HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 168, May 7, 1923.S, � '«sl^�l. �.,,�.wew..i use. L. _ kR^,:—. ,, �.,�,•vl'. t�O�' ,�H� iC''�, tlr h�!S�a'�«, •Y�';s""°', Na t Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192- * ' ;;;:,• r tPsirohaaingrAgent Oommisaloner Washington offered the following motion: That, the Purchasing , .. with to contract Found- ' Southern Pound- Agent be authorised to make contract with the Southern Foundry b Mfo. Oompany to fur- (' ry h Mfq.Oo.for castings for, nish coatings for Sewer District No. 3 at per per pound f.o.b. Paducah. Adopted upon 1",• , Sewer District call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pao@. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and ;., 1,Y 7...•.i; . gatterjohn,-B. ' N.]Eth St. Oosmmissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the petition of r' " petition from property owners on North 12th Streets, between Monroe Street and Madison Street; pro- 7 property owners protesting .: against improve- testing against the paring of 12th Streat.'be reoeived and filed. 'Adopted upon call J. ; �4 ment between of the roll b the following vote: Yeas Paas Pulliam.Tully nq j y q .Washi ton and Katter ohn 6 ; Monroe and �.: .Madteon St.' Oomtieaioner Pulliam offored .the following motions WHEREAS, the Oommissiloner �.' Thomas„Bradley, of Public Works has heretofore inoeeaeed th6 pay of Thomas Brnd]q from 92.00 per day . c.' salary in- ti• : Dressed. to 92.40, and again'to 93.00, and.egain to 93.80, I.mote that the action of the Oosn- •, ''� /r missioner of public .Works be pprove.d. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following ::i;. votes Y@as, Pace. Pulliam. Tully and Washington, -4; Rave, Katterjohn.-6.' ” 4 - Oosmniesioner Tully offered the following mo. ti on; I move that the n000unts for i r•;r; 'S Accounts and '. re� ort Oom'r. ep the last half of the month of A ril 1923, amounting to ]B440.6E as report P' Per.'the r ort ,:.;i:• l' Publio Finance for last halt of the Cosmjiseioner of Public Finance filed herewith, be allowed and .ordered paid srsd k �r of .April 1923: the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the r, �.. roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam, Tally. Washington and Yatterjohn.-6. v' Accounts for Commiesioner Tull offered the follows y n4 motion: I move that the accounts for ` •' .. last half April ]923 for Sager, }i the last halt of the month of April '1923, for the .3d D1 strict .Sewer. as follo.wes'. ;:''a; s District f 3. Pay roll ............ 9433.70 ' Supplies............ 161.49. a total of 9888.19; be"allowed. "a .,• rd ordered paid and the Corm leeloner of Public finance be authorised end inetruoted'. J , t to draw oheoke against the No. 3 District Sewer Fund Aocount to pay same. Adopted " 'upon call of the roll by the following rote: Yeae, Pace. .Pulliam. Tully. Washington r ' and Kattnrjohn,-B. }•` ` Oom,munioation ,.. Commissioner Tully offered the fo11oM ng motion: I move LhaL the communion- i Rainey T.Wells. tt Member Stats ,..tion of Rainey T. Wells, Oomssisaioner, member of the State Tax CommiseloD,of Kentnoly Tax Commission. 5` of Kentucky ,,inviting Wynn Tully, Oorsmiesioner of Public Finance. to appear before the State Ta: p. t' ,'relative to ' asaesement of Oonmission with reference to the assessment of railroad properties, be rsoeived and pertl@ilrailroaa end 'filed and Lhe Oommiseloner of Public Finanoe be authorised and instructed to co to. uto- ..�. =•_ Finance Lc' Finance ;,.,Prsnkfort, gentuoky,. to appear before the State. Tax Commission, the expense of the Y... `,••' attend said, .. d Oommiseton at. ., ,•trip to be oharged to the Oontingent Ford. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the P p Frankfort,, y, ,•'.f-ollowing rote: Yeae, Pace, Tully..Washington ,Pulliam Katterjohn,-B. On motioh the Board adjourned upon call. of the,roll by 6 yeas. .' i Vie. v Vow. a` t MAY 7TH. 1923. At a Retular fleeting of the Board of Oommisstonere, held in tha Oor®issionere' I _. Ar , s. Chamber An the Oity Rall, Paducah. Kentucky. ky. on May 7th, 1923. Upon rail of the.rolll.; ' ` the following answered to their names' Commissioners Pace, Pulliam,.Waehington � Mayor Ketterjohn,-4. •• � 1 .. + 'fi( = On motion of 00m6lssioner Pace .the minutes of the' previous meetings *ere adopt- r` ;r ad as .rendand corrected upon cell :of the roll by the following tote: Yeas. Paes, ) r., L - c 3 L Pulliam, Washington and Katterjohn.-4. • sy,> Oommla8lonei` Tul ; : . - " ' ly'�entes;ed. Lhs' Oommissioaere Ohauber. -, 6 ..t��. il"y� y,taRnyM'WT.nDtui,.j�ritiibi'1 J»T. +fTG'ntal—'..a....-t7t^�r7ililya.k•n. srii'Y .tt.'f.,. 9 a;2 �r i.r:..�•=„'.1!-, :';J f .:,?. i .r-, . c _t t f' •1, .. Y -. fir.. ..S C .. ' }J )^•RY t �,y 'j�. "L,,.( ta�e�t�'E"y.;.f',•i 11 `�a•` -t 4 (fir. i ,!t "'' � ?