HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 744, October 24, 1921}..�,,�'`r•;A�`,i'. •.',i ��h ' %{ar �. .J_.� .,�.. ;ti r, -a t_ �•'c:f,•�". }.. . '' •.:.' '. Yd �':.*•, (7x••y ;,•b •nnr-p �r •r--•. sLrw..y t5 ���... I r _ ,,..tri -. ., r.... _. "Na1� Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah., -192-: L.11 Den X44 68 .... Eet. 463 Paducah Railway 00....... ..1£66.36' " and 121.60• Lool- " 10 Lucy R. Ford ........ .... ........ 188.4£, a"total. of B10om Realty CO.!' Thereoa.$3634.63..I move that Oontraotore.Yanoy &.Johnson be ,allowed. the sum of $3634.63 and the, .$446.86- Gookol ,�E69.06; i Paduoah Hy.00..�0ommleeioner of-Publio Finanoe be instructed to draw a oheok on the Special Street Furl $1966.36 and Luoy, .. .. . R.Ford $180.4E, ht0 pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the".folloWing rote; Yea. e,'Eat On," Tully,- airl Yanoy & John• con allowed Williams and Katter ohn,-4. � $3634.63 amount , of oaid,,eeti- On motion, the Board adjourned upon call "of the roll by 4 yeas. r . mates. , , • '�, : .. `Ade0led 19 4� d. sS_�—' tA AV • I.. OCTOBER Blot, 1921. c,. At a Called Meeting of the.Board of. Commi'eeionere, held. in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Nall, Paducah,. Kentucky, on October 21st. 1921. at 3 o'clock P: M. "•s":`;', a Upon call of"..the,roll the following answered to their names: Commisolonere Eaton,Eaker, T . Tully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. s '•",' Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow pay -roll for the week ending October 22nd; and such other business"as might .come. before the -Board. , y !the.following Commissioner Tully offered motion: I move that the Pay -roll Pay -roll for week onding for the week ending Oct. 92nd for the DEPARTMENT OF."PUBLIO"PROPE3TY... Riverside Hospital;`i ' ....Cot. £End; 19E1� forereide.' - amounting to $119.20, be allowed. and'ordered paid and Ahe.nioney appropriated'.from.the' Nopital; amoim ing to $119.E0.�Genoial Fund to pay same.. Adopted upon call of. the. roll by the following. vote: Yeas; Eaton; Eakor,.Tully, Williams and Katter,john,-6. ";. . • Y' Oommia61onor Tully, offered"'thea following Motion:.. Whereas. It.: bee heretofore I -' been• agreed between the. Board of Oo:rmiesi oners of the City of Paducah and the Negel • .'. Mokinney Company; Inoorporoted, that.""tho assessment against their property .for five: ". yeare,.beginning with the year 1919, should be fixed, at $10,266..00 aryl that the said ' Nagel & McKinney Company was to be exempt from any; add It tonal. aseasemont for five years. ' -Nagol & Mo- as induoement for them to locate their -cannery. in this oity:and said Nagel do McKinney " Kinney 00., taxon for 1919," Company. now tender the taxoa.for.the year 1919, amounting to $916.66 and "the taxes for 1990 and 19£1, so follows: the year 19EO,, amounting to $226.86 and the taxes for the year 1921, amounting to 1919,. 216..68 1920. £16.86 $230.96, a total of $673.38. I move that the sum tendered be aooepted- in payment .for , """,•" ,. . 18£1 £30.96 totai;*673.38. the years mentioned and that the Oommiesionor of Public Finance be instructed to issue tax rd•oeip•ts in full for those years. Adopted" uponoall..of -the roll by .the following aote:'Yeae, %ton. Ecker. Tully, Williams an& Ketterjohn,-6. " On motion" the Board ad journed upon call of the roll. by 6 yeas. I '•. ' ' APPROV •'a'. ' r.• CII/ CINE R4 AY0$ OCTOBER 24TH. 1921. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' " Ohamber'in the City Hall, Fadnoah, Kentucky, on October 24th. 1921.. Upon oall of the t�om" roll the following answered to their.namee- Oommisetonbre Eaton, Tully, Williams and r;.• Mayor. "Katter john. -4' On motion of Oomekissioner"Tully.the minutes of the previous meetings were- adopted as -read "upon call of the roll by the following,vote:•Yeae, Eaton. Sully. 4 :i Williame.and Kattorjohn,-4: Communication Mayor"Katterjohn offered -the following motion:.,I move that the communication , Alvord & Bic- .. :. "filed.. diok; relative ,from 'Alvord'&:Burdick-. dated Obtober'EOth, 1921. be raoeived and Adopted upon `- "' r ""• to Sewer Die= , :.- " - triot $3, he. call of the, roll: by -the following vote: "Yeae.Eaton,`Tully.71illiama'and Katterj,ohn.-4.'1 r . ,s•Lt}'=4,' i.4':T,:�iMl.':.;f hfh:.YiY.•• �t.•...:t�{w�l?+J6.':1 vy .:.acre#1 h . c �.�:,:..r' :.w •�-.. w !-ar. " '' .: .``. 7. f t.-'". ��H:t'.�.`r`,r ��++, ,'.'tet'! „t'�!.^; •i^,.e..t '�.... r..+='i�:,.S..i-r. -5-, . ;t%. ,tea a;.:°>%7a.,�,p,... 