HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 204, August 13, 1923- _. _--•""-'--..•-. ..�.. .. __..vim..-_.... .. ,."..._ .. ... .. _ - ,.... t•r r_... t_.. __._..�- ^. . 7771 f4 No,� 4 y Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_ --198— Yanoy & Johnson Commieuloner Pulliam ofiere the following m:tione That the eatim!:tea for Datta Y � ' $nt. for :�xt.Wk: Cont. 47 num %7 or doi;o Auring July, 1923, on contract 47, be. approved zrd the Commisuionor of Public c , a1:,lo:ved 29©.57 . Finance be nutharised and in:utruotod to pay to Y!•noy Johnnon. aontraotors, the sum SiF of �E98.67, said sum being payment Ln full for paid .r•rk, and charas same to Nen Construction A000unt. Adopted.upon the call of the roll by the 0o3lo.rina vote: Yeas, Paco, Fulliam. Tully and 7a9hington9-4., Ordln;�noe Por>.. ` All w in Blook Cowalssioner Pulliam offorod the followini; motion: That an. ordinance providing ¢' . 9: bet'.2nd 3rd Ste. & bet. for the construction of an alley in Block 9. Old Torm,.togothor with 91Y neoeasary Blway. & Jeffor•�, �+ sot. Stronto: manholes, oatch basin intakes r_nd us:.er pil os', running from seoond otront .to third .-1 H otraot,. bot:ioen'Broad'.+ay and Jofforoon. strnot,,, in ,the City, of Pa,luoah, Yontuoky, at r' s' ; •` the oo:::t of the abutting l?rel orty "ownnrn, and providing that eamn ohall be con:ltruotod t Y " ul on the ten year payment plan, -be ado?•tod. Adopted u!'on the call of the roll by the .. following vote: Yoao, Pace, Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4.. � On motion the Board ndjournod upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. a AOeNo� A P • �--' • ' �/ sem- ` � � , • AuPru at 13TH, 1923. At 'a Regular Meeting of the-Board.of:Commissioners held in the Commissioners', 'Chamber in the City Ha11, Paducah, Kentucky. on Auwet'13th, 1923, Upon call of the } �, roll the following answered to their names: Commieaionare Pace, Pulliam, Tully and *,'i.• AashinPton,-4. Mayor Katterjohn,boina absont'from the City, Myer Pro. Tem. .Washing-' 1 C y:ton presided. t On motion of. Commissioner. Tully the mirutos of the previous-moeting were adopt- ed as road,Ohll of the roll by the following vote; .Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully and V Washington, -4: Comm issionor 'laehington'offered the followinP..•motion: That the oommunication from _ `. Contract betn. Supt. Hills of.the 11. C. & St. L. R. R.,'togethor with the contract for no.7er eaten- N.C. & SL. L.Ry. and City, rola- Bion aoroas the 11.'C. & St. L. R. R. property be received, filed and r000rded in the tive to sewer construction andoontruot.book and the year referred to by Kr. Hills be ohan"d on the oontraoi. A. '.� communication of, Supt.Hills. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follovInR vote: Yeao,'race, Pulliam, Tul1V and } Wnshington..-4• I } t. t'- Commiseionnr '.7aohington offorod the fol']o::inR motion: That the report of Y1 an Report MoCraoken4 Blanche :.. Paraell, Publia Health Nurse for'the month of July 1923 be received and I County Public Realth League. �- filed- Adopted upon oall'of the roll by .the follovina vote: Yeaa. reoe, Pulliam,,'.. Tully .and Washington, -4: ; " .Commissioner Washington offered the follo'aing motion: That the report of River i Report River- aide hospital, showing the Rcperditures and Collnotionn durirr. the month of July 123,', side Pospital and Patients toRethhr '•71Lh the Patients Deport for the month of July, be received and filod. .. ' Report. �, . c' '• Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Pace. Pulliam. 'fully and Wa8hington,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the Com - •Report Com'r. miesioner of rub lio Finance for.the month'of July 192.3 be received.' filed and ordered' Public Finance ' :''•ti' ` ' for July 1923. 1'published in.the'Official Newepapor.' Adopted upon, call of the roll by the following i vote: Yeaa;'Paoe; Fulliam, Tully and Washington', -4., Commis3ioner Tully offered the follo:ving_iotlon:-The t• the report of the Com- Report*Oom'r. misaioner`of-Publio Firianoe.of the checking account of the #3 Dietriot Sewer Fund (, . Fublio Finance :of 3rd District .'for'the,month.of July 19 E3 bo''reoeiveQ,'filed nnd'orderod.pubiiah.od'in the official F •?'<'' 'Sewer Fund Checking A000unl newspaper:' Adopted upon call 'of the'roll by the following vote :"Yoae,.-Pace, Pulliam, for July 1923.'' Tully and -W ehingloot 4. `ti•i ..isvT�Leda:.:.a,J., .;..¢ , :.y', .. .. /++.i v � .-:a a.i -.... r Jv..._..t ,Y,n rr yC y.._. -.a•.. r•r....rrv_.. i; r. -..v.... e... L. ,.....eY.t.°, �-.i d� No `..'.. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of 'Paducah_ +. ,_ .:::.� �' --192 Commissioner Tully offered the fol]owina motion: It appearing that the Inter- 1 national Shoe Company paid the full amount of June Tax Bill #1772 $4EO.67, when they Internation Shoe Company refunded 7, have heretofore been. exempted from City Tax for a period of five years 'end 19 E3 Doing City Tax paid � the, loot year of said exemption, I move the be refunded the amount.of City Tax being on June Tax Bill �� p Y g #1772 on account) 263,74 for June on aosesement of $36300.00 at rate of $1.50 per hundred. Adopted upon b year tax exem- ption. ). . call of the roll. by .the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,. Tully and Washir•gton,-4. Commissioner Pace offered the follo•iInR motion: That.Fire Chief Slaughter be Fire Chief �� authorized and directed to attend the State Convention of Pyre Chiefs to be held in S1 aic�htor to it Louisville, Xy., the wool• hof Sept. 10th to 16th, the a ense of the trip,not to ex - attend State Con-� p vontlon of Fire $ iofe to be 60.00, and to be charged to. the Fire Depnrtmont. Adopted upon cell of.the roll • - Ch� coed hold in Louie-. vi]le,,Ky. by the following vote: Yeas, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully and WaohinRton,-4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the Communication from the Paiuoah Railway Co. dated August 9th, 1923, oonoerninR the layir.a o Paducah Rail•.vay f brick along q Co. oommuniontion the tracks on 1923 otroet oonetruotion. be received and filed. ,Adopted upon call of concerning laying of brick along i the roll by the following vote: Yoas Paoe Tullinm Tull and Washington, 4. Its trnoka on • • Y •- 1923 Ston. eon -I utruCommissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the communication from otion 1 Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, agreeing to allow Paducah Railway Company to place brick •'.' Yanoy & Johnson communication, d along tracks of 1923 street construction, be received and filed. Adopted upon call c ' agreeing to allow Paducah of the roll by the.following dote: Y.oas, race. Pulliam, i!ully and ',Tashi.rgton,-4'. Ry. Co. to }lay - brick as above. Commissioner, Pulliam offered the following motion: I -move that the monthly esti:cate for vork done during July 1923, on contract too, 7, Ourb and uuttor Construe , Monthly :otimntely tion, be approved ind that the ,Commii3oionor of 1'ublio Pinenoo be authorised and for July 1923 h `r on Contract No. 7, w9rk done by directed .to iusuo Improvement "'arrants.l'or the sum of $1066.17, to Yanoy & Johnuon, Yanoy k Jlo-xed ,N Contractors said:eum being 66;5 of the total amount of work done no rovioed b law, , .. amount a]lo•,�ud ,) . R P Y .' r,^105FG.17. �i and furthermore tiat.Yancy & Johnson be notified that a,deduction will be made from the final eutimate on account of inauffioient.watering and ourinR of concrete on 12th,: St., oetween Tennessee & Jones, or that Bald work •.rill be rejected entirely' et` the dieorotion or the Board of Coicalesioners. Adopted upon call of'Oo roll by the follow- lag vote: Yeaa, Pulliam, 'Pully and washinvt6n,-3: Ilaye, Paoe,-1. . On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the. roll by 4 yeas. dd�plN f0Ail P AUGUST 16TH, 1923. J At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Oommiselonere'. Ohamber in the city Hall, Faduoah, Kentucky, on August 16th,'1923, at 2+35 o'clock P.li.t,•_ Upon call of the roll tho.following answered to their names: Commiasionere Pace, Pulliam, Tully and ;Yashington,-4. Mayor Katter'John being absent from the City. Me.yor Pro.. Tem. aashington presided. Mayor Pro. Tem. Washington stated reasons for call to -wit: To pass a�reeolu y c ;tion authorizing the Rnaineer and instruotin(t F.. R. Harding„ Contractor, to lower ' the credos on Sower llistriot 3A -,'Also to pass a resolution authorizing.the contract r with Yanoy & Johnson be amended, so an. to a]lo'v the use of brick along the Street Railway Company., as reouested by the Street Railway Company and agreed to by Yanoy'R a f Johnson, and any other business that may oome'before.the Board. <, s Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Com'r. } . Publlo Safety „ 'i� Commissioner. of Public Safety relative to money oxpen4ed in apprehending vitletore of role tivo to ;{ violetors of ': the prohibition la:v be received aiii filed. Adopted upon call .of the roll by.the prohibition law. . y a. +`1�'.t��.Y-r.Y �"Y'..'!:"s _'_" �.'^.757'C�.-.,.... .. ,.:.t . Fv'_ _.u. f�-lY,�:aTC""w:..",�."]-'3:•'1•:., ?iC?`w',j uy'T •LT�s7 .:+.�.,�'.:";:"- t'n