HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 159, April 20, 1923•'+, . y ,,,n„ r- �•� a. ri rra, r.-, r, 1i. P-1' wr.f' r'+9+t;-`'' '�! f :�"`!,'.t • 'Z''�!„�1n .:u,.aK'.2 V• •:n '• ra::,t r*9cntes+nesq�. iar.� rtiltN �.. i r .S . i "":'T ,>i r �. 1'.: � ' r �-✓^,•gY'•/7!; 3 !'rtjj?('4 Nr.'!u. j�rr tars}y 1r.. :n_ * twrtr _r? S.,x � rta^.: r 4, `''.�. _ T a- .No. a Commissioners' Proceedings; City' Of Nducah Boy Stewart, Commissioner Tully offered the f0l.70winq mottos: +hat Roy Stewart, Sheriff, 'Sheriff, paid $9.00 costs in NDa paid the awn of $9.00, ooste in the ones of Lamb vs Oity of Paduonh, and same be "i case of Lamb ve City of Paducah. ;ohnraed to Oeste k Suite. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yene, 1 `P'oe. Pulliam, Tully, 7ashir,gton and Katterjohn,-B. I. " On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by B yeaB.-'_;+• Adep1� .t3"I9.73 1- -PRO S .. .. APRIL 187A, 1923. • ?,`::•:.` At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners, 0hamber in the City Hall, Paducah, KonVoky, on April 18th, 1923, at 12:00 o'clock A. ' �Y.. Upon onll'of the roll the fell owinR anewered to their names; Commiantonere Pace, ' Tully and !.'ayor Katterjohn,-3. . �•". Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To receive end approve the oontraot, for the 3rd District sewer extensions and. any other bustnens that mtaht come t� before the board. ' Mayor.Katterjohn orrared the fo]lowinR motion: I.move that the contract for Contract a3 Dl s-. triot Trunk line the construction of trunk line extension sowere between the Otty of Paducah, Kaniuoky , extension 'sewers with E.R.Hard and E. R. Harding Company, Incorporated, be received, filed and approved.Adopted ing Oo. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeao,Pace.,Tully and Katterjohn,-3. Commisaioner Tully offered the following motion: The 3: R. Harding Company Oertifted check i for $2,000.00 �.havtna sirmed contract for the oonatruotion of the No. 3 Distrt'ot Trunk Line Sewer <: filed with bid. 4 i'rrri.Y , Of R.R.Harding . Extensions, I move that the Oommi aBioner of Public Finance be authorised and in -; 'returned. Btruotei to return to them the certified check for 32,000...00, inhioh was deposited 6 with their bid. Adopted upon call of the roll by the'fO110NinR vote: Yeas, lace.' Tully Ord YBtterjohn,-3. 4 On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeao. . A/eotei X 113 FZO VI :O J A]'R IL 20TH. 1923. i' At.a Called iieeting of the Board of Commi.snioners; held in the .Oommi.estori ' ars' Chamber in the Oity Hall. Pa4ucah, KentuoYv, on April 20th, 1923, at 10 o'clock i( 3. il.. Upon call of the roll the following ans,vernd to their names: Oommiecionere ' Pace, Pulliam, .Tully �and,:7aohingtan,-4 tsnyor Y.atterjohn being out of to*n, 4rayor. Pro Tem :7ashinRton presided... �. mayor Pro Tom tlashinaton stated reasons for cal] to -wit:' For the purpo.ee E' ,of allowing pay -roller for.tho.firat half of April and any other business that misfit is come before the Board. Qammtse1Onar Tully offered the following nn. tion: That the natter of oonroi 1 �eneraal' Fr P derntton of the Venereal Clinic be referred to the Board of