HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 725, September 19, 19211 >..fii •,",,�y=j".i. _ , z; u•M--n'"`RT:.4N�,., l .. '...) ilwr t,t in•Y 3 a ey «K v�t� 1. V al, ,. •utt t ' :;W.......-..d....r.r. +. r....i..r.:....w.....,r...l..yu:W:.:A�.:1..y�,t.ut.L..l..... _.....� .w...:.».:.l.c...lr:..t..�..,y i... , Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah 192.'1. 9' Oommiesioner Eaton offoreA the following motion: I move that the sur of 56.00 S+' SanAdra' nurse bill, $66.00 nllow- for extra nurse.hire for attention to patrolman L`'A'San"ere, who was injure" while e� paip. in the performanco. of hie Auty; be alloweA anA ahargpA to a000unt of Polios ^part- ment. AAoliteR upon oall of the foil by the following veto-. Yana, Eaton,. Tully nna ' Williams, -3: Oommissioner Tully offeroA the following motion: , I move that the a000unte, ; Report Comlr.Finanoe aooe::nto for first } amounting to $6200:51 as per report of the Oommicsionor of Publlo Finanoo filen here- half'SepteLnbor, 192L. with be allower an' or"ere" pal" ane the money appropriate" from the Oenoral Fungi tp ` 4' pay.same. A'optoA upon oall-of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully an" 1illiam,-3. Coraniseloner Tully offeroA the following.motion: I move that the Pay Roll for. Payroll. Rivorei+Oe Hospital for geek : the, wook on'ing Sept. 17th-- P2P1R1VD,'T OF PUBLIC I-ROP;.M. RivereiAe Hospital. s enAing Sopt.17, 1921. $111.25, be allowoA ane or'ero' paiA an' the money appropriates from the 0aneral Funs to pay same. Aaopte' upon oall of the roll by thefollowing. vote: Yeao;•Eaton. Tully ane Williams, -3. on motion the Boars a'journep upon oall of the roll by 3 yeas. Ada'1 d �� ATO R: 310?7:;1-MER 19TH, 3921. ' At a Hogular,Meoting-of:the Boarm of Commissionoro, helA in the Connienionere'' 0hambor in tho City Hall, Pa'uoah, Yontuoky, on Sojttombor 19th, 1921: Upon oat] of. the roll tho follo-.-Ang'anewero' to their names: Oommiasioners F.aton, Eakor,'Tul,ly, . IN1131ame anA. Mayor Katterjohn,-6. On,rio.tion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of.tho proviouo'.moetinrs wore;• a'opto+R as roar upon oall of the roll. by the following voto:. Yoaa; Eaton, Rakor,Tully, Williams an' Y.attorj.ohn,-5. ` • ,',}. Myor YAtter,john offeroA the following motion: I move that the oommunioation 'from 1. B. YonWy regar'ing'error in payment of .taxes for the year 1920, bo.r000ive-1-' . 'T. B. Kenna Ayoommu-�. ' .. nidation ronar.Ainq; file' an' roforr.o' to the City 9olioitor,.:•,ith instruotiono.to report, in writing, on .' error in taxes G r for 1920. on the facts an' law re:^ar'ing the morito of cal- olaim. A'opto' upon oall of the roll toba000, :i by the following veto: Yoan, Raton,_,aknr.Till] y,Vliiliama an' Y.attnrjohn;-5. isayor•Kattorjohn offereA tho.fol.l.ordn(r'motion-. I move that the affi"avit of Affi-avit B.B. !3.' Johnnon. of Yanoy L: Johnson, Oontraotorn, relative to the seri; parformeA by )�ncon of Q. Yano,, 1c Johnson, 1 thom, unAor oontrae.t., for tho oonstruotl.on an- roconstruotion of eriveways within the in ro:Inner-?ire Iamito.: rr Inror-Piro Ltmlto; be r000iveA an- fil.oA. AAopto' upon oall of the roll by the follow ing vote: Yens, Eaton,. Eaker, Tully; '•"illleme. an' Y_attorjohn;-b. t Payor Yatterjohn offers' the following motion: I move that the report -of the r: V.Report City gr. City !