HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 687, July 7, 1921Na, -,460 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ Contrr.at and Bond Ova lookwood for or potion of addi- tion to Rlvnr- side Hospital. 9 Controot City and Coro re. tl Rlvorn Honpital. Rorort Chtof of Fire Doportmont for Jeno 79H1, Report Coni of linnroe of as - actuate for last half of Juno, 190.1. JUl.l 7th. 19£1, y At a Callod L'oetinS of the Board of Cormlonlonors, hold in the Ooamisalonorel Ohnmbor in the City Ball, laducah, 1:ontnoly, on July 7th, 19£1, at 10 o'clock A. M. Upon call of the roll the fo]]owinr ana.rored to their ra.moe: Commisolorore Eaton, Tully and Villiamo,-3. Mayor Pao Tem 7. V. Eaton proetdin6. � Mayor lro Tam Eaton &atod reaoone for call, to -wit: Por the purpose of receiving and filing contract of Gua Lockwood for the creation of an addition to .1 e Riverside Aorpital, and ouch other buulnoae so mt�!ht core boforo the. Board. I Commienlonor Raton offorod tho follo'afng notion: I movo thnt the oontrnat sod the Conatruction Bond, betwoor. the City of Paducah and One looklood, doted July End, 1922, for the erection end completion of nn extension end sAAttion to Rtverstde Roepltal, be resolved, tiled end r000rded. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the fol- lOwIn^ vote: Yeco,. Eaton, Tully ane 711ltamn,-3. Commtasionor Eaton offere4. tho following r..otion; I move that the contract bet7ean the City of Paduanh, ry., and -. 3. Core, Arahi toot, dated July 6th, 19 P.1, be r000ivol. Mod and r000rdod. Aeoptod .upon call of the roll by the follantnR vote; YunO. Eaton, Tully end 'William¢, -3, Commissioner %atop offered tTo following notion: I move that the report of the Ohiof of the I`Ire Department for tho month of Jeno 19P.1, to received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followin vote: Yen", Eaton, Tully one Cil.11nme,3. Commissioner. Tully offoreA the following motion:. I move that the accounts for tho last half of the month of June amo+mtinr to $91980.41, as per the report of the Ccolontonor of Tublio Fimnoo filed herewith, be nllo•raA are ordered paid and the money approprinted from tl:o Oonoral rine to pay nano. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the followln? vote: Yoce, Enter, Telly and 71771amu,-3, O { Oommieuloner Tully offered the following motion: 1 move that t.ho,btlle of Pills of South `I the Jouth Band Foundry Company for X1£9.73 nr,A the Thompson Trarefor Company for Beni ,51P9.73 +nnAy Oq.� x3.00 be allowed mrd ordored !a4d and oharmd to the Spoofal Senor Fund Account, ^harp on Trancfott bale ". r for tho titsDonor aonstruoted on :oot Broadway bet:ronn 23rd and Pith Streets. c+.. ,,3.00 for Br naAnay. Adtq•ted np..n call of tLe roll by 0I - fell mrtn^ Votot Yen o, :inion, Tully and 71731ama, 7, " t Ootmlanlener Eaton offoroA the follo:rtnq motion:. Wor L6 Starnle having Eahor A tome raid 01000 i oorTlotod the construction of the oulvert noroon Soverth Street, or, the South e1M of for ulve.atton of culvert n- � Ruabrrian ;treat, in all rooweoto 0000rdirr, to oontrrot, I move theC they be nllowea rt y anon". S 7th £t. a and Husbands St.i 0104,00 1n payment thereof, no prov ldoA 1n antA contract, and that the Oommiaef ower f of Tublto FSpenoo be-nathorined to issue ol:eck 1n pnymont theroof, and that some be ohnrgaM to the account of Senora. Aeoptod "Pon =11 of the roll by the following voter Yoac, Wien, 1_h:1ly sod 71111amo.-3, ' '! Commianionor Tully offorod the followlr motion: I move that the aomm"Ills E -nett. Lnfor J ^. ructoe, for j tion from Ernest Lanka Truotoe, for the use one benefit of Re• oleo Aron, and neo mrd baroflt J. Jn aof d RAon eapldc Prno? Adolph 7e11 -lith reference to lit all Improvorent 7nrran tn, Ten Year Inprovormni Bonds, ooratraciotlno. e(all money One all chosen In action of ovory ks kind tonoA And oollooted for work done i and p m•forrwA order o'rtrratc n!th the City of raevoah for tho nenutruatiou of aide- aelke, curb:: are ggirttero, be received are filed. Adoptee upon call of the ro13 by the fol3ow:ttg vote: Yono, Eat m, Tully and 71111amo,-3. On motion �Le PoarA ad Jocrrad. upon call of the roll by 3 yeas, r. iGO� uR/v