HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 779, December 29, 1921.. -.r. - p. Iry ..Wry r'"""S'�,�rJ"'St'ft�`rNJ•:�, 2P'7[ .cn'm+.o'"•'`M'K,�y,i t ;�-' #.`R3�....,r,4.i f-rr �, a r . it �':.. - �' 4. , n La+>-_ .` i �^4 ..,i_ L::..+L.' t- 4 7 ��.-u:i_.�. •�+.I. +. - T '.r .. - 4, %p Na r% . Coliimissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah, 192 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; ,I,move that Posey & Cooke be Poney & Cooke to `r aixtit aoaounts of employed to audit the s000�intn of Bruce hL, Philley, as 'Back Tax Collector AdoptaQ !F Bruce V.Philley, upon -oall of the roll by the following vote; Yene, Lon, Tully, 17111iame.ani as Back Tax Collect- or. Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner °.7illisms offered the. following motion; 2 move that' the communication ►�„`' = from-Frank Fetter & Son, dated December 23rd, 1921, mdr Ing an offer, of $50.00 Yor.•• ` CJI Aooept :nee of bid of Frnnk Pottor'1. boiler and engine at Beiderman's 1?tlk Depot, be received and idled, and their bid of " Son' of 360.00 for h honor and enPirno °,.$60.00 be accepted, and upon the payment of $60.00 to tha .Commissioner' of Public at Alodorman' u Mil } Dopot.: Finance, said boiler and enaino to be turned over to'Frank Petter k Son. Adopted upon ! i! call of the roll by the following vote; Yoan, Paton, Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohrl, Commissioner '7illiams.offered the following motion; 'I move that an ordinance. F r entitled, "NII 0RDI1'ea!CE.TRpVIDI1TG FOR T1?}: ISSUING AND Si?CLING OF B011D9 FL•4 T1 PURP09R 1 4• . Ordinance provid- OF 1.LAY.ING C:_RTAIN SPECIFIC IL'PROV31M.".11TS AND EXTRUSIONS TO R'IV}RSIDE HOSPITAL, INCLUD In;, for. the issu- ing and gelling of a 3110 THE PUROHASI110 AND INSTAL1I110 TIM ITEOESSARX EQUIPMAIT FOR A CHEMICAL AIN BIOLO-' bonds Lor improve-11 monte ho. on M GICAJ, T..BORATORY, AN.JI-RAY IJ.BORATORY,. A IJ.UITDRY, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF 1740ROVING' Riverside Rospitala Aff) EQUIPPING THE VKTAGIOUS 17ARD, AND. FOR THP: PURPOSE OF BUILDING AND MF.CTING 90X: PARLORS, AIM FOR TIFF: PURPOSE OF FINISHING AND KUIPPIIIG TTL° 1127.1 ADDITION TO RTV!'RSID? HOSPITAL AND FOR THF. PURPOS3 OF. PTIRCHASTNG A N ".' BOTIF9 AND FITVJ RGIITG AIM E?TENDING THE BOILER ROOM. AT SAID HOSPITAL, AND TO FROVIDF FOR '14TH PAY1;?NT OF IIITERR9T OH SATO " BONDS, AND TO CREATE A.30YING FUND FOR THE'PAV1 11T nF 9A H0111)9 1T kATIRTTY;" be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote:, Yens, Eaton, Tilly and. Wi3liams,-3: Nays, Katterjohn,-1. Commissioner Tully.offered the following motion: I move that an ordinnnoe en- " titled, "AN ORDTIT1.1,'0^ FIXING A}!D REGUI1,TING THE LICENSF TAX OP PLWITAROY,MS IN THR Pawnbrokers' LS- . oonoe .Tax Ordi- CITY OF PA.DUCAH, Y^IITTJCY-Y, AND PROVIDING A FPIIALTY FOR TH}, I10N-PAYISF.NT OF .81YE, AND Dance.. .. i!'.Y_ING IT UITLri'1FU1. F03 .:ll'1Y IIIM, FFRSQ1d, COLDAIIY OR, CORPORATION TO ENGAGE IN .SUCH BUSINESS WITHOUT FIRST PAYING TH3 LICF.ITSE, TAX AIM PROCUR ING THE LICEN93 A9 PROVTD.FD r P HPRF.I11," be adopted. Adopted upon call of. the roll- by the following vote; 1f'ene,. Eaton, Tully, Williams and Y-atterjohn,-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by'4 yeas. 19 t_. &pi ,-'-.