HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 749, November 5, 1921:'�e.~t�'!�1i,� +�+ns±s;F�sC�'�Fi •L .�'�,,,i" 7.'°'Y' in ..;.l..?. ti. �, i+A c.. xirt ':ytW 't t�L.t- wA. .%• F, At a Called 'Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'' ]�':11CC'��•:3 Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoc.h, Kontuoky, on 11ovember bth,.1921,. at 10 o'clock A. M... . Upon call of the roll the following.nnewered to their names; Oommissionere Eaton,'Tully '. a and Mayor Katterjohn.-3. tck�S'ip,.. ..+ V.n: .. t •+} K.$Y{f�'�+ i^� ;i„ty... rr .� 4 y+ { it �f,p f. 5: .� F41 5':I _rw a F°a•y ... �u+l.:,: -._.- �.'�i.r-+=h=+...,.i t v_.++�t' .J .�-+.w'1.:.Sa`LL:.�`l.•-- •f .-„,-•�.,..*' 1 1 No. T�9 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of. Paducah 192-_ 1' NOV;4JUR 5th, 1991. At a Called 'Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoc.h, Kontuoky, on 11ovember bth,.1921,. at 10 o'clock A. M... . Upon call of the roll the following.nnewered to their names; Oommissionere Eaton,'Tully '. a and Mayor Katterjohn.-3. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit; For the purpose of allowing pay -roll for the week ending November 5th, 1921., Commiesioner Tully offered the following motion; `I move that the Pity -roll for Pay -roll for week . ..' ending 11ov..5th, the week ending November 6th, for D;TARTIMIT Or PUBLIC PROIIERTY, Riverside Hospital, for Rivorside Hospital. amounting to $108.88, be allowed and.ordored paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay samo: Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, :•, Eaton, Tully and Y.atterjohn,-3. ”. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by 3 yeas. At'rr.r.r1ov�*j_� ,- t;�PIOV:T,D IIbr'I.Sm 7TH, 1921. .' At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Oommiaeionere, held in the,0ommieeloner.e' Chamber ir. the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky. on November 7th, 19P1. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Eaton, faker, Tully, 91111ame and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. f " On motion of Commissioner ilston the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt- v ed ao road upon call of the roll by. the following vote; Yeao, Eaton, Laker; Tn]ly, Williams and Kattorjohn,-b. . Commissioner Tully offered :the following motion; That the petition for Stroet Ltltht .to ba pinood at.the corner of Both G Krufrer Strootu be received and filed and r Street Licht 20th to Kruger. referred to the Oommieutonor of Public 'Iorko for invoutimatton and roport back to the Board of Oommissionere; Adopted upon call of the roll' by the following vote; Yena, ' g canton., Lnkor. Tully, 71illiams and Y.attorjohn,-b. Commie9loner Faker offered the following motion; That the attached petition for *Street Lirhb-'•P Vatreet I�ght at the intersection of 12th. and Jaokeon'Strect be'reooived and filed 1Bth & Jaokeon. and that the Supt. of the iiaht T'lant he instruotod to inutal.l this light at once. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeao, Futon, Laker, Tully and ' r Williams, -4; Hays, Y•atterjohn,-1. `L Oommieetoner :raker offered the following motion; That the attached petition for ;. a street light on Linooln Avo. be received and filed and that the Supt. of the Light Street Licht 4 Lino oln Avenue.' . Plant'be instructed' to install the light at once. Adopted upon call of the roll by I`;.•�; i .•i !' the follo:vir.g vote: Yoae, Eaton, Baker, Tully.a,nd Williams, -4; Ilaya, Katterjohn,-1. . Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the monthly estimate ' Renort'Oity "rhgi--� furnished by the 'City :%nginoer for •cork done and porfor mod by Reynolds. Broe.; Oon- noer.of monthly. . .. estimate of work I.tractors. on Ilorth Sixteenth Street, during the month of October, be received and filed .. ' done by Reynolds Brou. on .IJ:16th .'and that.the Oommissionor of Public Finance be instructed and authorized 'to issue and montWarrantove y'Improvement ?tarrnnt for the own of $4277.00, being 65% of.tho work performed. Adopted to be to P onouod r au id oor.traotore upon, pall of the roll by the followini, vote: Yenn, Eaton, Laker, Tully, Willi nme and � . for ;;4277.00, boing.05p oY tho j Katterjohn,-b. nor'r_ done.. f•