C.ommtastormrs as a' clinic. ... . oominittee of the whole. .Adopted upon ..13 -Of the roll by, tha fo]]owina vote; .Y9ea; lam, 71il1y and ',lashtnaton,-4. r Paoe, Pull Pay -roll first half.of the i Cor..miestoner'fully offered the following motion: L. move that ,the pay -roll .. month of April 1923. for the first half of the month of April, amounting to $6102.34., a'erer;th'e report of the Oommis3ioner of Tublio Finance' filed here-vith, be allowed and orlerad paid and { .the money appropriated from. the General Fund to PP .> Pay sem e. Adopt ed.upon'oalI of. the" f 'rel] by the followlnR vote: Yeas; Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and 17ashtnaton,-4. ;c 'f' .;,v•'` �•• pie ..W(_ rvh li .g1r�q rt t rt+ 1� iC.'C ik•t"'aR a. �, n �1y .. . /i•{ nr ..� : -7+ `f+ 6 1 .,r +e/c,�r,,Yl?'?'+"i?�1�'��0^A•k . .1R.l.,u-•.uala..,.�.�wti�.. J .. ....�,.. ,- �. . r+� i,1 ' +�sa • CtiMknisaionera' Proceedingd{,:Wy'b1(Pq�+���i,nil,',��•,�1•��r ` r Commissioner Tully.offnred the following motion: I move that the Pay Roils. for ^� Pay -rolls for ` first half of 'rt the first half of the month of April for the 3d Distrlat Sewer, amounting to $729.11, a April 1923, Bawer District be be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and ; -. c; :• � ` #3' .. instructed to draw checks against the No. Sewer Fund L000unt to a Ra pay 'anus Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yean, Pace, Pulliam, Tully and y }t WeehinRton,-4. h Oottmitieloner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the oommuntoatiori southwest Ly. 3 IOOp from the Secretary of the Southwest Kentuoky AssooiaAssociation tion,.I:O.O.F.; dated April- 19Lh `. Oommunioationi relative to 1923. askinm for permission to parade et noon on .April 26th, 1923, be received and , '. parade. }' t: filed_, and the request QTnnted. .Adopted upon oall' of the roll by the following vote': ; Yeas, Pace.. Pulliam, ,Tully and Aashinpton,-4: .r Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: F movo that A R?OLUTION FRO- : , 1.? u i. ' Resolution pro' ZvidirtR for izt- VIDIVG FOR THF 0011STRUCTMIT OF THE DRIV?'.TAY. TOG -MMI -11TH. ALL TrECESSARY 141NROMS provemont of driveway on. CIA TOP BASINS, I11TAI:is'9, AND S'..77 LM PIPE Copp:0'CI0119, ON 1+011°OE STR?ET FROL• T!?i TEST FRO- Monroe Street from' 9th' Bt.. to r.aTY LINIS' OF 3IOHTH STR;MT '10 THIS :SART FROT RTY LINE OF NIHTIT 9 -_R. -.FT, III THE CITY OF ` i . 9th Street. PADUCAH. Y.INTUOKY, AT 1116 COST OF 773;; ABUTTtNO TRor-:T.TY 0.71,';.18, AND TROViDINOT-.AT o LT SAMB SHALL B:S CUIISTRNOT.%I UT'ON 74l3 TEft Y?AR TAYI".SIIT TIAN, be adopted. Morted upon 4` call of the roll by tho followinR vote: Yeas. Pace. Pullt®m. Tullr and 7ashington;-4.. 1' ' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following. motion: I move that A RF.SOLUTION'FRO- • Resolution pro- VIDI110,FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 7113 DRIVEWAY, TOG?,THAR '12TH ALL V.MIiSSARY MANHOLES, vidinR for im-. driveway of a driveway .on 17th' .'CATCH BASINS, IN'G1KLS AND Sg,7�t FIT2 CONIEWIONS, ON %`,VFNTXEVTl7STRXAT, OR FOUNTAIN I{ . � . •. ;, . ! ' � ' St. or Fountain'' .,; ; Ave„ue, from AVIIUE, FROM '0!F VORTH Ymr. y LIN3 nF BROAD'•7AY STREET TO THE SOUTH TROTFRTY LIME OF ; Broadway to �• Jefferson Bt. 741 O-. JEFFERSON STRP:ET, IN 741E CITY OF TADUOAH, KENTUCKY, AT WE COST OF E ABUTTING FR P10TY OYNERS..AUD FROV.IDIRG THAT SAVA SHALL B:; 1.011STRuCT3D UTON THE TEN Y?.AR FAY! NT ..