HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 764, December 5, 1921;:#,;-' ,-+.'• .;r .t .'x• ••1 :i: `'`'!, i7.M. Nu.•v.f {-r.:i:+".r. •+'.t ^4''rZ�f:L :A,� 7-• L'J{; ".n t• . Mal I. •, �"_ .fin .M4r„�F-: -, ttf l'� K,'.'.. '. 'i.'t!!,.t. to T •.�1 '-,'%i+'M>u,. - i-a�.:t.k. - ..—..,. •.. �.r.--. _..+...tea. y„_� . •: Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah ” ' 192__ tN- Eaton„ linker, 'Tully. Williams and Katter john,-6. j r• ., Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe en- � "* 'Ordinance _ • titled,. "AN ORD. IIIA 1101; 6SS%SSINO TNE.ABUTTIIIO PIiDISRTY ON TILT Ir ST SIDS OF BROAD STREET,I. F---•: assoosing pro-' • ' .t. party on, the : FR CLI THE INTEHSFOTION OF. FOURTH AND BROAD STREWTS., TO THE DIVIDING LINE BET72E11 THE W. side of �. G Broad St, from', PROYrRTY OF LOUI9 PETTcli' AND FRANK PSTTER. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY; THE 'Sum OF intor000tion = . of 4th &•Brond $1 6618. I'M &BUTTIIID FOOT, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONORSTS SID3,7AILS, AS SHOi7H BY THE .St. to dividin .lino beta. .the '.rMiGtNiMIS' ;.. XSTIMATE. ZXOS1'T THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KEIMC)rj,-' ,. property of Louie and Fran AND PRGVIDIIIO THAT SAID ASSESS1:trilT 171Y BE TAID FOR IN Tc1i ECUAL IIISTALI2;rYiTS, BRING ON1� Potter, for lid'ewalke. EAOA'YF.AR FOR A.•Pi IOD OF TEN YFARS," be adopted. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the a:•� following vote:.Yeas, Eaton, Faker, .Tully,.,Tilliame and Katterjohn,4. ,1µi. • Phi4611 for r Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: h move that the Pay-roll for. J• r Riverside Hoe ?,.pital,for".: , 1 <, the week ending Deo. 3rd' for DE1,ARTMENT OF PUBLIO PROPERTY, Rivoroide Hospital, amount-. week ending, .:, `,'.'Deo.. 3rd,• :: in to $99.22„ be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from General. :r r. 1921:.: ,the ;?r".`• �;. Fund to pay same.. Adopted'upon sail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Katon, . . Baker. Tully., Williams and Katterjohn,-6. r,t On motion the Board adjourned.upon oall.of the roll by'6 yeas. r Ada ted DF.C4kMnER 6TH. 1921..WYOIt .. i, : Ata Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' yah c�a Chamber in.the City Hall, Paduoah,.Kentuoky, on Deoember 5th. 1921. Upon rill of the " } .. i roil.thl.following answered.to.their names-Commissioners Baton, Esker, Tully, fillieme '( and Kattor john;-6.'. i On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted' ao.road upon oall of tho roll by 6,yeas., i Resolution of Idayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: g I.move that a resolution entitled, I' t, `• f• .than;cs'to I.W.- ard Bornsrd "RESOLUTION OF THANES TO I. W. AND BERNARD BLRIIHFIM," be adopted. Adopted upon sail ofI a Bernhoim for j ;1E00'.buuhele :; the roll,by the following.vote: Yeas,, r:aton, Fakar, Tully, Williams and hatter john.,-6. • of: coal:for ' . . 4 poor of. the . Mayor Katterjohn offered the. following motion: I'move that the oommuntootifrom. City. on Letlmato #4, l7. M. Mitohell, City Engi'neer'. dated November 30th, 1921, oorrooting Fetimate 4, at. E. 'A ' M. E. Hoffman ;.„•.; Hoffman, and'roduodng same from $164.18 to.X4169.18, whioh is for work performed by >oorroatod. for A�. ... aork on 3: .0th ''St. FAkor k Storrie on South Eighth Street, be reoeived,,filed and' confirmed. Adopted upon oonutruatod •.,' . St rnl:or &', by 4ak.o: sail of. the roll by'fhe folJoWina vote': Yana.* Eaton, Pak-or. Williams and .. y Katterjohn,-6..•' Report of the.MoC ."Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion:. I move that the report of the TubliokHe Co.. � :Tublio Hoath Mo0rao}:on County Fublio Health Longue liureing.Servioa for.the, month of November 1921. r u�A• •, ;. Leaauo Nuro ing, be ,r000ived and .filed: Adopted upon oall of the roll by the. following wetYeas... s:: 5orploo for HOT. 1921. Fatbn, Faker, Tully, Williams and. Kat ter john;='6. Report Oom'r.{ Commiseionor Tully o'fforod tha following motion: I move that the naaounte amount- • Flnanoo for, the .Ing to.