot sidetrack across alley from Tenth Street toward Eleventh Street.. Adopted upon can of-the roll by the follow running beta. Jefferson A Ing vote:.Yeas, Pace,, Tully.. Washington and Katterjohn,-4, Monroe Ste. frog 10th St. toward On motion.the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. r 11th St. Adopfed' T1E30� �tt KTTi7:13E3 7TH. 1923. t Ata Called Meeting of the Board-of Comm Lasionere•; held in the Commissioners'- t; Ganmbor in the City, Hall; Paducah, Kor,tuoky, on September 7th, .1923, at 11:40 A.M. ; : Upon call of the-roll the•follo:ainrr one:vered to their names: Commissioners Pace, " Tully, Washington and Uayor Kattorjohn,-4.. F Mayor Katterjohn stated reasona for onll .to-wit: To allow partial ',aymonta of Y Est"imatna on L.H.FlardinR Oompnny Oontraot, and any other buninmae.'thnt might Deme be ;r fore. the Board. Commissioner Tal.lv' offered the follominrr motion. I moon that the 'r'.. Vit. P.arding i Company. Contractor',' be allowed and paid the sum of 410,000.00 for, labor.-performed and ' E. R' Hard irx Co. paid $10,00000 materials furnished for the construotion`of trimk line severe in sewer District No. 3 ' on estimates.: 1.. ..3rd. District said sum"to-'be deducted from its r-egular eotima'tee,Rhioh will be prepared and. al lowed Sewer con= struotion.;;' on Mondo:y September 10th, 1923, and the Commissioner' of Publio Finance. is hereby ` p atithorized"and' dire cted to issue check io the said E. Ri,HardinR Company. for said 'sum, s `end charge same to the 3rd :Dietriot Sewer Aocount. 'Adopted upon ,`eall of-the roll by , y, {' 'the-following vote:-Yeas; Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4:',,, t -. Y.dsOrlf>4`ra:• ., /. .. ,+,x.,.,..:-.1:, .t .-.�. Ct,-.:.�•;_.,.a..•;�.i:7.: Y�:., r r�.w.-.t;,.-_..x:..w_. .,�,� - ....+:_�+�.�u'A.'.h - _ _