-PIAN, BE ADOPT?.D. Adopted upon call' of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, .Pace.. t�? Fullium. Tully and Washington. -4+ Commissioner Pulliam offered the followinR motion: I move that A RESOLUTION FRO- Resolution pro- vldinir for im- VIDIIIG FOR THE COIISTRUCTIOilOF THE. ARIVZ7AY, TOG:STTU-M "ITR ALL NI=39ARY MANHOLES, prove®ant of , . driveway on ' CATCH. BASINS, INTAYM AND 9Sb :R FiTF 0a1111roTi.O1ls. :011 TENT11 STRERT. FROM TH3 .1'ORTR FRO- f lOLh 9t. from Jefferson to. Pi2TY LIUE.OF JEFF-MSOV S'lR3.T TO 77L: ;30UTH FROF 3iTY 1,11171OF I:ADT90N 3TR ET, I1H THE f i ! Had icon. 8t. CITY nP PADUOAH, 1.11TUOKY. AT '171P: COST OF Tl!: ABV IT INC.TROT_RTY n'7NERS, AND TROVIDIIHO ': . lG . THAT 3Ai'3 SRALL Br; CONSTRUCTED UPON THE VIN Y?AR TAYIl7IT TIXT, be a4orteA. Adopted upon - call of, the roll by ' the fol lowing vote: Yoao.Fooe,Pui itam,Thlly aM 7-nehtnRton,-4. Oommieelonor Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that A Rr;SOI.UTION FRO- ` .i Resolution pro- rtdinti for im- YIDII IQ FOR THE COIISTRUCTION OF i'71:; 6RIVit7AYe, T00_T113t '1ITH ALL NIA?SSA•RY WTHOL39, N. provement of driveway' on CATCH BASINS, INTA;:ES AUD $ 7.7> PIPS: COUNACTIONS, 011 BOTH SIDTS OF i7!r. TARK'1AY OU SOUTH . ? s: S.IOth St. or Murrell Blvd W21TH STRaT, OR VURR::I.L BOULEVARD. FROM T?G SOUTH FROi ERTY LIIIr'. OF BROA7'AAY TO 1TII from Broadway to Tenn. St. SOUTH TROFP2ITY LINE OF MINsS3r:E STRZMT. Ill rTr. CI 7'Y OF PADUCAH, P.iiItTUCKY, AT THE COST ter. v, OF Tl!L' ABUTTING TROF RTY 0711:RS,..A11D TROVID HHG '..'NAT SAHL3 S --TALI. Bis 660TRUOV UFON V3' ai Tisli Y?rUl PAYLt311T FL11H, EXCPWT THAT PORTION ;THIGH I9 TO BE PAID FOR BY T1� CITY OF ' - •. `+ ; ;. , ��:, .. " PADUOAH, Y,:3ITUCKY, AS.R 311UIRED BY LAW, be adopted.. Adopted upon call of the roll:.b . 4; tho followinR.vote: Yens, pace; ]Pulliam, Tully and t7nshington,-4. i Resolution pro- Ao.•'missloner Pull lam.offer'ad the following motiont I Marc that.A RESOLVr'ION ; �;Yj. •' ♦oR for `•. Improvement of driveway on N. PROVID ING i°(li 143r; COVSTRUOTIOV 61F TIT TDRIV3;7AY,' TOGF.THM '.LITH ALL U?C?SSARY '1dAtlilOLa^9. � OATCH BASINS, IIIT,%XZS AIiD ' -" '� •'�' 12th St. from S .T,SR FT1'c.' COT1lr;C IOIIS. 'ON. ttORTH T'•YP:LFTH STR?3T FROM'' TFE , H" . Jefforson St.:. : Madison St. NORTH FROF :iTY LIMP; OF .J'r:FF:2SON 91R::u'T TO T.113, 9OL'TR•PROr1'rRTY LIN? OF 1'ADI9C4H 9TR-7T:to . ''.B.lEth at. from'! Tenn. St. to PIH SOUT9.7.71'.LFTH'STRc:;T FRM1. TH:i .SOUTH TROPIMTY LI1H? OF T::1R339;rs. STIR.MT TO 'TME l N ?E MRTH Jones lit• : N.11th St. from G TROP:RTY LINE OF JONI S STRr,3T: ON NORTR FL3V'QlTN .STRf3T. FROM .TF3 NORTH FROr RTY iI1TH Jefferson Bt. tb OF.J.+FF:''MSON STR1?ET R) vx SOUTH PROTERTY LINTS OF 14ADISON S7R?.?T ON MR?" NINTH ti Madison`8t.: 8TH 1;R FRCtl'THS NORT17 PROPi4HTY 1.IIIA OP J. P'Fi13S011 8TR3ET-TI) TFl :90UTR FROF:3tTy'•.Lipl, }' . �.L�+..�. .,�,.'d:.a:::A.3iit .'