HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 208, August 22, 1923R , N NO, Commissioners'. Proceedings, City of Paducah______:-_..:.— Commissioner Paoe offered the.fo]loning motion: I. move that.Wynn Tully. Commissioner R.P. Thornton ' salary for .first of Public Finance, be authorized to pay $63.22 to R. P. Thornton, Patrolman, for Bala s half August ry for.first.half of the month of August. which was left off of pay-roll by mistake. �.,;4.i. :• Y� Adopted upon still of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Tully. 'Washington and pt Katterjohn.-4. Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. rt v Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that lire. Frank Augustus be paid the sum of gevonty Five (076.00)' Dollars in full for personal Mrs.Frank . , Ap metua paid injuries reooived by. her at nd Jackson Stroete on account of automobile in whioh J 76.00 pareonell iI ' tnjuriee r000ly- she vine riding, running into hole, and Wynn Tully, Commissioner of Public Pinaaoe is ). 5 ad by her at 6th & Jaoknon hereby uuthorirei to pay sal4 num upon prenontation of proper relonno propnred by,the '; ',•, 1 .6to. on account y' 4. automohlle City Solicltor,.and that name be ohor,Rnd to Conte and Anita. Adopted upon call of the running into ' .,holo. roll by the following vote: Ynae, Paoe,Pu131am,Tully.Waehington and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner lashington offered the following motion: I move that Chas. '': X Spook, or hie attorneys, Puryear & Furyear., be paid the sum of $76.00 in full settlement ; ,'Ohae.Speok paid \+„ ;•a. . 1.,$76.00 on of all olaims the said Speak has against the City of Paduonh, which claim arieoe out' account of suit againut O.W. of the ouit of C. W. Kattorjohn ve Ohae.3peok and the City of Paducah., Yy., and ,Wynn . r Kattor john and- City of Paducah. Tully, Oommiouionor of Public Finanoe Is horeby'authoriesd to pay paid num upon ' i prosontation of proper rolnase, and charge "time to 00oto and Suite. Adoptod upon .call 7 of the roll by the following vote: Yono, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Waehington,•4g ftys+r� ; �aLtpajohn,-1. "i On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yens, �'• ;�. FA1'Ybb0:'1 AuUW) 'P At a Oallod Mooting of tho Board of Commissioners, held in the Comminoloners' r1' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kontuoky, on Ansrust EEnd, 1923, at 11:00 o'clock 4 i A. L..' upon call of tho roll the following answered to their .names: Commissioners, Pace. Fu]liam. Tully, Waahir.Pton r.nd Layor Y.atterjohn.-6. Mayor Y,atterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: For the purnone of adopting plane fore Life oonetruotion of the alloy, bot-.,teen 2nd and third Street and Broorlway i. and Jefferson Stroet, and cry other business that miehi come before the Board. F r Roport Com'r. Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the k' vblio Finance. showing Apport- Oommiesioner of Public Flnanoe showing the Apportionment. the Amounts hxperded and thel, Sonmant. Amounts xponded and Ba]anoes to tho credit of the various accounts under the different departments at the +• a]anoee to orad ht, different and of July 1923, bo received and filed.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ,follow- r : opt e. q - inq. vote: Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, 'Pully, 'Wash ington arA Kattor john,-G. Commissioner Pulliam offored the following motion: That the Commissioner of *• Bids- to be re- Fublio.'9orks be authorized and, instructed' to advertise for bide for the oonetruotion, ' oeived Aug.E9, 41923 Alley betn., of alley botween Broadway and Jefferson Streets and. End and 3rd Streets. by five is 'way:& 7effer- son Ste. and ,End' sections in the Official Itewepaper, said; bids to be received 'Aug29th, 19 E3, nL d , 3rd Sts: t" 10 o'olook,A., M. Adopted upon oall_of the roll•by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe; Pulliam; Tully, Washington and Katierjohn.-6.' a ? On motion the Board adjourned upon oalfbf•Lhe roil by 6 yens. is � _ k- til 'a.`� 3 .•r. , .. "',i?,'' .ti i i .,5`; ,. . � 1,' ' + ' .efl•oaJ ,e2Zif d.i� 1 A.,E'i; ��'`.� " •, r 1. v. llw? ;?'r f: _ ...M _. 45 �,:""_�S:vX,� ,.. -r �J ". L , •f ,fay. ..�.. �..: ..- ,o,...,u,:%...w:�,.:. _ .._. , +., , ..