HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 729, September 26, 1921.. r `"`F��`i ,Y.�.: � h..tjerlvr,rw� ,;w "p� r'. a• •n �:...i•�v.. -'��4H... +, -'+.y,r17 ' i 't�.. -•• -,'.- _ � �;.; a„ . .. '.^FH'•'.*'.?•]=Y`/P;47S1p?^`:�'4S:^•1.Mtn'aFti4'=3'M1`T':nM+•.w-l..C,.a;:.c �Yn1�,, F t Commissioners' Proceedings, City of .Paducah, t Bet. #9 An'droobeBloomHRealty.0or.0:St.L.& M.O.R.R.,.• 468.45 . 222.16 16 W P.Overetreat ............................ 611.30 •. r� '!?etimatea 17 Llary Be Roaors............'.................48 630 , paid by -property " 19 Maggie A. Gilson .......................... 630.98 :ocmore on 10th llth,Uth,. �, 13t1i;14th 16th tE3 Luoy V. Overby... .......................... 671.03 " and ate., anA' Eakor Storria & 2G: ltavid & Olga L. Bullmor................... 276.29 ", S. allowed the . 29 Plora Boyd.............. ......... . .. 654.76, uun of.$5b68:78.. r_ a total of $6568.76, I move that :alcor L: Storrie,'oontraotors, be allowsAlthe aum of •., $5568,78 and that the Commissioner of Publio Pinanoe be authorized and inetruoted to ' Aran a oheok agalnat. the Speoial Street Fund to pay same. AAopteA upon oall of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Eaton, Ba, -or, Tully and Williams, -4.. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having ''`'i'• failed to pay the estimates against property owners on 10th,llth,12th,13th,14th and .Property owners failing to Z"'• pay estimates on 10th.11th, 16th Streets, bot:•,sen Brosftay and Jefferson Ste. for oonatruotion of oonorete Arive- - l�th,l3th,14th and 16th ,ate.. and Oom'r. Pinanoe ways.... authorized to turn over to Bet. $7 Ohioago,St.Louie & Now Orleans R.R..........0 72.67 fhLor & Storrie said un- n . ■ n n n .......... 108.46 paid estimates. # 10 ........... 249.87, I move that the Oommiss.ioner of Publio Pinanoe be authorized anA inotruoteA to turn,. over.to Oontraotore Faker & Storrie the bald unpaiA estimates. AAopteA upon oall of, r. the roll by the following vote:'.. Yeas, Eaton, _)akar, Tully anA ? Oommleoioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties hav- �Proporty ownera take am- Ing signified their intention to take advantage of the Ton Year Payment Plan for the , 'vnnta:7o of Ton Year Payment " Flan on10th,llth,l2th 13th improvement on 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 16th Streets, between Bron Away and , 14Th anh.16th Ste., anis ;+ City Solicitor lnetruotee Jefferson Streets, for oonorete Arivewuye...... to furnish oopy of bong ' to be SsaueA. : Eat. #3 Mary Vulvin .............................. 349.16. " 13 J.A. Gardner, Trustee ................ ....659.90 " 14 Luoy E. Poster .......................:... 611.38 20 Laura S. Po,.ilor..........................: 639:08 " 22 9lavie Mall ......:....................... 639.08 S " 24 Irons Oox Gar Anor.....:..... ............ 671.03 n 25 Allie S. Lander ................ ......... 367.05 • " 27 Jno.S.Lawrenoo ........................... 321.17 n 26 John B. 1hvlo........................ .. M. 3.7 n 30 E. 0. lWay. a ................... .......... 19P..13 r " 31 Lula Auatin ............................... 362.64 J " 32 Virginia ',! Brafohnw....... .... .... 630.7.6 " " 34 71 Virginia W. BroAehnw..................... 530.75,'a total of $6192.28,'I movo. that .Improvomont BonAe be issued for this amount, anA that the Oity . " Ooliottor bo Inot routo.A to forum), n aaPy.of the bon Au to be tuiueA for name, Adopted upon oall of the roll by the followinR vote: Yons; !;atop, F.nhor, Tully anA,W1.3106a,4. .On motion the Board adjourneA uponoall. of tho roll by 4 yeas. Adopted 4 19 N aft ch�. 3FPT;:113}:11 26th, 19E1, MATOR . Y s ; •; At o'3oenlnr 1.1Poting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commission- . . ere' Chamber in tho-City Hall, Paduoah,.Y.ontuoky, on September 26th, 1921.' Upon oall';' of the roll the following answered to theirnames: Commiseionors Eaton, ELiker;i^ylly., 7R Williams and 1nyor,Yattorjoh6,-6.