HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 782, December 31, 1921�L "x.;N': .i•','- .< `^ x .r. .a�C+LSe 1 `%"r'-, ,� -. -•2'cZ a ...t.....a G. �'', r i' Yl- 3aG.� ' e•.. ��;� - 4 •. ♦ .� 7 4 1 ^"y rYi Y: r -L P Vn-.-..�.�...; .ti:� i., in rT?-. C.4'•••q _:.rf 'F'O � ' ' r.�'•��.`'C�-�,•s' w-..••�.•, -.w_.•wvl'.^...-...-.u.2,:.�w_�1-....L.wv.a.,v+�..—.^:..r'l..a�.c.y� .. •'�..�. Commissioners'. Proceedings, of .City .Paducah , y` Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following -vote: Yeas. Eaton.' 3aker, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn,-6. 'r �,• ' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll:by 6 yeas. -M • Adtto��plelId�'Uc�et, %^� .19 &_PFJ 0Vn .1J a;• r .���J 1'7. -as -c_ • . �����—"^yam v.,.' ,� , cW urr / MAYOR: +� r • DECEIZIM 31ST, 1921. I 1 t' At a Called Meeting of the Board. of, Commissioners ;'hold in the Commiselonere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Y.ent'uoky,.on.Deoember 31st, 1921, at 11 o'clock' A A. M. Upon.oall of the roll the following answered to .their names: Cornmiestonere "a " ;Eaton, Tully, Williams and Mayor Y.atterjohn',-4. }`°t Mayor Y.atterjohn.etated reasone.for oall.to-mit.: For the purpose of.aonsider- " Wing the closing of Maiden Alley, and such other business as'miaht come before the. a CC'`r ' •. 1>_, • Board: i{,; Commisetoner Tullyoffered the following motion.: The eum,of 537.60 having 11 4 , been paid into the Treasury, as evidenced bythe receipt filed herewith. I move that�`� Oemotory flood to Tom.Boat- deed be executed to Tom Boatwright, for Lot #6E,- in-Blook #4 on the Forth side of I' Wright. I,ot Kr' Ford Street, between Hank and Chamblin Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted:upon j� 6E, Blook 4. 4 ;Y, call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, F,aton,Tully.wtlliams and Y.attorjohn,-4. Oommissioner.Tully offerod the following motion: I movo that the Pay -roll for!✓ Pay -roll of Riverside the week ending Deo. 31st, 1921, for the D�ART1i31:T Or PUBLIC PrZOP.�FTY, Riverside Hosrital . for weak end tng Hospital, amounting to $98.22, -be allowed and'ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the .roll by the followIng -vote: Yeao. Faton', Tully, Williams and.Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully.offered the following*motion:' I.move that the .National National Sure- u tv Co.'relene- or, bonds. - :Surety Company bo released on the.bonde''of the following former patrolmen: Fred Merry!. jed r .•.• of former, Fr ;' ' patrolman;'. ' .. :deoeacod, And Ste:vart, deoeaeod. Mike Durran, Deceased, George Doris, deceased. Ado t�. Y B. p "0 '•r" Fred Merrqed, •' X.AndStewart. upon oall'of the roll by the following vote:.Yeas, Eaton; Tully, Williams and } 'Miko'_Du-man and Katterjohn.-4. I "' r Goo.Doria, all •4.t., G�'deoeasod. Commieeionof Tully offered, the following motion: I move that the Mnyor and w ' I,. 'City .;.the Commiesionor of'P.ublio Finance be -authorized and direated to borrow fron'the City to bar- +, row $26,000' 'from City National.Bank, for rho use aM benefit. of tho' City of Paduoah,..tha sum of 526,000, J,.. 'F _�I,. .. y National Bank.. payable Feb. 6th, 1922, pled31ng so security the good faith and credit of. the City j,'�... of Paducah nn] the taxes to be oolleoted'ln 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by ' tho following. vote: YeaB' Eaton. Tully, Williams and ,Yattorjohn;-4. "!;• I c Bruce M.. N .. Commissioner Tully offerod.the folloaine motion: That Bruce M. Phil ley be Ij i V';' I e.•:. c Phialey allow!! allowed the oubi of $60.00 in full sett�ement of feoa nor oorvicee rendered in aettle- oil 00.00. In � �,. full offoos mant.of'tho taxeo of :Yost Ky. Mausoleum Co. Adopted upon call of the roll by -the '. fortaxon , of Woet }:y. , following. vote: 'Yeas, 'Faton.. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4: :, • Maueoloum'Oa. 