HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 127, February 12, 1923TtiZ1Sii'11tS74Irilti�Rt:!'1MV"^PRpek7�ni"M'al:•,y�t.yush�r.•t. {•e, ^%'�'F rlf `�-.II } r. ( �;,C t>,'� :�•,t;iryiy- y lF -�'� (''�'"� . yt l l 4��1 i- � ''t '+: • p Ft'I�� Y, f; a'. i-N'�".• iF�n1 y ��,.tY.t'St �h5%'t �4 - y .Jt - T,. t i �' ..'. No.' r ` „ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Padue' a 192--.., On'motion the Board adjourned upon call of the `rolI by 4 yean. AJoateJ r�r. /3 iy t 3 L(0 V _ESM. F:TRL!ARY 9TH, '1923. . '. . At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commiesioners;'hold in the Commissioners' ' r ! Chamber to the City Hall, raduoah, Yontuoky, on Pobruary 9th, 1923, at 10:30,0'olook !}: A. LL. Upon call of the roll .the faIIawInx. answered to.-.their names: Commissioner.®' 1: {� Paoe, Pull Sam, Tully, 'No shinaton and Mayor Kattorjohn,-6. Igor 1:attorjohn stated roauonn for-oa]] to-wit: To pane nn ordirnanoo extending trunk line oo.vern in Sower District too. 3, and any athar.bitnIraaa that Fd L mImbt come before the Board. Commiealoner lulliam offered the follonina motion:. I move that'an ordtnanoe _ ORD )PA1TCi i%T 1D=' II4C vlzy„ LIME , N. entitled "AN ^RD?NAN03 "R07I9TVG FOP T'!i; EY'"I!Si^IT •0? 'LR?R4I: 1. 111:1 3!:'9:49 III 9:."n: R DIS- S'.:7 43 IV D13TRIOT TI? 10T 140. 3" be irtroiuood and lay over. .Adoptnd upon oal1 of the roll by the :follow. n at oho - I 1nR vote; Ynas, )'neo, Pu)]iam, Tvvl]y, ,9nahington :A Y, terj , 6. ; On motion the hoard adjourned upon gull of the roll by 6 yoan. , ? _ � '.. '� � A>iO loJ..�•�'./3.�.1V.ci�.' , . .. ,�:•'.1•• t'�',k�:++''.T,a;l i,•; KVIIJARY 10 TIT, 3923. ±•y At r Cnllod Lloottng of tho,Board of Commiuslonoru, hold in the Oommientoners' Chamber, in the vlty Hall, 1'aduoah; Y.ontuoky, on February. 10th, 1923; rt. 10.:40 o'clock ` A. Li; Upon aa]] of the roll the following arinworod.to'thetr names:, Commissioners 1 Pace, Pulliam, Tully, '3auhinaton. and Mayor Y-nttorjohn,-5. 'Mayor Y.atterjohn atate(l roasons for 'call to-wit: To allow special pay-ro17e, and my othor buoinasn'that mtrht come boforn the Board. s' Commisalonor Pulliam offerod' the followinT motion: I move that the Special st. Pay-rel] of:'; r'.'' '.Pay-roll, nm unting to $63.67 for John'Lovejoy, .vho roni roe, offnotivo .today, ae I•<;' . John Jove joy wha .rent.-YTIO� City Sanitary :;nglnoer, he approvotl. ar:d the Oommiantomr af.Inh]1e ?"inrnoe.anthorlted an City 5ai.itary, 4 , a,alnnor. avid tnotruatnd to pay name and ohtirgrt to 30'r+or Dnpnrtmnnt. Adopted upon• on]] of:_the,;• roll by thu follo:,inrt veto: Yoga. I•aoe.Pill IIam,'Pully,'Yanhln-ton nn4.Y.attnrjohn,-6. +' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Speotel w.q. P-ay-roll of'the Street Dopertmont amounting to x:60 for It. ".R.' Jenkins be approved, r Spacial pay-roll, ytrint Ddpart- and'the Commisuloner of Publio Flnaroo authorized avxl lnntruoted to pay slime and mnnt of A.R. ' Jenkins. aharge to' Street Doprrtmant. •Adoptod'inion call.ot the .r o]] by the fo]lo.ring vote 1!�,, Ycnn, Paoe, rulllam, Tully, ;9uehinmton and Knttorjohn,-6. On motion the Board r-tljo»rned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. �Z% F%D1?1URY 12TH, 1923. At a Regular !,!oeting of the Board of-Oomminutonere, held in the Commisstonere' Ohamber in the City Hall, Paduonh, Kontifoky, on Fobrnary 12th, ]923.' Upon oull of the roll the fo)lowino anoworod.to their numou Oomminnlotnnro ]'non, YulIlam, Tully,...' i f lanhinRton aril Payor 1:nttorjohn,-6. ' Ilayor Katturjohn offored the f6IIa w Ing motion; On aaaount of today being a• y' c fs Logal Itolioay, I move that the Rorulnr Net Irm of the Hoard of Oommiannnnrs be a •,.r.-•.-,-m_.rn_..ra:c�ce-::,-attte+..sc. _ ., ,._ ._ _._.".•�tSYttle7C(IyBW-'4'e*.=S,rrS•r "f'�r Tiff'cc�!7lanlw"axr.:,"•R:1.n•1' ,�:r. a.4iF.a:.,S Y' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah— " 192_- , t } odjournad until 2 o'clock 1. M. on Tuesday. February 13th, 1923. kdopted upon call of � :. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lace, Pulliam, Tully, Rashinaton and KatterJohn,6.,,. - s {' AdepledlZ0@. ,�D 'r CIV cl" FXBRIIARY MR, 1923. ' 1 u A nri'4djourned Remrlar rooting of the Board of Oommlentonnro, hold in the � Ocrtmieaianerol Chamber In the City 1ra11. Iaducah. Kentucky, on February 13th, 1923, at E o'clock F. LS. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommis v U elonere race. Pulliam- Tully, Washington and Vayor Katterjohn,=b. i. _ .. r;,•� - minutes of the previous meetings were ado t-,�` ', t:.'• On motion of Commissioner Tully.the p P I , ed.ae read upon call of the roll by'.the following vote. Yens, Pace, I•ulliam. Tully.. 9 Yash ngton ¢nd Katterjohn.-b. ti Commissioner Tully offered the following motions Y move that the report of the: �W Report Oom'r. of Commioolonor of Iublio Finance for the month of January. 1923, be received, filed Public Finance % d d d January y anordered plblished in the offiolel nen a er.' Adopted upon call of the roll by the 1923. r p i H'r �t tv� followire vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam. Tully, 3ashington and Katterjohn.-6.. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the.Report Oom'r. of Oomminetoner of Iublio Finance of the 3rd District BeSawor Fund Account, the month ofl,.,. 1 a, Poblfo Finance " ! of 3rd: Di atrIat January 1923 be received, filed and ordered hubllohed in the official newspaper. i Fn - t I h Sewer Fund Ao- �..•, ' ' count: for Jin. 'Adopted' upon call of the roll by the following vote:,Yean, race, Pulliam. Tully. r 19cohington, and 1:nttorjohn, Commleoloner Tulli' offered the followinv motion: T move that the report of the y Rorort Com'r.of. . Commie.�ionor. of Iublio Finariae of the apeatal Street Fund Account. for the month of �x Iublio Finance qi r4 Of Special d ,January 1923. be received, filed and ordered. published .in the official nownpalor. 'Street Fund Acr " count for Jan. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yean. Ince, Pulliam, Trl]lr.. 1923. !. Washington and Kntterjohn,-6. z Commissioner Tully offered the following motion I move that the report of the Re ,ort Oom'r.of I t Kx: 11 Iia FIDaroe „.,Commissioner of Publ'Io Finanoe with reference to the purchase, for the purpose of re Tith'rnfnronae �'•'' ° to FFurohase of tlroment.,-of City of raduoah. Kentucky $1000.00 Rof%u&ing Bond .#12. be rnoeivad.filed Ky.$1000.00 Re- funding Bond .2E • and approved. Adopted upon call of the roll by the folloainq vote'; Yeas. Pace, 4'r� for retirement. - rulliarn, Tul]Y. Wanhington and Katterjohn.-6. r' Commissioner TaehtnRtOn offered the followink motion:. Y move, that the petition tTotit ion }pro- from the property owners on Kentucky Avenue, between Flrot.ani JeoonA Strome, and on 4 party o:mors of ' { 1.y.Avo. and End Seaord Street. from Kentucky Avenue to 'Tanhington Stroot, aoking that the market bo. .ots rolatipn c� :to ohanging changed from U000nd Street, from ;Kentucky Avenue to '.Tanhtngton Street, to Y.entuol� parktnR aro-und , Avenue, from Second Street to First Street. be 'received and filaA. Adopted upon call { ..L'nrknt. of the roll by the 'fallowing vote: Yens, Pace. rulllem, .Tully. Washington anA i:atter- tj John. -b. I +r t p. Commissioner.JanhinRton offered the following motion: I move that the City ' larking around I liarkat,. City Solloitor be Instructed to bring in an ordinanoe changing tho present market bound �w Solicitor to bring in Ordi- artee on Second Street; between Y.entuoky Avenue and 'Wachington Stroet; to Kontnokq nar.oe ohsn�ing, I "epme. Avenue bet -moon Second Street 'Ard Firet Street. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follovIng vote:'Yeae,Paoe.Pulliam,Tu]ly.Waohington and.Y'attorjohr,-6. Commissioner Washington offered the following motion% I move that the trnnofar l $+ Cemetery tram- from George R. 1alle and hie wife Rya F. Lulls. to r.re. Fannie Lt. Allard. to the un- „far from Gao.R.,f +• Lalla &a. to dividod"ono-third tnterant of George R. Yllle in AM to`Iet lio. 301, Section 190.Oak.'" a Urs. Fannie Lt ' 1 - a . Grove Cemotery� be ratified. Adopted upon ou311 of the roll by :the following vote - Allard Yens; race..rulliam, Tully. -Washington and-Katterjohn, 6., ,'.i w`.777 il•8{'. `. -.r. .': �..-:l•>..,:h: ...+{ w.'. .._ ,.,� v : ....:+•.r..a...+-*, r.rat �bia�: •1:c:..•..;e ..7,� -„r