�npineer'of the amount of cement use" by Yanoy L: Johnnon,. in the oonstruot.lon of of oer..ent uses by �.:.• ;c Yanoy L Johnson oonoreto 'rivowaye on the Inner-?•'iro Zone Stroote,be r000lvoA an4 fileA. .AAopteA' • " In re: Inner- -4-re y Limits. upon 6411 of the roll by the follo'.ring vote: ,Ycas, Eaton, Baker, Tully., Williams an,';i. Yattor john, -5, Corniosioner fully- offoreA the follor:rtn:: motion: I move that the, City Solioitor :f ' ''•. City Solialtor to be inatruoto' to write !'itoholl. & *Rmaran at Olay. Y.ywith roforonoo to: the b.:06noo writo i:itohell & Dunagan,'Clay,Xy. auo tho City of Fa'uoah in ooal on tho oontraot botwnon thom anA the Oity'Of, Pd`'nonh,'' relative to octal „ for City pru•!toeoe. for furnishing opal. Aaopte' upon oall. of the roll by the following veto: Yeas,;; t I Eaton; Eaknr, Tully, lilliams an, Kattorjohn,-'S. Rerort 0om1r. of Oomminnlonor.Tully offoroA thn foll.owir.r, motion: L move that the report of T Finanoo showing y :i apportionment, the Oor:nlssiorrer of Publio Finanoe showing the apnorttonmer.t,-tho nmount expo ane o.po._n.Aituroa ar.4 . ' . balr.noea various the balanoeo to the oro''it of the various a000unts un'er tho 'ifforent-epartmonts at Ropta. n. : w't'`'"t�'i H'3?"�'. •' �r'.,.;,.a '("i►1..y.'�4r' `jt�tr.�`",`�' i9"`, , s 1 •'.t..�� : f";r�%" �,"" ... `.'.+. C`'. f.y alt-0.'�L.Is • •.. f., nY \ I ('r _ r. � -ti. r: N��•s ♦t, :., .54:'t ''!':.. t 'eJ SM, 51+`:'�"�.: N)`i,"*. - �.,.i+c ....iii..3.r1•.-2.�1..:+-y.c.�.:1...1.-..rsh...-.....: r i�-,�,_. 4Y _ 1 _ Na_ .. . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192--'. the W of August 31st, 1921, be reooiveA anA f1le,1AAopteA upon pall of the roll by the•"following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williams an" Kattor,john,-6. ! i i.nanoo for an .f. liesyor Katterjohn'offere" the following motion: I move that an or"inanoo entitle. Or Bon"s'at Nov.n on N"p er ll. OR^IIti 11ANOE FROVIuU FOR AIT SiXOPIUa QUALIFIED EI,;•;CTORS OF THE CITY OFPADU- by •;•HE QUA, ' er Bo- :�lootion 1921.• OAH., KIIIRUCKY, To BE HELD Oil THE REGULAR ELECTION DAY, NOVaM.T31. Bth, 1921. IN TiTS OI TY OF PALUOA 1, KFIITUOKY. TO DETH1.11111E TIi'r..' CUESTIOIT 7ILsTHER nip.OITY OF PAi7U0AH SMALL ISSUE 1 ' '• AND SELL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO THE.EJ(TENT OF. SIX HWTII1 D THOUSAND.