HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 732, October 1, 1921� ..•, iz+Y'i� + b ,,,�.,,,., .H,Hr„�.m �nn� T��n xri`�:i � .i, e v z t',I f � � zin, >n � w. •:..»sr .r ) t f""a'q►�":'S„"774L+. t-r ... ., ,."- ,t ,y'� '.., 1 .:F...)'4:. , x '•' a .'..," 7.. t ',,rte: .._�... , f .� ..�. ...... ....... 7 .�.«.4. 511 .iw 70 fQ "Commissioners' Proceedings; City' of Paducah '' 192-= F` Commiesioncr Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that an error has t assessment o R. S. Uri ht for Lila year 19.21 on tax bill $3827 wherein I" r been made- the asaessm Y g y t'I R. S. Wright 111 refunded he. has been, assessed with a''house and lot on Block lisp l; Page 67 on 6th Street, be— he. F'1 $13.16 for I. I # t1tween Clay & Trimble Sta."at,y1100, also with a house and lot adjoining said property `.t over-assess-' aE ment in pro m ' " ` perty.for at $066.00 and it:furthor appearing that there is but one house 'at thia"loeation,.,the 1921. " (, f other lot being.-vacant and the"sum of 0505.00 in assessment being an error as. the assessment � + shouldbe $j300.00 for.each lot and $600.00 for the house on the one lot, a total of 1140o.'00 :and the assessment as mode being'$1986.00, an over-asseasment or an error in } aseossment or an error in assessment of V685.00.having been 'made and said R.S.i�right 1 1 having'paid his taxes for the .ye.ar.1921.I move that .the, sum of $13:16.be refunded to 4' correct the error of x586.00 at the rate of :p2.25 per hundred. Adopted upon q1 of:, ti + 1. the .roll by the .followi.ng vote: Yeas; Ent on.Ea)rer,Tully .17111isms, and Yatterjohn,-5. r .5 F.. Commissionor Eaton..offered,the following motion: Patrolman Ed"Sanders-having I 'Patrolman,Ed, be n' brutall{Le4esaulted and partially paraliaed.in consequence thereof, while in the } Sander�rant� s J ?r ` •- ad indefinite performance of his duties; and being thereby rendered inc'aoable_of performing any; '4 absence with service, and in consequence of whioh he will be indefinitely inoapaciated.- i ?full pay on z'I move that the said.Patrolm6n Rd Sanders be granted an indefinite leave "of, i recount of j-4 injuries sue-. *a •tained by him absence with full nay until fur ther'o.rdered`by 'the Board.` Ad opted. upon call "oY.the roll f ',: while in per F i r4 formance of by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,Eakor, Tully,ffilliama and Y.atterjohn,-6. i hie duties. ' rOn motion: the Board adjourned upon call "of the "roll by 6.yeas. 64 MY Ow M� tt" i SEPT PBER 28th. 1921. i f 'r At a Called Meeting"of the Board of Commissioners, held in.tho, Qommiseionera'. Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah,.Kontuoky, on September 28th, 1921, at:4 o'clock P ,i F r 'Upon call-of the roll. the following answered to, their names: Commissioners Eaton, Tully, F. f - r 1 V 1 Williams and 1.4ayor, Y.atterjohn,-4. AIJayor P.ntterjohn stated .reasons for call. to-wit: .To allow socount of henry Bougeno. r Commissioner Williams offored the following motion: Henry Bougeno having erected", a. garage,, store=room and. coal houses at Oak Grove Cemetery, under the directions of they.+ " ' .Account of Henry Commissioner..of Public Property, at an. agreed price of $168.00,- Bougeno allowed iS for erecting I move. that the Commies loner of Prfblio Finance.be authorized and instructed to garage. atore - �• room 'and. ooal °- .issue check to the said Henry:P,ougeno for the sum of x;168.00 in-payment for said serer cT ;houses at Oak I -'u r ). Grove Cemetery., 'vicee and account, and. charge same to the account of Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ':following.vote: Yeas, Eaton,.Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn,-4.�" c t On motion the Board adjourned upon sail of the loll by 4 yeas. A1r�i+1 C�Cif 3"./ Nil APPRov, t+y cL�h. OCTOBER let. 1921. c At a Called Meeting of the Boar$ of Commissioners. helA in. the Commissioners' Chamber in the Oity Hall, Pa'uoah; Kentucky, on October lst,'.1921; at 11 O'olook A M 1!, k r t+ Upon call of the roll the: following answers$ to their names: Commissioners Eaton-, Lt •; ` Tally. Williams aa$ Mayor Batterjohn;4• Mayor Satterjohn.state$ reasons for oali. to�-wits To. allow Pay-Roll for.week ' en-ling Ootober'let,. 1921;.anA any other, bneinese.that might oome before 'the Boar" ` ) f • 1 ' =k3t. _.i,•...:..:.