HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 712, August 24, 1921•:J .: f'w` /1ti tp1 i. Haat .r� )�yry •11 "•4.i ram,^,.'' S:l .R. . �tM ir•/- *c .?.,......e.;y'^; r. -m t � z w n.. t• +.�, v •lT(r w,s• .: •S_ •>"' _ -j.ya<,ry r�.� .-�.t .,+•� Na ' `y Commissioners, .Proceedings, City o4 Paducah 192 �t L, Aesesement I move that an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDIIiAIIOE ASSESSING THE•ABUTTING PROPERTY IIk OrAfnance Idr ON BOTH SIDES OF TENTH, ELRVENTH, TWELFTH, THIRTEEIiTH,'FOURTEENTH.AND SIXTEENTH. l �` for property , on'10th,llth, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BROADWAY TO THE SOUTH? PROPERTY LINS.OF JEFFERS011 STREET l2th;13twh 14t •.i and 16th 8te..'IN TKECITY. OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF $2.1222 PER ABUTTING FOOT FOR THE CONSTRUOT3. TION OF SAID ?DRIVEWAY WITH CONCRETE ON TENTH STREET; $`4.1056 ON ELEVENTH STRERT: $3.82111 ON TWELFTH STREET; $3.8732 ON THIRTEENTH STREET: $.1.8538 ON FOURT$F.NTH STREET; AND } $3:2021 ON 3IETEENTH.ETREET AIID PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAID TiRIVEf .... _..._. y I . < WAYS BE CRI.RGEABLE,To AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE PROPERTY RECEIVING THE.BEITEFIT OF -SAVE. -AS! SHOWN BY' THE EIGIliErWESTIMATE ON FILE IN HIS OFFICE AND PROVIDING THAT SA13, MAY BE PAID IN TEN (10) EQUAL INSTALLMEIITS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TFN'.(10),YEARS. • �' be sAopted. . ADOPTED UFON CALL OF THE ROLL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: Yean, Eaton, Faker, •�;. .Tully,, Wi111nme,gnAKatter•jo}ia�-6.: ' � •'.r' Commissioner Eaton offered the following. motion: I move that an Ordinance entitled`•, OrAinanoe "AN ORDINA110E DESIGNATING KENTUCKY AVENUE,, BROADWAY, AIM JEFFERSON'STREETB IN' THE CITY de esignatin: � `•: � r::.. i. mAve.Ane. ng OF PADUCAH, AS BLI14U EQUAL IN. IMPORTANCE TO BOULEVARDS ANP FURTHER REGULATING T.11H USE w. anA Jefferson�OF VFHIOLES,TH}51EON, AND PRESO IBINO PENALFIE9 FOR VIOLATION THEREOF," be adopteA. 1 as BoulevarAe �. anA regulatingAAopteA upon oall of'the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton, Faker, Tully, W1191nms.". "' vehicles ahereon.: anA Katterjohn.-6'. On motion .the Board eAjourned upon cell of. the roll by 6 yeas. �.�H1'1' SPPFLOVIt3�X_ATOVL r. bfA is '/ , crn .��1 AUGUST 24th, 1921. �j At n Called Meeting of the Board of Commiselonere;:))elA.in the Comadeeionere. Ohamber:ln the 01ty Hall. raAuoah. Ky. on August 24th, 1921, at 11 o'clock A. H. Upon. � Y call of the roll the. following anawere� to their. names: 0ommiselonere Eaton, Tally,, •. I 4 Wil3iame anA Mayor. Katterjohn,-4. ' ' g Mayor Katterjohn stateA reason for onll of the meeting.to-wit: ro authorize the May.or,to negotiate with some oomrotoLt:Civil Rngineer so to. employment for special I ' ` engineerv'anA ouch other bueineoe'as might oome before the boarA. t' Oommi'eeioner Eaton­offereA the following motion; ,I move tlnt the Mayor be j Mayon authorise ,,. to negotiate authorized to negotiate with some oompeteLt, consulting Civil Engineer; for the purpose ..I.; with Civil :Engineer at to of procuring a proposition for employment. as Speolal Fngineer.to:make a survey for the employmeht for. sewer work.' looation,.plaoing an,': construction of,a Sanitary or Combination Swwer..(Trnnk line •ix Yfi in SubAivisions B. anA 0.- of the ThirA Sewer Dietrict,'.ae now oonetituteA by ftAinanoe in the Oity of PSAnaah. and make report thereof to the BoarA of OOmmtesionere,. all.expenee •,,. i.• 2 incident thereto to be ahargnble to .the Special Sewer 'Fun A.` AAopteA.upon-oall of the roll. .� by .the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, .Tully, li191nme anA Katterjohn,-4. O01=189ioner Tully offered the following motions I move that the Board recessl �uati1 4 O'olook P. M..toAey: AdopteA upon call of.the 'rollk by the following vet'e,:..Yeno.'; "' r Eaton; Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4.'' +: The Board of Commissioners reconvened at 4 o'clock'P. H. August 24th,1921, t. :. in the Commiaelonere Chamber in the OityHall, PaAucOh-:Kentucky.' pursuant to the fors r going reoeee. Upon call of.the roll the following anewereA to their names, Oommieeionere.,. ,, Eaton,. Tully, ane Williams 840 Mayor.•Katt.erjohn.-4. i''. •' ;.x t. jfr r .. .::.',ay.:r:.xi:.s:..rrr..:..r:'. r.;:uua.. •<ui:.4ry. u..:, �.::x. _�,_ C., '' .`. 6/ilGAcM.ts:llr. ' .'Y:Ji.�.2-+.iw'iK J! ..wr ' ♦i[. :a.0 ..u.t..• } .- . ) 7,:{,Y,.�� 1Y.:r.Yef._ t ( �- - - - - - - - .-iA�+��v i ;.�•wYs ,cµ,t: J' l , r:`�:;t' : �:� � L': ti �'x.,:A ��. ;, ' ism ., '. % n ;IJsrf w {�•lro+nr/•{•.h r•.�my_d rt *•t+ x keh�t ?