($600.000.00) DOLLAR81' t FOR q, iE PUR.IoSF. OF 00113TRUCTIITG TRUITK L)aIE SE7f1 IH SUB-DIVISI0113 A, B. A11D. 0. IN t'•' '': SEIW DIST, RI $3, SO AS TO PROVLDD ADEQUATE Si;:xmAGE i'Oi THE EiT1RE CITY OR PADUCAH.' T 1�. KENTUCKY, Alii) TO FROVIi)E FOR THE PA i MMMT OF INTEREST ON SAID .BOi'Ti6, AllD TO OR_'tli'E A' # SII'lXII1G'i'UIlD FOR TICS PAYIiii1TT OF SAID BONDS AT UATURITY," bo adoptoA. A"opteA upon pall. of the roll, by -the following vote: YoaoEnton. %pker,.Tully, ±lilliame nn' Kattor- John- } � Oommiseionor Tully offoreA the following motion: I movo.thnt an orAinanoe entitio",."AN ORPIIIAvbF PROVIDING FO•sI THF. COIISTRUOTIOii OF COItC-iFT:' SID97ALK9; CURBS`. " OrRiaanoe pro- ' :! vi'ing'for eon- Alli) GUTTERS AUD'ALL 11BOESSARY LiAI;]IULB$;' IIITA;C- 'ITERS AILD CATCH BASIIIS Oil Ti?E VEST ! struotion si'e wa]ks, oto.' .. SIDE -OF GOL•'BEL AVENUE. FRQ�13 Tli EAST PROi'r'.iITY LIVE OF GOiBI L AVE1iU: i0 A FOI1tT?T.:�RE on Goebel Avo. s, `d;.nnA t7orton.Ave: illi SOUTH CURB LI12 OF ;70!?T:N'S AV-11UE, IF EXTi.II1Dr^,ll; 9TOULD 11TT➢-213LCT I E WEST T3017E TY y} LINE OF GOTI 3EL 'AVIINUE; ALI;O- T16; •r•AST 3Illr of GO.�IEL AVi i ll? , r Oi:: A ITA: SET 'OIPOSITG y THE FRONT OF TIM DUILDI;IG 1407 OCCUPIE;D BY TiM UIIION iTlUG STO;IE, TO TiIE SOIiTH CURD 7.Il F gr orf':.' • 170RTE1113 AVENUE.' IN THE; CITY OF PADUCAH, KPITTUCXY AT THE COST OF Ti1E; ABUTTING I`ROPERTY .j: 07-I1128, AND PROVILI1lG NAT SX:l 1:AY BI•; FAID POR UP.OIi DIF T"11 YEAR PAYi211T PIAIT,". be adoptol. AAopteA upon oall of.tho roll by the follo'.7inrrwota: Yoaa,.Eaton. ial:�, ; 111 Tully,anA Williams. -4.: ]lays, Kattor ohs, -1. j ; Oommiosionor 17illiame, offoreA the fol]owint; motion: I novo that an orAinanos .�;0r"innnoo pro- ontit7oA "All ORT)ILraiOE PROVIDiItG FOR :1;Tfi COR:;GtUCTiOi! OF COi{0!I;T: SIllzTALF:S, QUR➢S AITD ' vI"ing.for oon- ' ;1 struot loin e1Ae GUTTL""IS, AVD ALL' NL•'OB$SARY lUU11OL7S, walks, eta: on IllTl;Iz:S, SB1; S A;;D CATCHBASIIlS ON 1112niE ';11;ST SIDE W. ei"o of OF BROAD'STREFT, FROU THE IIIT!iRSECTIOIT OF PO't1317! AUD BROAD 3riSETS, TO THE DI7Ii)Ii7G Broa" St, from intor000tion 4t ,'; •.�:• ` • LI1fE D T.':f TIQ1 Y30P4?T'L. 01' LOUIS PETi^11 .11iD KWIY PE:Tiril, IIT TI1E OITY Oc^.FAJUCAH. & BroaA to Potter proportq:'r;Eli'i'UOYY; AT TIG: COST OP'TABU'TTIIIG•IROY-a= 07111 ;S, .AILD FROVIi)ING VAT'SiL'.ir 4. T,�AY BE PAID 1.'03 UP 011 T)11' TBIT YEAR PAY1.2lTT PljUT;".be,adopteA. AAopteA upon pall of the roll by the fol.tOwin& vote: Yoaa, Eaton, Bakor, Tully an'.17illiams,4;.Nayo-' Kattor john; -J.' �t Qommissioinor Tully.offoro)';:t)IO following motion: I move that tho report of the Report City City Sol.ioltor with reforenoe to .the assoosmont of John G: Aohkopf for the 'yoar ,1921; . AccoSolioitoD in re ,., r' : G.R okont John .be ro.00ivoA sn�1 fileA: AAo!te" upon cal tho roll -by the followin vote: Yaas, C. Rohkopf. for',, P P y g '. I' �• •� '''. , i .. 