✓`.T '� :'•'lkLt Y j%i4`V?.':%.�,} i a .i .. 6a . .,. . r r`-G , 3 .h� { � ,= `� a y. wwq ! h_h. � /.,�T a ,�, .yip; n r '* r.ti,: <'•$. t ,....,y,.. .. w'^"'.S7.Yl!'�4`frw,•.� •FT!`/.•.�n-+-•..,r.h lR Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah Commissioner Tully offareA the following motion: I move that the Pay -roll for the Pay -roll for week week ending Got. let, War the IWARTMEHT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY, Riverside Hospital, anli1921 R Oot. ,. amount in to 117.40 be allowed ane orderer a1A an" the mono a r 1921 Riverei a i, B � p y pp oprlateA from the ' Hospital. (General Fund to pay same. A"opte" upon call of the roll by the following votes Yana, '1Eaton. Tully, Williams an' Katterjohn,-4. Oommiseioner Williams offered the following motion; I move that the itamizefi AccounL.Tyrot of Robt.;'a000unt of Robert L. Tyree forainti L.Tyree.$616.E6,�• p ng. 'secreting an' repairing at the':Oarnegie forAeooratingnan• rLibrary, amounting to $616.26, be allowed an" ohargeA to the account of.0arnegie Libra- repaibing at , Carnegie Library; ry, an that the Oommissioner of Public Finance be authorize$ to 'raw check in payment ,thereof. A'opte" upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yana, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-4. 0n motion..the Board 6AjourneA upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. mit, Adopted _Z;a' _le S r.i 7-.1.�,0 V}JD /J t f ,b �MAY01% OOTOBER 3RD. 19 El. At a Regular Meeting of the Jioard of Commissioners, held in the Oommiseioners' ' Chamber in the 'City. Hall, P&4uoah. Kentucky, on October 30, 1921., Upon call of the roll the following anewereA to their names:Oommieaionere, Eaton. Eaker,:Williams and Mayor Kstterjohn,-4. On motion of Commissionor Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were a"opteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Williams and 1. Katterjohn,-4. Mayor Katterjohn offereA the following motion: I move that the reooipt from Reasipt L.B. 11�rrett,0ounty L. E. ihrrett, County Court Olerk, showing that he has fileA Hospital Bon" Or'inanoo Court Clerk,'In re Hospital Bond be receive" an' file". Vopts" upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Or •inanoe. Eaton, :akar, Williame and Katterjohn,-4. �,.,• _Reoaipt of L.E. Enyor Kntterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the rooeipt from' Durrett, County Court-Cler's, L. E. Durrett, County Court Clerk, showing.that he has filed Sewer Bond Ordinanoe . Inre: Savor z Bond Ordinanoe. be. received and filod. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote;,Yeua, Eaton, Easter, V'11111ams and Y.atterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully entered Ocmmiasionera',Chamber. Statement of Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the' statement of groan oarntago, &o. Pndunnh Rdil-I gross earnings, operating expenses and taxes of the Paducah Railway Company for twelve j Way Co. for lE month El ording'.,. months, ending September 30th, 1921, be received and filed and action theroon geferr- •, Sopt.30,19?.1. ed. Adopted upon oall of the roll by, the following voter Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn,-6. Mayor (ratter ohn offered the .follows J. A000urt Pad y J ng motion: I move that the Paducah Eleotrio Eleotrio Co, for $632.60 lighting Company,be. allowed the suis of $632.60 for electric servioe, for lighting the White 'Way z Wlhi to :7ny, from Auquat 31st to from August 16th to Septembor 30th, 1921, and that said eum be charged to the White'. Sept. 30th,,1921. Way Account, and the. Commissioner of Public Finanoe is hereby direoted to iasue 4. vouoher for said.aame.Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, E4ton; Eal:er, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I'move that THE STATELIEPT OF Statemort of no oount'with En er THE ACCOUNT 3ITH EA1-ZH & STORRIE, CONTRACTORS. FOR Till; COUSTRUCTION OF 9IDEVIAL;'s. & Storrie for work performed on aide`,- ARB ;XD.CUTTERS 011 B'ER1i111:I1d A71{11UE, BMT�7EEII, 12th A11D 13th STREETS, be raceived and t" Vali:a on Bernheim' Ave. botn.12th & filed. Adopted .upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Eakor, c' 13th Ste. y Tully, 191111ams and. ,_attorjohn,-6. i ..