HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 714, August 29, 1921'� : 9�L°''�a'1'r '',�' ..,,,:-. r 'r ^4i, "*9"�•'�P,�'wg�.�r-M :I1'•:•�' .y, .'t'(M'a .4+�:" r,r. ,Fi .,1�,b�':+. 1,:�" <l: _ �L ,44 'T'':;?Y�f;,xi, t;...,,,'R7�+t�;t_r.: r• • R - -1 - �. .� ....f �:'• C r.4t '� `i+ ,z,9 Y 7 i.-0i'.h "?ik' .Hrf 7n7Y i�Mw v '` •{� Commg� City, Proceedin Cit of Paducah AUGUST 27th, 1921s. 'At a- Called Meoting:of the Boar$ of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'•,`•t, Chamber In the City Hall, Auguet 27th, 1921, at 11 o'clock A. M.. Upon oall-of the.roll the following answereA to their..nameai ,Commissioners Eaton; Tully, and Williams, and • Mayor Katterjohn,-4..{ lJayor Kat ter john stated reason for call of the meeting, to -wit: For the . • purpose of allowing the weekly pay-roll.shd such other business as might ooie 'before l_ the Board. Sir:- ' k7:;';... •. •' _ , .. ' . �y1 Cormiesioner Tullq.offereA.tbe following motion I move that the Pay" -roll q for.the week enAing.August 27th--= Pay -roll tor, S,•. f. Department of.rublic Property, Dtt tif week ending Riverside Hospital, amounting.to $126.26, Do elloweA�' # August 27tb. . :. I and ordered pal4 and the .money appropriated from. the General FnnA to pay same. Adopted �r r upon call of the roll by the. following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Tully, Williams and Katter john,, -4. fj �.` Commissioner Tully offered -the following motion .The following parties 'a`' Bstlmat'said p havi ng laid the estimate against their property for the improvement of fleet BroeAwe for wort on ., Y b Y `i•11 West BroaAwat. the construction of a oonorste Ariveway from 17th street to 26th stree't-------- lr Estimate #24. .Surburban Real Estate 0o.; ...............$1190.80, ;. +z 'I more that Yanoy b'Johneon, De.alloweA the Bum of $1190.60, and.the Commissioner of i. .'. p. Fublio Finance be instructed to Araw-a oheok against the Special Street Account to pay ea -e. AAopteA upon oall of the roll by the .following vote:.. Teas, Eaton, Tully, Williams ' C` and Kat ter john, -4. hl S r . On motion th,e BoarA adjourned. upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. u A1i. N. SPPROYA37 I ati AUCUST99th, MA70h r i r 1921'. t ` At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Com r + t , . I I miesionere! 0hamber, in the City Hall, Augnat.99th; 1991.. Upon call of the roll the 1 followiQg answered to'their ,names i Cor miasionere;'But ton. Baker, 'Tully. anA flllllame.anA. Mayor Katterjohn;-6. On liotlon,of:Commieeloner Tully the minutee of the previous meetings, were "{ vase, I i, nAopteA as corrected, upon call of the roll by. the following vote:/&aton, esker. Tnll.q, i t Williams anA-Katterjohn,-6. , ... I, . Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioation 'V: Oommunioation r from A1vord b Bur$lok, Engineers, bearing Ants of AuQuet 2bth, 1921, sAAreeee� to the A1varA b Bia•Aiojc I Eng. -ab to Kayor of PaAuoah, relating to a eia•vey for proposition. of oompleting survey for the Third district ' eowers.Dower, be received anA filed anA publleheA.I$ the offialal newspapers A+'o teA. p upon call� uof the roll by the following Tot 0: Eaton, Esker Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-6i. Mayor Katterjohn offereA the following motion: I move that ,the Resolution R000lution for entltlsA;,IiA AESOiUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTF4 INTO A ColiVACt WITH ALVORD.AND Mayor to outer BURDICK. ENGINEERS, TO n10 A SURVEY' AND TO FURNISH SUCH tRA17 INGb, EXHIBITS, lt.1F9; AND :into contract !; *vord b 't with Ali R1S'ORTS AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR: THE IR$bIlIINARQ WORK Burdick; Eng, IN COL0'LETING THE THIRD DISTRICT''E . 