(D Adei}lei ._----------- s _--- Yom DECPZ•BFJI 297H, -1921:, , p• At s Called 1Meetingof the'Board of, Commissioners, hold in Lhe Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah; Fentuoky, on December 29th, 1921, at 2 o'clock P:M., Ka Upon cell of the roll the following answered to their names:..Commissionere Raton," ' 1 ZaY.er.;'Tully, 171111ams and Mayor Kattei I 999 Mayor Y.atterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit To ooneider the,oloeingt cf :. " Maiden Alley for a distance of 100 feet, between First Street and Second Stroot, and-'!; such other business as may Come before the Board. f, Mayor Y_atterjohn offe.red-the follo-.rirc motion:' I move that permieeion be,Rrant „ed to the Union'Motor Company to install a gasoline pump consisting of n iive hundred rt. i Union Votor Co. ''�� (500); gallon tank and necessary equipmont,'undorthe nide walk on the north side of to install aneoe.I'.Broadway between Sixth and Seventh Streets, and twenty-four (24) feet west of the East ; i line pump and g' t' tank. &o. on:,. • ;cN.. wall'oY the New Garage of the Service The Company-.said Pump to be placed' against the' X. side of Bl,.• Jay i botn. 6th & 7th curb and in such way as not to obstruct tree use oY'the side walk and.so much of the, Ste. aid•o walk as is taken up in installing eaid tank and pump shall be re-plaoed by the ,'. »'�-�zs:a�rxr. _ .,.....� ... i .�. "”ss�sr�•��z?-�..-��-.�t-�;?�r.:.,:o..d w�:s:. ».,' ,.�. •w..:: i`:.1" _ fM ' - �xra� "ce...,-n>+Y- �1 r.,.�r i}s• , -.� . j't; .� . ..A ^"�c..i %�x"y''"'t'y,"Il„�"`�'J:", re,`.r....`�"..`.'�11i�?'l�5 �;?^17;}�#n�. ,�`.. '1.1 i yh 37� �+i`' �^, tw• �.•:_ . Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 1922_ "said Union Motor Company b new construction to be d singlenot loes.than six x T'• (6) inches thick made of a one -two-four concrete mix, and to.be subject to the. approval' �'. - , of the Board of Commissioners,. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:,t 's� !. iE.aton, Eaker, ,Williams and Katterjohn,-4;.I1ays, Tully, -1. ` A.`c.'t �. Commissioner Tully offered the Pollowing.motlon: I move that THE STATFJLL;IIT OF': #?> !+Statomunt of account with NTIIS,ACCOUNT WITH REYNOLDS BROS.,-CONTRACTORS ON SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BFIM7101 BROAD & eynolds Broo, for work on S. uELIZABETH STREETS, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon eall of the roll by,the-follow 14th St: betn. 4 road and i•:liza ing vote:. Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams and Ratterjohn,-b. beth Sts. Commissioner Tully o4ored the following motion: The following partieshaving th+ ., •• -,- paid the :estimates against property overs on South Fourth Street,' between Broad & - > 'i;rn,S. stimstes arainet M izabeth-Streets.... t property o�rnare 4th St. Est. 2 Lieberman & Vogt..................$312.61 l.t "'.•: { stn. Broad & 888 " 3 Lena Sheehan ...................... 113.15 4 g ... Elizabeth. amount Maa le M. MaCutohen............... 188.50 q ing to $769.68 " 5 Augusta Roaere................. 66.86 aid and check • #6 Bertha B. Rogers ....... ............ 96.67, a total of $769.68,, I. ,j roan to con- n ,, tractors'for I move that the sum of $$769.68 be allowed Reynolds Bros. and a check drawn on the Spe ` said amount. alai Street Fund .to pay same. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae� tn­ �,iaton, Faker, Twl11y,71111nme and Kntterjohn,-6. .. Commissioner Tully offerud the following motion: Y9wo following partieo having , % tx Troperty owners signified their intention of taking the Ten Year Payment Plan for the construction of c. fa �lon S.4th St. r; w�Detn Broad & sidewalks, curbs and guttere-on South 4th Street, uetween Droad & Miabeth Ste.... rlizaboth take ddcntage of Est #7 G. L. Akers ................. 367.29 I t s P Ton Year Pavmont 8 Annie J. Joneo.............. 160.59 i tpsPlan to amount " 9 0. 71. Raob..... '............. E13.33, a total: of 3741.21;.I move r .l YS of $741.21, and i• City Solicitor that Improvement Bonds be' issued for the sum of $741.21 and the City Solicitor be in instructed to - !i �i urnieh copy for struoted-,to furnish copy for said bonds. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following said bonds. r 4� vote: .Yens, Eaton, FAker, Tally, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. (` Co Tully offered the i'ollowina motion: I move THAT THE STATF;I?rliT Statement of aoount with OF THE. ACCOUNT -TTH' R,RVIOT:DS BROS., COITTRACTOR3 011 11ORTH'9TA STRFFT, BF.TTIFFII MADISON eynoldo Bros. r, n I1. 9th St. AND TRIM -BLE STRFFTS be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon .call of the roll by the followI ; etween Madison 4 1 Trimbl`o Ste. .. ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-5. f' Commissioner Tully offered,the following motion: The following parties having 5 paid tto.eetimutes againot proporty,ownors on North 9th Rtroet, botaeon Mad Leon &.. ,• stim::too'on 1L tTrimble Stroots.:.. 9th St. uotn. M1 ' t ?in and Set 3 hllldred Terrell....... .......$342.92 - Yew Trimolo Stroet t�f " i @ '. ^ .�4 Julia B. Scott ................. 349.85 aid to., @ I' s Y m6 W. s. & Lena Hayden....: .......: 373.46 -�., • mount of $1942.16, "� #7 C.St.L. & N.O.R.R................ 101.32" _ nd oheok forx`10 Bettie R. Thomas Est.......... 295.46' %said amount drawn' ", 11 C• St.,L: & IT. 0. R. R.......... 265.46 o contractors. ` 1'2 C. Hodge To & N. 0. R. R....• ••: 147.40, a total of tt 66.27 eynolds Bros. . " 8 Hodpe Tob.'Co................ f; /.' I move that the sum of $1942:16 be allowed Reynolds Bros.; and a check drawn on the Special Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call. of the roll by'the .folrohinv_, vote: -.i',• Yeas, Baton' Faker,. Tully. Williams and Yatterjohn,-6. I .. e Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: 'The folloning.partios having - Propert owners .aIgnifled,their intention of -takingthe Ten Year.Fa ment Plan for the oonstruotion of g y } •or, li.9th St., - betn.hSadieon k p sidewa_]ke,,.ourbs and gutters on North 5t1i Street, between ldadieon & Trimule Streote I r. Trimble St. tal;e� : advantage, of To Est. #l.trs. . J.. Robus..............$338.2b Xo"r Pnymdnt "` A13 Robt.11L Scott.....:.......... E28.49 { "� 1; ]len to the ". 1.4 Mary 10. Clark ................. 313.3b.' 1J ;nmoimi of $1199.,6, " 16 T. A. Miller ...........::..... 81.66 u snd,.Citp Solt = ^ ' , 17 Jno. ,.1, & Lizzie Fowler....... 76.16 �oitor inotruotoi " 16 Luther Steel............. .... 76.16 �•to furnish copy 19 F. T. Bowling..'........ ... 