HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 186, June 18, 1923/f•. !T (Monroe St. 6th •' 'Ta THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF SIXTH STREET; 011 ISONR03 STREET FROM HE '9F3T PROPERTY - r {1St., to StSt. Ltonroo' St.. 6th :,LINE OF SIXTH STREET TO TH'S EAST PROP&TY .I•INE OF SEVeNTH STREET; Oil K207t) KY AVENUE - „ ,St. to 7th 9t. Ky.Ave. 9th St. FROM HIE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF NINTH ST:2rdT TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE 0? TEIITH STREETS ','• � i �' :Ito ]0th St. Tonnoseoo St. OR LfURiiELL BOULEVARD;. ON TENIIhSS3S STREET FROL' TIAs i7EST.PROFERTY LINF,OF MURRI-.L '10th •i to lEth St., •BOULEOUID,,OR Lonroe St. 9th Tr:Ii_'iN. STREET. TO This `LST PROPERTY LINE OF T'.VELFTH STREET: ON MOIROE 44' tto 10th St. A " 1L'onroe St. 10th • STR;;E'P FROM1711 '.VEST PROPERTY LIVE OF NINTHSIRE T TO A, LINE. PARALLEL TO AID FIVE oto •Monroa 13th St.'. St. 11th r^L'ET 11AS7,7ARDLY FROM 17E CEN'Tr'IE1 OF TILE EAST TRACK.OF THE 'I.C.R.R. I13AR.TENTI[ STRL'ET; ,•.- �: ` oto 12th 3t. j;., iEnd St. 'Aaehing- .'"NITRO_ E STREET FROM A im PARALLEL TO AND FIVE, FEET IVESTWA.RDLY FROM TRE CP•.NTA.9 LIME e" '•° . ton to Clark St. a' 13rd St. Monroe '' OF 'THE (VEST TRAOY. OF THE: ILLINOIS CENTRAL RA [LROAD 11,;AR T: NTH, STREET TO THE EAST' r {'. . to Madfa6nr,St. PROPERTY. LINE 'OF ELEVL1ITH STREET AND FROM. it1E 17EST PROPERTY LINE OF, ELEVENTH' STRRZT S :•,,.._, TO' THE. EAST PROPERTY LINE OP.T`".::LFTH STREET; ON SFAOND STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY t LIME OF WASHINGTON STRFFT TO THP NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF CLAI?X.S'1RrMT AND ON THIRD ai ': STREET FROLI.THE. FORTH FROP3[TY LI1ir: OF. MODRO,: STRr.'ET TO. Tu, SOUTIi.,PROPHRTY` LINE. OF i 'MAD IS,N S``IREET, be adopted. Adopted upon oall'of the roll by the follomintr vote: Yeas, Fees. Pulliam, Tully; Wash ington'and Katterjohn.-6.. ..N Commissioner Pulliam offered the fol3owina motion: I move that an CkIDRIAECE r �-1 i Ordinance accept '4:1 ing bid -of and - ACCa'rIIIG THE BID OF AND AWARD111G TIIE CONTRACT TO YANCY & JOYSISON OF FADUCAII, K-FZITU0KY, •'. awarding con- fi,, treat to Yanoy & FOR flr; COIISIRUCTIOI7 OF 00!;CRET:; CURBS AND CUTTERS 011 BOTH SIDES OF TF11111 STRriT FROV. Johnson for edhstrilbtion of THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON S'lR1.ET.TO THE' SOUTH PROPERTY LIME OF LADISOII curbs and auttore s ` - on 10th St. Jeff. STREET; ON BOTH SIDES OF MVROE STREET FROM '17[3 'XIST PROPERTY LINE OF EIf;HTH STREET •' to Madison St. 6 Y I Monroe St. .Bth ..TO THE VIEST.PROPE.RTY.LIIPz OF T',V LFTH STRP.ET; Oil BOTH SIDES OF SECOND STREET FROM THE tO 12th St. End St..7laehina� •.. SOUTH IROPERTY LINE OF'rASIIIHGTOII STREET TO '1[is I:ORTH TROPERVY LIME OF CLfRK STR_E?',T; ton to Clark St. 3rd St. Monroe ON ROTI[ 61DIZ OF THIRD STREET FROM T12 NORTH 71901-112171 LINE OF L10NROF. S1R:r:F.T TO THi; to Wadieon St. !' •. 