1' survey.. a �SERYSi AND APPROPRIATING 110I1FY TO PAY IIEREFOR."'be introAvoeA and layover. Adopted s ''' • , r, survey.. for 3rd !. t + district sewore iupon call. of the roll by the,foliowing vote: Yeas, Eaton,,Eaker;.Tnlly. Williams and v , jKatterjohn.-6. Commissioner Williams offereA the following motions I move that the oom- ,� Communication' mnnication from W. E. Gore, Arohlt.sot E. Gore, .,AateA Anguet 6th; 19e1, approving bills of Gne` !!__ itemised etate� ookwoeA amounting to $604..02 -for sAAltional foundation work onRivereids Hospital Annez.' 4 meat of Gus j: t':� ooinvooA for worl6be reneTod and �ileA ani material at . .: anA I move that the IteM '-statement of Gail Lockwood, ehowlhg ,• 'rivereiAe hoep.``��ar, ya ��, ,..� i • �\ (� .. , ,w4 .ri+W'i.::w.7CiiYA'.}' il'. rS, '-. ._ :,WJ •:'w - l ai"^ttQttl [ •.rTe "gy�`{vws7+T"�e'p" '�''•Y 1 k I r r i' i i•! , i,,Ea .fa' r :r' '+4A., ♦9 �=':t+?,'S'"C.;• J '� S '-s�r'75 n rar ix�,nw ani. la7A n'�fiJ41- m -+5. r•h rs 5. aT!1.Yj P" . _-••:-..�.. •- :1. •..i`,5�,.�._..—� •.,=-::rte. . � :..... ..i• - t .. i � .•ti _ .,. , r _ '. . .. ,. - �:�.•'W''i•''St, irbn•;�»;^'i'rk`r'gt�'?grzr�rAsc+clkc••;S.:�A. ( I Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah. 192_ material furnished and the ooet.thereoi, amounting to `504.02, for wank Acne and per. >' formed on the aAditiOnal foundation at Riverside Hospital, Annex.•be'reoeiveA and filed nW the Commissioner of Finanoe'be authoriteAand direoteA to pay. to the said Gus .. iookwooA, salA Pum of $50402, same to be ohargeA to the RiverPiie..Hoopital A000unt. Adopted upon oall of the roll by tale following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Raker, Tully and V 4 Williams, -4. Nay's Katterjohn,-1. .. Commissioner Raker offered the following motion: I move that the 8uperintandan . } 9uperintenfient of Light plant toof the City Light Plant be authoriteA to plaoe a street light on South.3ri 8t.,between s plaos street a light on S. 3rd' Tennessee Street and Horton Street. AAopten upon oall of the roll by the following Vpte: Yoae, Eaton, Eakor, Tully and Vlillicme,-4. tiay'•e Katterjohn,-1.: Commiesloner banker offereA the following motion: I move that the bill of E.D. Bill of E. ^. Hannan -for oon-1 Hannan, for $340.80 for oonet;uoting n sewer on Broadway between 24th and 25th streets, .'fr struoting sewer ^ + on B'wsy .betwoenbe allowed nnA the abo amount ordered pain and same be ohargeA to 9peoisl Sewers 1 1 . 24t1i k EAth Stat. ' for the eum of Account. Adopted upon oall .of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Eater, ' :. x340.80, ordered,. 1, ' h 4 ully and Williams. -4.' Hays Katterjohn,-1. '•} pal A.