.:._ .,.... _.x-., � .�y-. .`..,..:.�..w.•u :,:u,r:s....• . .a: , r SL::n:.•,....:., } i, t}rJi a..t 3,. '."t" yy�ry[,iw •• .,r.� � .. , ,��' .! cR'. R�. .F!. + � fi" '.•� '..w•a r.. '•+n ^r�j• w ,. y.+t-ir �.' •- F .. � � .. � � .. .,.. , .. .-.�•-=�::- r�-:-.L_' _r... - .:t..:'--. +sem:.... w �{•.._1.`_:�..k •_ ' - .. . 1 9. No���l}� Commissioners'' Proceedings, o? Paducah.__...;:1!.: 192- 4 OF L•ADI90N STREET; ON VORTI,. EIGHTH STR:iLT FROM THE NORTH PROP.'?ItTY LINE OF JEFF:R3ON N �' ST.RaST TO TPE SOUTH TROl':-'RTY LII + OF 1;ADISON• 9TR WT; Oil ITOR111 9RVEITTH 97RRFT PROW THE I Street improvement $' on 11.8th 9t. from iNc`RTIi FROFFRTY LIt13 OP JXS MRSOII STRL:.yr Tn TH!? SCUT, PROP' RTY LINE QF VAIISON STR MT.. j• Jefferson to Hed,- son:. N.7th 9t. from'OII SOUTH 33W.WTH °TRLET FROI•I `m3-SOUT1! rROT'.FTY 1.2115 OF Y..?IITUOYY AV:•:NIJ3 TO R! 1TORTA 1. Jefferson to Madison; 3.7th fromIROF:RTY LINA OF :9ASHIL'GTQf STRSFT: 011 NORTH SIXTH STR::FT PROMTHF NORTH TROTFRTY .LIVE. Yy.Ave. to Washing- ton 9t; 9.6th St.. u0F JF?F.'',T9011 9T3r::T .TO TRS SOWN! FROrMTY LINE OF ?HAIR^Il 9TR^4T; 0i1 SOUTH 9irTt? 9IRS;rT. from Jefferson to . } I 1'adleoa; 9.6th St.ilFROM 1'FFgouTp 'NORTH PROPERTY : YT ? 9LINE OF 7A 9RI1iG`. •• from Ey:Avenue to ;. Washington: B.bth IIpN 3TRFET; At1D ON NORTH FIFTR 9'IR::ET FRou w? Now PROTYRTY LII -'F OF VOILROR. STREET TO': ca i- 3t. from L'ouroe to I ' Madison 3t. TH3 SOUTH PROPERTY LIVE OF MADISON STREET. IN. TM CITY OP. TADUOAH, KI'2ITUOY.Y,' AT TIRE. :t7 COST OF TH-. ABUTi'ING IROP:RTY 0'.711oR3, AUD IROVIDIIIG .'THAT SAAB SPALL BF.,C011STRUOTF.D UPON TIM T:21 YBAR I-AYL_-11T PLAY. be adoptod. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Pnoe, Pullin m, Tully and Washington, -4. I i j Commissioner.F.ulliam offored the following motion: I move that A RF90LUTION PRO- .j 5 {7I1)IYG F01.1 THE CONSLRUCTION OF TPE DRIV3'.9AY, TOG. M!BR %TITH ALL IIM.&S9A_RY ltAlli!OLE9, .h street 1mprOVOIDant ?p on 4th 9t. from CATCH BASIt13'.-111TAKES AID S::'.7R TIFF CON11xT10IS. ON FOURTH S'1R'RT FROL! NL NORTHt' :Monroe to Media= •St: 4th St. from. rROP:RTY LINE OF KOINO_•'9M_tRT TO TIM SOUTH PIOP-TRTY LINE OF VAD 1,9011'9,19EET; ON FOURTH ' �? -Washington to Clark St; Washing- 4,,gTR .3T FROM 111E SOUTH PROP .'1TY LIIIA OF l9ASTIIL'GTON STR ':'r 70 TI1M FORTH PROr.°RTY LINE OP ton 3t. from 6th to 6th 3t. 'S CLARY. S''1R'z :T: 011. AAS11IIIGTOII .STRLFT FROM TUR '.7?ST. FROFFRTY'.LIII3 OF, FIFTH THE- TO THE is Monroe St. from s 5th St. to 6th St. F!,9T FROPFRTY LIU3 OF SIXTH SIR=; 011 m11ROE STRRFT FROM TIIF 'ARST.TROF:'dRTY LINE OF 4 Monroe St. from 6th to 7th St. FIFTH STR::LT TD THE 4AST I'ROP:-2gTY LIITE OF SIXTH STR::ST; Oil MOMOF ST'RMET FROM THE �773T Ky.Ave. from 9th gFROP_a'RTY to 10th 9t. LIN?,'OF SIXT11 3TRL3T T'0 Tf?:•'. FAST TROP! -PTY LINE OF SEV�3TTH STREET-, ON YENTUOYY '?r Teun.St. from lOth? t to 12th 9t. r'A70VA YROU TH.? 'VEST PROF:RTY 1.II13 OF NINTH RTRFFT TO 'HE RAST MOP! RTY LII•'? OF TRUTH Monroe St. from 9th to I.O.R.R. STRLLT, OR NURR2.L BOULEVARD: ON.TFIIITF99ZU? 3'R ET FROM TI!r: '13ST rROI'FRTY LI17M.0? `4 Tracks, and from I.C.R.R. to lath 6 LM1-2.L BOULEVARD, OR .TENTH 9TR.