HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 187, June 20, 1923_L ­V47_ 1 .f No. .. Commissioners' Proceedings;'. City of Paducah f ' r_ 192 -• .. " .• y` ,•."" Commissioner 'fully offored the following motion: It appearing.-that-there.ie due 4 Sohoola-allowed' 1Sohoole from the ourrent tax collections for the•%iook endinrt June 16th.fhe bum of ;34718.70 tax ool-; ' Is for week , $4718.70.'I'move that it be allowed and ordered paid ani the money appropriated from ending June 16, 1923, the general fund to pay came. Adopted upon' call of the roll by the following'vote;. YOae, Faoe. Pulliam, Tully and Ynttorjohn,-4.' i Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move Ah at.AN. ORD INANOF. FIXING Ordinanoo fixing THE SALARY OF TN% CITY t.S3isSSCR OF TAIL' CITY OF PADUCAH, Yr117U0KY. be adopted. Adopted .. .... salary of, City Ausossor. upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, ,Paoo, Pulliam and Katterjohn.-3: Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The Board of Equalization hav- Ing increased the assessment on the property of George W. Kattorjohn,$6700.00 and said George W. Katter- Katter.john being out of the City. of,Paducah and�An Zoe Angeles, California and notice '' ,•:_: John assessment . 6 •. :. oorreoted . �of said increase. fixing March 13th as data for him to appear before the Board of �'- Equalization, having been mailed to him by registered mail, and the receipt which was returned showing date ofdelivery,of March 14th, which reooipt'ie filed herewith, said George i7. Katterjohn claims the notice was illegal and he has tendered to the Commie- . i " sioner of Public Finance the sum of $452.27 -in eettlemont of hie taxes for the year 1923, which figures are bared on his 1922 asseosmont, I move that the Commiesionar of i ;., Publio Finance be authorized and. instruoted to acoopt this amount.in payment of -hie f: 1923 taxes and to receipt hie bill accordingly. Adopted upon oall'•of'-the roll by the following vets: Yeas, Pno8..Pulliam. Tully arra Yattorjohn,-4, b<ayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I:move that .A F. Boyd, Attorney, : A.E.Boyd Atty. be al,lowod the sum of $100.00 for his eorvicea roniorod in assisting the Oity Solicitor allowed w100,.00 'yI for cervices in In the preparation and trial of the case of C. II. Y.ing, C. C. Rieke, ko., ve. F. W..' ease of C.H. Hing, &o, vs. Katterjohn. &o., in the McCracken Circuit Court ar:d in the Court -of Appeals, and that F.'W.YattorJohn ' &o. in re Sewers.',7ynn Tully, Commissioner of Public Finance, is hereby authorized and instructed to Issue voucher for said cum, and that some be charged to Costs and Snite. Adopted Upon ~% call of the roll by the following, vote: Yeaa, Pace, Pulliam. Tully ani i:atterjohn,-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. • O /-mac_ ._.i7 }�, �•�ys���y/ City Clerk. "r •.. JUDE 20TH. 1923... -• r�fi�'1'A a At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commiesionore,,hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City hall. Paduoah. Y_entuoky, on June .20th, 1923, at 10:25 o'clock A.M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names:.Commissioners' Face, " Tully and L'ayor Y.attarjohn,-3. • Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -'sit: To allow pay -rolls ani nTW: i other bucinuce that might come boforo the Board. ' - Commissioner Tully offered the followingmotion; I move that the pa roll Fey-roll.'for. :' for the firot half o.! the month of Juno, 7923, amounting to $6651.91, ao per the re- Iat half of the . t mon Of June': port of the Commissioner of Public Finance fllod heren+ith. be allowed and ordorad.paid. . x^ .;. 1923. • and the money appropriated from,the General Fund to i,ay some, idapt ad upon call of t i r the roll by the follovrtrg vote: Yoae, Taco. Tully and Y.attorjohn,-3. r Commissioner Tully offered the following enation: I move that. the accounts h ' ,Senior, for the first half of the month of June. 1923, for the 3d Distriot as follows c , Pay -roll for lSt half•of the month{ Fny-roll........ ....$b11.01 ac. of June 1923 for F ILC. & St. l..Ry.,... 5.00, total $516.01'. .be allowed and ,. ' 3rd';DIstrIat Sower.' ordered paid and the Commissioner of Fublic Pinance be authorized and Instructed draw oheoke against the No. 3 District Seger Fund Account to pay eemo., Adopted upon . .. •--.•:,nom: n� en r��s�RMaMn�IL�ASRTIu.e•wa:�lll�In�n����JwII�RR'��e•��eMa����� . ;,u .;:w ,.ri.t�t. n•..,�n.... r.Tiie_ .k:> ,,,.. - .... ! 