11th St. Jeff. " SOUTH PROPMTY LIME OF I'ADISON. STRi T: ON BOTH SIDES OF P.LEVFIII'lI STREET FROM TI[E ;; '^ to Madison St. 12th St. Tenn.. ' - NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFr;RS011 STREET TO .THE SOUTH PROPMTY LINE OF MADISON STR;;ET; •• - ; �.,,.';. '•' I St: -:to' Jones. '` i 'Jth.'Ht.: L•onroa •ON BOTH SID31 OF T-%LFTH S'[REi3T FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINT: OF TrTlilr.SSI'R STREET TO S F to. Y,adieon St. 8th Jt.' Lone oe THE NORTH PROPERTY' LIIII', OF JOIIES STRiUIT; 011 BOTH SIDES OF NINTH Si'Ri:ET TROY TVA I:ORTH toAladtoon St. r ;•, PROPERTY 1111E OF MOIR03 STRI"E.T TO THE; SOUTH MOrERTY LIIIE OF I-W)ISIV STREE AID ON .t' BOTH SIDES OF EIGHTH STR:,HT MROY -,PIF. L'ORTI[ PROPERTY LIIG, OF LONRO STREET TO TI[r^. SOUTH, PROP;VVY LIVE OF MADISON STREET. be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by ' -;' L' 'i fx`,, ' . ;r' . • .the following vote: Yoas, Paoe,Pulllam,Tu31y,:4aehinmton and Kattor,john.-6. ; i } Commissioner Iulliam offered the fol]owtng motion: I move that All ORDINANCE _ f' ACCEPTI11r, ITE BID OF AND A'9ARDING TH]r; CONTRACT TO YAP,OY & JO?R1'ON OF FADUCAH. KRITUCKY„ ! .. Ordinance accept . {' '•" ing bid of and FOR TILE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SID3YAIKS, CURB$ AI1D. GU TT°:RS ON TH.--1'-SOUTH SIDr OF (: ' award,lnq oon4 tract to Yrinoy & .T314V SSE'E STREET i'"iOLi `IRE isASP It1TERSr.'CTION OF TENI[F ;a;D THIRD STREETS'.1V TTIE TOP ' Johne'On' for oonetruotion' of•, OF THE 3AIIX OF 'I Hr; TF1114s333E RIVER..be adopted. , Adopted upon call of the roll by the '.• a' side%ialke,ourba and auttore on follo•ling veto: Yeas. Paoe,Pulliam.Tnlly,Waehington and Katterjohn.-6. S: Bid a Tenn. St.. from 3rd to bank On motion the Board ndJonrned upon pall of the roll by 6 voce. ih ' Of Tenn.River. Adepte0 44111 Q3,; ' � APY3i07� •. aW6 { { . { - JUNE 18TH. 1923. a: _ At a Ropulnr Meeting of the-Board.of Commissionere,.held in the Commiesionors' (; S Chambor in'the.Cit'.Hall.'paducah.'Kentucky. on June -18th. 1923. Upon•ball of'the '` 1 . , ^:roll the following anowerod to. their names::, Commissioners Pace; Pulliam and Mayor. - V KAtter.John, -3. On motion` 0, Oom>oiseloner Paoe .the minutee of the previous meetings were adopted - ii' 4Kz ;i na road upon oall•of the. roll by the following vote Yaae;.Pace. Pulliam and Katter } t r' t John. -3.' Commissioner Tully, entered m tte Comiseionere' Chamber. w�.v T.w,- ••:•.,(!.'ra.l.*. .;s-,. n -.. �•: "'.t ..-.. .+;x.. .w.i. a4Yi ..:w .v.',. - .at,..c w.. :.=+:+.awav:un...� .v .., --e I t Na Commissioners''Proceedings;:City of Paducah r 192- `pp Commissioner Billy offered the following motion: It appearing -that there.le due �� -"•`l Sohools-allowed' a9ohoole from -the Current tax collections for the wook and in; June 16th.t'he eum of ;34718.70 tax ool-? 'loatione for-weokn$4718.70. I move that it be allowed and orderad paid and tho money appropriated from onding June 16, 1923. the general fund to pay, same. Adopted 'upon' call of the roll -by the followinq'vote:."';' =' Yoae,-Faoo, Pulliam, Tully and Kntterjohn,-4.' Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move -that AN. CRD INANOF. FIXING Ord Inenaa fixing T11B SALARY OF THE CITY =ESSCR OF 711E CITY OF PADUCAR, KEIINOKY. be adopted: Adopted ..i ...salary of City ' Assessor. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoo, Pulliam and Katterjohn,4: 1*;nye,' Tully. -l• Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The Board of Equalization hav- ing increased the aesseemont on the property of George `J. Knttorjohn.