-216T, TO TH 11:,ST PROTSRTY IIF OF T'.Y:D.1+TA 9TRbRT; 01T,. ''.. :a 3t. . ` jIMILROs'31R::::T FROM T1!E '•7::ST. rROrLRTY LINT: OF 11ITTH STR "r TO L. LItI?PARA LL II. '10 AND F173 FEET EASr1ARDLY FROII `ilii CEIITPa OF T111-, :AST 711A0I: OF TilR I. C. R. R. NEAR TENTH t; , 9TRE-ST; MOIIROI: STR:3:"r FROM A LINE FARAIJi-Z TO Aldi P IV2 F_ -ST WLSVIARDLYFROV THE OMNTER' .. .+ ' LINE OF, TH-6 Pi9T TRACY OF 'lVE I1,1II10I3 C&TRA:. RAfIROAD HEAR T:UITH 9TRXET TO .711F FAST G' FROPcRTY LIIIL OF aLV:A,TI1 STRFET AVD FIIO.! '11!3 ILST IROrrRTY LI112 OF XLEVE11711 STREET Bad St. from G1ark. TO Tits LAST FROF:RTY LI114 OF T',7;D,FTI1 STR..AT; Oil 9ROOND BT'REXTI�liOL' TIMSOUTHTROP "R TY to Washington and ;i .1 ;3rd 3t. from I LINS,OF '.7ASHII1GTOh STHRET TO T.H." I:ORTH PRDr:BTY LIIIF. OF GLARY. 9TR:'.RT LLD ON THIRD ; 1' •'.:.i. ,. ;M onroe St. to :' -,` Madison St. 3711E5T,FROM THE VORTH. IROPhRTY 1,010 9'[3 i -,r TO T1!R SOUTH rnqr,r.q7y LII1F: 0➢ .• .,MADISOII. 379 -.;.?T, III 'PRE CITY. OF IADUOAH,' YEIITUOKY, AT'M' COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPI•RTY,, •;c: O:f17:g19, AND rR07IDI110 'rl?AT Sd1:F SMALL BI-, COI'STRUC'Fc:D 15'01I TIM TiiN.YFAR PAYt^?Irl'' TIAII, !. ..+: ' 1 bo adopted•: Adopted upon call of the roll: by the following vote-, Yens, Pao* Pulllem R '� Tully and Tashtngtor.-4. ! In Domnlsetoner Fulliam offered -the following motion: ,1 move that A RFSOLUTTOII TRO- •. ;« I .•+! 'Ooncrete .curbs "I VIDING FOR TF�;' CON3TRUCTI011 OF C01103!: rt*^t^�s-Y'�+•' . Pmi'T'l - a ,.' , 17yy aa-a�� "�"it �® _ ,�;,�s-...,pf"•fir, �, ',e _I,.,Ju:'•/�W.4.... i S^Y^'�"C t:,l„Y�'pmti.�'` N"ti ".w� �.t,."'•M1•n^w.. k. N!I: rr,. rr.,r.M`,...- - { , � -'ail-•' .�...ia �.,,�:...:._.:'�:.. t.....:-..c'.�<.s..-._...._,...a a.w L. t w:r� � h.vn1.�:—:.....' h •' No ` �, t : ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah -192— FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE, OF 110NROL STRr.ET TO 7Y SOUTH IROPERTY LINE OF irdDI9011 s .STREET; IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH..K3g1UCKY; AT 111A C09T• OF -M, ABUTTIIiO PROPERTY OWNwR9. AND PROVID1N0 THAT SAMA SHALL BL OONSTRUOT D UPON THE Trp TLAR PAYIV21T PLAN be' adopted. , C;r Adopted upon dell of the roll by the following vote: Yang, Pace, Pulliam, Tully and :. Washington, -4. •. `.• Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that a notice be..served ;r 1(4— .'.on S.A.Herding A` E. H. Herding Company, Instruotina him to begin work on Trunk Line Fa teneton sowers: ,i,; ; ir' • �: = Co. notified to begin work under his contract dated April 9th. 1923, and that the City Clark be instructed to j. ? ". on Trunk Liae•. Extension'. '' r7C ::.::; :: •' .. . ..eerve,sai.d notice. Adopted uponoall of the roll by the following vote: Yens. Paoe.r:; ?: sewers.., ;''• '.Pulltam, Tully and Washington. -4. ' :I ` On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the fo7lowina vote: Yeas.'