HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 131, February 24, 1923�L'`�..,":i�'1`, ��'•''�'""^. r.l'r "t�° � - _ 1R� 7ii�aC?Ah:Fs?•�R+..:ad'- n _c. �•r°J! h M 1 ` ,r �.a r • , CZ i i e - X p f�k } �.�' fk j,7K!A',+yni .tr it �, J LZ h.:: dr ,,•+' F,}7j •.11'a 4. No. 13 _... Commissioners: Proceeding$;_City of'Taducah. 1 ;' `;' 192_'_ N F:33RUARY 23rd, 1923,. •AL a Called Meeting of the Boerd of Commiestonere; hold in the Commiselonere' ` Chamber in the City Hall, Taduoah, Y.entuoly, on Fobruary 23rd, 19£3, at 2:10 o'clock P: Li. Upon call of the roll the follorrinr ans•.vered to their nnmaei Oommieelonere''` Pace, Pulliam, Tully, '.7aahington and Vayor Katterjotln, 5. FMyor Katterjorn stated reasons for call to4wit:•.-For the purpose of aroating gzones for lateral severe. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion:. I .move, that'en ordinanae ' { entitled "Ali ORDTII_IIO:: C3FATIIJG :119 ::S'T:3LI9RII:G 93"!:•:I 70N::9 tIU1:B>Z19 ONE. T70, T131M, Ord irnnoe creating FOUR nIJD r'I'T', ITT SUB-DIVISIONS A., B. AIID C.. 'S:•,^T.R,DIS'91OT IR?ISM TP.R.72. III TIE, Sower 'ones 1,E, 3,4 h. 5. (� CITY o IADUCA-.-,liCi:Y, AILD DESCRIBI11G EACH OF SAID .^.ONES BY 1,`ETF.S AIJD BOUIIDS," (ha( be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the folloainm vote: Yoae, Taos, Pulliam, F Tully, '3aehinmton,-4; na;;s Y.atterjohn,-1. Commissioner Pulliam offered the fol]owina motion; I move that a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DXJJ.RII?G T?n: COI:SL'?IArIOIt OF SANITARY 937 TS It? 9"!3t 7.01fE i.Reeolution.deolar- inp oor.struotion 111JI.4."i OIJE. III 2UB-DITI31011 0., 9:.^•'^R DI9TRI0'P 11UIT,-N 'CRR--, TO BE A N?C?9SITY. AND -, of se'sere in Zone G 1, a r.nooselty. W SRTTING OUT, IN GE011,RAl T1.I1.'.S,TR PROP:4?TY 9UBJ�CT TO TRS: JAY1'^IIT OF 'P?Ti CO'T OF FIRST 11 .J1115. SAVE," be Introduced..ard lay over. Adopted uron oall-of the roll by the fol]owinst }' vote: Yeas, Peoe. Pulliam, Tully Aashinrrton • ,-6; Nays,Kattor�o)m,-1. On motion of Commissioner Tully thn Board a4jourr:ed until 10 a alaok A.1..., �s Saturday Fobruery 24th, 1923. upon call of the roll'by the'followina vote: Yoae, r - ` Pace. Iulliam. Tully, 17ashinr{ton and Kr.tterjohn.-5. 1 ' FEBRUARY 24TH. 1993. At an Adjiurned Yeetinst of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommie v aiorierA' Chamber In the. City .P.ell, Paducah, Y,ontuoky. on 9ntnrday, February 24th.,. p, - • 1923, at 10 o'clock A. M. Upon call of the roll the following anoaered to their, r "names: Commissioners Faoe.'Pulliam, Tully, '•7nshington and Ketterjohn,-5. v' !• " Commiesioner Pulliam offorod the foll'owinv. motion: I move that a resolution 3oso7ut ion Qeolnr- ' entitled " A RE30LUTIdli D 016RIIIG TIN COIISTRUCTIOIi OF SANITARY &.7-MS III 9R'.7ER SONE''' ins oor.Ktruotion', of Be ors in Zone ITU1.BER T'A0, III SUB-DIVISIO11 B. 3 7.'M DI9TRI1T 110.13M..T'^IS�, iO DE A IISOFSSITY, AIM $2 d r.00eonity. F172,T?'�1,DIIJG: SETTIIIG OUT. IN SFI1:•DiAL V VS, TRS. PRO]'?: TY 3U9J::OT TO TH. TAYI'!�1iT OF TRE DOST OF'. ! ` } SAI.