HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 195, July 9, 1923A' _ .._ : �, .c�.,.........w_:.�;. +.:,:rs '.:-ut_' ,.!•: s :.ar..1:7 ......:zo�ti..�:.x.�.s.x�: ./♦,...,:.:t._...•:�W .. ' .. - • : , . f 0. Commissioners" Proceedings,' City-of Paducah—r ____'rr_. 192- ,i Commissioner Pulliam offered the, following mofion:_ I-move that'the Mont y � Estimate for '.vurY. Sono on the oonstruation oY cowers4n Distriot 3B-30 during the :-• �P Estimate for i!ay month ,of "y 1923 be approved, and E. R. Harding. Company be allowed $2,944.67, on •' ' 1, 1923 allowod.E.R. �i.. Hcrd'ing on Bower account of said work. and that the Cammissionor of Publio Finanoe be authorized drd construct ion Daatriot 3B-3C.. instructed to dra".v check arminst the 3rd District Sorror'Fun3e for the sum of $2,944.67 to the E. R. Harding Company, this estimate havtng boon held up-last month on account of incomplete rosurfaoing of streets. Adopted upon call o,f the roll by tha•.folloaing vote.: Yeas, 1-aoe. Pulliam, Tully,-'lashington and Eattorjohn,-5. ." Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the'Vonthly ' '?.'•' '''utiimto for 'June Estimator for se-.'ror construction done during June 1923 on the 'Trunk Line Extension 1923 alloaod F.R. i. R. llardlna. Ooml'.any be approved, ara.that the ::: R. Ikirding Oompnr>y Ilarding on Trrnk Oontruot of the line or.toy, slon be allowed 41436.34 on account of said estimate, and the Commisulonor of.Publio ae ao r a. Finance be authorized nnd'direoted to make chock for same ar;ainst the 3rd Distriot Sever Fund. '$500.00 having been deducted from this estimate ponding resurfacing of .`'_ + '• Brown Street. Adopted upon call of the roll by-tho follorring.vote: Yoas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, 77ashington and P.attorjohn,-b. „ On motion the Board' adjour nod upon call of the roll by byouna. , ��r Gr cu.* M A VC)R: JULY 9TH. 1923. At a Reinilar fleeting of the Board of 0orrmrissione'rs,.hold. in the Commissioners' Y Chamber in the City Hall. Paduaeh,.Kontuoky, on July 9th, 1923 Upon call of the roll }" `• the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully, l7ashington and Knyor,, Kattorjohn,=4. f'. On motion of Commissioner We,shington the minutes of the provious meeting were adopted as road upon oall'of the by the following voter Yeas, Paco, Tully, ;} :lashington and Katterjohn,-4. Tleport L'aCraokon': Mayor Katterjohn offered the. following motion: -I move that the report of the 1 Coia,t ublio . .'..F � y'' �' McCracken County Public Health League for the morith'ot June 19.23, be received and ' 'Health Learue'for . June. 1,923.' ,filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully. ` washington,and Entterjohn,-4. Commissioner. `�lly offered the following motion: I. move that the report of ., t Report Com' r. of Finance for June' the Commissioner o,f Publio Finance for the month of June. 1923, be received, filed and. 1923: ordered puhliohei in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call- of the roll by the ` 1' following vote: Yoas, face. Tully; Washington and Y.ntterjohn.-4. ' J Commissioner Tully offered the folluwing.motion: ,:I move 'that, the report of*.,. Report Com'r, of ` the-Commissloner of Publio Flnnnoe of the 3d District Sower Fund Adoount for the month'' F'inanoo for no ; 1923 for 3d"Dts of June, be received,, filed and ordered published in the. official newapaper. .Adopted. tr fat' Sewer' Fund e.ocount. upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paco, Tully, ',lashington and Yattorjohn.