�c��. i� l'A ,� -, 1 _ 1 9.1 Commissioners' .Proceedings” City of Paducah--`;-: Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the ' Report Wracks ' Co. Public Rea: 'HoCYaoken County Public Health League Nursing Service for the month of April 1923 De•.' 5. Nursing League for Apr il.1923. 'received and filed., Adopted upon call, of the roll by the following vote:.Yeas..Pace. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterj,ohn.-b. r1 Commissioner Tullyaltered.the foil owing. motion. I move that the resignation Of. RasIgnatIon L, 11. Quarles as dog-catcher be accepted and that he be allowed salary for four days at 1 '0 �i L.R::Cuarles ae dog-catcher,- 110.00 per month, amounting to $14.20 and the Commissioner of Public Flnano• be au - F accepted... if . thorised to issue check for same. Adopted upon -call of the roll by the following vote: r .' Yeos. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Kntterjohn,-b. U.9.Fidelit R y Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the United State Guarantee Co.. released on bond{ Fidelity and Guarantee Company of Baltimore. be released from the bond of L. A. Quarles t of L. H. Cuar le s J ;upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam. Tu as dog-catcher. Adopted lly, " Washington and Katterjohn.-b. Oommissioner•Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Oom'r. Pub]to Finance Sob April 1923. � Commissioner of Public Finance for the month of April be received, filed and ordered i.: ;Vvublishad in the Official Newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following - vote: Yeas, Paoe, PulItem. Tully, '.jaahinRtor and Katterjohn,-b. :,•',, Commissioner Tullyofferedthe following motion: I more that the report of the Report Com'r•Commiseloner of Public Finance of..the 3d District Sewer Furl Account for the month of Public Finance for April of the. April 1923, be received, filed and ordered published in the offlolal newspaper. Adopted' ; 3d District Sewer Fund ' � upon oell.af the roil by.the following vote: Yeas, race, Pulliam, Tu]]y, Washington and Accounts. 3 p Katterjohn.-b. M� Commissioner Tully.otfered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Com'r.,.� Commissioner' of Publia.Finanoe showing the Apportionment, the Amounts Expended and the Public Finance "4 showingAppor- y Balanoee to the oredit of the various a000nnts under the different departments at the ' i tio nme nt.Amounts p t" s Expended and end of April 1923. be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the foil ow-,t)y Balanoes of each department at Ing vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-6. ~ end of April 1923• Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $50.00 having been .f Cemetery Deed. :. paid into the Treasury. as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith. I move that deed {> executed to Henry Jones. be executed to Henry Jones for Lot #57, Block ¢3, on the Mast aide of Hank Street. between Ford and Hannan Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. 'Adopted upon call of'the roll { by. the following,vote: Yeas, pace. pulllam,Tully,Washington and Eatterjohn.-b. `.`•;�� • CDmmieetoner.Tu]lyoffered the folloaina motion: The sum of $60.00 having been ac'. Cemetery deed { executed to. pa•M. _into, the.'Treasury., as. evidenoed by the receipt filed here'.rith, I move that deed William Robert son: be executed to 7i3liam Robertson for Lot ebb, Block 13 on.the ?aet.eide of Bank street between Ford and Hannan Streets, in Oak *rove Cemetery. Adopted upon Gall of the roll •": _ ` by the following voto: Yeas. Pade, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and KatLerjohn.-b. ' Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Chief of t { Police for the ''� Chief of Police for the month of April 1993 be received and filed. Adopted upon cell ' month of April E ", 1923.a of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Taae,Pu111am,Tully,Waehington and Katterjobo, • `•�' Commissioner Taoe offered the following motion:' I move that the report of the •,,� Report Chief of t Fire Department., Chief of the Fire Department. for the month of April 1925 be received and filed. Adopt• ' for April 1923. .y' '. ed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace. Pulliem. Tully, aashington and Ketterjohn,-6. t q7 • Monthly Estimate � Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Monthly HBO-* sower- work done „ mate for Sewer Construction work done or, District 3A during the month of April be by E. R. Harding X'_y Co. during the month of April approved, and that the E. R. Harding Company be allowed the sum od $14 ,337. b3 on on Distriot--ZA. rr • "�• .;:.;t�"�:• account of said work.'and that the Commissioner of Tublio Finance be nut horiaed end ewer Funds for said -amount, Adopted Instructed to draw check against the 3rd District sf . , upon Gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, pace. Pulliam. Tully, Washington t, ' i A. ' - – �+:P��I'r�;^. �,'�"F'',R"-.