HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 790, January 10, 1922... rnr.[r, .}...; \.� . rt:.sgY..:e'• ..x ,.f^a.. .. , h......,-�.;.+a.m,Mc�w ao.+K;+Ov,^ �'b '^K::�,� - f`t; t�'7�,?R"$•��"'� !y r} Mfr�tnwi .., i,,.. .. .. � r,:,t..� ,._„„.ham,.-:.ni-•;r.... ��:v-.:.><.-,•v.g,•: ..�.,;x.:.,P t ti 1 Na - Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah C" ',...•: Commissioner Pace offered the followiniz motion;.. I_move that the Annual Report 1.7l P-'Annu.nl.Ro �'Chiof ort of. of Pire of the Chief of the Fire Department for 19E1..be•reoelved end filed. Adopted upon call 1 D�Qfftmont for of the. roll by the following vote: Yoae, Faae, Fu]linm, Tully, Washington and Kntter--,° T,..:,• Al rr r• j ohn; 4. u..�" {' Ooinmieeioner T7aahington offered the following' motion:. I move that '.the convey -.1• for toryfrom trees-. for from l,trs. ,anoe.of post of lot. IEE Block 14 by We'. Holland Coleman to C..O. Coleman be granted I � •' Ir,11 •I HoIlani Coleman. to O. O._Coleman and ratified upon hei eignina and' aoknowledginz said doel of conveyance,' and. that trans. `.. _ Ft'..of part of Lot 14. 199, Block .14., for -ordered recorded in the Cemetery Deed Book. Adopted 'upon oall..of the roll b the y •Y ���•:' F following vote: Yoae, Paa0, Pulliam, Tu]lq, T7aehington and Kntter john, -6; h , Mice 'Nell Warner Commissioner Tulliam offered the following motion: I movo that the employment +; i..i i'Stenoaraphor r in' Dept. of Public of Miss Noll Crarnor as etenographor in the Dopartmont of Publio T7orks, at the rate of _ :.,'•;,' : ti•. • t: Works. '• 919.00 per week, she Working nt Present. on the afternooae,.be.rntified..' Adopted..., ii upon call of the roll by the, following.voie: Yode, Pace, Pulliam,'.WaShinaton and Yatterj �3 john; -a; tTflye. Tully. -I. 7 a ,. Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I•movo that n reeolu- :'. t rf Rego] utI: an- ' thorizina F.R. , tion'entitlod, "A RFSOLUTIOIi, AUTHORI II10 A1D .15MECTU.G F. '.7: KATTmjoirN, iL1Y0R; TO EI7T s! _ Y.nttorjohn.rayor to entor into- INTO A L::A'SE WITH A. P.. FORD FOR OI,tY PROP RTY LOCIT-'D'AT TFNTR AtID CLAY 'S'1RF,FTS, ' " 1 Lease With 'A.P.. Ford for. Cit City _ PADUCAH. Y-21TUCKY;" be adopted. Adopted .up.on ball of -the roll'b 'L w y..he follo ins vote: ' V, pro ort p y 10th & Clay Yt.: $3 . .. Yoas Paco, Pulliam Tull gnehington and Y.attor ohn,-6:` Y: j '. Fire Station. Oommiscioner 9ashington offered. the following motion: I move that a contract " Oontract betn. A. P:Fard and -between A: P. Ford and G. 'r',. Traughbor, relative to property owned by the City of Padu t; .; .0. R.Traughber rolativo to ,:; bah, located at Tenth and, Clay Strnoto, and known an .the,No: 3 Piro Station building; . j - r k� Fire. Station'•. +8 Bldg. be reoo.lvod.nnd filed. .Adopted upon call of _the roll .by the followina'vote: Yeas,_. . ,. Peoe,, 'Pulliam, Tullq; "Inehington and Katterjohn,-6." ' On motion the Board adjourned upon oa11 of the -by the following voter Yetis, Pace; Pulliam, Tully,.T7aehinRton and Yattarjohn,-6. JI f� Adepled Qnl. /G � 19 t t r JAIMAR Y LOTH, 1922. IFAYOR. y • � 4. 1 At a'Cal led.•LtootInq`of the Doard'of Commissioners., held 4n t.h'o Commiesionare', Chamber in the City "Pall, Paducah,.Y.ontuoky, on January '10th; 192E, at 10.6.'alook A. it. Upon call of the roll tho foll6wing. anawerod,to:their names: Comm!esionore.Paoe, {t4 Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Kntter john, -6. i Mayor.Kattorjohn stated reasons for call to -,.Tit:. For the purpose'of pasni.r,g t I 1 Function Ord•inanoe; .to.Reoeive Bide for Sever Bonds, and such" other. buaIng es as may, ' rN?. 1 coma ooforo:.tho Board'. - i I 1.: , :• .: Oommisotonor Daahington offered the.falloalnq motion: I move that an ordi='.,' ...