HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 126, February 6, 1923• .•' r Y: ...x se p. -*<r i ,t�. - t+...., s,rTs .I . d 4 1 , 192 } Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah — by the following vote: Yoae. Faae, Pulliam, Tully and Xetterjohn.-4. x"'{ a Ye y� r Commissioner Paoe offored the following motion: I move that the report of 7•7 t i ! .• ;RoTort Chief of the Chief of Police for the month of January 1923, be received and filed. Adopted upon s -� Police for Jan. 3923. call of the roll by the following, vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Xatterjohn,-4. Commissioner Pnoe offered the following motion:. I move that the report of thel k . �j, Rorort Chief of t�Fire Department Chief of the Fire Department for the month of January 1923, be received and filed. (• for Jan. 1923. yyyyyyjjjjjj*�'- Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following voto: Yeas, Face, Pulliam, Tully and�1 Kat ter john, -4. i Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Estimate of t 4-X'B>etimate 6 F:. R: work done by E. R. Hnrfl ing Company in January -1923 on the trunk line sowers of Dower t,. Harding .Co... _,i Sower Distriot District go. 3, be approved, and that said E. R. Harding Company. be allowed 316.868.60' t ' #3; Sub-Division5 s, "A",.316,868.80.• on said work', as per estimate hereto attaohod, and that same'be oharged a¢ainet 3rd, Il' .!) el lowed and '�. ordered paid '• District Sewer Funds;,and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized aryl instruct' 1 t ; 1: ed to draw a check against the 13 District Sewer Fund A000nnt to pay same. Adopted + cl '. all of the roll by the followinm.vote: Yeas, Pace. Pul7ism.. T, ly and Kattar upon'o- � John, -4. rryye ,Commissioner Pulliam offered the. following motion: I move that the estimate t , c 3etimate $7 of �rork done by E. R. .Harding Company in January. 1923 on the trunk line se'vors of i• 73.R•Harding•Oo. t Sower'llistrtot''°' 'Dietriot.3B-30 be approved, and that said S. R. Harding Oompeny be allowed $b377.34 t #3,'Di8tflot 'B-30, ;5377.34'• as p on said work. err estimate'.hereto attached. and that same be charged against 3rd } 3 , paid.'. 'Dietriot Sewer Funds, and that the,Commiesloner of Publto Finance be authorized and directed to draw check ar:aintit f3 District Se' -ver Fund Account to pay same. Adopted I t r s upon onll'of.the roll by the follo Ina vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully and getter- john. - 4.' c On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the, roll by 4 yeas. F?XRUARY GTIi, 1923. L2 At a Called I'oetina of the Board of Commiaeionore, held in the Commissioners': "s r> fi +,t" .Ohambor in the Oita Hall; Paducah'. Kentucky. on February Gth,,1923. at 10:36 A. M. y 4. Upon call of 'the roll the followinm an".erod to thotr Homos; 0ommlet3onars P000.Pulldnm; Tully and l7ashington.,4. Mayor Xettorjohn bbinglabsent ;.Mayor.Pro Tem Washington' }' prestd inR. Mayor I'ro Tom 7a ohIn�ton stated reasons for Gall to For the purpose of t.if.. •:,, rr., allowing- pay- for the last half of January 1923, and any other businenu that < i I €c7 miaht'oome before the Board. ) rr OommisiAonor Tully offorod tho.fo]7owinR Motion..I move that the naoeunts for r3 40opnntqq far the 'the Inat-half of the month of January 19E3, amounting to $19669.09, ab per the report natuhn]f of: the , mor+th of January'of. the-Oommioolonor of Imblic Finance filed herewith, be allowod and ordored'paitl and' } 1923. I Y .the monoy appropriatod from tho,0oneral Fund to pay.same. Adopted upon owl] of the kZlr% roll by. the following votoi Yena, rcoo, rulliam. Tully ant 7auhin(;ton,-4. ' ..1. Oommiscionor Tully offorod .the following motions I move that the aocounto !ar r. Aand tho last half of' the month of Ju rnwry•19£3, for:Lho 3d Dietrlat 8owor; ns follows: 000unts �V-ro]l Sower., ray Ro11.:,.,.:.:....ZB£9.07 t :. JtotrioL 3 ' 9upplleu............. E .44;.a total of 31040.61, be 4` t, Inst half of 11 :January 19E3i a]lowo4. and ordore'd paid ant the ' Commisslonar, of Fnblta Yinnnoo. be authorizod and In— V-1 n' struo.tod, to draw ohooke ogainet. the Ito. 3 District we 71 :Aoaaunt to pay same I ) fr tt :1a �Adohtod -upon call sof tho roll by the fol jowl nR. vote Yens, Paco, rupiam, Tully and On .7h hinqt X14 i- e +fir'• r t t 1' � .