HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 733, October 3, 1921S ><.k <_`.• ��Y2tyR+.�+.yia '^Y f u F� Y s«.. d w- � �p '. s.. '� S ♦.: � "-'� X '•: y ' :. .� _ .. .. - +'.e~7.�!7•f'i�i!-/fw7trr.....�tilSl'. :'wi r; i`�•M4:'I'y •a I '. Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah ` 192-^ .Oommleeioner Tully offereA the following motion: I move that the Pay -roll for the pay -roll for week week ending Oat. let, un"ar the IWARTMENT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY, Riverside Hospital, ... ening Oct. 1, 1921 Riversi'e i,amonnting to $117.40. be allowed anA orPereA paiA an' the money appropriated from the t Hospital. NOeneral Fund to pay same. A'optoR upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, 'Baton, Tully. Williams an' Katterjohn.-4. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the itemiaeA AccounL.Tyret $6 5.25.%e000unt of Robert L. Tyree forainti L.Tyree,$615.E5.�• P ng, 'eoorating an' repairing at the".Carnegie for painting, eoorating an Library, amounting to $515.26, be alloweA an' ohargeA to the account of. Carnegie Libra- at 'ry, an' that the Oommiseioner of Publio Pinanoe be authorised to 'raw check in payment Carrepnegie Carnegie Library. D Ym }`thereof. i0opte' upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Kaiterjohn,-4. On motion..the Board sAjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. DID �MATUR OCTOBER 3RD, 1921. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, helA in the Oommiesionere' ' Chamber in the* City Hall, PaAuoah, Kentucky, on October 3rA, 1921., Upon call of the roll the following anewereA to. their names:Oommieefoners, Baton, Eaker. Williame and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. On motion of Oommissionor Baton the minutes of the previous meetings were . a'opteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Williams an' Katterjohn,-4. Mayor Katterjohn offereA the following motion: I move that the receipt from '. Receipt L. B. IUrrett,County L. E. IUrrett, County Court Clerk, showing that he has fileA Hospital Bong Or'inance Court Clerk.'ln re Hospital BonA ' be receive' an' file'. A'opte' upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Or'inanoe. Eaton, :esker, Williams anA Katterjohn,-4. Receipt of L.E. I.:nyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the r000ipt from' Durrett, County Court Cleric. L. E. Durrett, County Court Clerk, showing that he has filed Sewer Bond Ordinance 're: tr. Sorror Bond Ordiwnoo. be.received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:,Yeae,. Eaton, Faker, Williams and Katterjohn;-4. Commissioner Tully entered Ocmminsioners'.Chamber. 3tato^ent of Mayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the' statement of ' grona oarnLigo, &o. Pndunnh _Uil-:� groes earnings. operating expenses and taxes of the Paducah Railway Company for twelve 'T way Co. for 12 ' months arding,; months. ending September 30th, 1921. be received and filed and action thereon geferr- , Sopt.30,1921. l ed. Adopted upon pall of the roll by, the following vote: Yens, Baton, Faker, Tully. • ,t Williams and Y.atterjohn,-5. j • '.}' A000rt Paducah Mayor Kstter ohn offered the.following motion: I move that the Paducah Fleotrio . Electric Co, for M $532.50 lighting Company,be allowed the Huta of $532.50 for electric service for lighting the Ylhite Way . fhi to :'lay, from from August 15th August 31st to to September 30th, 1921, and that said aum be charged to the White . Sept. 30th,1921. Way Account, and the Commissioner of'Publio Finance is hereby directed to issue voucher for said.eame.Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, l $aton; En_er. Tully, Williams and l:ntterjohn,-6. s Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I'movo that THE STATEME11T OF 3tatemort of no-' oount'with Faker TIM ACCOUNT FIITH E107 ?R L OTORRIE, CONTRAC?OHS, FU TH$ COUSTRUCTION OF SIDEYIAL;:S, ti ;torrie for work, Bel 1 performed on aide`,- CURB LIiD.GUT1cLS 011 U•IIF.IIA A'l1:IlUL�, BI:T,7Frti. 12th AVD 13th STHiFTy, be received and r.'. nal;:a on Eornheim? Ave. botn.lP_th G 'filed. Adopted..upon call of the roll by the following vote: Use. Eaton, Eaker, 13th Sts. :. Tully, Williams and.Kattorjohn,-6. '"+�M,�-- ? <.c.t :'.:'1�' f�..M+•rr `T1} ,•IS?II�i'F?ff'p��7�"'.1-'o'?'w,:< ��� ^'s.: r W�� a 1 -. 1:� ..k:u •- ..t�.y-._v1..sc:1_w,+.�.r.�t++�..�,.:..�W�x-:'�"' '1� 2 qqV � f Y No. Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah . „ Commissioner Tully offered the following moti'on:'The following parties, having paid the estimates against property owners for the cons trust ion of sidewalks curb and �`...` Estimntea paid. guttore on Berhheim Avenue, between 12th and 13th Streets....... npntnnt property , 1 �•t,,,`,' - r ' rnmers for con- t. „Y it:ruction of Eat. 1. D. S. Holland ....................$ 31.70 didowill.ks; &o " S. 11ary ... ... 168.07 3 S I.1 le Smith... ... ... 1 on Dornhoim Ave.. ,4 Paducah :to hors Club............. 69.69_ r. "" 6 .Ira C.. Dyorly.......:..... .. . 46.69 Uotn.. 12th and �� ;:•:: " ' -. 13th Streets. 6 T. J. r^rnaior..................,...o 46.69 1 ':..: ''' 7 M. J. Gallagher ....:...:......... 89.69 'J*Eaker &. Storrio , " 8' Ceorgiann Doyer... ...... ... 89:69' .,. " 9 'Mary Ellen Rogers .......:......:. 94.69 ; I oontrnotore '+ " co10 Emma Pettnr..................:. 84.69 ' •.;allowed x787.62. 26.92, a total of $787.62, 13 Ida bt. Thomas ....................... � . I.move that Ea)cor & Storrie, o.ontrerators,.be allowed the sum of $787•.62 and the Com- mioolonor of Public Finance be instruotod to draw a.check-agninst the.Spocial Street 7' •'. Fund -to pay same..' Adopted upon call of the roll by the follrming vote: Yoae, Eaton, Ea, -.or, Tully,. Williams and I:attorjohn,-6. Oommiosionor Tully offered the following motionr The following-partioa having' Property owners on Bernheim Ave. signified their intention to take advantage of the Ten Year. Payment Plan for the carr- 'rhotn,l2th and struation,of sidewalks, curb end gutters on Dernheim..Avonue, between 12th and 13th r1,13.th Stre.nte i-'; tako advantage Streets.....:' hof Ten Year Eat. 12 1..11. Tinsley..' ..............$ 89.69 � ".IPayment 'Plan, .an r, " Improvement 11 J..I..Leseuer................ 220.78 " jBond for t839.12 16 Flora Forornn..:............. 110.46 issued to Esker' 16 W. H. Cashon...... :....:...... 110.46 . & 3torrie.. " 17 L. C. Torrell...........r...:_307.76, a total :of $$839.12;• III I move that Improvement 'Bonds be issued to the amount of 039.12.nnd she City Solicitor be instructed to'.furnlsh copy for said bondu. Adopted upon call of the roll. by the y following.. vote- Yoae, Lnton, Baker, Tully, Willinma and IfttterJohn. -6.' Commissioner Tully offered .the following motion:' The following' party having Goorgin Ellen-. neither paid the estimate• against property ownors, nor taken advantage of the'Ton Yoar )i wood failing e ot t 6 f n nt Plan. or the of sidwalks curb anutters on Bernheim Avenue '-• to pay oatiraate Pa�ub d ' B trgn of Ten Yo or botwoon"12th and 13th'Strooto..... rl: .Payment Plnn; Bet. 412 Goor is Ellonc,�ood:...... said'eatignto B ..0307.93', I move that the:. I r turned over to Commissionor of Puhlio.i'innnoe be nuthoritod and instructed to turn said estimnte over i Baker & Storrio. to' Contrnotbre La;;or &Storrio. :Adopted upon. of 'the. roll by the. following vote:' ..I .: Yoan; Laton, Enkor, Tully, Willinme.nn'd Ynttcrjohn,-6. I t ... Commissioner Tully.offorod .tho,'.foll"inr, motion: The sum of 060.00,having been �. ccmotery Dcod'.1q ` Jan. L. ovems: pniIVinto o theaoury; an evidenced by the ieoe'int filed herewith, I move that -deed be 'exeouted.to Jae. L. Orubbe for Lot #72 1n Block Q3 on the.. South aid's of Hank Street, between Ford and Hannan"Streete. in Oak Grove. Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell of the roll 1} by, the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Laker, Tully: Williams and Y.atterjohn',,6.". Commissioner Eaton 'offered the following motion: "I move that the report of ' Aoport formi of of tho'Chief of Police for tho.month.of 3optomber 1921 be received and filed. Adopted upoi L, ..Polios. far month P _ ; of fcpf..1921. onll .of the roll b the follows q,. • y ng vote: 'Yeas 3•.aton,, Faker' Tirll Williams and P;atter John, -5,. Ronort Chief.of Commieelanor.Enton offered the following motion:'. I'move that: the report ki " Firn - Department I . .` for. month of the.G)Jof of the'Piro Department for tho month of September 1921 bo'r000ived and,filod: Sept. 19?1 Adonted.ir on call of'the roll, by the follows j' p ng vote: .Yoae,: Eaton,. Enker, Tully. 'Jill iorne ' and ;atterjohn,-5. Cohmiooionor Williams offerod.tho following motion: I move .that Gus Loo:'wood,' lr,t +. Ona tooknVood r Contrnotor alio; Contraetor,'be allowed 04,000.00,aa per aertifiorae of Y'/. L. 0ore,,-Architeot,. dated- ad ated ed 04,000.00,' as. o tombor-24th. 1921; for work done and par Certificate. " p performed and'materinls furnished .by. 'said Look-' '• of :ore, wood in the construction of the addition o .Riverside 4000ital,,same beim the third'. ,tintedod :ieiept.24, tg 1921 forwork• and rn'tertnle, payment under the•iorms:of his contract, and being certificate Vo. .3. and that the Com- ;) furnished: in. .. I•, construction miceioner. of.Publ'io Finanoe'ie'hereby directed and instructed to pay said sum to eaid Hospital add ilio L. ) A. ��. ,iiir,ir,.,A.y,a,<e4„i, +,.i. �a„. w.. i.. _ t:.�lt ..:., _,,,p_ 1 :�...:.. y _ y—,' -- s .,—;"--....z+ --' • r'.-^--..•+ Q_i =>•. ..�:�1;�•:Y iiLit,4 a4 �."1:11YYIt:51:3rU.'' ?? .. • uww.r.'vw�.:-.c.: •>,r .,l rA.•,+. ' I. 'J�'etP"�`S'.�. rQ9. �,t ''it rry„lf.G `. a<. iC•'N(n..y.•�e, xi!'i"TN' M�. � lY� � h..t7 to t, �•ragn-r•} n Yt,"•• ,'. 1 N0.. 73 CommissionersProceedings, City of Paducah 192-_ Lool.wood, and oharre enmo.to the Riverside,Hosoital' Addition Account. Adoptod,upon onll of tho roll by the follows nt; veto; Yone; Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Y'filllnms.and � } Knttorjohn,-6. Renort of Paduonh Commissioner Williams offered the following motion;, I move that the. -report of Laboratories for the. month of 5opt..1921. the Paducah Lnboratoriea for tho month of September 19P.1'be received and Piled. .Adopt p ed upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yoas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Will isms•,, and Yatterjohn;-6. Commissioner W lliams offered the following motion:' I move ilint 'the ropor% of ,; ' Renort of Freed . Erglleh,Seaton Onk °red English, Sorton Oak Grove Cemetery for the month of Seotembe.r 19 P be received an t c Grove Cemetery for Sept. 1921. filed. Adopted upon call of the roll'by the following vote: Yeas,, Eaton, Eaker, Tully Williams and Iattorjohn,-b. Uayor.l:atterjohn offer ad'the following•motion; I move that the monthly estimate. ; .