• J } f i Function Ord i- nanoo for 'nnnoe untitjed, "AI7 ORDIIt„1;0:; O TIRt:I17II7G tK;..FUIICTIOITS OF THF, DF 1J377.?1;T3 OF PTIBLIC,"', .. .. S j 91 p .. 192E Oommie-. .. AFFAIRS, PUBLIC F111AI;Ci% PUBLIC .SA'P'My, PUBLIC ,IO:%KS AM) PUBLIC PROI RTY, All) PRE- oionsre .,' SCHiB1110. Tllli'D11'' t'i}iS 0':` Tfii?.COWIILSSI017r'RR Or" Tllrl'CI.TY OF,PADUCAH,.YMITUOKY;” be adopted.r 7 t r AH opted upon on7.1 oT.the:ro],1 by the following vote: YeasPaoo, Pulliam .and Reshing=. ton -31 Tully and Kntterjohn,-E.. I Commieeioner Tul-ly.offored the following motion:. I move that the. bide of. the t., followintz,partioa for. the ?.600,000.t:0' fib,eor.ty Year. .Sca�er'Bonde.... - Btde received' r` for the 9600,000 Jae. 0..9111son k Co., Iouisvillo; ]:q. Par and Fremitus 96,969.00 6%, Party 'Year Vational Bank of'Commeroe; St'. Louie, Par and 9660.00 Sewor Bonds. City: National Bank ; )) 7, First national Bank J Citizone Savings Dank )`_ pnduoah. Y.ontuok of q, par and accrued Uechantos Trust &.Sabinas Bank' interest. r, Ohio Valley Trust Coinpony .. . �, � r;L..{,�:�i.M1YL'\h•iiH' .Fi�114.' ui. I.M . ..i..- ... IKM.J w�A'. t�.�t .w.NY:r.�N/'.W�,:JI�+Y!.�,a t. IJP � L•'. • FS r lit '@ kn .. ..asp �,+, x�. .a er [Y�aY�t� c T z v �. .r s w ;ice 77d-.--'.,',,�,. No. COMMissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192- 1 $000.000.00 Saner Bonle. 77d-.--'.,',,�,. No. COMMissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192- John 9. Kotler, Paducah. Yentciokjr, par and $4600,00. Side received $000.000.00 Saner Bonle. Security Trust Company, LoxinRton; Ky..) Par and $16,667.00. Certified checks received with bid Smith, ?.!core k Company.. St'. Louie, Par and $1,000.00. of C.R.Shoup, Agent; salt bids ' not oomplyina witt Louisville National Bank, Louisville. par and $400.00, bo reoeivod and tormo of sale, re. I turned. ' Ord Iran on accept= 3 Ing bid. of JJB. Hilliard & 9on,' Loulavillo, Ky. 9oourity Truut Co, Loxinaton, Y.y, and ' Farris Trust 4 :;ai the gale: incl Bank_ Chicagc for sale of $600,000.00 Sewer C. 'R. Shoup, Arzont Bends. Faraon yon & Co,_. New York, 0. R. Shoup having enclosed oerti.i:led check for 01,000.00, I move that game oe:roturned Certified checks a: returned -to ra- . epnotivo biddoro to him. Adopted upon call of the roll b;- the following voto; Yoas, Face, Pulliam,. in eal a of Savior ( Tu 11y. 'Washington ard.I:attetjohn..4.' Bonds for :3600,00( ' Oom1r. of Pub]10. ;i F'inar.00 authorise( J ?. and :1 Ir notod to. B!XY., CHICAGO. AIOIA'TTI!G Tr,. 31`! HIJPDR.M THOUSAND (0600,000.00) nOL74VRS, 11TPB AacwnD ' complete a]1 nnRo. tint tone for Cele s Y•'' of 3rd Dtntrlot 97N'2.' (.$16,667.00) Dnl.l_,R9 '.•`CR THIRD DTX.g9lCT 9:""i4 BOVD3 T1T3..DAY ADV•.MTI:i.T'T) FOR 9o,.•ror Bon -As. 9:.LL. A1X1U"T,!RG' TO 9T% 19)11DF:i?D (•1600,000.00) Dn1.7Ang. AIM 13..14111!1 TIIT°4!?ST AT TlP{ RAT'' (J? FIT.•: (5,�) F: -P. CEI'T Fl -i AIMWU . LIID DU:,, iorD PA`L•'.BL:? ."'ITHTI( FORTY (40) YR .9 MOI' JLIIUARY 10TH, 1900," be adopted, Carried upon call of the roll by the folloainR - I , vote: Yoas, Pace, Pulliam,Tully, Waahinrrton and Yntterjohn,-5. "'' q i 01,000.00 each of..... Jae. 0. 