-4. i Retort Corr.'t, of Commissioner fully offered the foliowing.motion: .I move that the report of Firar:ce of Spooial -the Commissioner of Publio Finance of the .Special Street Fund for-Aho half year ending Stroot Fund for. . belt yoarrondin13 Juno 30, 1923, be received,: filed and ordered puhlisho4 ir: the official newspaper.. Jur.•o 30,1J23. N, Adopted upon call of tY:o roll by the following vote: Yoas.. Pace, Tully, :lashington f: x r,n3 Eat terjohn,=4. Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissionore'.,Chamber. ~ ' �-r«til.. - • _ - - _' , ��.+'�.J'.-'1 .w� rr .>... r v....•.w:> .. a i �"3'r•'iT.�.f•ti ,..-t..,?,.•"'...."�r''�,-..:L Y��r�4 •j`,4'v� — .•!M.;-•wf. .Y,Tp +n. M !.f�,.}y�.'r_ '^`'t'r'ye+Y}�''Y+N *S�'� F'�7if Xa*'4ii'�,-'.�:� C Yf SA'f. � p'.t�{^+ - .. -. rs;++ ;t' ..iiA d "�'•e'!"' ,.c?�'1"�'ak �n�.r�. •re ii r A. L'i �:t:.1 .:,:.:: '�i�. i%. ./1�.wiz......a._ . .. •�' --.. ._.`__.�. ..•_ _ .. _..-.___ _.__ .'.• __'-'__ __.._ �...._. ..... ..: � , _-....i . .tip- �� Fr Commissioners' Proceedings,, City of Paducah_192 `aRepart .Com'r. of Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the rsport of the. t t 1nanoe':'ehd7TIng ' of Publio Finance shoving the Amounts Expended end the Balances yet to r• ' i mounts oxpondod,'Commissioner -rba]rnosc, Appor- 999J for the various coo ounte,.aloo showing the Apportionment, the Amounts ! V. .:. tior.ment &o. .bo oolleoted Expended and the Dnlanoos to the credit of the vnriove accounts under the different ttit , '.rr .. departments to the end of June 30, 1923, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of i. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and ynttorjohn B€� �✓ �i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties hnv3ng :tendered the sum of $50.00 each, toFether with 9Pplioation for Valt or Carnal Beverage t.. Malt or :Cereal •i Beverage License Lioenee, I move that lioor,uo,to cell l,lelt or. Cereal Beverages or any admixtures there lnnuod, to Turnor do.'Waloon,' of; be grantod to them at the Plnooa sot out opposite the Lr names for the. poiiod of 4.' f :ar and O.A;Toloo.. !" oix months, beginning July lut and onding Doo. Mot, 1923. Turnor. & 'laloon, $106 youth End St. ' 0. A. Zeiss, .. 411'1 South 3rd St. i Adopted upon ,call of the roll by the following vote: Yoaa., Paco. Pulliam, Tully, #'1 Washington and Kattorjohn,-6.' ? ; Oommiaaioner Tully offer.od the following mo tion: 'I'move that oommunioation of i Communication Dr.Vornon D]ythep Dr. �ornon Blythe, President of.tho Board of iduortion, addressed to the. Commisoioner r in.ro: City pati,. Bank appointed ..of Publio Finance. designating the City National Bank as '14•easurer of the Board of +i Troautffor of "I Board of Eduoa= " Education for the.yoar 1923-1924, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the j- `r "i tion for 1923-'., I. 1924. �. roll by the followlnp, veto: Ycau, Paoo,Pu111rm,Tully,7ashington and Kattor john; -5. Oommissioner Tully offored the following' motion: It appearing that the interest +., `• i { on the .