19£1. Eaton, Eaker; Tully,'" iiliama an, katiorJohn, -6. ff Oomminelonor.Tully offoro' the f07lo./inr motion I novo that -the Commino.ionor Oorreotlon in ' aoneanmarit Jolut • of Pnb].lo'Finrinoo be a .thorize" 'ana instruote'' to mako; a oorreation in the aeoosemoint o G. Rohkopf for the tax bill of John .G, Rohko f for the ;oar 1921 A'opteA upon pall of the roll bq yoar 1921 P i authorizoA, the 'following vote: Yens, Eaton, Baker, Tully, i71111amo an`:KattorJohn Oomminuionor Tully offoroA.,tho.folloi7ing.matton I.movo.thnt the report:: of the ' opert City City Solicitor with roforenoo to Solioitor in'.re tho aaeasamont.a,zrdnot i:rs. Yargaroi D: Owen for the aouoeamont Ltro..• ).urF-arot B.'Ownn JOar 1921, be rnooivoA,ari."filoA...'A"opto' upon. call oftho'roll by the followinA.vo�tei.'..' for your 19£1. Yoan,'Buton, Bak or; Tully, Williams an" Y.attorjohn)-6. Commiootonor Tully offoroA tho following motion: I inovo that the Ocmmienionor II Oorreatrd.n in of iuhlio Linanoo be' instruoto! to make.n oorrOption in the da Be a anent. on " ' asooeFnnont ura. Lfaritarat B.Owen the tax. bill of Lso: ?lar an-' that • authorizeXi garot B. Owen .for the year' 1991;' an that the oheak of $64.19. tonroro* bo riaooptoA; "A"opte.A uponcall :.of ,the roll by, the .follb Ing motion: lioae, Eabom; Ealcor, Tully, CJilliamo nn": 1:nttor john;.6. ` -•.. �"n:}S;ar:ps.. s1 h' ..?.....•s _ /. •— `,::yia.w,-.W. r.L.w •.±!"'.a :.:ttl• w.'w ' .Y �� • �JI•i4e+ .1-lT1Y.e�..T.esw+r .. •. n � 'r rt ' A I e•"d } i0 !.�y. 4'y61 '!r^� �1i+ctYlAh f>A'"J7'?.` �s ,+'�8 r i \.✓ , . � K L q �, » >v r• • ter' " +'r t+,i' fM1"� ;7' • .. .. - .. r��'7�'lI1TKI�•:marysa4+.,.,a--xo•„r r,+2utiw�,•T•l,�n,w,r+S,•Y4:i r �:' •,; s No, Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192 On motion gthhe Bo9ard.adjonrned upon call of -the roll by 5 yeas. f :' "• . � 'ee��lo� �'.' d `�, lye- =�1_'YROVF]D .•, yy SYPTE11BER 2113t. 1921. At a Called Uooting of the Board of-Commiesioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber. in the City Ha11,,Paducah, Yentuoky,'on Septemb&r 21st, 1921, at 11 o'clock A. U. Upon can of the roll the Yellowing answered to their names; Commissioners Eaton, Eakor, .Tully, 17illiansand ilayor -Ln. -5. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -writ; To accept improvement of the r driveways in the Inner -Fire Limits, as cons truoted by Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors,_ i and such other business no might Dome before the Board. Y Mayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion;' Yanoy & Johnson, Contraoto.ra., having finished the construction of the oonorete driveways within the Inner Fire' Acceptance of Limits, inclusive of the streets bordering thereon, to -wit: On Ylaehington Street from concrete ye .the 'Jest line of Third Street to the East line of Fifth Street, and on Fourth Street noonetruoted e uoted bby ,. Yanoy L- Johnson from the South line of Kentucky Avenue to the Borth line of Ylaehington Street, and on on Inner Fire Y Limits. Monroe Street from the'1'lest line of Second Street to the Yleat line of Fifth Street, and 'on Third Street from the Forth line of Jefferson Street to tho'South line of Uonroe Streot, and