HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 207, August 20, 1923., - f: , i�. � ,, rac 1^ y�te>�r-'sr,�j' i � { -c.- Lr4, 4�-;N1,i rl"'y -.4. }k'' •['S', 1 �Sy ,, � r,-u/,t�4r: '-.1„ l 1 { x , q 1- Commissioners: Proceedings;: City of• Paducah-. ' _:_. -,1 } 192- ` Pulliam, Tully, lashington and Yatterjohn,-6. r r; t r iI COMM isslonar Pulliam. offered .the folloriing moti.m .I move that the communication .. 1. Southern Roads from`the Southern Reade Company; 104.1J.'17th Stroot'; Birmingham,,Alebema,•aveiling it - Co. oommunioatio and certified I self of option in its bid and refusing to construct paving 'Or. Fountain'Avenue; between bond in re: con -h etruotion of 17th Broadway and Jefforeon on account of advorao opinion of their, attorney, be-reoeived. ' St. b'etn.B!way 7 and Jefferson St and filed; and, furthermore,'that the coriifiod ol:eok bond deposited pith the Southern 7; Roads,Company'u bid be roturned to said Coml,any. Adoptod'uuon:oall of the roll by the t 'following vote: Ynas,'Face,*Full lam, Tully, 'lashlnrrton and-Katterjohn,-6. i Commissioner Pulliam offered the follo."inR motion: I move that the copy of t v: Cojy,of notice notice nerved on F. R. Hardln,;z Company au ordered by this Board'April 20, 1923, and served on E.R. Harding Co. as reooipted by .said Company, be rooeived and filed. .Adoptod upon call of the roll by i ordered by Board April 20,1923. the following vote: Ynas, Faoe, Pulliam; Tilly; :1ashington and Xattorjohn,-6. I Commiosioner Fulliam.offorod.the fo]]o^lien motionc.I movo.thrt'the'�opy of ,r. Copy of notice notice served or. E. R. HordinR.Compr.ny as ordered by this Rnard, April 9, 1923, and t served on 4.R. Herdiaig Co., as reoeipted by said ,Company, be received and filed. Adopted: upon pall -of the roll.by ordered by Board f on Alril 9, 1923; the following vote:' -.Yeas, Pace, Pulliam; Tully, 'Jashinaton.ard Kr_tterjohn;•6. "r4, On motion the Board' adjourned upon call of tho roll -by 5 leas'. Adop{oA AUGUST 20TH. 1923, ' AL n Regular Meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners,, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on August 20th; 1923:'.Upon call of the roll the following.answered to their names; Commissioners Pace, Tully, Washington and Mellor Katterjohn,-4•. t On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetirge were " adopted ae read and corrected upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, J Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-4. Commissioner Tully offerod the following motion: That the City Solicitor be City Solicitor... • to bring in, inatruoted to bring in an amendment to the,broadway traffic ordinance, prohibiting _'. ordinance amend ing traffic „ w y person with automohile`or other vehicle from making a left hand turn at or be-,. . ordinaroe on Bir aad:ay, prb- tween Third. Four, r'ifth or Sixth Streets on Broadway. Adopted upon call of the ; hibItIng left- hand turns. -roll. by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully; Washington and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion -'It appearing there is due `!. iSchools allowed the Schools the sum of 9184.05 from the oollootion of 1923 taxes for the week ending 3164.05 from -4 tax collections Auauat 18th, 1923, 1 move that the amount be allo:ved.and ordered paid and the money' for week ending v Auyrust 18,1923. appropriated from the General r'und to pay eama. Adopted upon call of the roll Dy q the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4'. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:'It appearing there is due' .;` Sohools.allowod' ' r ,;6,005.09 from the Schools the sum of,8.008.09 from the collection of Franchise taxes to Reek ending :- ".' Franohise.taxes to '.-rook ending August 18th, 1923, I move the amount be allo:•Yed and ordered .paid and. the money August 18,7923... f appropriatod from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by - the following vote: Yoao. Face, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,•4. f Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That tho bill of Marwick, Marwiok.Mitchell r: k Co., Auditorsd Mitchell A Company, Auditors of St.' Louis, Mo., amounting to 9268.41, for auditing bill for auditing : aocounts Board'. the accounts of the.Board of Ftuoation, be approved and reforred_.to the Board of of 3iuoation ? '. approved and re-. Education for payment. Adopted upon call of the roll by the. following vote: Yeae, 'ferrod to Board 8.'