'Willnon r. Co. , louiRville. Yy. %• ,1(• *1 . Pntt.onal Bank of Commeroe; 9t. ]:Dula, John 9. Kotler, Paducah. Yentciokjr, par and $4600,00. J.J.B,Hilliard & 9on, Louisville, Ky. 1 Security Trust Company, LoxinRton; Ky..) Par and $16,667.00. Harriu l'ruat and, Savidge Bank.; Chiongo. ) Smith, ?.!core k Company.. St'. Louie, Par and $1,000.00. National City Co., and . . Louisville National Bank, Louisville. par and $400.00, bo reoeivod and filed. Adopted upon, call -or tho-roll by the iollowirg vote: Yang; Pace, Fvlliam.i Tully ' t1aehinaton.and Yatterjohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offorod tho follo•aing motion: Tha following parties filed. blde,'for $600,000.00, 40 Year 5% 3ewor:Bonde, which did not comply with the torme'of ' the gale: Title Guaranty L• Trust Comrony. C. 'R. Shoup, Arzont Faraon yon & Co,_. New York, 0. R. Shoup having enclosed oerti.i:led check for 01,000.00, I move that game oe:roturned ' to him. Adopted upon call of the roll b;- the following voto; Yoas, Face, Pulliam,. ','•_ Tu 11y. 'Washington ard.I:attetjohn..4.' Oommissioner Tully offered'tho followinR motion; I more that an ordinance -entitled, "Alf OFW 111AVOc ACO}F'TING TH:: DIll OF. J. J. B. HILLIARD & SON, LOUTSVTL121 J YRUTrCYY, S:C h?ITY TRIIST.COL'P,V!Y, LIMIIIGTOII,,Y.FJITUCYY', AITD IIARRT9 1RU9T Alln SAVINGS . B!XY., CHICAGO. AIOIA'TTI!G Tr,. 31`! HIJPDR.M THOUSAND (0600,000.00) nOL74VRS, 11TPB AacwnD ' ' s TNTY:'-ir. T W DAT,; OF DRLTV!?R.Y, APD, A FR -1 -TIM OF 1EXI ?47r T70139A19D FIV? IRR'DN17D 9TvTY- 97N'2.' (.$16,667.00) Dnl.l_,R9 '.•`CR THIRD DTX.g9lCT 9:""i4 BOVD3 T1T3..DAY ADV•.MTI:i.T'T) FOR "1• 9:.LL. A1X1U"T,!RG' TO 9T% 19)11DF:i?D (•1600,000.00) Dn1.7Ang. AIM 13..14111!1 TIIT°4!?ST AT TlP{ RAT'' (J? FIT.•: (5,�) F: -P. CEI'T Fl -i AIMWU . LIID DU:,, iorD PA`L•'.BL:? ."'ITHTI( FORTY (40) YR .9 MOI' JLIIUARY 10TH, 1900," be adopted, Carried upon call of the roll by the folloainR - I , vote: Yoas, Pace, Pulliam,Tully, Waahinrrton and Yntterjohn,-5. "'' • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Thnt the certified checks for i 01,000.00 each of..... Jae. 0. 'Willnon r. Co. , louiRville. Yy. %• ,1(• Pntt.onal Bank of Commeroe; 9t. ]:Dula, (The City Va.tio.nal Bank, I (First Vattonal Bank, I'.. .(Oltizona 9avinpu Bank, (l..00hanios Trust nal Savings Bank and.' (Ohio Vr:lloy Trust Company, Paducah, Y,ertuoky,' John :'l. Y.oiler., Taduonh, Y.y. 3mlth, Poore F,: Co„ 9t. Louis, 'The lAtior.al City -Co. and Louievillo Fatioral Bnnk, Louisvi] ] e, Ky., ce returned 'to t.hem.. ;, ;;:'• ', Carried upon call of the roll by the followinrr vote; Ynnn, Faao, Pci111am; Tully; I11Washington and Yatterjohr^',-5. Mayor Y.attor john offered thofol Ioxin'R motion; I move. that Wynn 'mil,ly. Oommis. 1i' I stoner of Publ.to be* authorized and dirnotod to oomplato all of tho namotia. .. tions for the nale of the 3rd District Eowor-Bonds. A,loptnd upon call of the roll . Iby the following vote: Yoao, face, Pulliam, Tully,Waohington and Kat tor John, -5. On 'motion the Board adJournod upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. Adopted �O 19:>Q � APPRO�3i�L i' , t , ,y` Si'1! O.fl•. iy:9 ♦. Nt: .n .W4 1 # µ'M • ' +g; ;fitly, r?'' tj .' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_* - - JA1IIbtRY IM, .19EE, . xi At a Oalled.Meeting of the Board of Commiesionere, hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hallo Paducah; Kentucky; on January 10th, 1922, At 2:30 o'olook P.M. ;:;. '• !' y `j ; Upon ball of the roll, the following answered to their nameeiOommiseionere Pnoe,pu111em, aA 4 Tully,.Washington and Mayor Y.a.tter,john,-6. o y. ,•.. 