--3." be introduced and lay over. Adopted nron call of the roll by.thn.f0ll0wi11R vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully and lashinaton,-it 11aya. Y.attorjohr,-l. ..' r Oommtestorer Tulliam offered thn following motion: - 1 move 't hat n rnsolation ' R000]ut ton dealer-� entitled "A R 36LUTIOL Dr:O:J.RIIJG 'R?r. 10113TRUCTIOP OF SANITARY S:"'Ir?t9 IU T-7721 "011?, lr,rr. oonotruatIon ,''"'♦?' of uo. ora in Zone IM-M.'1T TITIIF?. IV SUB-DIVNIO113, A. AIJD B.. 810.M DI3TRIOT I1UI.M.' TIiiP2 TO 'BF. A' . a..r ,• ` #3 a neoeusity.- FIRST R::ADING. 1140*33ITY. AIJD !a:'.TI1J�1 OUT, III G4 .,RAZ 'CrS1,1B, TIC: PROT:Z?TY SL'EJ3:CT TO TR 1: T'AYI :I1T OF i71; COST OF >Al,tl:," be introduoed.and. lav over.Mopted upon call of the roll by - the iol]owlna vote: Yeas, I'aoo, Pulliam. Tully nrrtVlanhinRton,-:4;.i1cya,Y.ntterjohn,.-1. Oommiesionar Pulliam offor.ed the following motion: I move that.& reso3uticn':;'; R000lut ion doolar- i S ..'. i. ins construction entitled "A REB^ZlJ^ION DiOJ.ARIIJ VA C01!9,r-T11,TIOIJ OF 001.:9117.7 STORM AIM SANITARY ti I of sonorc ir. None DIS 44 n reoeeaity. �. 33JEMS IIT 9 7:2 ZO1TB IILR.IILR ?0UR.- IIT SUB-DI7IMI13 A. AIM P,., 3r:"':-:?? TRICT ITUI.M.M >.•,st,,; '.. FI113T R::1DING. y Ti9TEE, TO B: 1. Ir'CE2`3IiY, AIM .12TTING OUT, ITT r, I1;'.RAL,THISS,• Vt-, TROPa4TY SUDJtBT TO N` TPR IAYL'.:ITT OF TI?:; OOST OF WY.." be introduced and layover. Adopted•upon call of. the roll by the followin.er, vote:.Paas. F&ce.l°it] llam. Tu]ly.'3auhtr;rrton and Katterjohy,6. `14*i 1l �k,-- - ` .1. , -�. +s , .. ._ . x .. ..r .� ..u:..w•.. ... 7.77'1:4•'.'nl�"wTJ.'7.:,}+�'J".'+.T-!ip�.T73^:'ti� 3�: I':'w�!�$,�-•T,'t� ,' t I •�• r. :nit{ < - .�/ o � r Thi � ;!N+•ct` I No Comulissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192 Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I move that a resolution .k{. t 1 ' ' Jsx•r .entitled "A RESOLUTION D.MIARINO TIE CONSTRUCTIOIi OF C(B.BIItr'D STORES AVD SANITARY S:,',ras Fr Re.solut ion de x olarinv, con- • IV SIN712 ZOL'; IJUI:Ba FIVE,IN SUB -DIVISION, A., 83—r:R DISTRI0-P NU&B:0 TFRr3, TO B3,A I } atruotion of? ' sewors in Zone 'NJCSSSITY, :,NO P=TTING OUT, IN :::J1 RAL TERVS, TH.,, TROP.RTY SUBJECT TO THE I6 IMIT OF p1RST RFAD IDO. TH?I COST OF SAES," be introduced and lay over.:*Adopted upon call of the roll by the . fl. following. vote: Yeas, Pace.pulliam,Tullv.17nehington and Kattorjohn.-b.. h ' On, motion the Board 'adjourned upon call of the 'roll by 6 yeas. r A 1. 10i _11�4 F:-BRUARY 26TH, 1923. r At a Reg"ler 1Aeetina of the 'Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioners' t l Chamber in the -Oity Hall. Faduoah, Kentucky, on February 26th, 1923. Upon call of the } ci etX, roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace. Pulliam. Washington andt,i s' Mayor Kntterjohn,-4. .i On motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of the previous moetinan aero adopted xl as road upon call of the'roll by the followrinm vote: Yeas, pace, Pulliam, Washington r. ?and Katterjohn,-4; X } Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommuniontion Dommunleation of Z property oanere �, dated •February' 12th,.1923, from property owners on South Second