( t , .a S.. .4 •�a't ^,,.• ,7,.....•t ?`rti•: ..- -. { , "-t i k.. ° { c f Hof r• .L.(a>, +. rr � t,�,,.,: I+tin.,N 43 , rr,<•:. .'.r._ :a.Rty.:m Ar ..,,. .. ,aa t t.tut u 7 .,s. _ • W q♦v:4l�.W.., .._v ..`N.J :. -. 2 ;u,.,: �t'` r, l ' ...No. „ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducaitl ' ' ° +" 192_ " On motion the Hoard adjourned upon Gall of the roll by 4 yeas. r�?�yy'ti� tei: �s '. P ^.;•'�.t. fr �+� /i j.w � }�,r '�,2�4:yi��. ,t: _ -r. r. V9 .iw t� i 3f _�'w'_.'�-r�_ _ �NMYJ^Fst'4h��.PM!kl..'4r'•', ,s ,s. r.�, i r_. __ crr. C-1, WAY67t- i F.T.RUARY 9TH. 1923. � r ti •�raF•��"-:�lt�t �,'t f•,t x? } 't¢r"wye��4 3{ y+ �,.5'ri�s°'nv i t"Xryr �' �"��'r„• w n > :I, At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commtosionere.'held in the Commissioners' Chamber In the City Hall, Paducah, Yontuoky, on Fobruary 9th, 1923, at 10.30. o'clock � .r<ro?•�r�q.-... x.:•rrr...-w• r•.� '. .row.^. �^. :+.. ...No. „ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducaitl ' ' ° +" 192_ " On motion the Hoard adjourned upon Gall of the roll by 4 yeas. P Adopted r�r, /3 lyd3 .f'_ 0V71�iT1 t 5 crr. C-1, WAY67t- i F.T.RUARY 9TH. 1923. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commtosionere.'held in the Commissioners' Chamber In the City Hall, Paducah, Yontuoky, on Fobruary 9th, 1923, at 10.30. o'clock A. U.. Upon call of the roll .the following. answered to -.their no me e: Commissioners I Pace, Pulliam. Tully, 'Wachington and Mayor Kattorjohn,-b.. . Mayor Kattorjohn stated roaoonn for. Gall to-wI t: To pawn an ordinnnoo extondina trunk line so'..Yore in Sower Jistriat Ito. 3, or,d anly other. bunireon that 1 ' might come before the Board. " Cortmisoioner Pulliam offored tho following motion:. I move-that'an ordinance ORDI11A11C3 E%TwIID- " 'II1G TR IVY. LIRE ��„entitled "AN ^RDI^1.1;0: "Rn7hDI1;G FOP.. T": r?YT::L''TOIf'0? 1R?311: 1111;1 9`it9 RS IIi 9:^"::ti DIS 9s;7iiRS IH•DI3T3IOT ' r'I .3s, TRIOT H0. 3" be irtroiuoo4 and ]ay Guar. AdoptnA upon Gall of tho'rol7 by the fo]]on Ing voto;'Yeaa, Inoo, Pulliam, ?%illy, "laohington nrd Y.atterjohn,-5. . On motion tho board adjournod upon Gall of thn roll by 6 voan., y 7 rdC,t�•` i;"D t . Cie., ,.b.M Vt^C�AYAYOR�G' F:9RI1:L4Y 10T11. 7923. I. At a Cnllod I.?ootinR of the, Board of Commiuntoneru,,>n1A in tho Commtantonere' Chamber In the City Hall, taducah. Y.ontuoky, on,Februory.l0th, 1923; r. t. 10:40 o'a]aok A. IT' Upon Gall of the roll the following'ararvuroA.to their names: Commissioners Paco. Pulliam, Tully, 'laohinmton.and Mayor Y.ntterjohn,-6. � Mayor Katterjohn atato,l reasons for -call to -wit-.' To allovi epootal pay -rolls, 'and any othor businasn that mirtht coma boforn tho Hoard. n Commioatonor Pulliam offered thn'fo]lowin� motion: I move that the Special I'.Pay-roll, Pay -roll of "rr nm�untina to $63.67 'or John'Lovejoy, .vho rortigrte, off nottvo .to4av,' John love joy, who raaIRr,od City Sanitary J:nminoer, be approval, anct tho Oommiwitomr of. Ttib]10 ?rimnoo:authoritied an.Olty Sanitary. } ::ttalnnor and tnatruGtnd to pay name aryl ohnrga to So.ror Dnpartmnnt. Adopted upor, on]] of the, r. t roll by tho folloting vote: Yoaa. Iaoe,Pu)71am,'Pu)]v,'Yanhington anA.Y.attnrjohn,-6. +' Commleeloner Pulliam of the following motion*I move that the Special, _ . Pay -roll of the Strost 1}epertmont amounting to $4-.60 for A. 'R.' Jenkins be approved, 3pooinl pay -roll ytr�nt Ddpart- I`anA'the Commisulonor of PublAo Finance authorip,od and inntruotei to pay sumo and i. k, 4 'mnnt of A.R. �onkino, charge to Street Do}u:rtmant. •Adoptod tp)on call. of the roll by the following vote; �; I Ycas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tul]y,'t9uehlnaton nnA Katto:rjohn,-B. On motion the board r_Ajourned upon call of the roll by 5 ynari. i . Ll� AiovW _C. FEBRUARY 12TH, 1923. At a Regular Voeting of the Board of-Commiostonare, held iii the Corrmtasionere', Ohnmbor in the City Stall, paduoah, Kontuoky, on Fobruary ]2th,']923. Upon oull of the roll ihn followlna anoworod their numaut- Comminn1winro l'aaa, Y0Itam, Tully, _ .to ,9anhtnRton atM }.'ayor }:attorjohn.-6. ; '} >: i`- ' :.a • . , .. Mayor xatturjohn offorad tho follo'wIna motion; On n000urit of totlay`being a '{ +, Legal liollony, Imovn that the Ramt]nr 1lnatlnrr of the Hoari of Oommleiaonnra be