on Fourth Stroet, from the lforth line.of Jefferaon.Street to the @South line of Donroe Streot, and on Fifth Street from the North line of Jefferson { Street to the South line of 11onroe Street, in the City of.Paduoan, Kentucky., and havingp 4 complied with the ordinance adopted and authorizing said improvement, and hav- ing complied in all respects with the terms of the contract entered. into by,and•be- tween said Contractors and the City of Paducah, and having oomploted same aouordYing,to the Plano and Spooifloations adopted for said work, and no oomplaints having boon..' s filed, 'protesting againot said work, I now move that said improvement be,a000ptod. + Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoao., Eaton, Ea):or, Tully, Williams ;y and Y.atterjohn,-8. Mayor Yatterjohn offered the following motions I move that 'the estimate furnish - i. i Resort of City ed by 111.,1l.,llltohell, City Engineer, for work done and performed by Yanoy & Johnson,'.- -9 RnPlneer,W.:l. L'itohell, for work. Contractors, for oonatruoting oonorete driveways within the Inner -Fire Limits, inolu. a ' > done and rerformed loive of the streets.bordering thereon, to -wit; on Washington Street, from the Went line ' by Yanoy d :Johnson for oonstruoting;•,: I oonoratb drlvowray9' , of Third Street to the East lino of Fifth Street, and on Fourth Street from tho.Southwit hin l Limits Inrer-Fire line of Yent.uoky Avenue to the. North line of Washington Street,'and on Monroe Street `jfrom the Nest line of Second Street to the West line of Fifth Street, and on Third ' yStreet from the North lin of Jefferson Street to the South line of Monroe Street; and �.. •'' r ; , Y 'on Fourth 9treo.t, from the lforth line of Jofforuon Streot-to the South line of 1.1onroe.' Stroot, and on Fifth Street from the North lino of Jefferson Street to the .South line i• ' i of Monroe Street, in tho City of Paducah, Y.entuoky, be received, filed and oonfirmed.. ;�T.(T •.:'; Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoae, Eaton, Faker, Tu11y,1Yi111ame nand S:ntterjohn,-6. '' t ,' � �'•....,.` ” Final Estimate for Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the folluwing motion: I move that the Final Estimate;' air, work -done and per- s forr..ed by'Yanoy.& furniohod by 1.7. M. Mitchell, City Engineer, for work done and performed by Yanoy & Johnson for the construction of Johnson, Contractors. for the construction of concrete driveways within the Inner-FireI{''4'L.> ' •�,` { concrete driveways within the Inner- jLimite, inoluelve.of the streets bordering thore.on, to -wit; On Ylaehington Street, from ' Fire Limits, fur- Sithe West lin of Third Street to the East line of Fifth, Street and on Fourth Street nt^ hes by ';f.:.1.Q � !Mitchell, City. p En;rtnoer. from the South line of Yentuoky Avenue to the !forth line, of Washington Street, and on'+ ` Monroe Street from the 4Yeet.line of Second Street to the West line of..Flfth Street; -;•,• .