–"''«T�7._z . ,.a .... _. o. ..,..n+a,.^-A3G'<3:•!'�4�:%T•L^;F":��:'^^./„'•`�•,'�';=rq; •rT,r.';;!�-+.',v �C•:ir' ,.R::.^,fi,,'r —;. r No. 11 i Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah---_ and Satterjohn,-6. t • Commissioner Pulliam offered the"following motion: I move that the Monthly �t Estimate for Sewer Construction 'JorY done on District 3B-30 during the month of April Estimate for I'1' April work done be approved, and that the E. R. Harding Company be allowed the sum -of $16,673.90 on.' ;.":'" •• ", b HardL y E.R.ng., =1'.•'.'µ - ; Co., District. account of said work, and that the Commiasloner of Public Finanoe be authorized and in ' 3B -3C Sewer '. District 13. etruoted "to draw ohebk against the 3rd District Sewer Funds for said amount, Adopted.:':'';,;':: upon Dell of the`roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe."Pulliam, Tully, Washington r, c ` fbnl Katter john, -6. " t Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: .That petition of citizens 1' Petition oiti- .: ,' . • > ` `, l; seas requesting. and taxpayers of west end of city, requesting' the opening of Adams Street from. 19th .; openirg of Adams St. from 19th' to 17th Streets, be reoeiived.and'filed. Adopted upon call of, the roll'by the follow !r' to 17th Ste n:•-: :, _ in'' vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully. Washington sit. Katter john. -6: " •r On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeaa. �...I..":.«,L..., .r• � i� _ FiP'1 -, .,GJ ti / o�o 7F�%1 i. MAY 14TH. 1923. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of.Commtesioners, held in the Commissioners' , a Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on May 14th, 1923. Upon Gall of the roll fq } the following answered to their namee: Commiseloners Pace. ru311am,"Tully, Isahinaton .. 1 and Mayor Katterjohn.-6. !" On motion of Commiseloner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted 1 s l se read upon call of the roll b the followin vote; yeas Pace. Pulliam, Tully. Wash• p y B �5 " T. ' 111 Angton and Kettorjohn,-6. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the communication from. :'•; Paducah Exchange 1 i Club communion- .The Paducah Exchange Club, dated May 10th. 1923. relative to a week's Chautauqua enter-'; tion relative, to Chautauqua `taiment from June 11th to 16th. .1923. be received and filed. Adopted upon call of c June 11 -16th. 1923. r 1923. ill'•! roll by'Lhe following vote; Yeas, Pa Katterjohn.-6.. ! ' Obmmissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the expenbe account f CC of, the Commissioner of Finance for the trip to Frankfort to appear before the 7 Expense nocount,"� i.`.(tortmiseioner ,Public - State Tax Oomnieelon, amounting to $66.77 be allowed and ordered paid and oharaed to 1 r iFublio Finance, -being as follower { nn Tully, of Contingent Fund. expense •• ( tr ip to Frankfort and return, rely-' ..' Railroad fare to and from Louieville...................$23.78 { „i`tive to rail-. ; 6.76 - Railroad fare Louisville to Frankfort and return.:..:: =."road sasessessment. e. Pullman.porter....................................... 1.00 S: t Stale Tae Taxicab and street oar fare•aal.inoidentale........••.. 6.76 :before Commission. C Hotel bill, 3 days......... .. 29:75 Tota]....... r }' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote.. Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, Tully,• Washington and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I. move that W. H. Stinson be .r W.H.Stinson ;appointed dog appointed doe-ostoher, with police powers. effective May 16th to serve at, the pleasure ' ,ioatoher with `1 polio.e powers..,,:. 4 of the hoard of Commissioners. salary to be at the rate of $110.00 per month. Adopted upon call of the roll by.the following.vote: Yens. Pace: Pulliam. Tully. Washington IV and Katterjohn.-6., Yulliem the following motion: That J. C. Keeley. Chief '. i;.J.O.Kealey!e Commie stoner offered i E4 exponae e000nnt Aseietant.Enaineer, be allowed $22.26 for railroad fare and Pullman expenses to Louie-. k" to Louisville denied. -. , T1116 and,:return to: acquire data for use in oonetruo4"ion of 3rd Dietriot` 3ewere; and. ^ z. ­the Public. Finance be -authorized and instructed to pay same and , the Commissioner of r ,r t r Funds Lost upon gall of the roll by the follovina vote !' charge to 3rd District .Sewer r f s• �r 4 Pace..7lashingtoa and Katterj0hn.-3: ` t. r• t Yeas. Pulliam and Tully. -2 Have. . t `,' r, !{ i• yr i - fi..=rn , '` t f k. •:'c t n.l , } t i , �"i.;:il:fli F.J.3.:.T,p.•,:4= l • u Y'w .-1. ....371 :..7. R+•!..,..N .T Y.{'+•• Yd- _K - _ - t_ .. ,{� : ...