HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 176, June 1, 1923t,.. �• ,l •.•a-C .Gi[n'if`•-. ., 4-�, ra •r•a+;:' ^t . .�:,..i.mna•:::i.:•c�u - •w..+.-... Na'"�,_ . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah--:-= -- —192-- Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That'the appointment of Appointment of,, • ' �,t+, t>:,;..:.. R.K.Nieoe.'ae• R.'K..'Nieoe as City Sanitary Engineer be ratified,.effeotive My 21st, 1923, 'Adopted' '; ;;::•.,;. �i O'ity Sanitari;.,,.:;.:•., Sngineor. upon oall.of the-roll by the following voter Yoas. Paos, Pulliam, Tully, Waohingtorn end �L Yatterjohn,-6. On motion the Board adjourned upon' oail I of'-the roll by 6 Vose. TOS t JUIiS 1. 1993. At n Called Meeting of the Board of Oommiaeionare. held in the Commissioners' •� . �,. Chamber in the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on June let, 1923,' at lO o'clock A. M. ;t Upon oall of.the roll the following anowerod.to their names; Commissioners Paos, ti Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katter John.;-6. h .. ,r -N Y. Mayor $atter john stated reaeone for call to-wit: For.the purpose of receiving ' and opening bide for hard surfacing streets, and for sidewalks, curbs and gutters i oonotruotion. Aj Oommissiouur Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the bide received• Bide of Yancy ror,the construction of stroets. ourbe, gutters and sidewalks, as advertised for this: I �I & Johnson, Goo.W.Katter-„ data, which are as follows, to-wit:. �''ttj Z john & Son and Yancy & Johnson Southern RoadsGINn;. God. ., Y.atterjohn & Son Co.. for the Southern Roads �•;•' .;, .{r street. con Company.- struotion for'r'''-: 1923.: be received and filed, and that this meeting be ad journal until 3 o'clock P. Lf. thi0 date: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: loss. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, ' ..Washington 4and ,Katter j❑o�h-nq ;j-6. -A P.F.RO TTI �y� � f `,' I y J i Q{?�(1l1 •i¢ .nMY.•1`,rf '�a/_. r r ��•. 67 ,^ JUNE,1. 1923. At an Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commission- ? ors' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on June lot, 1923, at 3 O'olook F Lf Upon call, of the roll the .following answered to their. names: Commissioners Pace. r Fulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Kettorjohn,-6. � Commissioner Pulliam offered thorfollowtng motion: I movo,that the bide of Bide of Yanoy Yanoy & Johnuon for the construction' of etreote, sidewalks, curbs and on?ttere, euDmitt:' for cotreet,' ad on this date, be ayl b ooeptod as the lowest aroat bide. and that the City Solicitor idegutterulk tt;r b and g+ :be instructed to draft ordinances awarding the contract fur the construction of all of - a. `:;•'-'::;.: - construct ion . ,:, i accepted., said Work, except the street construction on ?ountatn Avenue. between Broadwgv and, t. Jefferson Street, to Yancy & Johnson. the City reserving the right to scoopt p9 al'ternativo included in said bide. Adopted upon oall of.the roll by the following vote 'Yone,.Pnoo, Fulliam, Tully; 1,7aoh1ngton,-4;-Naye Kstterjohn.=1. r ? wtn motion I mous that the bids of ! xc Commissioner Pulliam offerat the folio g : �� Bid of Southor youthorn Roads Company for the oonstruotion of the driveway on Fountain Avenuebo-'•i' Roads Company '•for the con- t w, otruotion-of '' tween Brcadwaj,and Joffereon Street. be accepted-as the lowest and hest; and'only bid driveway on. received and. that the City Solicitor be, Instructed 'to draft. an ordinance awarding the Fountain ave:. r. '....between Broad- ,= r way and Jeffer- contract for''said .construction to said Oompnny,'•the,0lty reeerving_.tho right to select �;eon'Stroot ,_-any alternative'.irioludod in said bid:.-Adopted upon *all of ;the roll by the .following } nooepted.• t 1 vote: Yeae, Paos, Pn ulliam and,Wo.ohinki ,-3 Nays,, Tully ani Katterjohn,-2. - ' r . ' � - .�S - - .S t,. ' ..�� ( .. �! ... t yr .+... -. ,,C-._ . .., .. •. _ , Y... .. - ..1 - ..•.4: ,4 . ,.. ,� `."7 1 - r ,{��.�..ei�.�^�,�`ae,,.ryA4.,;a.P^R3Se`Riuw+[f7t=.�vesrc�M..a'9"S'%fi'ZSim• a"': '>•• �.