HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 690, July 16, 1921.4:� :..r -. ' t " r. �.. ;� .,`,.. ,�i't ,n?,...•t$.:K- -iS ;C•:4yy:+, ,w.:\Nn. ••, i'-.,; :..:--��,..., k,r ro , >...�,..h.., •: ri••:'; vir n ,, ... - "r''rh� •v .!rte^` � w*.^,c Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ -. t JULY 13th. 1921. ,• At a Gelled Meets • ng Of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners , `. Chamber. in the Oity Hall, Paducah. Bentuoky. on July 13th. 1921 at 3 o'clock P. M. on call of the roll the follows tip ng answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton. 3 Tully end Williams. -3 Mayor Pro Tem W. V. Eaton presiding. ,. .`., Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reaeone for the can of the meeting towiti'pbr :•i'.: �• the purpose of filing report of the Commissioner at Public Finance of Oolleotione i and Disbursements for June Halr.1921 and such other business as might come before the.. Board. �• . r. . Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. I move that the report of. Report Com'r.,Y the Commiseioner of Public Finance of the Colleotione and Disbursements for the' x Public Fina noo� F 1 • d. ;?for els months ,F six months ends June Both ng xpended apportionment to the ng also shod the ume 11 r ' " �4 ending June 30th: 1; :..`:,:...-' `, • . :. `i .. z credit of accountsunder the various departments. be.reoeived and filed and ordered. wt pub113hed in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following y . . vote: Yeas. Eaton, Tully and Williams, -3. I<` . t Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the.Commiseioner -v,IT of Publlo Finance be authorised and instructed to draw a check on the School +` Improvement Bond Sinking Fund Iii the Citizens' Savings Bank for the'sum of $6176.00 /Sd9j ' ;to pay the demi-annual interest due Julv,16th; on the $247000.00 SchoolImprovement s; Bonds now outstanding- Adopted g• p upon call of.the roll by the follow! vote: Yeas � Eaton Tully'and,.Wi111ame,-3. }n +,On motion the Ppard adjourned upon.oall of the roll by 5'yeao. Ado Io1 X.0 cup cL.6 e r v JULY 16th, 1921. c At a Galled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' tt ri $ Chamber in the Oity Hall, Paducah. Untuoky, on July 16t5,,.1921, at.10?0 clock, r, t; •'. ;. : A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered .to their names; Comaieeioner s ' ✓i:.' ,. `' ,i .. Eaton, Tully, Baker and.Williame.-4. Mayor Pro Tem, W. v. Eaton presiding. ��• . Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated rescons for call. to=wit: For the purpose of 4 ' allowing Pay Rolle for the week ending July 16th.and such other business that nes v , might come. before the Board. µ• '^ Weekly Pay -rolls Commissioner Tully offered the following motions I move that.the Pay -Rolle' r, for Riverside'', 8oepstal and for the week ending July 16th. for the following departments ----- street Dept. Department of Public Property Riverside Hospital ................. 899.92 tr R Department of Public Works 9treete.e ..:.. e..........e...... 30.00 t a total of., ..............e...i.....'.".`.81E9.9E be allowed and N ordered paid and the money appropriated from the 0eneral Fund to pay same." ; Adopted upon oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton Baker. Tully and .:. - e r Williams, -4.: :.•� S � << •` OOmmissiOner Tully Offered the follvwl ng motion: I move that the eu>m of ' fl 860.00 each having been paid into the Treasury, as evidenced by the'reosipts License to 8011 beverages, filed herewith together with applications for Malt or. Cereal Beverages License. . ,. d - mast or oereni� `, • Iv, .'' Issued to: I move that license to sell Malt or Cereal Beverages 'or any admixtures thereof from July let to December 31st be anted the follows ,.. ng.p'ertiss at the sddreeeof set .out opposite.their names -----. O.L.Popiltu u Hardin 6-Quai3eeT r + ! 0: L. Poplin, 116 Horth 4th Street:. r r Hardin b Qaarlee. 109 Horth 4th Btreet. : � LZ . :L::a•,c+},.e.:4iLL•.9n hY l.: sa •;i# 4...' •.. 1.,..•. :, .. .,.... u.-1 J. ,.•i.. ,.. :. _ • _ 1J,•r+�k�h '1-nn•tt'if++'.Al 'k' '•C.> f7r• �`��Ffi./'/'y .5.Mh4. W H'',r, _ ' a.++�:•i-_ .r:;s��r....�.,ws - _ .LF^A:� tti � rl , a.-...v..::s.....rJ.� .. .. �«tires+•�s,»..�.fr�.���^v5°",.;M+q�i''.7P, �ryt'P!'Fti�{`r,� I •'N0.• ,. Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah Adopted p upon Dail of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Baton, Raker, Tully `. and Williams,-4• Oomfndeaionor Eaton. offered the following motion: I move that the ' r Oityport of Enginear " oommunl*at ion 'from the City Engineer. in waoh he. states the amount and value A of work done by of the oonorete.iloori Esker & Storrie ng work done by Oontraotore Baker and Storrie at #4 Fire at #4 Fire Station. be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon oall of Station. the roll by the following .* *oto: Yeas, Eaton, Baker..Tully and Willlame.-4. I(' ICommissioner Eaton pffered the following motion: I move that it I. ' appearing from the report of the City Engineer this day filed with the Board .Faker m Storrs• of Commissioners that Eaker and Storrie have made the oonorete floor and driveway' . .' allowed and door ledges and steps at #4 Fire Station oontaini 2EE4.842 Square feet at ' 9333.73 for work ng 4 .. done at #4 16 oento per square foot amounting to $333.73 and said work having been inspeoted Fire Station.., i, tl ' by the Board of Commissioners. I move that said *work be sooepted and that Baker 3 and Storrie be allowed $333.73 in full settlement thereof, same to be oharged to the a000unt of Repairs to Buildings. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote. Yeas,.Eaton. Baker, Tully and Williams.-4. Commissioner.Eaker offered the following motion: I move that the Report of k report of the Street Department for the Month of June be reoeived and filed, + . ..8treet Dept. a Adopted upon oall or the roll by the following vote. Yeas.- Eaker.Eaton, Tully and Williams,-4. On motion the Board adjournedn by 4 yeas. UIDt Oy crA MAYOR: ;V vu < JUiY 18th. 1921 i At a Regular meeting of the Board of Cotmaissionw a', held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on July 18th, 1921..`F° { Upon oall of.the roll the following answered to their names; Oolmlssloners j Eaton, Baker. Tully and Williame,-4. Idayor Pro Tem, W, V. Baton preaiding• 4 On Idotion of Oommiesionpr Tully the minutes of the previous meetings f ? were adopted as read upon oall of Ithe roll by the following vote: Yeae Eaton, ,[ Baker, Tully and Williams,-4. Oorrm iasioner Eaton offered the following Motiont I move that the s r. petition requesting the oonstruotion of ourbe and gutters on 14th street frac Jefferson to Uonroe be reoeived and filed and notion theroon deferred. Adopted' upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Eakeb, Tully and ' ' Williams.-4. > Oommiseloner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the ' Street light to be Commissioner of Publio Works be authorized and inetruoted to have a street light, plaosd on North Bth street an! at inter- Plnoed at the City limits on North Eighth Street and at the dntereeotion of oeotien of BlwaStreet. ' Broadway and 26th Street. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following vote,, and 2ath'Street. . Yeae.. Eaton. Esker, Tully end Williams,-4. + pp Oormloaioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the Statement of "finanoial statement of Riverside Hospital for June 1921 be reoeived and filed. Riverside Hospital. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Eaton, Baker,, Tully and Ailliame.-4. `.