HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 142, March 21, 1923I ., '. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of •Paducah, .' " ' 192; MARCH 21ST'. 1923. fiC At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommieoionere, held in the Commissioners' I ,t Chamber in the City Hall..Paduoah. Kentucky, on liar oh 21st, 1923, at 10 o'clock A. M. Upon cell of the roll the following answered to -their names: Commissioners Paoe.Pn]liam; Tully, Washington and Lhyor'Katterjohn,-B. f4''• Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To try out the chargee preferred ,. �5 j rF against Henry Hale; and any other business that might come before the Board. 4i Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: All of the evidence having been K Trial of the heard on the chargee preferred againet.Henry.Hale. I now move that the said Hale be { chargee preferred` { , Ied for a.period of 30 days, effective this date. without pay. Adopted upon call against patrol- suspend . ' man Henry Hale. of the roll by the.following vote: Yeae, Pace. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Natter p j john, -6. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the City Solicitor be - City Solicitor" r ' ;to draft ordl- 'inetrvoted.to draft an ordinance J. S. McKee of Muscatine. Iowa. from Munia! { ; rjnames exempting y, y J.S.MoKee of pal Ad Yaloren Taxation for a period of five.yeare,from this date, as an inducement a r Musoatlne.IOw. ;, ' r••'• ifrom Munielpal „ to looate in this City. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, } �ad valorem taxa -1 + if tion for B years. Peas, Pulliam. Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-B. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that this meeting be ad- j 'Journed until 8:30 o'clock P. V. this date. . Adopted upon call of the roll by the { 4�, following vote: Teas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully.. Washington and Hatterjohn.-B. MAROH 21ST, 1923. t' At an Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' l } 1 Chamber in the City Rall. Paduoah, Kentucky. on March Blot. 1923. at 2:30 o'clock P.M. tt Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commieeionere Pace, Tully.,..; Wash Inaton and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. f i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:,I move that a contract dated I•;, ;� ,,, Contract dated i f� ., Maroh 21.1923. March Blot, 1923, by and between the City' of .Psduoah, Kentucky and E. R. Harding Com- x betseen City and t, E.R.HardlnR Co. pang, ieiative to constructing trunk line extension sewers !n Sewer District No. 3. be for construction n E of trunk line received and filed, and F. V. Katterjohn, Mayor, to hereby authorised and directed to extension Bowers,,a in Sewer Diet. el Fm Bald contract. but same is not to become effective until an ordinance accepting + /3. the bid of the said E. R. Harding Company Is duly introduced and adopted. and to take i. �. effect as.. y p P y as. } provided b leer. Adopted upon call of the roll b Lhe.followinR vole: Ye Pace. Tully, 'Aaebington and Katterjohn,-A. tf k, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- 74' K Ordinance accept- " Ji titled "AN ORDINA1103 AOCEPTINO THA BID OF.S. R. HARDING COMPANY, INOORPORATIM . OF RAOIUE Ing bill of S.R. (:;:.•,. Rardtna Company I �S hL AI for the con- SOQNSIN, AND. AWARDINO.THE CONTRACT TO. SAID COMPANY FOR ilia OONSTRUOTION OF TRUNK LIvEi struation of 1' 1; trunk line ex- EXTEHSIOH. S3IF,RS FOR 8h7M DISTRICT HUMBM THRX3.0'be Introduced and, lay over. Adopted tenelon.eewere%� 7 in Sewer Diot.#3. :upon call of the roll.by•the following vote= Yeae, Pace. Tully. Washington and Hatter FIRST HEADING. john. -4. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the'roll by 4 yeas f `� ,; AiwFtei.i� + .,�,::•�P.ia2Z®QR'� � , Y � y .• ;a 11 AY0 R,i , x$ • -.-. x ••�c...a...�,.-. ... .. ,. .:. ., r ..,..w, .. _ - - ...... , .. ,..:,. - - .. - , .. ••.!•.. '.i -.. ..... - -. -: nom.. - :.. . ,-• . 1'+:! .. N., fi.i.:. s' .fr..:7,:,iYkA'�::.1�•,•�t' .i. '+R..•at ' d'.w.lr;�3 � •' .a.. �«u -� cw- .:..,-a.. r -,.w„ r�:s,..: aoutr .iu.ia:ccic�.�i ' x"c:i- _.i..: 1 E.