$6000.00 and•enid George J. Katter-�Katter.john being out of the City of.Paduoah and 'An Loa Anaelee, California and notice. John assessment to n _ oorreated . �of said increase, fixing March 13th as data for him to appear before the Board of i'i• Igg�Equalization. having been mailed to him by registered mail, and the receipt which was 9returned showing date ofdelivory.of March 14th, which reooipt is filed herewith. said pGeorge W. Kntterjohn olaims the notice was illeaal and he has tendered to tho Commie- ti stoner of Public Finance the sum of $452.27•in settlemont of hie taxos for the year 1923, whioh figures are baoed on his 1922 assessment, 1 move that the Commiseionor of { Public Finance be authorized and. inetruoted to e000pt this amount. in payment of hie j: 1923 taxes and to receipt his bill accordingly. Adopted upon oall''of,'the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe,.Pulliam. Tully and Kattorjohn,-4. Mayor Kntterjohn offered the following motion: I:move that..:: L+. Boyd, Attorney, A...Boyd Atty. ppbe al.lowod the sum of $100.00 for his sorvioes roniarod in assisting the City Solicitor ' allowod 8100.00 for aorvioae in in the preparation and trial of the case of C. 11. Y.ing, 0. C. Rieke, &o., vs. F. oaao of C.H. . King, &o. vs.Katterjohn, &o., in the LoCraoken Circuit Court ar:d in the Court -of Appoals, and that •,' F.W. Kattorjohm &o. in ,re Sewers.'lynn Tully, Commissioner of Public Finance, is horeby authorized and instructed to, Issue voucher for seid cum, and that same be charged to Coate and Snits. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following, vote: Yeao,'Pace, Pulliam, Tully nn3 Katterjohn,-4. ` On motion the board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. mow U A V'12 ' City Clerk. JU E 2O TF_ . 1923.1 At a Called Looting of the Board of Commieelonore, hold in the Commieaionerer t Chamber in the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on June .90th, 1923, at 10' .010100 A.M. Upon Cell of the -roll the following answered to their names:.Commisclorere Face, Tully and l.:ayor Kattorjohn.-3. Mayor Kntterjohn stated reasons for call to=sit: To allow pay -rolls aro ary i othor businuos that might come beforo the Loard: Commisuionar Tully offorod the following motion; I move that the pay -roll ; - s - +, Fay-roll.for. for the first half o' tho month of Juno. 1923, amounting to $6651.91, as per the re-: .' let half of the' '•.. mob of June": port 0f tho Commissionor of Publio Finance filed herewith; bo allo'nod and ordered, paid. ;923.. tttt�and the mono appropriated from the Gonoral Fund to Y .Lay ammo, AA opted upon oal l of the roll by.tho foll.owir,a vote: Yoaa, Pnoo, Tully and Y.nttorjohn,-3. t Commieaioner Tully offored the following- motion: I move that the c000unte a �. for the Pitt,. half of the month of June, 1923, for the 3d DIatrIot Sewer as follows: l? Pay -roll for lst half of the month Fay -roll..:......... 4611.01 ear+ of June 1923 for F'' R.C. & 9t: L..Ry.... 5.00, total $616.01', .be alloyed and - 3rd•i)iatriot a. ?� ,� Sower.ordered paid and the Commiesionor of Tublio Finance be authorized and instructed to }i draw Cheeks aPairst the No. 3 J.ietrlat Sewer Fund Account to paq.'samo.. Adopted upon . ,,:;.r ^r,."' �Lt:X'E"'Tr-w""• �r.�T'ifGa �5:;tt r ,,..�.. nv ..a... ,'"2'!u'fL','�JY':TaSr'�'%K!".F'':SNR!TTa3'".• 'y.�"FtT.I `.^ 4•S:T3:?^'?a;.54