••T Y•1{' �F'�"' F nt ` - 4-.i s -,3:ti � . r - �.� .. e. Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:: I move that the STATEMENT .OF. STATEV-11T OF ITHE CONTRAOT WITH YANCY AILD JOHNSON. OONIRACTOR3, for the bonstruotiod'of a concrete CONTRACT WITH i YAIICY & JOHNSON"Ariveway on Broadway from 17th Street to 26th Street, be received and "filed. Adopted ' FCR CONSTRUCTION OF DRIV?WAY ON ,upon call of the roll by. the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4, BRGAn7AY FROM 17th to 25th St' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having paid estimates against property owners on 77aat Broadway for the construction "of. a concrete Ariveway from the. East property line of Fountain Avenue to the West property line of 25th Street..... Estimates against Estimate 13.. Freddie R. Dumaine...$ 476.24 # 37..A. L.&Lee Livingston..$ 238.12. property on i " 15.. L. S. Dubois....:.... 1086.22 $ 36..5tendarA 011 Co. of Ky. 238.12 'seat B'way.paiAq M 19.. A.F.&Emile V.eyare.... 238.12 44..L.H.& Annie Mason..... 238.12 ` EE.. Sarah Burnett......... 714.37 51..John Hall ............. 28.12 " Ea... 'Nest Imp. 00.,....... 283.37 6P...Mre.rlaryChauAet...... 238.121 31.. Fannie Stanley.'......' 276.2E 1 54..J.O..C.L. &Oy Bennett, 176.211 " 2 Annie L. Bs...... 436.1 # Paducah re. E anke •••••.Oo. 2316.02 p` • �. 3 Ba 4 68 a total of $7435.63. "I move that Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, be allowed the Bum of yg,$7436.63. and the Commissioner or -ublio i'inanoe be instructed to Araw a oheok against ithe Speoial,Street Account to pay same. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eatpn, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-4. (pp Commissioner Tully offered the"follovirg motion: 'The 'following parties having Estif.atee vs* @failed to g PnY the estimates aseeaseA against their propert 'or to take advantage o.f ,the 'property on a. B'wey turned G Ten Year Plan for the construction of a concrete driveway on BroeAway, from 17th Street over to G Yanoy & John son°to 26th Street..... - -Eatimdte 3...:Goo. Bernhard......... 0 681.03 f35.. J.O.&J.R. Gra 746.24 " .. W.F.&Virginia BraAahaw 1421.58 k40.. Jno.Harper (bnlanoe)... 14.29 •� " 8.. C. T. Allen........... 238.1E f69.. MoCraoken R.E. & M. Co. 238.12 " 17. Mrs. E..Palmer........ 714.37 . a total of $3763.75. I move that the Oommissloner of Public Finance be"instructed to i I turn over said estimates to Contractors* Yanoy & Johnson. AAopteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Tully, Williams anA Ketterjohn.-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the City Solicitor City Solioltor beoinatruoted to fsrnish the Commieeionor of Fublio Finance a copy of the Bonds to be to furnish Ocm'r ' of Public Finnnae iseueA for tho improvomont on BronAwny by oonutruoting a oonaroto driveway fram•07th " copy of Bonds to Street to 26th Street. AAopteA upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae;•'. be iseue"A for ; f'. imp. on 1. B'way,Eaton,.Tully, Williams and Kntterjohn,-4. i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion -'It appearing there is due' the t in c Com'r"of Finanoe a Schools from 1919 taxes/settlement of the suit of the Inter -state Ohero-Oola Co., again t•;'*••� to pay over to �., First Not'1 Bank the City.of kaduooh the sum of $19.50,,I move that the Commissioner of Publia.Finanoe 119.50 from taxes' { oolleot4d in suit be Instructed"to.pay said amount over to the First National6ank, Treasurer. Adopted vs*-Chero-cola Co: for Schools. ( upon.oall.of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton,Tialy, Williams anA Kntterjohnl-4.� ,' •``,c f Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that there to due •i Com'r of Finance "y } to pay over .'to "the Schools from the collection of 1920 taxes the sum of $77.63. I move that the Com - fret Nat'l Bank p 77.63, Tor sohoolquissioner of Public r'inance be instruoteA to pay over to the First Natiohal Bonk; said 3 from tax oo1.1920, q amount. Adopted upon can or, the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn'.-4. Oomminsioner Tully offered .the following motion; It appearing that there le nue ! ' Com'r.of Finance t to pay over to p the Schools, $164.21 from the 1921 tax dolleotion. I move that the Commissioner of rr+"•;••. First Nat'l Bank E t'•164�21 for. eohooloPublio Finance be inntruoteA to pay over to the kirst National Bank. Treasurer. said ''•"j ' from tax Col.1921, ,r amount. Adopted upon call or the rdill by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. :.f On Motion the Board adjourned upon sell of Lhe ro71 Dy 4 yeas. AJ" a4 11 AI'PR0�7H3D ' •''• � � can n.:. - VIP• - .t A Y'.. it i. 1 • `77 _.._--..f...�.«.