'Mayor Y.atterjohn offerod the followinur motion: I move that the reeignmtion S, . Reat �mntton '. of IV. M. 1'ltchell. City Engineer,. -be accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by .the. .! of ohoII., City... following votec.Yeas,. Tully; Williams, and Katterjohn,-3; Commissioner Satoh not voting':. ' Commissioner Williams offered the Tolloxing motion: I move that the report:. .: 'Ropart Fred'`' EnOlich.Sox -' ton Oak Grove'oelvod .:of Fired e- r7,glteh., Sexton,0ak Grove Cemetery, for the month of.Deoe.mber 19E1, be re -, and fil'od. Adopted upon:call of,the.roll..by�the.follovi.inm vote; Yeae.:Fetor, ?'• S. Oemetorq ,for`t ?' 19E7 . , .Aeoombar ;:;Tully., .Willlama'and' Katterjohn,-4. 1^ ��. +ar%.L:•0..:!'� 4p.fs:aJd"' �.1rSu � 1'. .I �v r.... ..r.. a.-w.:r..sa�..+ ' �i'•-�_1 �t�' � r � ' T �"' c fKv »� �. ` irr .,t �,.,,N,..,; n.1,�-'*�[• rY+;t K•y,.. c> �.ary • 0. Commissioners' Proceedings;. City of Paducah 192' �. On motion the Board reoessed .until 8:00 Ololook P..7d. on Deoember 31st, # 1921, upon call of the roll by the„folloriing vote: Yeas, Raton, Tully, Willis.a and ' Y_atterjohn,-4. N Fursunnt.to the foregoing, the Board reoonvoned at.6 P: M. Deoember 3let, 1921, in the Commissioners' Chamber in the Otty Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky. On .oall of the roll the folloninR answered to their names: Oommiesioners Paton; Tully, Williema and Mayor Kattorjohn,-4. Commissionor Tully orferod the followlnR.motion: The followinO e000unto p have Dean approvod for allowanoe and payment..... , D FARTI_ENT ,OF I•UBI.IC AFFAIRS, Inotnerator .................$46.00 A000unte Inoinera-� tor. Interest on DEP1RTI1&T OF IUBLIO FIIIAIIC3.. Mile Payable, andM Poeeq'k Cooke. Interost on bills Fayable. $26,000 due Feb. 6, $160.00 a.)Iowed. Contingent... Posey L• Cooke, for auditing...... ' 126.00 I move the sonounto be allo•.vod and ordered paid and the money appropriated i'rom tho. Goneral. r'und to pay same,: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: h Yeas. Raton, Tully, Williams and Y.attorjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following, motion: I move that the n000unts "amounting to $30299.67 for the month of Deoember, as per the report.of the Oommiesion- . Report ComIr. of Pub)to Finanae of or of Publio Finanoe filed. herewith be allowed and ordered paid and the money appro- aocourite for the month of DDo.1921 printed from the Ganaral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall of the,roll by the amounting .to $30.29 .6i allowed following vote: Yoae, Paton, Tully, Williams ani Y.atterjohn,-4.` ' N Commissioner Thlly offered the following motion: I move that'the report of Report Com'r. of the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe for the month of Doonmbor be reoeived and filed Finanoe for month h� of D000mber 19P.1. and ordereA publichod in the offiolal newspaper. Adopted upnn Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paton, Tully, "Iillinms and.Yatterjohn,-4, Commissioner Tully offered the fnllo:.inR motion: That, the rop'ort of Posey d, Report Tosoy & Cooke, Auditors, M Cooke Auditors, regerdtng the audit of the Finanoe Departmont 0o reoolveA and filed. rag rnrdtnz audit of� Finanoe Dept. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Raton. Tully, Williams and Yatterjohn,-4. Commissioner 4aton offered the following motion: I move that the rules of Rules of Board of Cormnissioners.sus-p the Board of Commissioners oe suspended for the purpose of reading, approving vied pended for purpose;' 0.- real ing, approv signing the mir:utes of the last Regular and Spootal CalleA Moetings, and the minutes Ing and Amning-. �+ minutoo. of this meeting. Adopted upon Dell 01 the roll by the following vote: Yana, Paton. Tully, Will1nme and Katterjohn,-4.. �. Commissionor Paton offered the following motion: d•move that the minutes. 9: AAoption of last of the last.RoRular and the Called Meetings, inoludinR this meeting of the Board of Regular and Called. Moetinma of Board �I Commissioners, be adopted and eigned, and that upon the signing of said minutes the of Commissioners. Bonrd stand adjourned.. Adopted upon oall. of the r611 by the following vote: Yeas, }q 2aton, Tully, "filliame and -Y.atterjohn,,-4. Adopted A. ... .. .. -� ... .. • . ".�+47Tl1�... •- .. ..,b:5tsaewss�ae.`.•C*ar.r;;>,•t1,.r•r�+ia'at':�';•