HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 158, April 16, 1923p - '. .. t; x � r 'Pt <. }d - � 9-�'.�7W _ S ,. 4 i. ,�'s ,t C• ti 0 F{ Cc�laptnissionera' Proceeding®,;Citx`mi" Padueah;�� L �>`s n� <''719fL_l 1 k' APRIL 16TH. 1923. tt i At s Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiestonere, held in the Commissioners° y' iL i i 1 ii Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on April 16th. 1923. Upon call of the roll the following , answered to their names: Commissioners Pace. Pulliam, Tully. Washing ,- i � 3,. �• ' ton and Layer Katterjohn.4. ' On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Wash-tppx;t �,. ington and Katterjohn.-6. zd, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the roquest of the Knight Knight Templar e' ' parade and .drill To mplara for the use of the streets for parade and drill on I:tay 15th. 16th and 17th }' %tay 16-16-17 << be'granted ord that the Commissioner of Public Safety rive the necessary police proteo I . ` Lion. Adopted upon call of the roll by the folloninm vote: Yeas. Pace, Fulliam,Tully, k 4 Washington, and Katter john, -6. p gi'Rel.ort Co mor. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I'move that the report of the Public Finance ehowina.Appor- Commissioner of Public Finance showing the Apportionment, the Amounts Expanded and the I' � ;.. tionment,amountey ;. exended and the6`.> balances to the i Balances to the creditof the various accounts under the different departments at the ~ credit of each d of Larch 1923, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow- enk:. department. I r,,...`.`.,e•...- L trim vote: Yode, Pace, Pulltam, Tully. 'Tanhington and Katterjohn.-6. I 1. Oommnntoation Commiesioner Pulliam offered the follonine motion: I move that the oommunication 771 ` E.R.Herding Co.i ;•..:•,., ;• Vit; !r, of E. R. Harding Company, dated April 14th, 1923, relative to lowering grade on Soner relative to r ` change in grade 11 District 13-A beyond 10th street, be received and filed. Adapted upon call of the roll , I-, on sewer Diet. �.; #3-A. by the following vote: Yoss,Paoe.Pulllam,Tully,'lashington and Katterjohn.-6.` i Commissioner WanhinRton offered the following motion: I move that the transfer Cemetery trans for from J.P. from J. P. Parker nrd wife to H. 11. DoGraffenrcid to the east half of Lot #11, in Block y Parker and wife) '! to H.Af.DaOrnffen�12, -on the South aide of Nanrmn Street, bet -mom Bnker and lltller Stroeta, Onk Grove �� 7 reld. Oemotery, be ratified. Adoptnd upon cal] of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Pace Pulliam Tully. 'Tashi naton ' and Xattorjohn,-B. 1'•. J. Commisoionor Waohfngton offorod the followtnq motion: I move that the transfer �•• Cemetery trans-' fer from Ed L, from Fid J•. Atkins and wits. Grace Atkins. 'La J. W. lookwood, to Lot No. 667 in section Atkins and :rife I• Grace Atkins to 39. Oak trrove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following ( Y J.7. Lockwood. I ,vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, 9aehinRton and Xatterjohn.-6. 4;. ,', ; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDI11AllC? AUTHO R Ordinance auth- 17, 1110 AND DIRr.CTI116 Tlti', I:AYOR AND 00131IS310112RHO .OF PUBLIC FINAIICF TO RRO'.Y THE RU1.1 OF oriaina Vagor.6 k �• �" ; eionet of finano•TITDITY TITOU.IAIID (' 30.000.00) DOLLARS FROIA '1'11:: 0 TT1",:IIS SAVINGS BANK OF PADIIOAH, KPNTUOKY. �:. rinanoe .to bop-.; � 1' row $30,000.00 from OitiaoneCITY, ,�. AILD TO RYr:OUTN A NOT:; FOR SAID SU11 FOR AND ON i01AIF OF SAID e�be ads d - adopted. Ado tr i. €. Savings !lank. I ' t: 0 upon call of the. roll by the following vote: Yens, Face, Pulltam. Tully. Waohinaton rind!-' I•, Xattorjohn,-6. Orkirnnoe cath- Commissioner Face offered the following motions I move that All OPDTNAITO? AUT}IOR- Ing Aaunt to _VINO AILD DIR20TING L. A. '.YA911I110TON, PURCHASTIIG AG?TIT, TO PURGHA4N, FROM 0. N. BAh3R A ' purohoae Gar for r0R IIII; CHIEF OF 'MIS FIRA WIARITIATIT AND SN;TTINO OUT Th111 AHOUNT TO R:? rAID A Ohief of Fire AND x 1: h Dopartmont. TRX TN.111l9 OF 11AYi110T be adopted. p Adopted upon oa77 of the rollbythe following voter Ft+ H.Yeas. .race ,julliam., Tully, Washington and Knttorjohn,-6. 2* Ord inanoe auth.h oriaina Purohne- I ,• Commissioner Pace offered' the following motion: I: move that All ORDINANOS AUTHOR - or •. ing Agent to IZINO AND DIREOTINU L. A. 1TASHII4OTON, PURCHASING AG71T,T0 PMRCHAS? FR01' THS UIIITED } pTaohase fire F hose. t STAT3S.RUBB.0 OOYPANY O:�RTAIN Ii083 FOR THE FIRE Dr9'ART1.!ET. AND -SETTING. OUT' TEIR N.TOU1"1° i )R, TO rid PAID THEREFOR be adopted. 