- i'.i• On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of -the. previous meetinge.were adopted as read uponcall of the roll by -the following vote: Yeau; Eaton, Ea::or, Tully, Williams Lind I' `1 atterjohn,-6: i' Mayor Yatterjohn offered .the following motion: I move that the ootition: , t oi.oitizone in thee-vioinity of•b'ourth and Elizabeth Stroote,.roquostinR the instailn { Street Light at, tion of a street light at that street intereection, be rooeived and filed and reforr- •`1.` Interseotion of s 4th & Elizabeth Ste ed..to the Suporintendorit.of the Light Plant, with inetruotions to invostlgate and t report to, the Board.' Adopted upon oall of .the roll by the following vote: Yoas, F.aton,.Enkor, Tully, Williams and I:attorjohn,-6. U. -- - r. '!i"1.x�.�;�•_y'r :r'`-,- fin. r+ r., �d _... DY•" ,e --i ��� ,-'�"k/'. 3:5»` �����!�,i-: R'• � �• .. `�„Y•...�♦-. ylr•..::cvre...T.{h:.w,+ :rr. aC+.bM 7- � j -b. 4,_Ia`.5+u.f,..a` :y , � i...._�.vJ.r..'...w_..+J.Y-�....w.•-rte. .-._-� u.. l S' . . , �.r'Ci.:-Jr_.4{'.Yu..3:.��..�.uw.�r_.•rfa�s.::..1.-.L;yN,t.L"..�12,•�.' _Z.Vrn-111171 =,71 No. r, i Commissioners'. Proceedings, City of Paducah Mayor Katterjohn offered the f.ollcwing motion: I move that the petition of - Street Light Ninth & Clay citizens, In. the.vioinity'of Ninth and Clay Streets, requesting the installation,of a.etreet Stroote. .. light at that street. intersection. be received and filed and referred to the Superin- tendent of the Light Plant,.with instructions to -investigate and report to the Board.:. .” '°' "`' :.. . Adopted upon call of -the roll by the following vote:.Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,r6. iy Commissioner Tully offer the following motion: I move that the proteet.of 'J.A. i. p i.J.A.Gardner, Gardner against the aoo.eptanos of concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter on South 7th•.and ' - proteett•against " sooeptanoe of Jackson Streets. Southeast colrner, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the .. ! concrete side- walke,.ota. on roll b tho follows vote: Yone Enton Baker Tull Williams and Katterjohn,-B. Y n8 Y. .-. `) S.7th.✓k Jackson , _' Ste. Commieeionor. Tull:r offorod the following motion: I move that the communioation' from Llrs.' Marthh L. Fowler,, regarding the.'error in her tax assessment, be received -and. :1`mre.Llartha L ' Fowler.00mmuni- 'filed. Adopted upon call of the roll b the follows P P y. ng vote: Yeae, Eaton, Ee1:er..Iully,- ? ' of action regarding ;« tax aeaeeement. Williame and Yattorj6hn',-6., , lCommissioner ' Tully offered the .following motion: I -move that the communication j`C.E.Jennings b -IH.W.Y.atterjohn•, oomrminiostion from. C. B:.Jenninge and H.Vt. Katterjohn, members.of the.Board of Equalization with ,-regarding tax' reference to.the'assessment against the property. of Mrs. Lartha Li Fowler. be received assessment Aire. S ;1Martha ,L.Fowler. and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: -Yeas, Eaton, Baker, .l: Tully,'Willioms andYat t �: j7 � Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: .I'move.that the Commieeioner of �' ... . i Lire.ldnrtha I..• ,: . '• t . ' Fowler correct- Publio'Finance be authorized and instructed to make a correction in the assessment for , ion in assess- went for 1921'. the -year 1921 against Aare. Aiarthe. L. Fowler.Adopted upon call of theroll by the r•` I :following vote: Yeaa; Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. > Ma or Y.atter ohn offered the follows Y j ng mot ion: G. '11.. P.atterjohn k Son, Contract - ora, having finished the construction of. the concrete sidewalks,. curbs and gutters, and - Acceptance of all nooeesary mnnholoe, intakos, sewers and .catch basins on'both sidee.of Seventh. Y '-' concrete eide- ' walks, e.to.; so. ,.Street, from'the'south aurb line of Jackson Street to the Forth .curb line of Jones constructed by G.W.Katterjohn Stroet,�in the City of Paddoah,.;:entuoky, and having complied viith the ordinance adopt :, & don on S.7th ' St. from Jack-.; ed and authorizing said. improvemont, and having. complied in. all respeo.ts with the'termal '.!'eon to Jones 9t. '. •; ,;-,''r` of the 'contract .enterod'into by and between said Contractors and the City,of Paducah. . Y'�•l;,.,` ;. 