HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 718, September 5, 1921`-•,?s�'URa •,y5.1'. -� �1"i- .•ri r'aT"x�. - .� MI.s ,s. a t,2.7J�S... t�rl- arcs rT.. ^s-'�.`_„--.�•J°}, 7'«+.7nW••� - ' ' +� r -• ' ,.,..Nem � t'4 -' ^'r• u ��. }'gip t'. I9► 7W l�r`s. Al— i .Na Commissioners. Proceedings, City of. Paducah " 192-: Oommiesioner.Tully.offereA the following motion: It'rappearing that.the City of ReynolAs.Broe: ollowaA. 'PaAuoah ie'inAebteA to ReynolA Bros: Contract )ra. for: intersections on the contract for $119.67 for work performed the construction of concrete sorbs under contract , gutters anA.Ariveways on 10th, 13th-anA 14th streets on 10th, 13th between•BroaAway and Jefferson Streets...... " 1 and 14tb Ste. Estimate #13 ... ....... $119:67, same n a being'for.alley on 10th Street ...........:.:..$46.18 13th Street ................. 68..96 Interee6tion.14th & Jefferson Street....... .16:67,-e total of $119.67, •I move that. y. S Reyno.IA Broo—Oontractere; be alloweA the. sum of $119.67 anA the money aprropriateA from the Oeneral_FunA to.psy.same out of ny money not.otherwlee appropriaLeA. Adopted. . upon call of the roll by the following votei Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, and Kntterjohn}4: OotmMissioner Tully.offerea the following motion: It appew Ing .that the City, Eakor & 60.3 of Paducah 1s inAebted to Eaker 'StorrieriContractors. on the contract for the oon-._ it allowed 60.30".&- - , for work per- .,struotion of Concrete sidewalke, curbs anA gutters on Bernheim Avenue, betweer, lath and forme$ on Bernheim.Ave.,. 13th Streets, in,the cum of $60..30 Estimate ;#14, for alley In Block 34, I move that Eaker anA 'Storrie, be allowed the suai of:�60.30, anA the money appropriated from the General Fund ,to pay same.out of ! . '', i•:::.•r* any money not.othetwiee appropriated., 'Adopted upon call of ..the roll by the following } ' ♦otet Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully and Katterjohn,-4.. On motion the. Board aA ourneA. y � j upon ca ll. of the roll b 4 yeea. C-11 Cl ­b W. 5.. MAXOft. I, +" SEP7tEtOYR 6th. .1921. �� ' At a Regular Meeting of the BoarA'of Commi@slonere, hold !n the Commissioners' !f` . r ' •1 Chamber in the City Rall, PaAuoah, Kentucky, on September'6th, 1921. pilon cell of the D roll the following anewereA to their names: Commissioners Eaker, VXN%r, Williams and,. Mayor Kattorjohn,-S:. j{ Commissioner Williams offered the following motio� �ij, gounL of toAay being j 1 .. , a a. -Legal Holiday, I move that the Regular.Meeting of the :Boar of, orrnleeioners be journeA.';ti,ll 2 O'o'look P. 1J. on TnosAay, September 6•th,'1921. �l�iopted upon call of: r the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaker,Williams and Katterjohn,-S. Adopted l '223 _At3,Z APPROV:�D • .... cur C... R SEPTEtOjER.6th4 1921: At an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the•Boar.A of. Commissioners, held .in the q• OOmmisoioners' Ohambor in the City Hall',•PaAuoah, Ken:tuoky, on_September 6th,. 1921,. a at 2.o'clock, P. M: on TueeAay. upon oall.of the roll the folloviing anewereA to their I �Z. Li " nehes:,Oommissioners Eaton; Eaker, Tully, Williams anA Mayor. Katzerjohn,-6. On motion of 0ommissioner Tilly the minutes of the previous meetings were �: , eAopteA as reaA upon oall: of..the. roll. by the following: vote:. Yeas, Eaton, 'Eaker', Tully,' :. Williame anA Katterjohn,-B.. Communication `• Mayor Katter.john.offereA the..following motion:.I move that .the communication of r..t brig Y:• ` s voters in re Brikge,Street voters be received and,filed. AAoptee upon call of .the roll by the .., ; •, Street Light.,. Y„ following vote: Yeae,. Eaton, Eaker....Tully,'Williams and Katterjohn,-b: Oommuni oat tons fiF• Mayor Katterjohn.offereA.the following motion:,I move that. the oommunloatioTs Drs.AAame and 6 Isbell in re: Oitq,PnSiente Ea'. Adams and tr. Isbell, an0f Report of Paupers admitted to RiverelAs Hospital be re- ` RivereiAe 8ospi - nl. oeivso nn& f1le8;' iAAopltoA upon call of .the •roll by. the following vote:Usti.' Eaton, j all W. . •:[rsc.aw-t..3tin...y ,.ti ... t r ... __.� �_,b ,........7 1. :. .., s.c.-:. r-..c..n�i. __ ,.-.,... - ._, a. -r _ad..• �,y �'�.' ' ;•� _ ' ,.It 1-,%'t•_.3.•iei:A:''-'.lS.C+� . ' F' i . , . .y. L. -. rr.: skW ::KN • .t3r_..;,;..• e'.•y;Y.:a A. 1 Ij