$16E68.64, oe por the report of the Commiesioner of kublio Finan filed here-:: ` . month of. Nov. s I ' .1 27, of eon- ivIth,. be allowed- and ordered' paid and the .mone p y..appro riated from the General Fund to ounte amount- y r , ins to .. $162b8.64.i, pay oamo:. Adopted upon oall.of.tho.roll by following vote: Yeas, :sten, Esker; Tully,, Nilliame and Katterjohn,-6. Oommiseioner Tully offered .tho'folloning motion: I'move that the.report•of.the t �s I Rrt Oom'r. epo Finanae for the month of Commissioner of 1'ubli6Firaribe for Ahe month•bf 1lovember be received and filed and 11ov 1921, .. ordered published in the.offiotal neuepaper., Adopted upon....oall of: the roll by the. following vote: Yeae, Eston,.Eaker, Tally, Williams,and Katterjohn;•bi f H, % +�M7H.a -L �R°a@113YtJ7 ,7 9fai?l- 'n'1yNpy-rpjr ?'..•;1.x:1 �9u�:i�i'�1v �•'� �.�.. , _T �: _ , ..,.. l• I+ •4 ! 1.4t f:r�^f •ry•M 5 'k%. Y�F�i^2" , j 7.. in ;."1,5S' Ah ) .y �r r; �.1'^Ii1` •. • 4i 1 } Commissioners' Proceedings; City.o4'Paducah; 192-- 92-Commissioner CommissionerTully.offored the followingmotion: The sun of 937.60 having; . Cemetery Deed been paid into the Troasury,.as.evidenood by the reoeipt filed herewith, I move'that • - oxooutod to Capt.. .� .i `' Billie Smith for. deed be exeouted to Capt. Billie Smith for Lot #70 In Blook Won the Iforth Bide of Lot '10. Blook g2, Baker Street., betveon Ford and: Hannan Streets, in Oak Grove Oemetery. Adopted upon...,-,. •: oall of the roll by the following vote:'.Yeno, Eaton, Raker, Tully. .,Williams and . Kattor john, -6. . Trial of the Ohar.goo pending. Oommiaeionor Eaton off ered the following motion: I move that the 'trial of the age In at G.M.Dorle, patrolman, .00ntinu- penlinst oharges eRainet Patrolman G. M. Doris be oontinued until the next Regular at until Regular Meeting of the Meeting of the Board. of Commissioners on Monday Deoomber 12th, 1921, on a000unt of - Board on Deoomber '•j. lEth, 1921. the absenoe Prom tho City of the said Doris. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the folloxinm vote; Yana, Zaton, Eaker. Tully, Willicme and Kntterjohn,-6. .. Report Fred'tnglish Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the report " 'sexton Oak Grove . Cemetery for the of Fred rxnglieh, Sexton Oak Grove Cemetory, for the month of Ilovembor 1921, be re - month of Ilovembor 3921.oeivod and filed. Adopted upon oall:of'tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Ea1:ar, Tully, AilliamB ani Y-attorjohn,-13. t '' On notion the Board adjourn:od upon oall of the. roll by the following vota':..> Yens, Eaton. F.akor, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6.. Ln .91--YP O V lip cry c1..r D7Dr't.MM 10TH. 1923. t At a Oalled Meeting of the Board of Oohmisulonese, held in' Lhe Oommieetonere' Ohamber in the City. Hall, ruduoah,, Kontnokq, on D000mbor 10th, .1921, at 11:o'clook y. A. 1. 'Upon oall of the roll the following answerod to their names: Oommiesionere '`• Eaton. Tully and 191111ame,-3. .Mayor Katterjohn being absent, Mayor Pro Tem Eaton presided. ldngor Pro Tem.anton stated reasons for oall .to -wit: For the purpose of. allow- ; Ing pay -roll for the woek ending D000mbor 10th, 1921, and suoh other buaineee no might: oome before the Board. , t Oommiesionar Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay -roll Pay -roll .for River-; . 1 aide. Hospital for for the Wook andlnR Deo. 10th, for the DETARTLtR1tT OF Fl1BLI0 PROI RTY, RTV�RSIDE H09- week ending.Deo. i. 10th, 19 E1, �FITAL, amounting to 990.46. be allowed and ordered paid snit the money appropriated: i from the General Fund to paq seas. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following „ ;veto: Yeas, ,aton. Tully and rlil3tamo,-3, ` Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that there be aliened' . Ftaohase of Red the sum of p�50.00 for the purohase of Rod Crony Christmas Seale, and that the Commie- Oroas Chrietwas ;i. Beale for.1922, 'sionor of Publio Finance be instruotod to lasue ohock for said sum of $50.00, pageble amount %50.00. ;c . 1 to Lrs.,I, 6,711oox. Chairman of •the.Christrrac Seale Sales for the MoOraoken.County. ;Publio Health League, and that same be oharged to the n000unt of Efleoellaneoue Ohnritq.1 r I yAdopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yana, . Eaton, Tullyand ,91]]iams,-S �. !' On motion the Board adJourned upon Ball of the roll by 3 yeas. APPROVF]D Adop71o14 �ri///Y�.��__141�. c:,, c1." ' A PC1R