'and having Domple ted e.de according to the Plana and Specifications adopted for,said work, and no.00mplAinte having been filed, protesting against said work, I now move 'that said improvement be accepted;. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following . 'vote: _ Yeas. Eaton, Faker, Tully. Williams and Y.atterjohn,-6. mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that -the estimate furnished Estimate of PILO` Llitoholl,City by W. Lt.'Llitchell, City Engineer, for work done and performed by G. Vt. Pstterjohn.h Son! "'- Engineer of work ,• porformo.d by Contractors, for constructing concrete sidewalks, curbs* and 'gutters; and all necessary *P G.W.Katterjohn . rc Son on aide - ..manholes, intakes, 'sewers and catch basins on both aides of:Seventh Street, from walks on'3.7th.' .the .St.,from.Jaokeon .South curb line of Jackson Street to the North curb line of Jonee Street, in the City to Jones Ste... ;'. of Paducah, Kentucky'. be. received. filed and confirmed. Adopted upon call of the roll. - by -the following.vote: Yeae, Baton, En:cer, Tully. William and Katterjohn,-b.' Final Eatimate "..mayor Katterjohn 'offered the following J j g_moti"on: I move that -.the Final Estimate,, V1. I/. Mitoho 11 i _. City.Engr: of '. ',' furnished. by P1. U. Liitche.11, City Bnginaor; At Mork done and performed by P. P1. Zatter% work performed rr by G.W.l:ntterjohd john & Son. Contractors, fair the conatruot ion of oonorote sidewalks, curbs and gutters;. & Son on sidowallie.. on"3.7th St.from''and all necessary manholes, fAtakoo, eerrore and oatoh.baeine ori ,both sides of Seventh Jackson to Jones 1� Ste. Street, from'. Squq,,purb. line at Jdakeon Street to the North curb line of Jones { }Street, in theW0 y d� Pnduoah Y.entucky, be.reoeivad,filed and. confirmed.,. Adopted upon 1 call'of the ro ,1 by the. following vote Yeas, Fnten,Enkor;Tully, Will iamb and'Katter-. , ' john, -6. . ,. - r •i . .LA ylM1.. .yry .J1✓'Yty1C'�� N.'' ...�i'�iwL�Y.-�.J...-MJ.ai�Yi' .b 1.--L ._ .e a �.. .:.: • • - ..a:• .,. ,;y.. ,�:: �,��. ...�-�wi. �: ::R:i2:::i Yr•r=IBL•• - - ...i •,.{, .I. .W;a+-•,•+�.' .® jaft wi�l�• k• ` E _ ' Cominlssioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 191 f n -thaay r 1atter�ohn offered the followingmof1oI movent nn ordinance eati tied "AN ORDI?'.A?I(' ASSI,3SI1dG 'i1 N; ABUTTINGYROPI•:RTY Old BOTH SIDES OF SI V:li^1?1 STREET; FROM TIT, SOUTH CURB LINE Or JAC;:SOII ST:1l: ":T TO `2HE IIORTII .CU dB LIIn', OF JUNES STREET Ill THE s - Ordinance Assess-'' ': - bothIng sidesSeventh CITY OF PADUCIIH, In:IIon TUC?'Y, THE Si!!: OF '42.037362 per ABUTTING FFOOT FOR TILE COIISTH CT3011 'St. from Jackson q ,, ,U!� r to: Jones St, f On GOIIC, I: SID�C,AL::S, CURD AND GUTTH, 3, AND ALL II1:CA:SSI tY 114.111101,E3', IIIT. �S; S Y(t:RS, • CATCH BABIES AND DRIVEWAYS THEREON, AS SHO'',711 BY THE ENGINEER'S S E,WTI. TE, EXCEPT THAT FORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE' CITY OF PADUC.111, AND PROVIDIlIG' THAT SAID ASSESSI�:NT ,JJAY BE PAID FSR. III, TEII EQUAL' .INSTtiLL1 iIITS, BEING 011E EACH YEAR FOR :. i"?2IOD OF TEN-YEAR L be adonted. Adonted unon call of the' roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Eal.er, Tully., Ylilliams and Y-atter John, -b. ' Statement of so- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I:move that TEE STATEI..MT OF. count with Rey- I nolds Bros. for.ACCOUNT ''11TH REYNOLDS BROS.,.COIITRACTORS,.FOR VIE CMTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB work performed t'qi JF , �F,? , on 10th 13th & I! GUTTERS AND DRIVEWAYS Old 10th,.13thand 14th ST.t.'T5, BET1(�.N B.tOAD'NAY.,All D'JEFF JEFFERSON 14th Sts. betn..'' Broadway and STlb"MS, be received and filod: Adopted upon call of the roll'by.the following vote Jefferson St. Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully,-w1111ama and Fntterjohn,-5. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following,motion:The following'parties having Estimates paidf by property own paid the estimator -against pronerty.owners on 10th, 13th.arld 14th Streets; betvieen �+ ere on 10th 13th and 14th Sts., Broadway L'Jefferson Streets, for the construction of. concrete curb,. gutters. and driv9 botn.'B'way and '• Jefferson St. ways.. + Estimate 1 Mrs. Ella Puryenr.... .178.52, " 2 Lire. Ella Puryoar...•. ... ... .177.38 " 4 Louis " • P..'Kolb......r••'..... .:....116668..667 7 Lucy 7. Overby............. Bullmet ... ....144.468 `.,a total of#10 David t Olga L. Reynolds Bros. " allowed '4824.61 '824.61, I more that Reynolds Bros.,, contraetors,:be allowed the sum of $804.61 and. ' for vrork perform - the od on 10th,13th Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to draw a case,._ on the Special Street' rind l4th.St8. betn D'way and Jeffer-: Fund to: pay same. Adopted upon call 'of the roll by the, following vote.: Yess, Eaton, eon St. Ii ^'Eaker, Tully, 'Jilliame and Y.ntterjohn,-6. C0mmiealoner.Tul1•y.offered the following motion:. She ,following .parties having s Parties taring ignified their intention to take advantage of the Ten Year Payment Plan for the oon advantage of ten G struetion of concrete curb, gutters andriveways d drias on 10th, 13th and 14th Streets., be year payment plan n for concrete curbs'! . and gutters, etc. pp4 tween Broadway t: Jefferson'Stroets...:. t on 10th,13th and I� Eatirmte 3 Vary mulvin..................:. .�165,.67 14th Sts. betn• :' 5 Broadway and I " taura L. Fowler. ..•. 160.63 ' y � " �6 Slavic L(nll... ���� 197,,35. + Jefferson St. " �8 Irene Gardner ....... •••• .168.66 r .,+ and Benda issued. 1 IAllis Lander......' ............. 207.93 ,I- " c .r X11 Jno..3.�Lnwrenco.................. 1.83.84 " Y12 Jno'.B.Daviu.. ... ... ..... 0 al Jp 2 5.29:, n tot of , 11279.17, I move that Improvement Bonds be issned for the num of '41297,17 and the n' , City Solicitor be instructed to furnish cony of said bonds. Adopted upon pall of'.the'' t roll by the following veto: Yoau, F:sten,Ear-or, Tully,'ililliams':and I:attorjohn,-5, . Commissioner Tully offered the following.motion:. It apneoging,there is due the Schools allcwed $1074.18 duo from Schools the ewn of 4�1074.18 'from the collections of 1921 taxes; I move that same be.-, collections of . 1921 taxes. allowed and ordared paid and the moneyapnronristed from the General Fund to pay same 'Adopted uoon call'.of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,_Tully, Williams and Y.attorjohn,-5. - �c.i� Commissioner Tully •offered the following. mot ion': It appearing there is due 'the Scheele allowed c• Schools the sum of Y2889:20, fromtheof 1920 taree;'I move that same be,.' '42889.20 due from. collections of•"-. 1920 taxes. allowed and.ordered'paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund 'to'pay'.asme.' - Adopted upon.oall of, thou i'oll.by irhe ,following vote:. Yeas. Fat ori,' En'rer,,'.Tully,:- Williams nnd'Y_atterjohn,-6..' ; r '' (V �..y .... .. ..tea. .... 4 .. •...-. _ ... -� ..,. , - ... ' ;:. ... . .: -.. ... 'Y' �/•'r ' , f �., _- ..u:Z' a - •�.. .:,,q.<,-. •s.r.:.v , ..y s. ...Fbi .-:.'K�RC .� .•a..- ..._.-: ; �-^.:".:T;•a,•"t'.w.::�:w•'.L"••r�iYSTS�i� f ,'� •'>7 't�.'