85.29, a totai of $1199.16, . .. I : for said' bonds: 4r I move thnt Improvement Bonds be issued for the sum of $1199..16 and ,the City Solicitor be inezruotod to :fwunieh copy. for said sonde.. Adopted ,upon call of the roll oy the, ! -following.To Ye , Eaton' Ecker, Tullq, Rillinms and'Ratterjohn,-b. %'` .• .. \ Ev ii'.Jf.• ... - .. a,..' r. _'-:�. . YL ..,,...I1 v .. w. /w^a•,>-Kr.:1. M1: .u� •J..:.�..i^11r n1�.Y.�.r�f ' g. cif •y"�JYyy�__ _�._.- -�. til. _ ��it�flYRA.'+i.Sic:.•- .. ;V�) y h"p a' i1� 7 1 I'''q' 1 i i* r$AnT�r•'4 ✓ �ti(1 d!•t 7 7 - Wry-"4^n•�f+3x*-.'S'�Mrldwr rlb�-8i•'n. .I+Xi��� i• .7' 17 1 P 1 4�„� f ri, •.y .. �, 1 '•).y1 •')r N. 1�`�-I+.Fl-�L ^j.1� ,L e�.•!S 't,( �A Ad. 1• 1 41'ti Yr /J. • No. Commissioners' Proceedings,. City o4 Paducah 192--. Statement of so. " Commissioner Tully offered the following motion : '.I move that. TRE 9TATFJ+RIIT. count with Baker N 4torris for workh. OF ACCOUNT 11TH SAKE! &:, STORRIB. '0011TRAOTORS. ON SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, BF.TP►EF.N HU8BANDB on S.6th 9t. betn. Rusbands &'Bach- j & BAO)MAN 9TRr,3T9, I be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow. t man Ste. I' aIng vote: Yeea. Paton, Faker, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following. parties 'hav- Estimates against Ing paid the estimates against property owners on 9outh;8th Street, between Hue' 4. property owners on 444 S. 8th St., beta. and Bachman Streets.... Husoands and Bach - awn Streets paid, Est. �3.Jake Biedorman:...............316b.04 amounting to " IE L: C. Newton ........:..:...... 97.67 : j $662.42, and check " ' E6 J,. A. Darnall ................. 92.67 drawn for said ! " E6 Goo, Doherty...' ....:.........: 114.67 amount to son- " 32.1.. 1.. Roof,................... 92.67; a total .of $662.49, I tractors Baker & Storrie. move that the sum of $662.42 be allowed Baker & Storrio and a check. drawn on the > j .S eoial.Streat Fund to P pay same. Adopted anon oul].of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, 'Triton,, Faker, Tully, 'Tilliams and Y.a.ttorjohn,-6, !}' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties ;• Property owners having signified, their intention of taking the Ten Year Fnymeldt Plan for the con-, i ' on 9. lith 9t. beta b Hueband & Bachman etruotion of aidewalks, curbs and gutters on South Oth'Street, between Husbands & �. Sts. take advnn- ' taro of 10 Year Daohman- 9troote......` Payment Plan to r ar.:ount of X2908,98 Eat. .#2 Cora G. Burton Eat.............$442.83, ar..i City .9olioitor " 4 M. X. Hoffman.... .........:.... 169.18 instructed to fur-' " 6 Lloyd C. Ener nigh copy of sgid " 7 iia. M. F. Emory ............... 656,67 c : bond e. " 9 rat. Tenn. Caruthers........... 131.19 10 17. :,, MoCarthy................. 92.67 i 11 Susie R. Bryant................. 136:78 �. 12 Minnie Dryant.................. 1P.6.01 y 17 '.v. 9. McCarthy. ........ 96.99 '. " 18 Goo. 'L. & M. Troutman.......... 97.67 0 " L. Haynas...................... 97.67 • ■ A C ..... .. 7 57 E3 Alva Caldwell ... ..... '.9 . 24 Pink'Carroll................ 97:57 u" 26 T. A !tiller . ................ 119.67'. 30 Fulda Johnson .................. 07.62 33 C. A. Isbell ................... 86,43. . " a L .................. 3. 0$2908.98,- 36 Onoar sibs!. 31. 33, a total f $E 08,98,. 9 � ;C r I move.that Improvement Bonds be tasuod for the sum of $P.908.96 and the City Solicitor be instructed to furnish copy for sniri bond's. