HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 724, September 14, 1921�sr Y, �vr t . 1 S 'S +a +rwn�Y{! '7'+"��+►a � .T1r� p+• �'yp �t3�''"• �°5d. I�'i !N' � tt _ . :n,V. J�'.I,Y: :=r- t,�-.r•..µ..c. .. A„ ;c�a•�c t•,• y,. ,,�"Y"#'�R�' F �. F � � ;��� � r ,� , r; '4 P. �.. _ � sJ.rr�. Commissioners' Proceedings, City: of Paducah Commissioner Williams offeree the following motion: I move that an oreinanoe �. e "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TTiE COIT9PRUCTIOIT OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS ` entitle I' . ill'TD GUTTERS, AND ALL NEAR CESSY MANHOLES,. IIITAIm3, 'SEDERS AICD CATCH BASI11S OIT TI?E WEST SIDE t.t OiAinance pro- - viAin•r; 'for OF BROAD STREET.,' FROLI THE INTERSECTION OF FOURTH A1TD BROAD STREETS, TO THE DIVIDnTG { . conoreto 'walks, etcsi.Ae ,LIITE BETWE. N THE PROPERTY OF IAUIS PETTER AND FRANK PETTE R, III TITF. CITY OF PADUCAH. - on 7. siAe of r i Bros" St, from EEIITUCKY, AT THE COST OF "91;ABUTTIITG PROPERTY OINERS, AIM PROVIDDIG THAT SAPT, I,1AY BE I , t intersection V `� of 4th &Bron Lpq PAID FOR UPON TI- TE1T YEAR PAYL''dtT PLAN," be introAuceA ane lay over. AAopteA upon j to Pottor pro -Il • I r; h ; r "party. First oa11 of.tho roll by the following.,vote:Yeae,Eaton,Eaker. Tully anA Williams, -4; Nays, +r Katterjohn,-l.' ISayor Kattorjohn offereA the following motion: I move that the communication J.W.Agnew - �* oomirunioation: ,of Sept. .12th of J. W. Agnew be.reoeiveA.anA.files, anA referreA to Commissioner of y rolativo t0 - SIT : arrest of Jae. Public Safety. Vopte6 upon call of the roll by the. following vote: Yeas. Eaton, r ; I; Dagley by _. ...�..o " `'''• • I ) '.Walter EnglanA. Eaker, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-.6. ,policeman i On motion the BoarA aAjourneA upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. 1 o- AIIe1 I4�ir�. IIiir r ? ccs cw:4 1 MA70R SFSTEIMER 14th, 1921. I f I't's CI&A I:feeting of the BoarA of Commissioners, helA in the Commissioners' I .> r,. Chamoer in the City Hall, Pa'uoah; Kentucky. on September 14th; 1921. at 10 o'olock A.1.141 :' r; i . Upon cell ofthe roll ..the following answereA to tneir names: Co rmoiesionere Eaton,Enker j #r anA Tully, -3.. Llayor'Zatzerjohrn being absent. Mayor lro Tem W. V.Eaton,'presiAeA. } i Mayor Pro, Tem Eaton etateA reasons ror call, zo-wit: To allow an account Aue I Yanoy & Johnson. Contractors, Tor work performe-`on Wear BroaAway. Commissioner Tully offereA the'following motlon::I.move that the report,ox thee, City Engineer with referonoe to the•aocount ox Yancy & donnson, Contractors, for extra K Report City }. Engineer role- work for gutter anA Ariveway in front of #6 Fire Station 'on West BroaAway, be receiveA j. tive to.a000unt Yanoy & Yohnaon N'anA fileA. •AAoptel upon call oT, the roll by the following extra work on vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker anA j ( , IT. B'way. Tully, -3• ! ' Commissioner Tully offereA the following motion: It appearing that thore is,++' , "us Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, the sum of $60.70 for cutter anA Ariveway work in 'Yanoy & Johnson , �•••„ r rl ailo;eA $60.70 front of'No- 6 Fire Station on 17est-BroaAway, the same being extra work anA not in- s extra work on �. f r :W. B'way. �oluAeA in the original contract for the improvement Of concrete Ariveway on BroaAway, ` between 17th anA 26th Streets, I move that the sum of $6.0.70. be al lowee anA orAereA ' } paiA Yanoy & Johnson anA the 'money be appropriateA from the General FunA to pay same t +; { y ' out of any funla not otherwi9e a ro riateA. - AAo tee t pP P p upon.oall of the roll by the fol. lowingvote: Yeac, Eaton, Baker anA Tully, -3. ` v I. On motion the BoarA aijourneA.ttpon on 11 of the roll by 3. yeas. ~ 19� A,_PPROVE]7 as.. w.+ t A [O . ' SEPTN.'1BLR 17TH. 1921. b At_a OalleA Meeting.of the BoarA of Oommisaionors,.ho1,A.Yn tho Oomminoionora' ( 0hamb'or,'in the City Hall; P.a"uonh,, Kontuclpr,• on September 17th, 1901; at .10:30 o'olook - , Upon oall.'of the roll'•tho following answoro' to.thoir Homos: Oommiealonoro ` 1 Eaton," Tully, anA 771111ams'4. Mayor Katterjohn boingFaboont'Zlnyor Pro Tom.P,.V.Eaton, LTayor Pro Tom'Eaton,stateA'reasone for oall to -wit To allow pay rolls, an.° ouch :} �`. other business that-might•come before the BoarA. •.. r. „� .. 1. [. •1 :5 1.-_ .-. ` y4 - r... .ti .•a_Lt ._.. .n.. r,. . .-1 . e i:i.. . • iii .. .. i . ) -