�i. {^:S� s e ^•qyl: w-. �.s.s.wG'It'?M, "r..3.a ��•4••���-ri °tyni*£ i'i k �Mr9 'PIT 77 �' .. Nai ommissioners' Proceedings; City. of Paducah 192-' -'C " s< r` Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that an error has } been made in the nssesoment of R. S. Wright for the year 1921 on tax bill'$3827 wherein, r. .. ,R.S.'Wright--' refunded he. has' been assessed with n'house and'lot,on Block Map 'l, Page 67 on 6th Street, be ' „ .. $13.16 for' tween Clay & Trimble Ste. at;$1100, also with a house and lot adjoining said property over-asseee-' t. ment in pro -the for at $896.00 rind it .further appearing that there is but one house at this location, the ! 1 1921. �:• other lot being. -vacant and, the sum of $585.00 in assessment being an error as the.assessment shouldbe $300,:00 for.esah lot and $800.00 for the house on the one -lot, a total of . .41400.00 and the asceasment ae made being $1985.00, an over -assessment or an error in k J .. ; .. I �r assessment or an error in assessment of $585.00 having'boen made and said R.S.'Iright i I �'• hnvina'paid his taxes for the .year. 1921. I move that the sum of $13.16 .,be refunded to ' " oorroot the orror of w585.00 at the rate of :?2.25 per hundred. Adopted upon call of Y A r the.rolI by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton,Eakor;Tully ;Williams, and Yatter.john,-5. r = :r Commissioner Eaton.offered,the following. motion: Patrolman Ed' Sanders..having 3'been brutnl +gsaulted and partially paralized.in consequence thereof, while in the: Sanders' grant= + t y ed indefinite performance of his duties, and being thereby rendered incapable of performing any; L ....leave of <:. •, .,,'. service and in cones uence"of which he will be 'indefinitely inns aciated,- absence with �' q. y P -full pay on i account of I move that the•said.Patrolman Ed .Sanders be granted an indefinite leave of •4 -1�:_"�••. injuries:,sus-. , .. - �•„ ' . i;`. �_�tained by uhim s- .'absence with full pay until further ordered' by the Board.' Adopted upon call, of the, r611 jrf while ah per -V., -.formanee of ,by,the following vote: Yens; Eaton,Eakei, Tully,Williams and Y.atterjohn,-6. hie duties.. On motion: the Board adjourned upon oall'of the roll by 6.yeas. a �nd 1 Ad•^pled - (/'` a 1 'C",L 1 t SEPT31:1BER 28th:.' 1921. (I r Lt'a Called iieeting-of the Board of Commissioners, held in.the Commioaionera'' Chambor in.tho City Hall, Paduoah,.Kentuoky, on September 28th, 1921., at 4 o'clock P.;d.i Uponcall_ of the roll. the following anevrered to their names: C ommieeionera 'Eaton, Tully; 1 _ l Williams and Unyor Y.atterjohn,-4. ' r �. v, Mayor Y.atterjohn stated reasons for call, ,to-wit:.To allow account of Henry - Is, Bougeno. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: Henry Bougeno having erectedl,'y s. a garage', store=room and. coal houses at Oak Grove Cemetery, under the directions of the! v. .Account of He Commissioner.of Publio Property, at an.agreed price of $168.00,- .', ;Bougeno allowed I, , for erecting I move. that the Commissioner of Public Finance.be authorized and instructed to I garage.store room and.eoal ' issue cheek to the said Henry:P,ougeno for the sum of ,'x,'168.00 inpayment for said ser- houses at Oak :' '•I 7' Grove Cemeteiy., vices and account, and. charge snme to the account of Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll by the':following,vote:'Yeas, Eaton,.Tully, Williams and Y.ntterjohn, i` On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. IPPI OCTOBER let. 1921. �, 3 At a Calls@ Meeting of the BoarA of Commissioners, helA in. the Commissioners' l' Chamber in the City Hall, Pa'uoah; Kentucky, on October let..1921, at 11 o'clock A.M.' a, w+ Upon can of the roll the' following anewereA to their names: Commiesionere Saton, }. Tally. Williams an$ Yay6r Katterjohn;-4. Mayor Katterjohn stat oN reasons for.oall..to�wiL: To allow Pay -Roll for asst '. . c ening October, let,. 1921,.ana any other. business that might come before the Boar". i 4 , , �. :fico. »: %,t:.u�;A`.r 3 ts•.1z: fwd:"wP`+h .,r�.-.. c� �-�wrc,: ..}, l.. .act.: . ..a.:.-� -c.s :..:.l.st... a,:N., ��'..a'�:., ,: ` �k : -