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ' following vote:'Yeas, Eaton, raker, 44r11y, Tilliamo and Y.ctterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The.following'parties,' ' iEstimates on having neither paid the ostimates against property owners on South 8th Street, between + a" 9. 8th:9t. batn. : Husbands & Bachman Husbands.& Bachman Ste,,, or taken advantage of the Ten Year Payment Plan.... Ste. amounting to $E4U.12 not'paid, :get, 114 Mary Ii. Mills ............... $ 92.67 ' nor.tak-on advnn- " 131 Rose Ytrby:.......... ..... 77.09 ta.e of ten year " 34 Hannah ]'sinter .............. 70.46, a total of$2aG.lE, I. `' ... payment plan. . move that the Commissioner of Publio Finance be instructed to deliver said estimates to the Contractors Baker & Storrio. Adopted upon, call of the roll by the following vote: Yeao. Eaton. Eaker,Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn,=6. Cemetery transfer Commissioner Tilllame offered the folloriing motion: I move ihnt the trans. s Anna. Y.onnody and Lena 1.. III liama, fer.from Anna Y,ennely.and Lona L. 'Tilliame, able heirs of Philip Beat,.to W. J. sole hoirA of Philip Bost, to 7hitoheed, to 14 feet fronting on the 7leet.aide of Lot 110. 406, in Block No; 28, and W. J. Whitehead. running book 30 feet to a point on the South aide of oaid Lot, Oak. Grove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote.: Yeas, Eaton, Faker., Tully, -dilliame and Y"attorjohn.-6. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the trans..• ' rr: Cemetery transfer from Howell 0.' for from Ho.7oll 0. Robins; Vise Frin Robins, ►.tine Clyde Robins and .Mrn. Bert Robins.'." Robins, i'ian Erin Robins, Mies Clpde� Armstrong, solo heirs of John A. Robins.,deoeaaed, to R. H. Dowd, to Lot #260, in .:'.. Robins.ar:d Mrs. � <' Bert Robins :firm- Section 18, Oak Grove Cemetery, except a small baby grave on snid lot,. be ratified. : strong to R. F. Dowd. ' . ''�'�!Tr�YT�fi�7�►r..A�. , -. .+:. ., ..'9Nh'FM?iC!lAIQ'�,sAY/L7111M'101M CX'fi�37�xfi�'S.tiaCfttlKrkr�g.inr lh sx,'±:LF�slrt,t'T�+:„ S .- ._ -. -. ." .. -.,-.. .. _ ..,.. •.. ... ,..mow --. _ :._-_1.:.<1::.,;YI.G':.it'ui. '\�s'i�'+in:L z :!✓.� ib .r ir," 1Z Z j .. �.N •n, ('Yf i..D -�^'� : r �! �, Y: r.Ze-n.. ,..! h b 1t,4 y -..+•.,.1„c:.. I —A,:ii-+r+[��...'i.�. -1 . ww+k. .".vW..1lL2 t �.w..:,. C��.�..t::a a✓w+.r.—�..v-.r�K. —1� W J..J wilwo mom r .r( ':N0.! '' `^' a 4• - -F.`( wCommissioners'. Proceedings, .City of .Paducah 192:•' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,” aaker, Tully. .R IS r Williams and Katter ohn,-6. ` On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll:bq 8 yeas. --"} n, Adopic4°U J/ x '19 AF?F RG V 17D i 'la . cty tyy,� MAYOR~ DECEMBER 31ST, 1921. 1 +A At a Called Meeting of the of At held in the Commiset onere' * Chamber in the Cit Rall, Paducah, Y,ent'uok l f y y,,on Deoember.3let, 1921, at 11 o'clock, . .A. 11. Upon.oall of the roll the following answered to .their names: Commissioners ;Eaton, Tully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. S. r. J.•::.