. of :;duoation for Pace, Tully, Washington. and Katterjohn,-4. pgvman t. i' T; :- SM'•' '.r' ...-. a..:t^-•-• .'-'T'A,:'.i.. .. �,,.t; <r.,::-ZM'11;' 7VaN 1: Z- .' 7,•;'.:.."wnP:til...• "-31;7",,.:t-'`.�..:,iSx• J4; .._..,. .C.--•r,+w,'..'f ': Irt+14 �� •':4 ri•Y•wa" .`v,,K. -.�t ^ r ti r �� ' No. r: .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-:_____.:_.-_.:.__—_.__-..-192— ;. I Oommieeioner Pace offered the.following motion: I.move that.Wynn Tully. Commissioner ;• Thornton ...- , ° ` � • salary for firet,of Publio Finance, be authorized to pay 863.EE to R. P. Thornton; Patrolman•. for sale- ; half Au--uet 1:123. ry for.first. half of the month of August. which was left off of pay-roll by mistake. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Tully. Sashington and ' Kat ter john,-4. Commissioner Pulliam entered the Oommiselonars' Ohamber. F, Oommissionor Washington offered the following motion: I move that Mrs. Frank 6uRustue bo paid the sum of gevonty Five (076.00) Dollare in full for personal lir c. Frank Aumtstus paid injuries reooived byher ate and Jackson Streets on account of automobile in which II 76.00 per sonal, ,njurios rooeiv- she' wap riding, running.into hole, and Wynn Tully, Oommiseioner of Publio Maisse is ad by her at 6th & Jnoknon hereby uuthorisel to pay na14 uum upon presentation of proper relaano propnred by the i titso on accountS•' sutomohile My Solicitor, and that name be chor,and to Oonto ftnd Sults. Adopted upon call of the running into �- holo...roil by the following vote:Ynae, Paos,Pulliam,Tully,WnahinRton and Katterjohn,•6. Commissioner Paehington offered the following motion: I move that Ohne. '1 Speak, or his attorneys, Puryear & Furyear., bo pnid the cum of $75.00 in full setLlement;••,11 "Ohae.Speok paid ` '$76.00 on of all claims the said Spook has against the Oity of Paducah, which claim arises out' { } Q000unt'of suit against.0.17: of the suit of 0. W. Kattorjohn ve Ohea.Speok and the Oity of Paducah, Ky., and Wynn rS Kattor john and. '.01ty:oi Paduonh. Tu11y,.0ommisuionor of Publio Flnanoe is hereby authorived to pay paid num upon prouontation of proper rolnaee, and charge namo to Oocto and Suits. Adopted upon .call 1 y• of the roll by the followinq vote: Yoao, Paas, rulliam. Tully, Waahin0on,4i' laystry 4 On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by B yons, T rr veepood isda� w'rY ;eo 1 AUouwr EEiID. 1921. rr At a Oallod Hooting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommincioners' G' Chamber in tho.City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Anqust EEnd, 19E3, at 11:00 0 olock 4•,til, S<., A. K. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names Commiseionere r f Pace, Pulliam, Tully, :4ashir.gton end Layer Kntterjohn,-6. Y* Mr.yor Y,atterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: For, the purpose of adopting plane for the construction-of the alloy, between End and third Strnet and Broadway and Jeff areon Stroet, and cry other business that mipht come before the Board.. Report Com'r. Oommieeloner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the ublio Finance. shoeing Apport-.• ..Oommiseioner of Publio Finance showing the Apportionment, the Amounts Rxperrtad and the , ` Sonmont. Amounts `• +xponded and 'Balanoes to the credit of the various accounts under the different departments rt the j.. is noes to ored it, difforent end of July 1923, bo received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow- epte. t, inq.vote. Yens,.Pnae, Pulliam, Tullry; Washington arA Kattorjohn,-G. f" i. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the Commissioner of Bide 'to be re- 4ublio'•4orko be authorizedand instruoted to advertise for bide. for the oonstruotion G a . 'oeived Avg.E9', `'9E3 Alley betn. of alley botween Broadway' and Jefferson Streets'and End and 3rd Streets., by five in- loon 'way: & Jeffers 074' �- peon Ste.• ond,End•' •. eertions in the Official newspaper. said; bids to be received'Auguat�E9th, 1923; at t a 3rd Ste: 10 o'clook.A. M. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. vote:' Yeas, Pace- Pulliam.- Tully, Washington and Kntter3 0 hn.-6.'' t On motion ,the Board adjourned upon call'of the roll by B 'i. t. Y� l 4 :li• 'alt 1 •» .. d J2.9 .a1'eZir1 5 ,! V, 11 ?ids. (• .<A-, ..'�' �i:Q-I , ,.LM1.r,.r.v.<>.q.l, ... r '.d..'t . ..'„r. .y,•c-. vrtd.•P,4,...,..a. _ .... -. /.. .. 'r , - , �'