• . Pao@, Pulliam, Tully and. Washington,4A. 1 l s x r' rL Adepled 19d3_ �l�t'ai.s7V r k+t (• OV 9406 t APRIL 23RD. 1923. • i,r � 7 f i At a Aegulai Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Oommieeioners' t t Obambor in the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky. on April 23rd. 1923. Upon Dell of the- `' `r roll the following answered to their names: Oommiseloners.Paoe. Pulliam. Tally. t „ Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-6. I l On motion the Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings, are adopted, is.rr, r as read upon call of the roll by the following.vote; Teas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully. 'Washington and Katterjohn,-6. I �` Commissioner Tully offered the 'following motion: That the Tymo utility Company bs ''• ; Tomo Utility ;- Co. granted .: '�• mP P v anted exemption from ad valorem taxes for period of five ears from this date asxemp t , from' Inducement for their Lazes for a_ taxes for on,. them to locate and.o orate plant in the.City of Paducah and tI P s .. of years* City Solicitor be instructed to bring in.a. resolution to that effect: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Iese. Pace, Pulliam, Tally and Waehdngton.-4: Hays. Katterjobn,-1. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the cost bill in the {A?i `.:Ooet bill in ; case of City of Paducah, Petitioner Sz Parte, amounting to the sum of $10.26. dun case of City. ^c i.:r.• 1' of Paducah .Roy.B.,.Speak, Clerk Court of Appeals, be allowed. and the Cbmmdestoner of Public Pt- petitioner Bz . Parte, amount- nonce Is hereby authorized. and instructed to issue voucher to the said. Speak. and that ang to paid Roy B. same.be oharaed to Coate and Butte. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Speak,Clork. Court of ' vote: Yeae..Pace. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Ketterjohn,-6. �`•:: Appeals. " Oommiseloaer'Pulliem offered the following motion: I move that the nodosa! of . ', Miso,.Laura Mies Laura Graves, amounting to $22.00 for taking depositions in the suit of O. H. Graves paid $22.00 taking King. &a.. ve City of Paducah, Kentuoky._whereby the Oity has been enjoined from lett-1`• depoeitlone in '' � t,'• ki.'. suit of O.H. ,;•: Ing contracts for the construction of branch line sewers.. be allowed and the Commis- King &c. ve g az City of Patluoah' stoner of Public Finance to hereby authorized to issue check to her for said amount j ' Sewer District c: ;;"� , 'by and charge same to Caste and Suite. Adopted upon onl] of She roll the fol]owinq I +t; �' '? dote: Teas, Psoe, Pulliam. Tully, Waehingtoa and Katter'ohn.-6. Oommlesdoner.Washington offered the following motion: I move that the transfer' 44 -Oomotery trove -from Mrs. Bliss Meyers to t Mrs. F. A. 9hemwell of Lot Be. 210. in Section 14. Oak Crove for from Mrs. 4 Blue Meyers.: 'Cemetery be tatifled. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: leas. Pass "t to Mrs.F.A..:, . Shemwell- , '" Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. �^ Cemetery trans Commissioner.Waahi on offered the motion: I move that the transfeh^ ' ngt following fer from •�. fr.om'M,B.Waason.to Mr. and Mrs. 0.A.Buttrey, to the south one-half of Lot No. 217; inW.B.Weeson to' 4{ Mr.and.,Mre. " Beotion 14, Oak Grove Oemetery..be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the. O.A.Buttrey* following vote:Yeas.Paos.Pulliam.Tully,Waehington and Katterjohn,-6. 1 '• 1 'j ;"„