¢` Mayor Yatterjohn.etated reasons. for 'call,to-wit.: For the purpose of, consider- ;yi'• "+ Ing the closing of Malden. Alley, and such other business as'miaht come before the. Board: 9 a um Commissioner Tully offered .the'followinmotion'. Thi sum $37.60 having been paid into the Treasury, as evidenced bythe rooeipt filed herewith, I move that Cemotory doed deed be executed to Tom Boatwright, for Lot $62, in Block #4 on the North side of ' to Tom.Boat- r - wr•ivht, Lot Ford Street, between Hank and ChambAdopted lin Streets, 1n Oak Grove Cemetery. .upon t.. 62, Block 4•as 11 of the roll by the followingvote. Yeas, F.aton, Tullq,'yfllfnms and Y.attorjohn.-4.. •'_> ''" Commissioner. Tully offered the following motion: I mobs that the Pay -roll fora i'r. Pay -roll of Riverside the rvoek ending Dec. Slat, 1921, for the D:71RTMENT OF PUBLIC PROP---RTY, Riverside t i : Hoorital . for week ending Acapital. amounting to $98.22, be allowed and ordered paid and the -money appropriated Dea:31;1921. '. il from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of ihe.roll by the following vote: Yeas", Eaton, Tully, Williams and. Kat,terjohn.-4. {,"? Commissioner Tully.offered the fol.lowing'motion I.move that the.11atlonal `y " National Sure- d.'tv Oo.'releae- Surety Company bo released on the.ilonde'of the following former patrolmen: Fred Merry'. ed or: bonds of former r 7.r :.deceacod, Andy Stewart, dooeaead, 11ke Durran; Deceased, George Doria. deceased. Adopt.. patrolmen;...-, Fred Merry ed•upon call of the roll by the followinR vote:.Yeas, Eaton, Tully. Williams and 1. Andy Stewart, tt` 'Miko'_Duaan andi Ratter john, -4. 1 t y ,`,Goo.Doria, al <r.•':, 1.:,deoeasod. Oommiseionor Tully offered, the following motion: `I move that the binyor. and t 4 ` :.the Commiesionor of'P.ublio Finnnoe be authorized and directed to borrow from the City ',. -city to bor'- �,•� rovi -from City National.Bank, for rho use nrrl benefit.of the City of Paducah. the sum of ura.000, X14= y ' National Banka; payable Feb. 5th. 1922, pledgtng ab seonrity the stood faith and credit of the City of Paduaah and the` taxes to be collected to 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by' ' y ,tho following vote: Yeae;.Eaton, Tally, Williams and.katterjohn;-4. 4 . " tt Oommiesioner Tully offorod.the following motion: That Bruce M. Philley be <<. Bruoo MM... „ j< Philley allow -1 allowed the oum of $60.00 in full ee.ttlement of fees for sorvioee rendered in settle- a�,••," N orl 00.00. in fill] offoos mont.of tho taxes of .Yost Ky. Mausoleum Co. Adopted upon call of the roll'.by.,the ?" for taxon ' of Weot YY.-.71follong vote: Yeae. Raton•. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4: idauaolonm Co. • •. ..; r ' Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the followirur motion: I movo that the reeiRmtion l .Rest rnntton 'of W:.M. W tahell. City Engineer', be accepted. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the,of chalk, City following vote:.Yeea,. Tully; Williams and Katterjohn,-3; Oommisetoner.Eston not voting:: ' Oommisotoner 'Williams offered the following.motion: I move that the report : Roport'Fred•' of Fied ;?lglish., Sexton,Oak.Grovo Cemetery, for the month' of.Deoember.19E1, be Ye- ` ?` Enalish,Sex- ton Oak Orooe oelvod and filed. Adopted upon.oall of.the.roll by the.follonino vote:- Yeao Baton dome for ' December 19E1 Tully. Williams* and' Katterjohn,-4 1 Y J 1 IL x �r•`_ ''<• lir' 1 .. /�;' , 4 , i J r Thi•r'• ' •�—h--a'r{A:L�':: �.iJ�'.�ia ' .I.L M . +MA.�kM .Sl•..'J',J�i : v.4A,A7. - uC•'. ...