HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 199, July 23, 19235� t Z� n t Fxn . y's�rY��c�q rpt rz t .. i. .r: _�- .JaS, _. ..,f:�.'' f.. F., J� -�" - `a.-L:.aa.1;1:: r1."✓.u:wu +.a.::+.«.i— .. .._.. .. Na����� W!! Commissioners" Proceedings, City of Paducah i-� , :.%li:.r On nation the. Board n¢journol u), on oal1 of thu roll.• y yoas, AdrplN (, l �,IvL,a "lI'�� P l'.Q", •,, ;1.1''.x'• � � 1' JULY EOTH, 19.23. ( ' At a anlled Meeting of the Board of Oomnisutonera, hold in the Oommtssionora'' chumbor in the City Hull. paduoah, Kentuoky, on July 20th, 1923, at IOt30 o'clock A.11, Upon sail of the roll the following answered to, their names: Oommieuionors, rase, :c•. v Pul�ium, Tully qnd !7nahington,-4. In the abnonoe of 1.%yor Y.nttorjohn from the city. �' L. A. Washington ifayor Pro. Tem. presided. Mayor Pro.. Tom. tlnshi�sgton stated reasons for gall Lo -wit: To, allow pny-rolls for the first half of the month of July, and nny.othor brininess that mia,.ht soma before the board. Commissioner Tully off•)rad the following motion: I move that tTie -roll for the { Pay -roll for first first half of the month of. July, 1923, amounting to $9297.76, ce por'the report of half of July 1923 i as per report of 'I the+0ommieoioner of Public Finance Piled horewith, be allowed r_nd ordered paid and the Commiooioner of *` public Finn roe. money approprIntod from the Conaral Fund to. Poy same. l.doptbd upon call of the roll. by the following veto: Yone, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully and Wauhinrtton,-4. Oommiesioner Tully offored tho following motion. I move that the pry -roll .f or. the.`` ' pey-roll for first. first half of the month of July, 1923, for the 3d' Diotr lot Snwor, r.mounting to half of July 1923, for 3rd Dietriot $545.69, be allowed and ordored paid and-tho OommionLoner of Puh1lo.Ftnnnoe be , authorized and instructed to draw oheckn at*.uinet the 110. 3 Dint. SetvgC Hund Account to pay uame. Adopted upon call of tho roll by the fol]o71nrr vote: Yoan, race, ;i Pulliam, Tully, e'nd .1aahington,- 4. -„ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the Struaturnl llateriel9 Structural Research Laboratory of Lewte Instituto, 1951 W. i;adloon !treat. Chicago', be allo•ved rateriale Re- soaroh Labors -.9E for express on oonareta tout oy,lindero and that same bo oharrtod to 3rd Die=' tory allowed 7^3.92, 3rd Diet. triot Sewer F`und:, Adopted, upon call of the roll by the folloWi.ng,vote Yea a.'Peae.. Sower Fund B. Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll. by 4: yens. t neeeiN • j , JULY ESRD . 1993. At a Regular lie ating of the board of Commissioners, hold•in the commissioners' 1 Chamber in the city Hall, Padnoah, Kentucky, on July 23rd, 1923. Upon.oall of .the L4 roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam, Tully and j Washington, -4. Mayor Katterjohn Deing absent_ from .the City 1.�yor Pro Tem Washington presided. s On motion of commissioner Pace the minutes of the prev.loue meetings were adopted, as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,,Pulliam, Tully_and Washington. -4. ' Comvlaelonere.Pnl14an offered the following motion: I move that the E. K. Harding Co.;. Y I be allowed 1500.00 of. the amount withheld from Monthly Estimate of work done during. y :E.R.Harding y, - Oompany allowed: $1500.00 on June. June 1923 on '3B -3C Trunk Line sewers on account of inanmplete.00ndition of etr.eet re- .' Estimate with- :< held. surfacing. Adopted upon call of the roll. by the following vote: Yeas; Ynoe, Pulliam, ;.'. Tally and 'Anehington,-4- ,.-"-.t„^F7 uR'',*`,r_'L""�"(z-r..GJP'"'F”!";_ RT• ,. 'S"-"T"!r+•"','+� �}f:�;.T".;rC'!. .. s+i" "'t`t ,"^i' r�ir'ry?. ;fr.-.,- r;:'ifi u1,i 47'7:' '1 j 4f'i7—�S,.,.'�^"" ,� �'.,, Cr.7 ?'map,' . ti:S3'"�' - .� • f-.. _,t t a'Y' 1- ' 1"�.i' ., " ;Tf x .1 r ;1.�..r �"^P'. �e. ^;> .,c�,.t j, � .rl� -`i•'r 4 v,`- y .-P , {; ,3 - t ; � n > tfrhj � -. s No t ; `. _:•` ( .:; `'.: Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah—__.