5*L �`' F`'� ''•� '� +- - • ___ -__� - -. ... - .. - �....e�. �:atT.i4;t ••. ..v ..K: v L: .y -.?I: 4.1 ;:der,;\ t .. t a ; 1 t Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192 t- - ---- -- - -- {.+ Mayor Ka tar o 0 ore e o ow ng motion:. move n e res mprovemen (( r; Contract entered into by and between the City of Paducah and Yanoy & Johnsoa, dated t Acceptance of October 17th, 1921, for the construction of .concrete sidewaIke. ourbs and,guttere, and Street Improvement' n Contract and Con- ,y all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins'. on ,the 7eet side of Goebel struction Bond; k r executed by Yanoy l Avenue, from the East property line of Goebel Avenue to a point .where the South curb .. t` Johnson for con- ntruotion of aide_ line of Worten's Avenue, if extonded, would intersect the Weet property line.,of"Goebel walke &c. on Goebel [ Avenue. "'Avenue; also the East side of Goebel Avenue; from a stake set opposite the front of a r i ) U 14 the building now occupied by the Union Drub Store to the South curb line of l7orten's i Avenue' nod the Oonstruotion Bond for the performance of,said work, executed-and_do- tZJ livered by Yanoy & Johnson, with the National Surety Company, as surety, be received, filed, accepted, approved and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll. by the follow " Ing vote: Yeas, Eaton. Tully,,Williams and Katterjohn,-4. p' Ksyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Street Improve-:,. move entered into by and between the City of Paducah ani Eaker &. Storrie' Acceptance of dated October 17th-, 1921, Por the construction of concrete sidewalks on the West aide � Street Improvement F Contract and Con_- , of Broad Street; from the intersection of Fourth and Broad Streote, to the dividing struotion Bond E i oxoontnd'by :.ckor line between tho property of Louis Potter and Frank Potter, and the Construction Bond tltorrie for the 8. construction of r for the performanoo of u[iid work, executed and delivered by Eaker & Storrio, with the S sidowalks on 4th & a. Breed Streets. Nationsl Suroty Company, as surety, be received filod, accepted, approved and recorded i Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,'Enton; Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. i r. t I:. Commissioner Tully offered the following,motion: It appearing that there is due Taxes duo Schools ` -from tax oolleo- •.I� the, schools from .the tax collections for the week ending Oct. 22nd the sum of $5367.04 , 4 tions for week erding Oct.22nd I move that it be allo:ved and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General sj 1921. Fund to pay. as=. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas, Raton Tully,.i7illiams and.Y.at.terjohn,-4. _r } , Cemetery Transfer V Comm or Willinms offered the following motion: I move that the transfer. } from Mrs. !Iilhel- RRR minas C. Pruess to from Lore. Wilhelmina. C. Pruese,.to Frank Gentry, to the rear half of the South half Frank Gentry of Lot #470, Section 32, Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the n .roll by.the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams nnd.Kntter�ohn,.-4 % r On motion the Board adjourned upon call' of the roll by 4 yeas. ; Ada,lcd ` 19% R. j I„ ' OCTOBER 29th, 1921. a� At a Called meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held ir. the Commiscionere',` y Chamber in the 'City Hall, Paducah, Y.entucky, on October 29th, 3.921 at 10:30 O'olook * ' A M. hayor Kattorjohn being absent. Mayor Pro Tem,W. V.. Lorton, .presided, Upon call of the roll,tho following an ever ed to their numos:'Coinmlasionere nton, 'r Tully and i7illiams,-3. III_ 1 j Mayor Pro Tem. Eaton stated reasons for call., to -wit: To allow d`ay Roll'for the. ' r, weekending October 29th, and any other business that.might oor^.o before the Board. ti. ;.'t, .�i Corrmissior,or Tully offered the follo.�inR motion: I movo. that the Pay -roll -for ,the Fay-rorll for-roek'� P �' r r end tr:e Oot.29th; {week ending Oot. 29th for .the..Dr3tRTLL1 P OF PUBLIC 3'ROT...TY. PT✓�2STD•, HOSPITAL, $112,20 for u" -Riversido'?',00pit- OmOiintinr to y112,20; be all and ordered paid. and the money appropriated from the al. r Genernl Fund to pay'samc. Adopted upon call of the roll by the foll].orrinrr, vote: Yeas,. atop. Tully and ',4ill.lamo,-3.Id a' -4A.iw�'+�'�^7✓..i;+r 4�"'T�''l. rs.ua .r•.. r*,I.v,.-<u. ...w. w,�a�'L`l.'^-Trn-'131T3'r3+S��•+"yYu^"S�""Z',7'�''t.:r'S'7t.,,i.'15'�`i'I:T" ."ST�.717"S