HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 15, March 31, 1922Commissioners' Proceedings, .City- of Paducah M/L?CH 30TH. 1922; 1 � 1 11' { ( r - -� y At n Called ]tooting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commiestonere' .Chamber in the City Iiall. Paducah, Zentucky, on Llaroh 30th, 1922, at 11 o'clock A: M.. fUpon call of the roll the follo:ttng answered to their nnmee: Commissioners Pace. Tul]y,, 9nehinaton and Mayor Eatterjohn,-4. yj f` n Mayor Eatterjohn stated roasor.s'for call to -wit: For the purpose' of extending r the time of building tho P. &. I. Railroad Depot, and such other bustness as may. come be Yore tha Board.. 1 Communication of L:ayor Eatterjohr- offered the following, motion: I move that the communication ! 7il:eolor & Hughes,.' :•� Att;rs. requesting r from ''Wheeler-& Hughes, Attorneys for the Paducah h-Illinol'a Railroai Company, request- oxtercion'of tire for the commonae- in R_ an ext one ton of time for Lha commencement of the buildtna of the depots, se re-' - ,I ment of buildir-g deTote.' ( ceived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas;'Paoe,. Tully, Tashirpton and Y.attnrjonn,-4. i:nyor Kottor john offered the, Yoll.owin¢ metier- I, move that a resolution en - Resolution extend:. titled, "R.3SOLUTION ZXT]IDII:G 'ZHL TIIx WITA.IN 711TICH TH:? FADUCAH AID 1111110I3 RAILROAD Ing time within .r Thich the. P & I. 1OLreI1Y IS TO BEGIN III GOOD FAITH THE CONSTRUCTIOI: OF C53TAIN DZPOTS III THF, 01TY OF. R.R. Co. Is to a bog Ln. construction L0VCAH, KZI:TUCEY," be adopted., Adopted. upon.oall of the roll by the followtrm vote of depots.. is i Yoau, Faoo, 'Tully, 'Washington and.Katterjohn,-4, - 'A • •` On motion the Board adjourned upon•oall of the ,,roll by 4 -yeas. f Adsple[J4ll� �aPPRCO�T'IAb jl NARCA 318T. 1922. I, At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners* Chamber in the CILy.Rall,'Paduaah, Kentucky, on March 31st, 1922, at 11:45 o'clock A.M. 'I Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commtsslonere Pace, N Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-5. j S Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit:, For the purpose of paeetmR a. ri a Revolution releasins certain employees of the City of Paducah, and any other bull Gnoes that may come before the board. L'nyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that n resolution en- ;-� - Reeolutlion're- titled, -A RESOLI"PION RF.LIEVIlIG C_MTAIN &PLOYFES OF THE CITY OF rADUCAN, Y.ENTUCKY. lieving certain employees of, the .i FROM PURTITF.R DUTY, 77ITITOUT PAY, MPPECTIVY APR IL 1, 1922," be adopted. Adopted upon City of Paducah, `} ..City sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeac, pace, rul]lam, Tu17y. WaehinRton and j LTayor Katterjohn.-B. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Tay -roll for Pay=rolls Police ''y the Folios Department amounting to $434.61, and the pay -roll for the Fire Department Department $434.61. , and Fire Department amounting to $250.04, a total of $684.66, be allowed and -ordered paid and the money $250.04.alloved. appropriated from the general funds to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, page, Pulliam, Tully, WaehinRton and Katterjohn,-6. ,! Commissioner Tully. offered. thefollowing motion: I move that "AIl ORDINANOR !.,? Ordinance RF.T ALING All ORD WANCE hNTITLFID' "AN ORD IIiANCS CRFATIIIG A RUARD OF TRUST::F9 OF THE repeal- ing Ordinance Creat- 'I,ina Board of True- POLIOA AND FIRr7• 013 PENSIOII FUND PRESCRIBING THh :)UTIE9 OF SAID HOARD ACD PROVID DVO=ti te:ee enl a pens o FOR A TAX TO BE L-SYL-M FOR '1718 PURIO8.; Ob CRFATING SAS FUND ADOFT.m" BY TRR BMRO OF Firemens pension �' ` ` Fund. COLVISSIONi;RS ON PEBRUt.RY 14TH, 1922. RBOORDED FEMIJARY 15th, 1922 AICD PUBLIBAFD F7MRUARY 167H, 1922," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following4. j '. ..vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam. Tully. Washington, -4; Nays. Katterjohn.-l. e rT, y..M`r {�' .•.,aFY` - M -..e6 ....4 .,,i. :iii ir.'STBC: i✓? W:•o^lnT.^+.+.^..']:,r,::.'E:.J ... f.