•! Monthly estimate.,. furnished.by'the City Engineer for workperformed by Reynolds Bros. on Broad Street:'• of City Enginoor for worst performed during the month of Septomher be received and f sled, .and that. the Copmisa loner, of. r , by Roynolds Bros.`',, 'j At:`.:• on L'road Street, �; 'Public Finance be nuhhori.zod to issue Imnrovemonf: iYnrrant for the sum of.y1648,,60, !' nmountinr, to.: 1040. 0 and lmnrovorpent being 66s, of the wort: performed. Adoptod upon call,cf the roll by tho following vote: 17arrant issued. Yoao, Eaton, Easter, Tully,, Williams and Yntterjohn,-6. Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion; I move that tho monthly esti- Monthly estimate of! City Engineer for mato by the City Engineer for work perfoimod by 9eynolds.Bros. on 11. 9th Street during . wort performed by i; 4. Reynolds Bros. on the month of September be rooeivod and filed, and that .the Convniastoner. of Public' %' A. 9th :;t., nmount- in., y930.d0, and Finnnue be authorized to issue Improvement "larrnnt for the aum.of y930.80, being 661% Improvement ;lar-' ; " rant issued. of the work nerformed. Adopted upon call of the roll'by thu following vote: Yoce,' Enton; Ealcer, Tully, Williams and Y_atterjohn,-6. pyo Mayor:I:ntterjohn offered the following motion: I move.that'the monthly esti= %5 ' Monthly e8timnte of City'i4np.,Incer for mate by the. City h:ngincor for work'nerformed by Eaker & 8torrie on South 8th Street.'. work performed by Xr.1_er & Storrie on 'during the month of Sentembor be received and filed, and that. the Commissioner of S. bth St:, amount-. f. ina.to ;1653: b0, �.; Public Pinanoe'be authorized to issue Imnrovoment Warrant for the sem of :1663.60,` Ana Tmprovement ; :`lcrrnnt issued..being'66j of work oerfo rnied., Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following.,vote y ... 'Yana, Eaton, Es'r_er, Tully.vllliruno and YnttorJohn, -5.' I'. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the. roll by 6 yeas, T.. k''.• „,. Adopted OOTOBER 4TH, 1921. Ata Oalled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommiesi.onere' }! Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Ootobor 4th, 1921, at 11 o1olook A.M. .•.'f.',n Y Ilgon Gell of the roll the following answered to their. names; Oommisetoners Eaton, Tully and Mayor Batterjohn,-3. ~s Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for oall, to -wit; To turn over Bonds to r ;.'.. Baker & storris, and any otherbuetneee that might come before the Board. Bonds delivered to Ukbr &"9torrie Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the Oontniestoner .'a for oonetruotien V of driveways on 10.11 32.13,14 b of Publ.to Finance be authorised and instructed to turn over to Baker & Storrie, con - 16th Ste., Detn. ppp tractors., the bonds issued for the conerete driveways on 10th, 11th,.12th, 13th, Broadway and U Jefferson St. 14th and 16th Streets, between Broadway &.Jefferson Streets as follows; �• 1 Series H. due Nov, let, 1921......$619.23. •'1 E2 n n n n n 1922....:.'619.23 n n ■ n.' " ..... 619.23 3 1923. .. 4 q n tl o a 1924...... 619.23' w s w e n •nee eye oa � .