'Adopted upon call of the.roli by the following vote Ys Ij u S ti Yeas, Peae. Pulliam; Tully, Washington end•Katterjohn.-6. r l * 1._ . tb� f t .wr;... , ., rl'•s ..s,.. .... s.-1 y_ .. ..,...�s .15 _ �.1. .rs ...,. x. .. .. v...._w .. �•.a+f .rt ,Y:.-......••.. ..�. . _ .. .... ... 'A .,—. 5 a .. �+ :.t:q).S-.vN!.i.�.r ..Hr Yip.>:c ld .15.T.„iFfi, a! <. e�aw:+; t :. .`.a �_: r., ._ i-. .•i.. v...... ,.`. a a ro a.:.w.ecre..;. •,-. �•U fat-•-e:w ...:o:-s::fY-. 4 �•--. ::,�'� '- ��3: st. i :anti+"".�r+�.1117}ef �I-'r .•';f'.�r `�m.rf�� ,. ,�;.�1. y'�Zi'{!�°;y't;�l+y+ltyt'-:f .,''.�L�,•�'a;�; .. +'s^ �✓,n��l?1{ 3, R••,s-. 4: s�y•^�..,C �i ��r� �u�?rT�+r t` �" f.yg tl jv f. �Nt r y; •?.-r rr •s< - rte,' � •., Commissioners' Proceedings; City- o! . Paducah ; : ` • ', 192 -' Roy Steuart, Oommtesioner Tully offered the following motion: That Roy Stewart, Sheriff, $9 OOf costs in ibe paid the eum of $9.00, ooete in the once of Lamb vs Otty of Paduoah. and same be -";. .' rf case of Lamb ve City of Paducah. charged to Coate & Suite. Adopted upon call of the roll by P P the following vote; Yene P ,;; til' -too, Pulliam. Tully, 7ashington and Katterjohn,-8. On motion the Board adjourned upon cal l of the roll, by 5 yeas. it, +• �r �-'---��.��t�-cam '� •' ���,(/ `r_140 APRIL 18TH, 1923. ' At a Called sleeting of the Board of Ooimnieeionera held in the Oommieeionere! 1 Chamber in the City Rall, Paduaah. Kontuoky, on April 18th, 1923, at 12:00 o'olook A. �,Y.. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commianioners Pace, ` Tully and V.ayor Y_atterjohn,-3. ' :•, r Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To receive and approve the a , contract. for the 3rd District Sewer extensions andany other bustnene that mtaht come before the noard. 1layor,Katterjohn offered the following motion: I.move that the contrast for ` Contract #3 Die triol Trunk line ! the construction of trunk line extension cowers between the City of Paducah, Y.ontuoky , extension 'sewers u ` with E.3.Rard Viand E. R. Harding Company, Incorporated, be received, filed and aprroved. Adopted ing Oo. ° upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeau,Paoe,Tully and Katterjohn,-3. R Commisuioner Tully offered the following motion: The 3: R. Harding Company. Certified oheok 'h. r•r i for $2,000.00 .having eigned oontraot for the oonutruotion of the No. ,3 District Trunk TAne Sewer r :filed.itth bid. 44 "•r,:.7L of M R.HardingFExtenolone, I move that the Oommi ®loner of Public Finnnoe be authorized and in ; 4-roturned.. n struoted to return to them the certified check for 2,000...00, which was deposited E: with their bid. Adopted upon gall of the rel] by the' following vote: Yeas. Faoe, f.. �. Tully Ord Y.ntterjohn.-3. Y On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yens. VITO Y. .. KAYOM .' AFR IL 20TH, 1923. Ata Called sleeting of tho Board of Commissioners; held In the, Oommi.s9l6n u..,. . F ere�Chamber in the City Rall, Paducah. KentuoYv, on April 20th, 1923, at 10 o clock Via. t, A. M.. Upon call of the roll the following answarnd to their names: Oommtnoiornre �, .. Faoe, Pulliam..Tu]ly and 7aohingtan,-4;''Myor Ratterjohn being out of •tonin, I:ayor. ~ ? Pro Tem :la ehington presided... 1%yor Fro Tom Washington stated reasons for call to -wit:' For the purpose f rr. ,of allowing pay-rollorfor.tho,first half of April and any other business that. mi'At „• ' come before the Board. OommlBetonor lublv stinted the fo7loring motion; ?hat the eattar of cones- i'•r G„ Pr deration of the 9enernal Clinto be referred to the Bonr4 of Commtssionora ns a 021tio1nio. .. •.. ,A committee of the whole. Adopted on call of the roll by, the following vote; .Y 'a'a Taos. Pulliam, Tully and lashtngton,-4. Pay -roll first r luilf.of the CommiOsioner Tully offered the following motion: I..move-that ,the pap -roll ;• r.... month of April~: ,,� ".';✓Ji a 19P.3. forthe fir at half of the month of April,. amounting to $0102.34,, as pet Abb rnpor6 y of the'Oommie3loner of T-ublio Finance filed hnre•vith, be al'lowod ani•ordered paid and the money appropriated from. the Conoral Fund to pay Dame. Adopted.upon`oall of. the^ }:;,t,+; 7 roll by the following vote: Yeaa; Pace, Pulliam, Tully and Wash1ngton,-4..`::,. 4 • - .. is ' 1 ..� i