$600,000 outstanding #3 District Sever Bondo, amonnttng to $16,037.50 is due Pr ,Interest on 86000000 'oat= standing 3rd July ]0th, I move that the amount b.e allowed and the -money appropriated from.tho a, District Server General Fund to I-ey same; ani the Commissioner of Public Finance be' authorized and { Bonds:. f d f 1' inotruotod .to*.deposit same to the credit of the a District 5o.7er. Bond Sinking Fund ( F in'the Nation I bank. Adopted upon call. of the roll by the follovinq vote: 'Yeas C ! .First. 4 pace, Pulliam, Tully; tYashington and Katterjohn;-5. ' ;f r Commiaeionor 'fully offered the following motion: I move thr_t the COMM. iaaianar Interoat:on {' .8G00,000 of Fublto Financo be authorized'rind inatruotod to draw a chock against the No. 3 ;; a out i stand'irr 3rd - District Bower District Sevier Bond Sinking Fund in',the First ilational Bank for the eat of. ;1G037.50 Bonds, to'pay.the eomi-annual interest on the ip600,000 3 District Sever Bonds ::hioh is duo <' at the United Statoo'Mortra.T.o k Truot Co..liew York City, On•July ]Oth.'•Adoptod upon call of the roll by, the following vote: Yeas,-.Paoe, Pulliam,' Tully:, •aashIngton and Katterjohn;-6. ' Commissioner Tully offered' the following motion: It appearing that the semi Interest on '' annual irit,froat,,amounting to $6175.00 on the $247,000 outstanding School Improvement E�IIIIII $247,000 out - atanding'Sohool • Iml�rovomont Dond'u lu duo. July 1Gth, I move that the oum be nllotvod and approprAnted from the I P . r,r Bon do. Comma] Fund an1 tho,Oommtsulon�r of 1'ubl'io Finanaebo authorized and instruotod to :r dopoeit naive to the ,oredIt,of the yohool.Improvomont Bond ;inking Fund in tho.Cit i ,1 zens'Savt,ngs Hank.. Adopted upon call of the roll by tho following'doto:,;Yono, Ieoe l ' Pulliam, Tully, ,Yeahingtor. and Kettorjohn;-G. . "• -GOmmisuicnor Tully offered,the''following motion: I move '.that the CommiasIon or Interoat on r �., '• _ of Publio Financo be authorized and instruoted to drat+ -a check a2a:Inst the School-' f �,,47,000.gut- rA' otandlnr 9ohoo3 Improvomont Ing, Bond''Sinkirg Fund in the Citizens Savings Hank amounting to v"G175.00'rrd +,+ Bondoi dopooit i'n the Olty llctionol Bank to•pay the Demi-anmiel lntornet on�tho $247;000 p i oututandIng 9ohool Improvement Bonds duo at the City'National -Dank on July 16th: p; Adopted •call'`oi.tho'roll b the fol]owin voto: Ycas paoo, pull Jam Tu71y,' 1'upony g' l' ' cI 3auhinrton and Katterjohn-6'9 t` Uommleaionor.Tully offered the fol]ovinF rnotIon'- It'aprnnrinq that thorn to due t ;Sohoolu taxue I for 'wook,,'andin the Schoole the' num of-�1G036.17 from the .collect brio of 1923'.Luxeu fur the ,rack on11n I ' 7,1923.'' .. , N �, .:5 a_}•�, ..1 s:J•-��r > dla,r�sr] , yt^-'r t'{K�1 � *.- -:�. >_ iY- 'Js -�+.- r .. . 197 t. Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah ;_ =: { 192- .., t t be. _.d ordered Hai and the eppropr soromJuly 7th; I move t .' the. General Fund to 'pay same. adopted upon call'of the roll by the following vote: Yocn Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, '7ashington:and Kattorjohn,-G. { • 0ommieaioner Faoo.offorod the i'ol]o•.ving motion I move-ttiat the roport,of the . 