HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 111, January 2, 1923IF v •Yrr ^N1+ �' J + }{2 tif''+�> '�°' S- i't �`-r•{'�,i '4i iv�•�-�Rt a �; a�.l{ •7ti v h�N ice..-.:...:•-_.[ �._..:i �',....ac..,,,.:.f.u::,:J1_....u.Y.....>"_.,.u.,a.:.cz_'...�ta..'�.:Es:,..�•.c_;r !' ...c r. •,�,s. „� ' , ' ... .. •-y..�i AL,�f:'�� 'W; A:/M-y�L.^5�.. 'rf Y•t:`Y �'F,�... .,r:,�� � Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of .Paducah 192 - - JANUARY i._ 1923. p 8t a. Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the.Commiesionare' Chamber in the City Nall, Paducah, Kentucky, on January let, 1923.-.Upon,oa1I of the D roll the following 'answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully and Mayor' _'t•;• Katterjohn.-3. } Commissions Tully offered the following motions January let, 1923 being a - Legal Holiday. said meeting is herebF adjourned until Tuesday, January 2nd, 1923, at ; E o'o]ook F. M. Adopted.npon Dell of the rall .by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe, V Tully and Katterjohn.-3. it , JANUARY POD, 1923. At an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of commissioners. held in the Com f miesionere'Ohamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on January End. 1923, at E o'clock P. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their Names: Oommte r sionere Pace. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. 9 On motion of Oommiseloner Pulliam the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read and corrected upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Paco. :., •n u Pulliam. Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-6.. P '+ f Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioation. Resignation of from.the Paducah vening Sun, tendering its resivnatlon as City Printer, be received, may. I•aduoah Kvening u Sun as Offiolal i!filed and accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yena, Paoa, ;.6. .r., printor. ( Pulliam. Tully. llaohington and Kattorjohn,-b. ' h Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of Dr. O.A. E Report Dr.O.A.' Isbell, Assistant city Physician. for the year 1922, be received and filed. Adopted Isbell, Asst. ' City Ihyeioinn. upon call of the roll b the followin. vote: Yeae Pace Pulliam Tull 7ashington " P y R y. .for 1922. � y and Katterjohn,-6.. Ccunty.& State ay Katterjohn offered the fo]lowina motion: I move that the Commissioner of Taxes Llaette .� y Schafer proi,erty;i Public Finance pay the County and State Taxes on the property bounht from tire. LI z0 '• to be paid k aharaed , to 3rd � Schafer, located at 1766 Madison Street, the amount of which boina 14.61 lus.inter- 3 P . District Sewer, eat ard penalty, and charge same to the 3rd District Sewer A000unt. Adopted upon call wof the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Pace, Pulliam. Tully, 3ashinaton and Katter- .• ^; John. -6. IIp' Commiseloner Tully offered the following motion: It appears -that at the meeting. i of September 6th, 192E that the Commissioner of Public Fin^noe made the following L Motion relative'@ motion, which was carried: "I move that the socounte for the last half of the month to pay -roll 3rd District District Sewer �! of Auauet, 1922, for the 3d District Sewer, amounting to $691.47. be allowed and order - omitted from ^.T3 mir.utos of meet-, ed paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to draw ino of Sept. 8 .p s 19EE. oheoke against the No. 3 District Sewer Fund Account to pay same,".and said motion ry was omitted from the minutes of the meeting. I move that the minutes of the meeting of r• j September tlth be corrected and that the motion above be inserted in them. Adopted. , h i• upon call of the roll by the followtna vote: Yeae, Pace. Pull lam. Tully. 7ashir.atonL and Katterjohn', r I, Na. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of .Paducah 192 + � j ! " Commlae)oner Tully 'offered ,tiie fallowing motion: Y move that the statement of Statement of r { :t account with '{:Yenoy & Johnson account with Yanoy & Johnson; Oontraotors, for the improvement of the alley between , . � ;•,, � , '? Improvemont of'• Kentucky Ave. and Broadway and Second &Third Streets, he received and filed. Adopted ,1 }i Alley botwoan ;,..