Stroe;. between Wash t ,r on S.2nd St. bete. '"nshinetan and ington and Clark, Street, relative to having same paved with concrete or some other. ` Clsrk, rolative, to paving onme I hard surface, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Vit, with hardsurfaoel' R rote: Yeas, Face, Fulliam, Washington and Kattorjohn,-4. Oommleoioner Fulliein was excused from the'.Commisetongrs' Chamber. it Commissioner Ttilly entered the Commissioners' Chambnr. It k" Commtesioner.'.7aohinmton offered the fol]owtna motion: That the communication 'Communication }!„ C5 'Peduoah Ice Co.' from Paduoah Ibe Company for the extonaton of nn tar matnn he rnoeived and filed sad - for extension of ik r water mains, ani'': the City Solioitor be instructed to hrino in a resolution instructing the Faducah ti. L; City Solicitor r to bring in a Water Company to mal=e the extension. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo-rtra resolut ton for e' 'said exteneton. _Vote: Yene, Pace, Tully. 7achington and.Katterjohn,-4; Commissioner Tully offornd the following motion: I move that the time of sitting, fi Board of -quilt-1 3qualizetion be extended to'and including.Vrroh 19th. Ad6upon zntton, time of � 'of the -Board of T.ted P T. sit.tina extended'' "c " to and inoludIng, ' call of the roll by the follovintz rote; Yeas;. Face. Tully .Jashinoton and Kntterjohn 01, Y j� Yarch 19th. ck Commtosioner Fulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. ' }, t Commtsaionor Face offored the following motion: I move that the resivnatton of Resivnation of James W.' Walker. City Fireman of the No. 6 Station, be received, filed and accepted I rT jj James Walk or. r Citv Fireman. Adopted upon call of the roll b+- the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam,. Tully. .1ashtnRton and Kattorjohn, Commissioner Pace offered 'the fo]]owinir motion: 1 mow that the notion of the l. ," . " Apl.ointment of. { Bob Kreutzer ss Commissioner of Publio.Bafety'in appointing Pob Kreutzer as a rg-ular fireman. 'in the �I a regular fire- ' man. Fire' Department.; be ratified. Adopted upon.oa]3 of the roll by the follovdng vote: br� s. Yese. Pace, Pulliam. Tully, 77ashinsrton and Kntterjohn,-b._ ) l Commissioner -Tully offered the following motion: That the Yninht Templare be r Knight Templars Ij e ;to deoorate granted p,3mission':to decorate .the streete•for the State Conolade of Y-nimht Templars ! F streets for State Conolnde, on 1N., on Lay<16ih; 16th and.l7th, 1P23; er_rte to conform to exiatinRordinances and to be 1, iMay 15.16&17. _ '.removed as soon as.the Conolade is over. Adopted upon call of,the roll by the follow ' ing vote Yeae..paoe; Fulliam.•Tully,•Washinaton'and Katterjohn.-6. lOrdireroe tn- Commissioner' 4aehtngton offered the:,following motion; .I move 'tbe an Ordinnnnoe,I oreasina Book - :keeper a' ook-keeper!a' salary A1:31DI210. SUB-3ECTIOII, IL SZCTION•4, OF. AN ORDII16l1CL ?NTE ITLED "All ORDII7A.= PP.OVTO Ilio S ;for Riverside, , � i $ospitnl. r � j f,ae 'v:x^) :•K C...a. ., .s: . l 6t: 4::i. v:.1K l.. lr•.+..: vr': b.7,...1,. .. .w r'rw. .r d, ., a- ,�u.0>.+ : r•'. u.,...y.»„ -x .v .i3 —_' .