^T,. 4T•':'..{':',.'T,T^l'hi'0.."'.ve.". '."K ,9Ci•'.'1yS�'.• .�,�..:y�.�,"n � ■ I r' Na Commissioners, Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-._ + lhppra.V.A..Wal I 'I Oommieutoner Pace offered the following motion: I move that lire. M. A. Walla. +^ t �• J-., Clerkntetoo-PoiiaJ be appointed Clerk to the Polios ,Tudge, to take effeot April lot, 1928. Adopted upon Jud Re 6r 1 call.of,the roll by tits following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, Tully..Waahington,-41 Nuys, k &etterjohn.-1. ,�'•1 ', On motion the.Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. AdopterCRY CAh 1,L APRIL 3RD, 1922, j At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' 1.• Ohember in the City.Hall. Paducah, Kentucky. on April 3rd. 1928. Upon call of the roll •" i nr the following answered to their namee: Commissioners Pace. Tully. Waehington..and " F `p > Mayor. Kattorjohn.-4. r On motion of Commissioner Washington 'the minutes of the previous meetings were a t'r adopted, ae read, neon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Tully, {. 1( Washington and Katter john. -4. � •' C. 111 i •�r Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The am of $37.60 having tt t, Y been paid into the Treasury, as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith. I move that y Cemetery Deed deed be granted. to Tan G. Miller for Lot No. 20 in Block No. 2 on the South side of �• „ x 1 to :Will G. Miller. Hannan Street between Baker and }.tiller Stroets.in Oak Grove Cemetery.. Adopted upon :._`' 5: call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Tully,laehington and Katterjohn,-4.' ' } �.t Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $37.60 having been paid into, the Treasury. as evidenced by the rooeipt filed herewith; I move that Demeter Deed. y to Clyde deed be grantod to Clyde Padden for Lot No. 66 in Block No. 2 on the East side of liiller €` Maddon. Street, between Ford and Hannan .Streets in Oak drove Oemetory. Adopted upon call of the F roll by the following vote: Yoas. Pace. Tully, Washington and Kattor�ohn,-4. f Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of Report Chief I aY I s'•. of Polios for ' the Chief of roues for the month of March 1922, be received and filed, Adopted upon ! .'Maroh 1922. 1 , call of.the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. ,Tully. Washington and Katte=john,-41 Commissioner Pulliam entered the meeting. f 1.(ayor Kntterjoha offered the following motion: I move that a resolution en- ..,R000lutton titled. "A Rr.`SOLUTION PRO✓IDTIIO FOR AND ACTHORIIING Y'H3 CONDryCNATIOIi'OF Ci?RTAIlI PROP}JI-I _ aut?iorizing. i - oondeanr_tion TY FOR SUB -DMS IOI1S A. B. AM) 0. OF 51117M DISTRICT lllTt,ID,•'1R THR�. IN T?IE CITY .OF PADU- ''• i of proportyi.. ' in re:Sowor CAH, YA1 UCYY, FOR TIIFI rvRPwi•1 OF PROOURING A RIGHT -OF -'JAY FOR. TRUNK 10i ,, SaTMS TO BE {' ti District #3. 'CO11S'AIUCTD FOR SAID S3"=- DISTRIOT A10110. OVER AND UII90 SAID PROP:RTY. AND D.SIGNAT- 1, z r ING THE PROPiMTY TO BE COND4'.11;D. A11D OV}Ti 7HIOH SAID RIOHT-OF-WAY IS TO P;?. PROCURED." I I 5.. be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by.tho follcJ7LnR'.vote.i Yeas, Pace. Pulliam. k Tully,.Waohington and Kattorjohn,-6. �+ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the'Oommtooioner of { 'Bil].o for Public Finanoe be instructed and Ruth oriaed.to inolude in the reauiar monthly pay6ro11.i; ` Stroote Sew- y_ :era and �$3 bills aslisted,for- District Sew -`ti Streets... .......$137.90 y< t ebenthald..% Sewers.. ........ .�.:.. 14.76 �r P a Dietriot Sewer...... ... 166.97 a 'rr A4opted upon call of,the roll by the following vote. Yeas, Pace Pulliam, Tully, and t Washington; -4= Hoye, Hatterjohn,-1. a j i• �l , t.a., ' � ..6.a.1:..a:..., A,.,L.Yw:. .w.>:�.Y :di�,.c.• ,�4,y..r.:.�Y.--�`!./>3 �+ra...: .:iYi..L zvww� ,1-� �.,Y` !. .i.t--..,.;i w,. .i: ..L t� ...�:r_:.�.t..�..••- � _7. ' _�_'.r . '1.. .. r CtT' _ ....:!.+z: •r, a:.- , fN �i,-:i '+?> .t•!r,y:. �. : F.. .ti�+..r a .r•.1c .w .. .. •w.. L„d;,..:.:'x.W.:-r ._ r ... r ,.