'Commissioners'. Proceedings, City of Paducah-_____ oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoo, Tully and Katterjohn,-3. "•+`:j' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: 'It appearing that the Assessor �.� V.,. n : ?. 9 in 'copying his book, made an error in the bill of T. G. & Annie Stevenson, #3479,..., Errors :in the ".:<. �4< ,'• fr aoseasments of,` Wherein the assegament of personal property was,duplicated to the extent of $660.00, r: ` T. G.' & Anniev Stevenoon, also in the bill of Alvin Brown, $4206. wherein personal property to the amount.of : Alvin BrownI ' Alborta Brown'.'.'., $200.00 was duplicated, also in the bill of Alberta Brown, (4213, whernln personal prof " corrected. party to .the amourltof 0100.00 was duplicated. I%move that. the Commissioner of Public � t 'Finance be authorized and: instructed to make corrections on said taxbills.• Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully and Katterjohn,-3. ± 'It appearing that the tax bill.$2617 of Rose MoGinnis shows an increase in. 1 ".esseeement of from, $3450.00 to x4.800.00 and it further appearing that notice of this a r Error in the •, assessment of increase was, made out by.the Board of Equalization but was not taken from the book and Rose 'McGinnis n, oorreoted, , was never served. on Rose McGinnis and eaid notice is filed herewith ani shone that it was not served and Rose McGinnis having tendered the sum of $8E.11. being the ,amount 3 �h` r ;ati +'•' of her taxes based on the assessment of 1922, I move that the Commissioner of Public + �A Finance be authorized and instructed to accept this amount in payment of her tax; bill =, .andto reoeipt same a000rdinr;ly. Adopted.upon call of the roll by the following vote sr :.Yeas, Pace, Tully and katterjohn,-3. ( ff 1 „ On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call of the roll by- 3 yeau..: s � , � , 1 ,' ( /pap. r]r► r' �.f—'G.w....[ ^ .. �f A'II)R JUIME 26TH, 1923. t' 4i•: At a'Regular tieeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Y Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky. on June 26th, 1923. Upon cell of the roll M the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam, Washington and V Mayor, Katterjohn;-4. On motion of Commissioner Pulliam the minutes of .the previous meeting were adopted as road upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, s` Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully entered the Commissioners' Chamber. 1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that. there is + Sohools allowed duo the Schools the sum of 46960.13 from the.ourrent tax oolleotione.for the week end- $6960.13 taxon duo from currant ing Juno 2.'id, I move that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated tax oo+llnotlone for wook ending' from the Gonornl Fund to pay same. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following''. 'Juno 23, 1923.-1z+ vote:.Yoae, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully, 'Washington and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following, motion: I move that the petition Potiton citizens from the oltizons of Paducah residing in Mechanicsburg and vicinity, with reference to. .rou)ding in :aSoohnniauburg the colt drink places.on South 4th Street. be received and referred to the Commission=' and .vicinity;. rolativo to soft er of Public Safet with instructions from this body to the Chief of Police that an ^,I Safety.with Y y drink plaooe ;,• i::, ` on S.4th St nuisance or law violations of any character at those places be abated at once._ Adopted ',upon call of'the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Paoe. Pulliam,.., ly, �. Washingt= and Kattorjohn;-6. ! Comm isaloner Pulliam offered the following motion': I move that the six blue,:'. . . ,. Canvao.oY id prints containing a complete. canvas'of.bide received June 1, 1923; for contracts Intoe.- ". reooivad June 1, _ '1923 for con- 1, 2,, 3. 4, 6 and 6 for streot.conetruotion and, contracts Nos. 7 and 8 forconstrue '', `tracte "on' Street J and sidowalke &a tion of oonorete pavements, ourbs and gutters be reoeived and., filed.' Adopted upon 1' construction... -call of the.roll•by the following vote::Yeas.;lpaoe; Pulliam, Tully. Washington and i Kattorjohn,-6• r. .i, 77 q_g1...d rr .._ _ '.l+i':` ri ,.,i na J'. .at •r..er,«o.,r..:. .-, _ r .:. ,t '