- - �;. o - � , �; t. .,.n„S ,, � t,.u6 1 � ?E a� 9 kfi � •� R �° ) Lttx ' � c r ry .' r - 't:: Commissioners' .Proceedings;: City ,of' Psducah �' ._ _E t ` 192— ` Qommlesioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the. offer of the {I Portland Cement Association to furnish an inspector for street construction during 1918 Portland Cement• Association to at :the rate of $1b0:Op,:par month, be aooepted..nnd that said Association De authorized furnish in - speotor for to 'furnish the inspector at such time as construction is started, .said ,inspector to street oonstruo-' tion during report'and work under.the direction of the OOmmieeloner of Publio Works. Adopted upon' 1923. ddcall of the roll by the following vote:'Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and ' h11atter,ohn,-b. Commiesioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Commie- ' Oertified checks';sioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to return the oertifted checks i.': deposited with bids of Oeo.'l. of .Georgia W. Katterjohn & Son and the Southern Roads Company, on all contracts, except Y.atterjohn &.Son and Southernthat for Fountain Avenue, deposited with their. bids received this date for the son - Roads Co. returned. otruotion of streets. sidewalks. ourbs.and gutters. Adopted upon call of the roll by Ithe following vote Yeae. Pao e.Pulllam,Tully.Washington and Katterjohn.-b. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas., d Ai.tPi ! 19 AZ'PROVAI7 4 JUITE 4TH. 1923. ` At a Regular Lasting of the Board.of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' 1 " Chamber in the City Hall.'Paduoah. Kentuoky, on June 4th, 1923. Upon call of the.roll: '• the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam and Mayor %atter- john, -3• 7 On motion of Commissioner. Face the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following, vote:. Yeae, Pace, Pulliam and Ketter P a john, -3. Mayor %atter john offered the following motion: I move that the report of work Report LtoOraoknn done by the McCracken County Publlo.Health League Nursing Service during the month of -` County Public Health League, : pVay 1923. be received and filed. Adopted upon,oall of the roll by the following vote:• for May 1923. Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. end Ketterjohn.-3. ` + •t p Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Chief of, ilChief of Police for the month of Vay 1923 be received and filed. Adopted upon call of Polioe for tiny 1923.: y the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam and Y.atterjohn,-3. r Commissioner Iulliam offered the following motion: 'net the oommunioation.of r Communication yang & Johnson dated June 3 1923 in respect to their bid. for oorietruotion of Yancy & Johnson, j Y reletivo to thoir+.y Murrell Blvd. paving, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the bid on }Turrell Blvd', following vote: Yeas,'Faoe, Pulliam and Y.atterjohn,-8. NCommissioner Washington entered the Commissionere'..Chamber. ' Fatltion Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the.petition .from pro property,! owners on L'olan A. party ownors and rosidenta reuiding on McKinley Stroet, bot:voen 6th and 7th Streets,, ; loy St. botn.. 6th and 7th 9t.. asking to have Bator mains oxtended; be reoelved,and filed, and that the Oity Solicitor as kinR oxtonsion of .Yater mains. be instructed to bring in a resolution to that.effeot. Adopted upon call of the roll' 't.�... by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Washington and Kntterjohn.-4. 4 BBH Commissioner Tully entered., the Commissioners' Chamber. Commissioner Tully offered the followinr,motion: The City of 'Paducah'hay.ing Fra : i. Lie on lots t' } heretofore sold Chas. F. lalkor oertaln lots on Hayes Avenue and a lion having *been. re- ' t„ purohased by . !• Chou.F.'1alker talred for tho deforred paymonts and said Chas.F.,'Yalknr now having paid for 'said pro from City author -a laod to ,be re- a. r' party in full. I move that the Mayor Do authorized and instructed to release said lien loasad by Mayor a Kattbr ohn. j �' which le recorded 1n Dead nook $ilia, page $Ol. Adopted upon call of the roll Dq the following vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam..Tully, 7ashington an4 Y•atterjohn,-b. .. 'c. ��"e-."�:�x� "4TT T=i'.17,'.�"+2J'i , -at. , . , <!>.r...�-i:..:t. ' F.. .R'�? �R:2SS �.•i'wZuti51»ttCLK*;-.,.. :'L'^"w>t.: .�:e1.'.`-*',�^iGl';r�7— „� '"+1;;,�'i-r