-i,, �sh,, i • �. Ky.Ave. & B' we yon call of the roll b the follows vote: Yeas Pace. Pulliam Tull Washin. on and End & 3rd p y following y• 4t ;Ste. and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion. The following parties having " s Eetimatee-paid•. paid the estimates against property ownere for the improvement of the alley between n l;by property own- are against thci• Kentucky Ave. and.Broadway and Seoord and Third Stroote: } 4 property improve4 y �.menL of alley Bet. 1 3 G.Boone'Rotate....... ..... .........$ 69.26 9 between Ky.Ave. 3,Lizzie .i. Teaodale.................... 68.01 JJ and Biwa end " ...• < yy 4 Gus E. & H. Hank ......................... 70.8b End and.3rd Ste. • 5 S. H. MoKnight ........................... .47.94 _.. t,,;:+ 6 Patter & Mammen ... 15.59 8 Chas. Michael. 46.05; Bertha Levy.; ............................ 46.76 •'' 10 Emma L. sleet ............................. 43.69 7 " 11 Lizzie J. Teaadale....................... 47.70 ,i " 12 Thos J Reed. ...... 93.5E - c • t; 14 Bfattie J. Hale............................ 23.0E , •edo.15.Tho.e. J. Reed.' .......................... 211.9E '': " 16 Efat•tie 0. Hale..........•................ 231.92. a total of $1016.23, I move that said amount be allowed Oontraotors Yanay & John Ron and the Oom- ; X. Nr missioner of Public Fin:znoe be authorized and Instructed to draw a check against the 4►,\:'� Special Street Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow }•' , J` Ing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5.' t 7 Iroperty owners Commissioner Tully offerod the following motion: The following parties having �`. k failing to pip • their asueoa- " Pay- Mont improvement neither paid the estimates nor signiflod their intention of taking the Ten Year Pay ' :alley betwoen I { Ky.Ave and B'wn meat Plan for the improvement of the allay between Kentucky Avenue and Broadway and and End & 3rd ,, Second and Third Streets: I Y r,Streete, eetime- tee delivered to Est. #2 Ben Lookofe 77.93 t: F yank & Johnson. " ky........................$ t #7, •d. J. En lent............ ...... 45.81, a total of a Contractors. g ,- ••• r $123.74. 1 move that the Commissioner of Public pinanoe be authorized and instructed i [ to deliver said.estimatee to Oontraotore Yanoy & Johnson. Adopted upon call of the t roll by the following vote: Yeas. Faae,Yu131nm,Tu]1q,Waohlnaton anfl Katterjohn.=5, 'Oommleefonor Face offered the following motion: I move that the report of the'P . oport'Chief 'of I i Police .for'the Chief of Polioe for. the month of neoember 199E be. received and filed. Adortod uron L, , mopth of Dec. call of the roll by the following vote: Yean. Paoe, Pul]tam. Tully, Tashington and l { %. Kattorjohn,-5. 'd i •i r Commlasioner Washington offered tho following motion: I move that the notion of }') .Hon.er appolntod the Oommiesioner of rublio Property in the appointment of B. Roser as Bngineer at the ?, Engineer City + laht llont In Light .Plant in the place of H. S. Keel, who renigned, be ratified. .Adopted upon os]1 d lace of H. S. so]. oho resign {' fed- of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Kntter- _ ;John,-5: Oommiset oner 'lashington offered the following motion: I move that the Commission ' I ommi ss loner of . Sub] to Finance to or of Publio Finance be, and he Is hereby authorized and directed. to include all .unpaid iroludo all un- bills and accounts against the Ott of Paducah for the year 19E2 whioh have been.,!•�- r s r'_' aid bills aid 9 y 000nnte against approved for payment. in hie report"of alloianoee'for,payment for .the last half of the L�ino ty of Pnduoah, r year 192E month of December 1992.' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote Yese. ¢ hiereport, soh have been, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully,. Waehingt m, and Katterjohn.