1f Roport Chief of � .,•' ,. briro' Department Chiof of the vire Dupartment for the month of Juno 3DE3 be r000,ived and filed. Adopted fur Juno,19E3. upon call of .the roll by the fol ]o;ting.voto: Yuua, 1'aao,.Pullinm, Tully, :7nohinaton and..L•attorjohn,-G. Commisuionor '�fuahington offered the follo.ving motion: I move that the trerrifor ' Cemetery trans - i' for from V.B. from'V. B. Ilor.und Hottie Iter, his wife, to Chric. Burger to tho roar 16 foot off, i 1, Hattie Ilor E to Chrlu Burger'. of Lot 452 in Section C., Oul, krovo Oomotury, he rntifiud. Adopted, up on gall of the r`''F,•' roll by the fol]owtn(t veto: Yogi). Yugo. .In]11nm; Tully, un d_ J.:nttor.iohn,-8.', On motion iI bourd.adjournod upon oalI of the rel.] by 6.yon9. , On sd�►la� 'Uhd , G JULY 12TH: 1923 MAYllFt. At a Oulled Mootlnq of the Board of 0ommieuLoner e, hold in the Oommiunlonera'•.,< .. OhnmDor In the Oity 11411, raduoah, Y.ontuoky,'on July 12th, 19231 at 10:25 o'ulook . +i..:. A. 1.1., Upon gull of tlra, roll the i'o]lowlng rtnuwnrod to that nrtmnu; OrnanLnutanern Iace, Pulham and Mayor Kattorjohn,-;t, • ! Y'� 4 1,l yor 1iuttorj%hn ututed ronnonn for, call to-w.tt1 To allow nuttrnttoe for work ` • Y ~' on Dower oonotruotton 3rd Dtutrtot Sower and any othnr buninnun,tllntmilit come before.'w .. r the Board. ` Commival.oner Iulliam offered tho following notion; 'I move, that tho Monthly . L'utimato for work donti on the oonutruot ion of 'uoworo 1n Diatrlot 38-30 during the j month of Jium 1923, be uprrovod and that the::. R. liurdtng Oomhuny be allowed " But 7nnte R. It. Ile id tnP Oo. for ,267.78 on account of said ou.tlmuto, and. the Oommlon'lonur of I•0110 Fin inoe be 1 ,' Jut♦o,uu•vurn in otr.l of 3b-30,, authorized and lnotruotod, to draw ,ohook a+minut the 3r4 Diutr I of Suwor Fund for. thte amount, 43,000.00 bolnP,deducted from tho_rogular pnymont duo on.thInautimuta on I " n000unt of tho inoomplato onndl., of Chu ro-nvriva.ing of Voyoru Stroct and Ouldwe, j t Avonuo, ddoptod;upon call of tho roll by the following veto: Yoan, Tnoo, Pull tam i and 11,atterjohn,-3. Ooumiuulonor Pulliam offered tlia following motion; I movo .thnt .tho.Monthly 1. Eatim¢to E.H. ' Sotlmzto for -rrorh done on the oonutr4otion of aoworu In'DLutrLot 3A .luring the month Hard Ing Oo. for Jur.o uo:roril in ' t , of Juno 1923,,be approved, ¢nd th¢t the i:. R. itardinrt Comp any be all wed 414,2..5,.71' District 3A.'. ,'on n000int of said estimate, acid tlio .CommieaTonor of Pub]io Finanoe'bo ¢other}.^.od and-. lnstruotod to dr aw'ohook.againat the 3rd Dis'triot 8ovinr Fnnd for'thi.n annunt, the ' ` + $133.50.oxtra cement Item'-boir.r withhold until a-thorl,-,od by Board. Adopted upon'' call of the ro11.b•. tho following veto;.Yo¢e, Paoe,.PuJllnrn ¢nd, %attorjohn,-3. A �.. }dayor Kattorjohn offered the' follonina motion. I move that A RESOLUTIOIt PRO. Rosolution eon - I struction of 7ID.Ti+v FOR '1VF 001181RUCTIOL' U All A111:Y 111 B:001: 9 0L0'TO.1II, T005:T11:?? 7/T P!{ P•JI. 1?'CCE3-' _ alloy from ?.rd 'PROV 1 ; to 3rd 5t. butn SA.RY VANHOLF3; WTCP- BA3IM3i III'P:1r:S MID `J;i;^'} PIT :`i, RU1111T110 2XC01TD ST3 :RT TO . BItray arid Jeff. - itroots. TiiIRD 3'M ELT, BE'1'IELl: BROAD:'I:,Y A11D JEFi:�I30I1 3V: -2T., IH 'P 13 CITY OF PADUC::^, KiXTUCLY I AT TUI 'OV 0i' TH:': ABUTTING ]i}U] 5RM 0',711 -Rd, A111)I.1tO V.LD.111G THLT: 'i,U;l':, :115:1.1: Dl; 001:-- ' STRUCTRI) UVOl1 'illh'.T:iI1 YI•:All 14'O.:;11TPLA11. be arloptud. Adopted upon call of .the roll by the following vote: Yoau, race, ,PulIiarn and KILL ttorJohn, -3. On motion the Board adJournod upon. call of ,the roll by' 3 yeau. r Aiep i A&?. • r A 'fn r. ltlLtL ' rr••:,•J- r _ "'titer "'r"a .. -- - - ' s t �'rrynln ��:.' :ir.f •4I;„4t•'.��X ,r.�„o ,t'} `p i ,.«a•1 ` .. ,p,.•k y,�,�': t. s.,y ,.. ..r :•},r r...: - .• p