HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 201, August 2, 1923' �. tr'r. '?"�;:iY'^"`ET^••wrn ! .nr.,.. •+r ",+ z SSP D,Mt, :ti,., y,. <;ir-�:. "'i; 'Id., .};., -a "i:ti>.r 1:"5', I- '� 13_ '.i. f .,.w -ems_. � s...��1. � :-_G....� ea_- .� a . :--.� ' � �_.%.....•.....•..,_,`' .. .. - . .. f No. C,omrs' miasione:Proceedings,.City of Paducah- _,r<<'t.• 192- Cocmissioner Pulliam offered the followinrt'motion:.I move,thavAll ORD IIIAVOE 110rdinhfloe provid ing for construo- P30VIDIW, FOii TH:i C017S'C?UCTION 02. 7.IL--.Y IN 1.0(M: 9 0;"D TO'IN, TOG3VER `,9ITF- ALL 1. Cion of Alley in Block 9 Old Torrn, I.�I:SSARY 1:7aIH0ZrS, CATCH P1,SIL'S, IIITli::iS .il`D 3: Dl I•I1-ii3, RUNNINGFROM S:MO11D STR 91T rurinina from 2nd I� to 3rd Ste. betn. TO THIRD STRELT, B:iT':7.'11 BROA7,7AY .UD J::VF:1t%OV ,3E?..h'T, Ill 'IM!' CITY OF PADUCAH, I= - BI -may and Jeffer- act, .Ste. TUCEY. AT 71?3 003T OF TRE ::BUTTING TROr:RTY 0:711.429S. 'XD I'ROYIDIIIG THAT SN SHALL BE _ FI3ST t AD 111 G. C0113',IIUC'2:D UPOli ^fi:i TEN Y1 AR PAYi,:::NTPL':lj, be introduced lay oyer. Adopted upon ..='' call of the roll by the fo]1o71nP• vote -Yeas, race, Pulliam,'Tullq and, 3ashington,-9.'' Commissioner Pulliam offered the follo7ir•v, motion: lie rbert Shr.Y.el having ' Herbert Shekel reeianed, I mono that. the employment of. G. Y,,'Tood, an inspect or for concrete street realigned, and G._'.Teed appointed oonstruotion„be r^tified, the City to pay $150.00,por month 'for hie sorvioee, the ,. Inspector of con- crete street ;romainder of his salary to be paid by the Fort]and Cement Ann octat ion. accord Ing. to .'construction. , its a.roemont with the City. Adopted 'upon call of the roll by the following; vote:. .: Yeas, Face, lulliam, Tully and 1ashington,-4. w. Commissioner •lashinKton'offered the follo:vina motion: That. the certificate. Certificate of of Clyde 13. Bell, signed by C..H. Brodbeok, Frank Johnson and. J. C. Yoe] oy,.being the Clyde (.Bell as r ; candilrte for members appoirted.by the Board of Cormrissioneru to pans on the fitness of candidates.'.`. City rngineer. for the office of City Engineer. be received and filed. Adopted upon. call of the roll . by the following vote: Yoao, Pace, Pulliam, Tully,•:�`Iashington,-4. On mm/.�o/ot�.i(y/onn the Board' adjourned' upon call of. the roll by 4 yeas. Com.. AUGUST 2PD• 1923.. M�rhR 'At a Called 1[eeting of the Board of Commisr3lonera, hold in'the Commtesionere' Chamber In the City hall, Paduoah. Kentucky, on Aurm,st.End, 1923,.at. 4 o'clock P.M. t 1• -Upon call of the roll the followinm answered to their names: Commissioners Pace; Tully and '.7aehington,-3; Linyor Eattorjohn being out of the Oity, L'r-yor Pro. Tem. 1ashington presided. Imyor Fro. Tem. ',7ashington.stated roacons for call to -crit; For. the purrone f ' of allo'.71ng bills and pav-rolls ani .any other business that mirzht come before the t Board. Commissioner T"rlly.offered the "fo13O:.ving.motion: Imove'that,the r.oc)unte for -Accounts for` the last half of the month .of July, 1923, amounting to $90027.29, as ger 'the .report ' last half of ' t July 19E3; as of the Commissiorer of. Puhlio Finar:ce filed hero,.7ith, be 030.7ed and ordored paid and F per. report Com'r.Finanoo..they money appropriated from the.Genoral Fund to -pay same, Adopted upon. call of the roll by the fo110::rrm vote: Yeas', Pace, Tully aryl Washington; -3. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the acoourits for 1.... "< Pay-ro7.1 for , ' the 'lest halms of'the month of July for the 3d District Serrer, emountinr;, to.. 3rd' .D istr i of Sopor for last Pay -roll ........... 'half of July SuPplies............... 60.00, total $626.13, be allo7ed - .: .. and.ordered'paid and,tho Commissioner, of lublio Fir -into be nuthorizod and instructed to drawohecko against the. A3 D utrtot 56%,ior Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of :the roll by. the following vote: Yeas, Fade, Tully and '.7nshington;-3.- ' Commissioner Tully offered the follo-aina motion: I move that the Corunissioner Street .bonde atA of Publio Flranoe be authorized and Instructed to ray o"', .take up and odnoel etroot coupons in City, lletionsl Bank bondd and ooupons"in the City. Nationel Brnk to, the amount: of :$1205.06 and to 'draw a aid off. ' p 'check against the Special Stroet Fund Account .to pay name. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fo2lo7ing veto: Yeas, Face, 'hilly and 'IashinRtor,,-3.:. • ;,:�:.,-tee. = �.c - -. .. .. .r--.....:-_:,�`.�a+-�-^.�-xr,;TG",7�,`.-,?L� .•.: ..,..r :w'.:.. _:...+�'S:.;a'.'L.n�—�--•"-:,�.�,Ri7xZn'i'.'�';,::+:t::;.."'.:S-.;r:'"*ii^'�—+.�.�—•F'"�:;: �F :�^-;:.' �'^c •;, :.r,-;,�.�-. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_ 192__ .. :. •r Cn motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll. by 3 yeas. AUii 11OT 0, 1023, u At a RoRular Moot tris of tho Dor+rA of Oommi nniomiru, hold In the OomnlnrAonnr u .:'•'� r/ :. `Oh• moor in tho City !lull, Paducah, K+{ntuoky, on Aug 0th, 1OP3. Won onl,] of the `'•� ''. ,< roll the following.nneworod to their .names- Commissioners Tons, Pulliam; Tully and s ,7ashiwrton,--4: -Mayor Katterjohn bein!t out of the City,. M yor Pro. Tom 7anhiraton proeIAed. ,.'•1 on motion of Oomminaionor Tully tho minutes of the previous mnetinr.a r+�ro ,r adoptod on road upon call of the roll by the following votes: Yeas, Tzoo, ?ul]i•..m,i .: Tully and. 'Washington. -4. P., Communioation Commiealoner 'Jashington.offared the foIlo•+ina motion: Th!. -.t the o6m...unio^tion ColoreA Fair r<; Rao1r.a Assoc.. from. the Corw-Attee of the -Colored Fair, Racing and A$hletto Asuooiation of Taduoah ' `•,'be received und'filed, and th%t the Board of Commissioners concur In -thoir recueet: 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Tr,oe, Tulllam, Tully snd f Wauhington,-4. >} j Aono{vul of Oon Oommisnionnr 7iauhln.rton o_'forud the fo]lo':+ing mottpn: Thal .the Corn as no �'` " k traot i.Ath Vi at 1 Haaol Pelona of kubllo Trol,orty bo authorized to renoa the contract with Wine Hazel Malone for '; 5 the year,onUng Auguot 14, 1924. Ado;•Lnd ul•on call of the. roll .b-- the followina.voto, i Yens, raoo, T'ulllam, Tully and ',ranhSngton.% } i l'uroh•-.00 of Oommicolonor Tully oi'fornA' tho fallowing motiont That the oom:m{nlontion from l' Murkot Nouns >y, Bond j ;i6: , tho Oommisniornnr of Tublio Finru oo with rof•,r rico to the purohni a of W rknt Rouen from Wo 11. Roth' 88. Irving Co. Bond ¢ 36 from Weil, Roth m Irving Co., be received and filed and approvod. Adopted `. ulon call of the roil by the follo:ving vote: Yeas, Taos, Pulliam, 7rnhir,rzton end ?r. Tu11Y:=4• '' t Board of Edu- ' Commissioner Tully offernd the follo'.+ir.a motion: -That the report of i.tar.rick oation Books and .loots. Mitchell and Co. of St. Louie. Auditors of the audit of the bookn ­nd a000unte of the and ited by 1'nr- ;' r wink, lditohell Board of FAuostion. be received and filed and taro copies he furnished to the press- & Company.. T dent of t'ne Board of plluc .tion. Adoptoa upon onll of the roll by the .following vote: . Yens, Pace, Tulliam, Tully r.nd Iashington, -4. d a •; County J•:iIon , Conviiesioner Tully offered the followin,T motion: That the bills .of S. H. �F^ t S. B. Gott, _ against Oott,.Jailer of VeCracken Oo. against the City of Paducah, be referred to ..the City e Oity of Iaduonli, 7' 9oliolto r for investigation :nd report b:ok to this body. Adopted upon cell of tis roll by the following vote:'Yeaa, Taoo, Pulliam, Tully and 9nshinaton,-4. Vao:tion.grent.11 Oommis lom r Tully offernA the'Followirq motion; That Totn Acker and Roaol]nI , od to Into Aok=' or and Roselle Turnor employees in the office of the Comm! uniover of rublio Fin^non be arnnted t^+o Turner. --.Rooks 'pay. vacation {vith r •• Report of Uhisf,'' Commieaioner.Paoo offered, the follo:+ing motion:' Thc.t the roport, of the Chief' ` ` '; s•' " of Polioe adopt - ad. of Polioe for'the month of July, 1923, 1wreoeive.d rnd filed. Adopted upon call of thee. "the Poll byfollowing vote; Yean, Pace. Pulli•:m. Tully rind :4ashinaton I ; Report of. Ohre ; Commissioner .Pace offere:i. the,followina motion:' That the report of the Chief of Fire'Dept. ,. t ' Reaeived.' of the Fire Department for the month of July, 1923, be received rnd filed, Adopted tt. .. upon 0611 of.th9 toll b'y.the,followiag'vote: Yeas, ''Pace, Pulliam, Tullq r.nd:Nashing-';:-, ' �' S t is � :,^ `t, '1 .i; •, tong ': -i +: ji� r .. - ,• e'f' tila d'a .... YS<<: -•t .•:{ q7. .. .... .... ..: ...;1$,.� , r. .. 'i7♦ _.t:A-..�,.t.:ry ... t'I'.•�'!j„b.♦- :95.4sa�.✓. M.a:.•.. —:/” .. ..-.. __. ...E,: (�..-