•. ' . . . Commissioner Tully offered the following motions I move that the Resolution. u entitleA, "A RESOLUTION FROVITII;G FOR THF C011S7RUCTION OF CONC'?FTE 9I1lRWAIY9, CURBS Resolution pro- h vlAing.for siA.e-, AND GUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY 14ANHOIE,3. INTAyX3. walks on Goabol' SE�ER9 AND OATOH 13A9It1S ON THE WEST.' t P� Avenue. SIPE OF GOb:BE1 AVb:NUN. FRO1.1 THE EAST FROFERTY LINY OF GOEBEL AVENUE TO A'POINT WHRRE } Tlx: SOUTH OURB LIIIr OF':70RT?11'SAVENUE, .IF EXTEIIIED, "'OUCH INTERSF.OT THEWEST PROPERTY : LINE OF GOEBBI. AVENUE, ALSO THE EAST SIPE' OF GOEB:?L AVENUE, 1[R01i A STAN SRT OFT09ITE THE 19011T. E11D OF THE BUI17ING 110'.7 OCCUPIED BY M U11ION THUG STORE, TO TILE SOUTH OURS LIFE OF 7lORTEII'3 AVENUE, IN THE CITY .OF FADUCAR, %?NTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT SA Lf MAY a' •, �BE PAID FOR UFON THE TEN (10) YEAR PAY)MI1T PLAN,'' be aAopteA. AAopten upon pall of 4 jthe roll by.the following vote:•Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tclly, and '.7illiame,-4. Nay's `b Katterjohn,-1• Coimniseioner Williame offereA the followirg motion: I move that an orAinance ontitl6d. "Ali ORDII0.110E REGULATING TH. -CHARGES TO HE fIATlS BY THE CITY OF PATSUOAH, .' v An ordinanoe regulating ohariEIIT FOR 17EIGIIIN0 HOGS ON Ti?:: CITY .SOALF:S 1,HD PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATIOH gee to be made fFH R_OF " y B .' `4 weighing hogs .: be adopted. AAopten upon,oall of the roll b tho followin vote: Yana. Eaton I on Otty aoalos. i { , 4.nker,.T'ully, "lilliamo and Katterjohn,-b. 1 Oommiocioner Williams offereA tho following motions, I move that the OrAinanoe S' x Orainanoe pro. "entitled, "AN ORTIIIAIIOE FROVInII:G FOR T1iJ? ::LEOTION BY T.'E rUALIFIEn FklFOTORA OF THE ,. vlAing for bond t' issue for im-. , ,CITY OF PA!IUCAH, i�ll'PUCKY T0. BE HRCT OIT THE ..4F.Gl1L.iR ELMTION T/.Y, NOVR1.4ibR 0th, 1921, . t pprovements to 6 b Riversiae Hoop. X111 THE CITY 0.' FADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO "ER1111TR THF rUESTION "HF.THER .TIM 0ITY OF FAruOAH r1SFA1L ISSUE AND BELL BONDS OF SLID 0ITY T0, THE EY.TMIT OF SIXTY THOUSAND TbLL'RS ($60 .00c) FOR THE FURPOSE OF 11 KING CERTAIlI � EOIFIC II.TROVEI.01TS AND EXTF.NS10:1S TO RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL, II1CLUDIIIG THE PV'.CHASING AND INSTALLING T'2 NE0F.SSAT2Y .FrUIP?.1FNT FOR A CHEIRI0A ' $ �111D BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY, AN `X-RAY L•':BORATORY, A LAUNIRY, AIM FOR T'.IF. PURPOSE OF : T .. �I11FROVING AND ECUIPING TIM CONTAGIOUS Wt1Rn;.AND FOR THE IURPOSE OF BUILDING AND EREOTING "`�'• SUN PARLORSI: AND FOR THE 10POSE OF FINISHIN;'AND FQUIPING TIM NEW ADDITION TO RIVER• f5IDE HOSPITAL; AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCH13ING A IIFW B011ER AND ENLARGING AILD EXTEND- 4. �ING THE BOILER ROOM, AT SAID HOSFITAL, AND TO PROVIDE'FOR T11E PAYI.fEJ1T OF INTFRP.ST ON SAID BONDS AND TO CREATE A" SI111:I1IG FUND FOR THE PAYifENT OP SAYE;" be introAuoeA and ;�- lay over. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yene, Eaton, Raker, Tullyend Wi a . 111 m9,-4. 11aq a Katterjohn,-1. On motion the BoorA aAjourneA upon pall of the.roll by 6 yeas. k':E'1tiC J V.1:I.i1M e nd.p ed 4 ,b!" S coq [4r. ^Cr� I ..rill x.5ye-,°„M....{.,•7..:...:.rab.-,.......,I -.. ..... .r. , L'. • _ ......'RiFJ�.7t1S79PKT.iiSITCs.eP^