-6. pproved . * , Mayor Katterjohn offered the-following motion: ;I move that a Resolution entitled "•` "A RASOLUTiON DESIONATING.THS hEWS-DWOCRAT AS TRA OFFICIAL NRRSPAr R:FOR TRX. CI TY OF' esolutton deo-' kN (mating Yews-. PADUCAH, KZTUOKY• FOR:THF, YEAR 1923," be adopted. _ AdopteT.uron call of the roll by + �1 F emoorat ae the" ffiola) Newe- the following voter 7eae., raboju11lam. .Tally.Waehington and Katter John. -6.. aper for -.the ear 1923. c r j f.. - t}�\ i �., r f ¢ ) -f + V { -4 i , ' • Jf�il � �� i��-1 .�..+,�c ` %� ,s s. r.j.�k.4tcn � ti�. t•. T. s. }.r!. t ? r. - — _ { - - - - ..�{{{ t , • r Y . :k3: A`4_:ww . _ i:�• � '4r L �,•- 7+ r�i r ��{,a•Pria••rn2 ,�7+•�,1 r-rw l,� r: 'rl �*S fPt3P7�,Pk � Ps ec .rr ^_.t ����� � -.fT :t r Na Commissioners' Proceedings; City. of"Paducah 192 ' 4 Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion:, I move that on ordinance en-. " Ordinance regu- titled -AN ORDINANC3 RWUTATING 'MY DIGGING, OP31IIIG 'OR SXCAVATINO IN ANY STRF.Y.T, latink digging. :, opening or axes- `• SIDINALK, ALMY. WHARP OR 0TH3R-PUBLIC TAY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY.- be a vating in tie streets &o. of 'u adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following.vote: Yeas. Pace. Pu!ltnm'. City of Iaduoah. Tully, Washington and Kattarjohn,-8. 'On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by a yeas. Adortet3 L►.�. R' i9$3 1 JAIiUARY 8TH, 1928. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. -hold in the Commissioner8 A Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on January 4th,,19E3, at 11.30 o'clock 4A. M. Upon call of the roll the. following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam, Tully; Washington aid, Mayor Katterjohn.-B. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow estimates on Sewer District #& for. the month of December, and any other business that might come before 4 the Board. << f Commissioner Pulliam offered the following. motion: I more that the' Monthly, S. u Sstimste of work done on the 3rd District Trunk line Sewer, in Sub-Divletons 311-30.;,-­ 'Estimate B-30 - Estimate #6`` .- '• Sewer District .• by the S. H. Harding Company during December 192E be approved, and that said 3. R. #3 Sub -Divisional 3B-3C•,E.R.Hard- Harding Company be allowed $16,302.22 on said estimate, and the Commissioner of Pub- Ing Co. for December 192E. Ito Finance be authorized and directed to pay said w punt and charge same to the , 15,302.2E q3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following.vote: Yeas. �llace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the.11onthly --I sX: Estimate 46 �-Estimate of work done -on the 3rd -District Trunk Line Sever. in Sub -Division A. by . Sewer District 13 Sub-Divlsion the w. R. Harding Company daring December 192E be approved, and that said 8. R. Acrd. A. , E.R. Hard ins Co. for Decembers Ing Company be allowed $23,680.67 on said estimate, and the Commiestonar of Public 1922, for $13.,660.57. Finance be authorized and directed to pay said amount, and charge same to the 3rd } District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ' Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. f� oommiesioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the resignation Resignation of ''.i of Chas. J. Swentor, in the Fire Department. be reoelved..filed and aooepte4. Adapt Cha a. J. Swen t or. I: r f t ed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Taehing;ton } and Katterjohn,-6. '41 Commisoionor Pace offered the following motion: I move that the action of the Employment of Joe Borrie.Il Commissioner of Public Safety in employing Joe Morrie in the Fire Department, to take R the place of Chas. J. Swenter, Who resigned, be ratified and approved. 'Adopted upon . call of the roll by the following vote: Yean, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-b. •• On motion the Board. adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 veae. AdeyloG.� &a.. PPRO V MD Co�Ura� cw w a• i .' i,i.�,5=�-.,. _w -.e•.•...:. t.. ...- .,m. _'x'71rS�l'1;:? .�"'fZ"P',r'T.r