____ 192—'` - N Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: That. each employee of.the hire Dei firemen's partment be allowed a vacation of six days with pay. .Adopted upon'it'll of the roll by F,•1 Ylacat 1 on. 3: 'the folloiling vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully and.Washington.-4: On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. A.� e0V/� Lp�/ oc a JULY 80TH 1923. ' �1 X. At a,Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners; held in the Commissioners' Chamber in' the City Hall. Paduoah. KentuolW. on July 30th, 1923. Upon call of thej roll the following answered to their, names: Commissioners Paoe.-Pulliam. Tully and 17ashington 4; Mayor Katierjohn being out of the City, Mayor Pro. Tom:.Waahington. presided.11� On motion of CommissionerTully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted 1'j C as road upon pall of ,the roll by the following, vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,'Tully and 1 Vashington.-4. i Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the oommuniodtior of E.R. n . Communioation E. t R.Harding Co.. I Harding Co.', dated July 26, 1923, referring to extrn work on sewors in District #3, -, ' • relative to extra i� work on: sewers, be received and filed and that's oonforenoe on the oontenta tl:oreoS bo held Au,eriet in District �3. s, _-7th, at 10 o'clock A. M. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follovincz veto: ,Yoas ; " brace, Pulliam.,Tully and Washington. -4. , Commissioner Tully offered the following, motion: The gum of °80.00 having been##1 Balt or Cereal tendorad, toga thor -with application for halt or'Ceroal Beverarze licones. 'I move..that Beverage jioonal'', issuod to J.H. '.liceneo to sell Malt or Coreal Beverages or any admixtures thereof, be vranted 'to' Elrod: ;i,• ,'J: H. Elrod at $110 South 2nd Strout, for c period of six months; beginning July 1st :.!• III and .ending Deoember 31st, 1923, inclusive. Adopted upon call of the roll by the {„-; r;; fol low Inp, vote: Yoas,'Pooe, Pulliam, Tully and 7nahington.-4. Commissioner Paco offered the 'following motion: I move that the appointment:of E � t t E.J.Ratoliffe J. Ratcliffe, as extra patrolmen, taking effect July 27th, 1923, be ratifi9d. Adopt , appointed extra? petrolmam.ed upon of the roll, .by the followinrr vote: Years, Fcoe. Julliam, Tully and rr ,lashinaton.-4• + f Commieslonor Pulliam -offered the following motion: I move that the Commisnioker of h Iublio ':corks be authorized and inntruotod to us 1'0% additional ooment in the con- ,? 10% additional. E oemont in con- oroto of the arch of the 96 inch sower -in District 3.1, and the it the invort.porinm, up '` ,,.' '•:.+`,. creta arch of ..i 96 ingh.socrer to the siring line be oontimtod at the mixture previously ar,thorizod, according to j L t in Dietriot 3A.. ; authorized. j the r000mmondntions of -Duff A. Abrams, Structural ].ietcrinla,3eaoaroh laboratory 1 7C Le' -via Institute,; Chicago, datod July 23rd. 1923. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following vote: Ynao;_.Pnoe..Pulliam. 716shington,-3� I1aye, Commissioror I'ullSnm offered tho following motion: I move that the unanimous'. "Property owners• patltion-of;proper,ty o:mors on 11orth 8th Street. bet.woen l'onroe andeMadiooni Streets on 11.8th 'St.. betn.l.?onroe, h be. received".:rand filed and they ;bo allowod to construct, •in front of. their property, Madison Sts.... .petition for oonoreto ai`dewalke ,under the supervision of the Commissioner. of Publio Yorke and'' ;sidewalks and 1 they permitted e000rdinP to the offi-oialr•opeolficatione therefor of the City of Paducah, said work 3o construct _. •same• to becompleted rithin 30 days. .ldopted upon'osll of the roll by the following bete 1. f yl } Yeao, Paoo, FullSam Tullq nrd �7nshington, 4 ''' } ; �c�' t R '' + 1',. '.t tilt' t. •, +`. } • ' r. ' e `. r...'�,'�•�''r. J'de< _t- ::'L' :•.l - F .. b. ::a `y t V'.,i ..n t.. xti . - ' d:y>i:• v: r.a . -w. '. .I .� a _ ._:F-. _ _