'Mayor Kattarjohn otatod roaeono,for call to-wit: .For the purpose of requbettng l rooiRnation of the Chief of Police, and. en oh other buctnese an may come before the L Board. Resoltit ton ask- Commissioner Pace offered the follo-+ing motion: I.,move that a resolution asking Henloy(Franklia Honloy N: to rouign no for FYanklin, to rosign'.ae'Ohief .of Poltoo„ be adoptod. Adopted upon aall.eP the - •;�. r Chief of police. ,.' '' roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pboe,,Waehington and. Katter John, -3 1.Nays`, Pulliam ^s:+.. r and Tully,=e• n• Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the rosirmation of " Asoianation of ` Honley Franklin Henley,Frankldn,.au.Chiof of Polios, be rocolvod..filod:and accepted. Adopted upon so Ohiof of Poliao... call of .the roll by the following veto: Yeas, Pace, Puiiiam. Tully, ClashinRton and w! 1�} • .. ^ 1;'• Kattor john,-5. On motion the Board Ad journod upon call. of.,the roll by .6' yeas. + :DBPi'R ' OV MrOX 4 T. 'JR1H11??Y 12'!'fi, 1922: 71. At.a Called Meeting of the'Board of Commissioners, hold.ln the Commiseionors' + Ohambor in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuor7• ky, at E o'clock P. it. upon call .of the roll the folio-a na answered'to''their :names: Commissioners Pace; Pulliam, Tully;.lachinaton t.cij+y: "• and: Kattor john,-ti. {r 1lcyor.KgttorJohn Stated reasons for -call to-wit: For the purpone of appoint-. ' 4 ' .' ing e'Chi of of tolioo. and such.other.business as may come bofore the Board.! i.,. 1 Chnu.B.phitto- " Commissioner Paco offered, the following motion: I.move that. the.nppltestion :,• - r more applies- y_'•. t.ton"for OhloY�. of. Charles B. "Ihittomore; for the position of Chief of Folios, be received and filed. of Po].too. �c `j Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens. Pace. Pulliam, Tu]ly, +;- Washington and Fatter John,-6.. ^• Ohne.B,'9hitte- Commissioner Face 'offered the following motion: I more that, Charles B.' tr .; more nppo.intedh I" 'Chief of Fol'loo Mnittomoro be nppointed Chief of-Polioe of the City. of Taduoah;'effoative.Jnnuar7:l2th, sk- ' 1922, at 6 O'olook P. }9. Adopted. upon call of the, roll by the ;follo',+ing vole: Yeas, Faos, Pulliam and 7.ashinaton,-3: Rays. Tully and Yntterj.ohn,-2. p/t. fi Commissioner Tully offered the followina motion:' The cum of $60.00 havir,a r, Granting' of malt or Coreol been paid into the Troasury; as evidenced by the.reooipt filed herewith_togothor with l-loonco 'to ( L Steithnuor k• � applioation for'Malt.or Cereal eovernge license,. I move that license to sell ►{alt or. k . 7hito deferred: Cereal Boverapo,, or any admixtures thereof, be granted to Steinhauer & '"+hi]o, 119 1lorth,. .. <•':`i- I 4th Stroot, fora period'of six months., from Jan: let to June 30th. 1922. inclusive. r Commissioner l-ulliem offered the folloc+ing motion, by way of amondment: I move the Rranting of lioonao to Steinhauer and 1.7hite be dolayed until Jan. i following Yeae: Pace, 16th, 1922, or later. Adopted upon, call of tho roll by the vote. ;itti,,. ;• '`"} Pulliam and Mohingtbn,-3; Naye; Tully and Y.attor john, r Tully offered the follo.rina motion: I movethe Commissioner) Oom'r. Finance ..Gommieoloner. .that to pny off,f . P Public Finance be authorized and instructed to pay .off., take up and canoal stree t• f;. { take up ard onnool 9troot ,. bonds and ooupono to the °mount of ,01116:29 in the City National Bnnk and. that a cheek +I1 Barnlo and...cou- 'pons to City .be'drawn on the Special Stroot Fund -to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the' flat' l . Bank.:. + followtng vote Yeou: Paooi, Fulliam; Tully., Unshington and Yatterjohn, 6. 1 r: i' •. , y •- :':bL!-_�!�6V..i: �4+:;. •:-+a#,:Y,�.`S .�i. ✓<r w .w1,e• i!::i. L4,��i .r•:IY-